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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews282,95957
2IEEE Access1272,3454448
3IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics111,256329167
4Electronics (Switzerland)239941269
6IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters1483510437
7International Journal of Molecular Sciences379219.8K877
8Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences and Engineering)35070312
9International Journal of Energy Research1155512633
11Microwave and Optical Technology Letters684552334
12IEEE Sensors Journal20445153106
13International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems3041411
14International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics137748613
15International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems233711810
16Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical836290121
17Applied Sciences (Switzerland)20344665294
19IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy2326270115
20IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics5311554494
21Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications162872520
22IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials2253135246
23PLoS ONE212438.8K26.9K
23Scientific Reports924313.8K13.6K
25Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing17241104218
27IET Renewable Power Generation92326696
28Nanoscale Research Letters11231105326
30IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution7196187160
31IEEE Transactions on Power Systems4190420550
32IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation3184652485
34Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems: Theory and Applications3176261106
35RSC Advances61754.5K3.8K
35Journal of Electrical Systems and Information Technology1175352
37IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications3174579399
38Journal of Digital Imaging2173363107
39Journal of Nanomaterials1617214116
40International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering91716627
41Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control616010029
42Photonic Sensors31584114
43IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation415419183
44Wireless Personal Communications1614592135
46IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery5138247365
47Electronics Letters11137525593
47ISA Transactions8137117307
47IEEE Photonics Journal9137131163
51International Journal of Communication Systems91307779
52International Journal of Antennas and Propagation81294625
53Journal of Applied Physics91242.2K3.6K
53Energy Conversion and Management11244237
55Applied Soft Computing Journal512378326
56International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology101225851.1K
57Scientific World Journal, The8121100390
57Environmental Technology and Innovation31214669
59IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation1112064151
61Advanced Materials Technologies2116976468
62AIP Conference Proceedings88114178286
63Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering811290101
64Optical and Quantum Electronics8111251222
65Environmental Science and Pollution Research81101.6K3.0K
65Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering13110837
67IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology9107365931
68Advanced Robotics310612959
69Measurement Science and Technology4101177195
69Journal of Food Process Engineering3101306135
69IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion2101367400
72Journal of Electronic Materials999335526
73IET Power Electronics596187227
74Visual Computer293287111
74Energy Reports293154126
77Applied Physics Letters4914.6K5.9K
77Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems491159296
79Neural Computing and Applications989148740
80Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing188145109
81MATEC Web of Conferences158715357
81IEEE Wireless Communications Letters387279182
83IET Control Theory and Applications484361448
83Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies78453105
86Multimedia Tools and Applications482895662
87IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics279532394
88IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience47854137
89Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking87662158
90Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy275241220
91Flow Measurement and Instrumentation3741016
92IET Radar, Sonar and Navigation17126371
93Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering37013630
94International Journal of Electronics96810298
94Journal of Modern Optics568225293
94International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing36862
94International Journal of Vehicular Technology16899
98Mathematical Problems in Engineering1065482720
98JVC/Journal of Vibration and Control265495330
100Journal of Lightwave Technology2641.0K878
100Journal of Applied Mathematics364335125
102Research in Developmental Disabilities263563732
104Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology260764556
105Microsystem Technologies759169353
105Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science359693491
107IET Nanobiotechnology45868217
108International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems257323215
109Journal of Sensors256253176
110Energy and Buildings155296469
111Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering3543829
112Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy353158246
112ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering495311
114Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing352401311
114IEEE Internet of Things Journal1522.0K1.2K
114International Journal of Speech Technology15216452
117IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement3501.0K1.1K
118IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering1849236286
118IET Electric Power Applications349157234
120Journal of Materials Chemistry A1485.9K6.3K
120International Journal of Photoenergy248359279
122Electrical Engineering64643102
123Journal of Control Science and Engineering2423613
124Journal of Physics: Conference Series3141203679
124Energy Procedia341183308
124International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies24113858
124Physical Communication2414741
