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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Water Resources Research261,174126159
2Science of the Total Environment19971824887
4Scientific Reports1168611.2K4.0K
5Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering256831717
6ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information23674279
7Remote Sensing32662258299
8Hydrological Sciences Journal358825094
9Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America85839.1K17.2K
10Nature Geoscience3528373391
11Reviews of Geophysics1498222194
12Waste Management1449437154
13Science Advances24786.2K1.8K
14Earth's Future74728261
15Water (Switzerland)3846183123
16Journal of Structural Engineering74439862
17Structure and Infrastructure Engineering15429109
18Materials and Structures/Materiaux Et Constructions234201768
20Nano Letters13686.7K3.0K
21Applied Physics Letters103472.4K2.4K
22Water Resources Management1028287126
23International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering10280192346
24European Physical Journal Plus227879779
25Advanced Engineering Materials3269655157
25Journal of Environmental Management10269224839
27Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics10266128202
28Water Research82565391.4K
29International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics1225363114
30Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials9243144245
31Bioresource Technology62411.3K2.3K
32Applied Sciences (Switzerland)23236495618
33Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management52273313
34Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization6218166146
35Hydrology and Earth System Sciences11213101306
38Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management - ASCE219311155
40Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering918480129
41Nature Communications517910.6K19.8K
42Geophysical Research Letters101759782.3K
43Waste Management and Research51745767
44Journal of Hydrometeorology3166134159
45Journal of Hydrologic Engineering - ASCE71643665
46Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America5163186207
47Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences1215422160
48Journal of Sound and Vibration41533244
48Nonlinear Dynamics6153591682
50Structural Concrete171521736
51Structural Health Monitoring4143110106
52Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology313832160
53Physical Review Applied3137641280
54International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment5136104196
55Studia Geophysica Et Geodaetica31314915
56Journal of Hazardous Materials21263.6K4.3K
56Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring61261723
59Geosciences (Switzerland)121251639
60Population and Environment112315949
61Theoretical and Applied Climatology6122209347
62Water Science and Technology12121333847
62Advanced Functional Materials11219.1K7.0K
64Annals of Biomedical Engineering6119367862
65Matrix Biology1116728616
66Acta Geotechnica710892160
67Journal of Biomechanics31079211.1K
69Journal of Hydraulic Engineering610542118
70Physics of Fluids41021.4K1.2K
70Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews11027521.4K
73Computers and Structures210132
74Canadian Geotechnical Journal5100127288
75Acta Biomaterialia2982.2K3.5K
75Transactions in GIS39810878
77Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation1952.6K1.8K
78Journal of Hydraulic Research/De Recherches Hydrauliques594100183
78Journal of Geodesy4945994
78European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering8944246
83Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems78989307
83International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction18910382
85Journal of Geophysical Research F: Earth Surface588128265
85Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings4889583
87Medical Engineering and Physics287371320
88Nature Climate Change1861.0K1.6K
89Composite Structures1834625
89Land Degradation and Development283558498
91Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials3813520
92Nuclear Engineering and Design17816641
92International Journal of Digital Earth47899143
92Open Geospatial Data, Software and Standards37824
95Computational Particle Mechanics3771816
96Natural Hazards576263741
97Nature Food273132239
98Geophysical Journal International272679609
99Soft Matter3711.7K2.2K
99Molecular Ecology1713.9K4.2K
99Hydrology Research4717399
102Acta Mechanica369511425
103International Journal of Remote Sensing2681.0K1.1K
105Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems166720373
108Protein Science1653.2K2.6K
109Journal of Fluid Mechanics3641.5K2.6K
109Environmental Earth Sciences364698813
109International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics2647669
112Construction and Building Materials1628082
112International Journal of Architectural Heritage7622560
115Earth, Planets and Space161405189
116International Journal of Climatology4605431.3K
116Environmental Research Letters160899891
116KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering160966323
119New Journal of Physics159925769
119Earth Surface Processes and Landforms259612880
122Packaging Technology and Science45744128
123Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering - ASCE256213340
123Earthquake Spectra45685232
123Journal of Earthquake Engineering556120224
126ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering1545.2K4.9K
126European Journal of Remote Sensing3542767
128Environmental Science & Technology2535.9K13.5K
128Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering45362187
128JVC/Journal of Vibration and Control253495408
131Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering352208505
131Advances in Water Resources2521228
131Scientific Data2521.2K1.8K
134Hydrological Processes2511.1K1.6K
134Fire Safety Journal1512730
134Frontiers in Built Environment6511559
137IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics2501.3K2.2K
138Archive of Applied Mechanics249335207
139Environmental Research1484.5K5.2K
139Frontiers in Materials34876214
142Journal of Bridge Engineering34692183
143Shock and Vibration1451.0K222
145Aerosol and Air Quality Research244383439
147Granular Matter44362196
149Journal of Surveying Engineering, - ASCE1424130
152PLoS ONE33849.7K64.8K
152Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering238328546
152Experimental Mechanics238362485
152Communications in Computational Physics138284201
156Annals of Glaciology137528460
157Journal of Elasticity236185244
159Procedia Engineering535117396
159Environmental Technology (United Kingdom)3355541.1K
159Proceedings (mdpi)14353228
159Frontiers in Energy Research135316350
163Transportation Research Record1341.6K1.3K
163European Physical Journal C234797843
163Earth System Dynamics134158225
163ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering2343422
167Journal of Functional Biomaterials133973549
167Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology2331.2K2.0K
170Cement and Concrete Research1321051
170Soils and Foundations1324281
172Environmental Science and Pollution Research2316.3K8.5K
172Smart Materials and Structures231423900
174Environmental Microbiology1303.1K5.1K
174Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment330353573
174Cement and Concrete Composites130721
174Marine Geodesy13011183
178Marine Pollution Bulletin2291.2K3.0K
178Geoscientific Model Development129638733
178Engineering With Computers129567581
178International Materials Reviews12976344
184Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis1287861.2K
184Journal of Building Engineering12893218
184Eye and Vision (London, England)12889134
187Computational Mechanics327264743
187Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment52795682
187Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics32778205
187Ocean Science Journal12712578
191Journal of Applied Physics2266.4K9.3K
191International Journal of Solids and Structures226550
191Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions ASME1261.3K1.2K
191Engineering Fracture Mechanics1261633
191International Journal of Mechanical Sciences126125293
191Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems126282348
197Environmental Geotechnics3252581
197Shape Memory and Superelasticity1256247
199ZAMM Zeitschrift Fur Angewandte Mathematik Und Mechanik124994524
199ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering1242.5K3.8K
199International Journal of Materials Research124591247
202Physical Review E1235.7K6.3K
202Materials and Manufacturing Processes123862979
202Trends in Cell Biology1231.1K2.7K
202Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering123298197
206Ecological Applications1221.4K2.8K
206Seismological Research Letters222193360
206Aquatic Sciences122356519
206Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation122115104
206Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk122432513
206Environmental Technology Reviews1222183
212Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry1214.0K6.0K
212Ships and Offshore Structures121276203
215Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom1208451.1K
215Journal of Engineering Mechanics - ASCE42084437
215Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology220207245
215Journal of Maps120251278
215Near Surface Geophysics42024160
215Geotechnique Letters32045155
222Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering119393363
222Open Geosciences119252171
222Progress in Additive Manufacturing11986130
222International Journal of Geographical Information Science119480974
226Toxicology Letters1182.1K4.1K
226Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society318277939
226Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing118145379
226Geophysical Prospecting218254520
226Transport in Porous Media218389831
226Journal of the Royal Society Interface1182.2K4.6K
226Additive Manufacturing118173319
226Journal of Flood Risk Management118161347
226Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology118228299
226International Journal of Disaster Risk Science118101223
236Physical Review Letters1175.9K9.3K
236Waste and Biomass Valorization1178101.1K
236Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Bridge Engineering1174324
236Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics21767167
240Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE216165539
240Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth1161.3K2.0K
240Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology116933
240Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids216169313
240Journal of Infrastructure Systems31636255
240Earth System Science Data116597999
240Bulletin of Atmospheric Science and Technology216712
240Physical Review Fluids416275779
248AIP Conference Proceedings16151.5K2.7K
248Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences1153.4K7.8K
248Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance1151.6K1.7K
248Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering1159371.6K
248Fire and Materials115237324
248Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology2153361.1K
248Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Engineering and Computational Mechanics2151320
248Australian Journal of Civil Engineering1154133
257Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics114572669
257Journal of Coastal Research214501712
257Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine1147401.0K
257Fundamenta Informaticae114306290
257Biology and Philosophy114351498
257Journal of Marine Science and Engineering2141.2K1.6K
257Frontiers in Earth Science114598857
257Iranian Journal of Science and Technology - Transactions of Civil Engineering114233151
257Applied Geomatics31415112
257WIT Transactions on the Built Environment11456181
269Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering113157425
269Acta Applicandae Mathematicae113533550
269Journal of Peasant Studies113117270
269Historical Methods113118150
269Extreme Mechanics Letters113164355
269Journal of Testing and Evaluation11396127
276Computers in Biology and Medicine1121.8K4.6K
276Applied Water Science1125331.1K
276Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water112238744
276International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials112194312
276Frontiers in Medical Technology212479
282RSC Advances11114.9K20.4K
282Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science1111.5K2.2K
282EPJ Web of Conferences611374448
282Pure and Applied Geophysics2114231.1K
282International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics111570720
282International Journal of Steel Structures211221383
282Rendiconti Lincei111191328
282Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering111257687
282Earth Science Informatics111204334
282Waste Disposal & Sustainable Energy1112454
293International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health21015.2K31.2K
293MATEC Web of Conferences1110226904
293E3S Web of Conferences1010444851
293Mathematical Problems in Engineering1104.2K3.8K
293Medical Hypotheses1101.7K3.5K
293Structural Control and Health Monitoring1106221.1K
293Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice11064145
293Wind Engineering110169230
293Urban Water Journal21096469
293Sustainable Water Resources Management110185254
293Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials1104261
305Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering - ASCE2991299
305Finite Elements in Analysis and Design191584
305Annals of Microbiology195881.3K
305Acta Geophysica29157491
305Journal of Hydroinformatics29169590
305Frattura Ed Integrita Strutturale295580
305Nature Water1974183
312Journal - American Water Works Association1859177
312Environmental Monitoring and Assessment281.9K6.3K
312Journal of Biomechanical Engineering181.5K2.9K
312International Journal of Modern Physics C18460704
312Wave Motion18108209
312Advances in Meteorology28176817
312Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines18349621
312Nature Sustainability184401.6K
312Research in Nondestructive Evaluation1895170
312International Journal of Smart and Nano Materials1869272
312Energy Harvesting and Systems183343
312Mechanics of Soft Materials18614
312Annals of Geophysics18116145
312WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment28243265
327Journal of the Acoustical Society of America272.5K5.8K
327Journal of Visualized Experiments275.1K8.2K
327Journal of the American Water Resources Association171.1K2.1K
327Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics17361721
327International Journal of Sediment Research1715136
327Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice2731102
327Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies17214232
327Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences171768
327EPJ Applied Metamaterials172032
338Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics161.6K2.7K
338Ocean Engineering16253670
338Climate Dynamics167931.5K
338Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science161.3K2.0K
338IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters161.1K1.8K
338Electronics (Switzerland)164.9K6.4K
338Irrigation and Drainage16210468
338IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing162.0K3.1K
347Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology151.4K2.2K
347Journal of Composites for Construction15133304
347Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology25115422
347Spatial Statistics1581282