124Energy Storage14113448
129Photonic Network Communications24012684
130IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering139902979
130Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology43995613
132IET Communications438263405
132Telecommunication Systems53864226
134Journal of Polymer Engineering13728679
134Journal of Optical Communications and Networking137288206
136IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications336373919
136Knowledge and Information Systems336163441
136Cognitive Computation236111240
139IEEE Photonics Technology Letters3357001.1K
139Journal of Zhejiang University: Science A135441237
139Measurement and Control3356762
143Food Research International1341.4K2.3K
143Electric Power Components and Systems534115260
143Journal of Zhejiang University: Science B134524554
143Journal of Computational Electronics334139217
143Journal of Low Frequency Noise Vibration and Active Control13426274
143Journal of Real-Time Image Processing33460123
150Bioresource Technology1334.9K7.8K
150Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety1335631.2K
150Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology4335958
150Applied Optics1333.5K3.8K
154Desalination and Water Treatment1321.7K1.0K
155Optics Letters2312.3K3.3K
155Wireless Networks131820565
155Biomedical Microdevices1316861.0K
155IET Nanodielectrics2311744
159Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry1301.5K1.5K
159Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology1301.4K840
159IET Image Processing130781508
159Advances in Meteorology230176293
159IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters1301.1K801
164Applied Optics3298451.1K
164Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing3294321.5K
166Journal of the Electrochemical Society2282.1K3.3K
166Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing328254269
166Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing328755
169IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering62748125
169Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering42750200
169Agriculture (Switzerland)1272.5K1.2K
169Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks1274582
169Computer Science Review12715101
176Procedia Computer Science226198358
176Modern Physics Letters B426308484
176International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications226418412
179Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics1256279
179Fractal and Fractional425268410
181International Journal of Control2241.0K1.4K
181Smart Materials and Structures1247531.0K
183IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications1231.1K1.3K
183Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine1231.4K2.5K
183Sadhana - Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences223338346
183IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics123578590
183International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking2233253
183IET Smart Cities1231210
190Computers in Biology and Medicine1221.8K3.2K
190Cleaner Engineering and Technology222111
192IEEE Communications Letters1211.2K1.0K
192Soft Computing2211.1K2.0K
192Journal of Religion and Health121730770
192Frontiers of Information Technology and Electronic Engineering121223183
192Micro and Nano Systems Letters1214742
192International Journal of Computers and Applications12112531
198Optics Communications420193668
198Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology1202.6K1.8K
198Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems2201.3K1.2K
198International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields320146273
198Chinese Optics Letters220220169
198Mobile Information Systems220249283
198Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences120103104
206IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science819725536
206Journal of Advanced Research119259965
206Advances in Power Electronics1191415
211Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation11847148
211Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications118385777
211Scientific Programming118525336
211International Journal of Network Management2185784
211Australian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering5181211
211Journal of Optics (India)21810577
218Journal of Apicultural Research117365512
218Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics1174691.0K
218Mobile Networks and Applications117470595
218Energy and Environment117234301
218International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems2175844
224Journal of Supercomputing1161.2K1.1K
224International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing116581628
224Journal of Optical Communications116237105
224IET Intelligent Transport Systems216168559
224Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering116103251
224Optical Switching and Networking1161625
224Computer Assisted Surgery11664104
224International Journal of Advances in Intelligent Informatics216128
232International Journal of Climatology1151.6K2.7K
232Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society21588147
232Iranian Journal of Science and Technology - Transactions of Electrical Engineering3152480
232Clean Energy1156068
232Materials Letters1158871.6K
239Semiconductor Science and Technology314202726
239Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering1141.3K1.6K
239Advances in Materials Science and Engineering2146311.4K
239ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology214249425
239Artificial Life and Robotics114188118
239Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering214624946
239Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science1514320
246IEEE Transactions on Magnetics1132.0K2.2K
246Information (Switzerland)1131.0K1.0K
246IET Science, Measurement and Technology113259376
246IEEE Transactions on Haptics113150214
246Current Nanoscience113108106
246Advanced Science Letters171325104
246Annals of Biomedical Engineering2131.1K3.8K
246Photonics Letters of Poland413107
255Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics1124.0K4.0K
255Polymer Engineering and Science1121.9K2.8K
255Laser Physics112473479
255Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing312308878
255Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering1123793
255Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering112410415
255High Performance Polymers112410607
255Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering112220130
255Pattern Analysis and Applications112253481
255Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering112281372
255Journal of Experimental Nanoscience21283635
266Physica Scripta1111.1K1.2K
266Microelectronics Journal11163113
266Drying Technology1117971.4K
266Computing (Vienna/New York)111450744
266International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks1117561.1K
266IEEE Microwave Magazine111129173
266Automatic Control and Computer Sciences2115160
266Evolving Systems11176154
266IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices1111.7K2.2K
276Procedia, Social and Behavioral Sciences110376454
276Physica Status Solidi (B): Basic Research1102.0K2.7K
276International Journal of Modern Physics B2107271.3K
276Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part B Applied Biomaterials1102.5K5.6K
276Signal Processing11082282
276Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy1107921.6K
276International Journal of Dairy Technology110387738
276Science China Information Sciences110783925
276ETRI Journal11084117
276Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering110488686
276Energy Efficiency110147420
276Iranian Polymer Journal (English Edition)110310546
276Open Engineering21087175
276International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications11054128
292Perceptual and Motor Skills191.5K2.2K
292Abstract and Applied Analysis191.3K1.0K
292Concurrency Computation Practice and Experience191.3K1.6K
292Molecular Simulation199141.4K
292IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine29297878
292Technology and Health Care39156898
292Journal of Signal Processing Systems19264416
292SLAS Technology19156390
292Case Studies in Engineering Failure Analysis19222
292Biomedical Research and Therapy19254159
292ISRN Communications and Networking191017
305Optical Engineering28474933
305Combustion and Flame1828113
305Analytical Methods183.1K5.2K
305Materials and Manufacturing Processes188621.7K
305Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience4899197
305IEEE Systems Journal189461.7K
305Modelling and Simulation in Engineering1873147
305Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics5834
305Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research28270360
305Journal of Integrated and Advanced Engineering3842
305Malaysian Journal of Computer Science281833
305Eurasip Journal on Advances in Signal Processing186881.1K
318IFAC Postprint Volumes IPPV / International Federation of Automatic Control47260395
318Analyst, The173.9K8.0K
318Environmental Earth Sciences271.0K3.4K
318Water (Switzerland)176.8K9.8K
318Bulletin of Materials Science177991.4K
318Vehicle System Dynamics17347686
318Journal of Russian Laser Research17155109
318Expert Systems174991.1K
318Electronic Materials Letters27165642
318Cartography and Geographic Information Science1799237
318International Journal of Sustainable Energy17171376
318Journal of Nanotechnology3716435
318Engineering Review172811
318Proceeding of the Electrical Engineering Computer Science and Informatics13712
318Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities17849
333IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science266671.5K
333International Journal of Thermophysics165811.0K
333Journal of Central South University363601.4K
333KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering169661.5K
333Applied Solar Energy (English Translation of Geliotekhnika)165798
333Chemical Product and Process Modeling168477
333Journal of Composites Science16723973
333IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society16206189
333Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Medical Imaging16266
333AIMS Energy1687126
333Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics261123
349International Journal of Cardiology154.9K10.4K
349Transportation Research Record151.6K2.8K
349International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE)153447
349Environment, Development and Sustainability159182.5K
349Russian Electrical Engineering153341
349Brazilian Journal of Physics15124216
349Journal of Network and Systems Management2563368
349Eurasip Journal on Image and Video Processing1599385
349VLSI Design2575175
349Measurement Science Review1595189
349Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing15268427
349Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences157771.3K
349Journal of ICT Research and Applications152638
349Journal of Robotics and Control (JRC)151625
363Combustion Science and Technology146711.2K
363Applied Organometallic Chemistry142.1K4.2K
363Chemical Engineering and Technology141.1K2.4K
363IETE Journal of Research14536698
363International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Education24134273
363Microfluidics and Nanofluidics146731.7K
363Artificial Intelligence Review242171.3K
363Annales Des Telecommunications/Annals of Telecommunications14147399
363Natural Computing14188492
363Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section A - Physical Sciences14164248
363Sensing and Imaging1456155
363Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences14102159
363Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology142.0K4.7K
378E3S Web of Conferences531.0K2.3K
378Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics131.1K2.1K
378Polymer Bulletin131.8K3.5K
378Procedia Manufacturing13137440
378International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry131.2K3.1K
378IEICE Electronics Express23356702
378Materials Research Innovations13391803
378International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology236604.0K
378Quantum Information Processing137981.2K
378IFMBE Proceedings1318397
378Micro and Nano Letters138941.9K
378Journal of Biomaterials Applications137502.8K
378Chinese Journal of Physics1330108
378Experimental Heat Transfer13192584
378International Scholarly Research Notices132371.5K
378IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking13276533
378Journal of Marine Engineering and Technology1358169
378Distributed Generation and Alternative Energy Journal13325
378Smart Science1379145
378Journal of Applied Membrane Science & Technology134319
378Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering136491.5K
378International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems131214
378Science Proceedings Series2331
378Open Journal of Science and Technology1332
378Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences23130162
378International Journal of Innovations in Science and Technology133526
378Jurnal Alam Bina133945
408EPJ Web of Conferences121.4K1.3K
408Chinese Physics B129461.8K
408BMC Research Notes123.1K9.5K
408IEEE Signal Processing Letters121.0K2.0K
408Surface Review and Letters124691.1K
408Applied Intelligence121.1K2.6K
408International Journal of Ambient Energy12421956
408Polymers and Polymer Composites125041.3K
408International Journal of Intelligent Systems128572.2K
408Higher Education Policy12189508
408Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience121.3K3.2K
408Biomedical Engineering - Applications, Basis and Communications12301553
408Waves in Random and Complex Media12295681
408International Journal of Healthcare Management12120368
408Journal of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery125421.2K
408IEICE Communications Express128879
408International Journal of Optics1257240
408Journal of Power Electronics12128225
408Systems Analysis Modelling Simulation123053
408Journal of Energy1219121
408Advances in Artificial Intelligence12982
408International Review on Computers and Software222659
408International Journal of Integrated Engineering22812
408IEEE Transactions on Education12353950
408Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Mechanics42127
408International Journal of Management, Finance and Accounting1242
436Japanese Journal of Applied Physics112.2K3.8K
436Remote Sensing117.1K14.0K
436Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering118372.6K
436IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine11237516
436Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing11183487
436Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers114831.3K
436International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence114071.4K
436International Journal of Quantum Information11187514
436Journal of Communications and Networks11167472
436Journal of Industrial Textiles11310861
436Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine11185748
436World Electric Vehicle Journal11331791
436Journal of Information Processing1169141
436Advances in Animal Biosciences112177
436Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering11191599
436Conference Record - IAS Annual Meeting (IEEE Industry Applications Society)11150198
436Engineering Research Express1189303
436Transport and Telecommunication1136110
436Journal of Signal Processing112851
436Telkomnika (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control)113364
436Jurnal Elektronika Dan Telekomunikasi21312
436Baghdad Science Journal11124175
436International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering113652
436Computer Engineering and Applications Journal11815
436ECTI Transactions on Computer and Information Technology113748
436Power Electronics Specialist Conference (PESC), IEEE11102249
464Water Science and Technology103.3K7.7K
464New Journal of Chemistry105.6K11.2K
464Materials Research Express101.4K4.1K
464BMC Bioinformatics104.4K9.9K
464Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering10559728
464Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling102.7K7.0K
464Journal of Food Processing and Preservation101.6K4.6K
464IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs101.1K2.1K
464IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics101.4K2.9K
464Current Medicinal Chemistry101.8K5.4K
464EPJ Applied Physics102831.0K
464SN Applied Sciences101.1K4.7K
464Journal of Engineering105201.4K
464ITM Web of Conferences10263481
464International Journal of Dynamics and Control10244793
464IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine10107459
464International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies10143414
464Acta Polytechnica1086259
464Evolutionary Intelligence1061308
464Journal of Applied Geodesy1053154
464Journal of Computer Networks and Communications1052286
464International Journal of Renewable Energy Development10154549
464IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence10303708
464Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Materials1075245
464Emergent Materials10147682
464The Abstracts of the International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics Toward Evolutionary Fusion of IT and Mechatronics ICAM201663
464IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology1038158
464PeerJ Computer Science102051.0K
464Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi Dan Kejuruan102364
464Malaysian Journal of Science10827
464Jurnal Ilmiah SINERGI106498
464International Review of Mechanical Engineering10119209
464Journal of Al-Qadisiyah for Computer Science and Mathematics403060
464Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology102776
464International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology108122
464CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance101547
464UUM Journal of Legal Studies101114
464International Journal on Engineering Applications201145
464Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences6013142
464Kurdistan Journal of Applied Research104680
464Nashriyyah-i Muhandisī-i Barq Va Iliktrunīk-i Īrān101919
464International Journal of Advanced Technology in Mechanical Mechatronics and Materials1075
464Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering1055124
464Geografia: Malaysian Journal of Society and Space103367
464Journal of Information System and Technology Management1020
464Advanced Micro & Nanosystems1038108
464Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology9025189
464ASEAN Engineering Journal2041155
464Environmental Contaminants Reviews1098
464Journal of Energy and Safety Technology (JEST)30714
464Journal of Engineering Technology and Applied Physics10102
464PaperASIA 10123
464Journal of Human Centered Technology20010
464Pakistan Journal of Scientific Research1083
464Journal of Medical Device Technology4019
464Creative Science1055
464Discover Applied Sciences2012207
464Journal of Advanced Geospatial Science & Technology1022