347Computer Sciences & Mathematics Forum3527
347Materials Research Proceedings753330
356Advanced Materials149.4K18.6K
356Mechanism and Machine Theory1440182
356Advances in Structural Engineering146161.1K
356Journal of Cultural Heritage1473377
356Road Materials and Pavement Design14419898
356Surveys in Geophysics14188517
356ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering14105187
356Environmental Forensics14120400
356Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures14148384
356Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies1418132
356Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering24120483
356Sustainable Environment Research1435129
356Geoscience Letters1453168
356Glass Structures and Engineering142240
356Water, Air, and Soil Pollution142.8K5.7K
356Communications Physics144631.1K
356Communications Earth & Environment145881.1K
356Engineering Proceedings74761
374Journal of Physics: Conference Series333.2K6.6K
374Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry132.5K5.3K
374Climatic Change131.1K2.9K
374Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics1399274
374Structural Engineering International: Journal of the International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE)13113258
374International Journal of Geomechanics13294655
374Geografiska Annaler, Series A: Physical Geography13321655
374Composite Interfaces13268865
374Computational Geosciences13186510
374Advanced Structured Materials134458
374Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health133861.3K
374Journal of Arid Land13140441
374Case Studies in Construction Materials1342202
374Advances in Building Energy Research1344191
374Micro and Nanosystems133861
374Journal for Modeling in Ophthalmology43218
374Zeitschrift Fur Angewandte Mathematik Und Physik235871.4K
395IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering124.4K5.0K
395Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications121.3K2.4K
395International Journal of Fracture126911.4K
395Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures128791.9K
395Water Science and Technology: Water Supply127892.1K
395Procedia Structural Integrity122143
395Measurement and Control12236649
395Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures127261.9K
395Journal of Medical Devices, Transactions of the ASME12362788
395Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change12203791
395Journal of Fire Sciences1285256
395World Electric Vehicle Journal12331674
395Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology125821.4K
395Journal of Architectural Engineering1277248
395Journal of Imaging124771.5K
395Innovative Infrastructure Solutions22210566
395International Association of Geodesy Symposia221435
413IEEE Sensors Journal113.5K6.7K
413Journal of Fluids Engineering, Transactions of the ASME111.1K2.1K
413Royal Society Open Science112.7K9.2K
413IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing119982.0K
413Journal of Fluids and Structures11169479
413Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering11204177
413Water International2196835
413Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology11197504
413Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering112321
413Environments - MDPI113011.2K
413Wood Material Science and Engineering11142369
413Acque Sotterranee - Italian Journal of Groundwater11622
413Global Sustainability1132228
413Communications in Applied and Industrial Mathematics111734
413Blue-Green Systems1125160
413Philosophical Transactions Series A, Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Sciences218355.2K
413Advances in Statistical Climatology, Meteorology and Oceanography111158
413Nature Computational Science11111582
413Journal of Geodetic Science112967
413Deep Underground Science and Engineering111981
438European Heart Journal104.6K9.1K
438Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences101.1K3.1K
438European Journal of Public Health103.7K5.6K
438Communications in Computer and Information Science10554998
438Journal of Composite Materials101.3K3.4K
438European Journal of Wood and Wood Products10253700
438Geophysical Monograph Series203221.5K
438SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing10137286
438SN Applied Sciences101.1K4.7K
438Science and Engineering Ethics103891.4K
438Meteorological Applications10235957
438Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation10282872
438Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering10191255
438Fluctuation and Noise Letters10110399
438Earth and Space Science105401.7K
438Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences10631
438KONA Powder and Particle Journal1088375
438GEM - International Journal on Geomathematics1046181
438Smart Cities10113532
438Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece10132233
438INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings1019037
438International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering105141.9K
438IABSE Symposium Report1089137
438Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics10195319
438NODYCON conference proceedings series10814
438Proceedings (EAGE)10244178
438Nature Cities10862