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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1IEEE Transactions on Information Theory121,170225111
2Random Structures and Algorithms127464916
3Discrete and Computational Geometry45577523
4Acta Mathematica Hungarica4946341
5Journal of Philosophical Logic3416946
6Annals of Mathematics33707856
9Foundations and Trends in Communications and Information Theory130986
10Journal of Graph Theory242612747
11Combinatorics Probability and Computing172412231
12PLoS Genetics12218.3K5.4K
14Mathematics of Operations Research1216455118
15Acta Arithmetica18215164
16Nature Neuroscience12093.0K4.0K
17Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society61861.9K1.6K
18Reviews of Modern Physics1174311699
19Communications in Mathematical Physics6172301348
20Frontiers in Neural Circuits1158708189
21Forum Mathematicum11563855
22Annals of Statistics114517748
23Inventiones Mathematicae2141218203
24Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Statistics112115247
26Mathematische Annalen6118217206
27Israel Journal of Mathematics1510868154
27Periodica Mathematica Hungarica21108410
29Geometry and Topology51078874
30Discrete Mathematics17100715
31Graphs and Combinatorics15993356
32Journal of Theoretical Probability1598858
33European Journal of Combinatorics1297115
34EMBO Molecular Medicine1962.0K2.3K
35Journal of Mathematical Physics2951.4K673
36PLoS ONE49440.9K54.9K
38Journal of Symbolic Logic88888130
39Logic Journal of the IGPL8851111
40Acta Mathematica38339101
40Geometric and Functional Analysis28311397
42Transformation Groups28211628
44Protein Science1783.2K2.3K
45Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine1761.4K842
45Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application176103100
47Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences1754.4K4.5K
48Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems574153155
49Mathematical Notes2729515
51Probability Theory and Related Fields369184230
52PLoS Computational Biology1686.2K5.3K
53International Journal of Modern Physics E16722269
54Archiv Der Mathematik766163132
55Arkiv for Matematik16216450
56Monatshefte Fur Mathematik9603159
56Mathematical Finance160158160
58Journal of Differential Geometry15810417
59Algebra Universalis9574253
60Canadian Journal of Mathematics456119121
60Algebra and Number Theory4568265
62Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences255565686
62Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica155522
64Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society554173233
65Aequationes Mathematicae6515177
66Duke Mathematical Journal25095104
67Algebraic and Geometric Topology74696115
67Annals of Combinatorics7463463
69Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical141648352
69Mathematical Biosciences241308598
72Electronic Journal of Combinatorics103935
73International Mathematics Research Notices538203181
74Journal of Organic Chemistry1355.4K5.9K
74Discrete Applied Mathematics93522146
74Open Systems and Information Dynamics2353241
77Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society1344033
77Bulletin of Mathematical Biology1341.0K867
79Physical Review Letters1335.9K8.1K
80Canadian Mathematical Bulletin532128180
81Journal of Mathematical Biology129893946
81IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis129262224
81Fundamenta Mathematicae9292578
81Astronomy and Astrophysics1291.6K1.7K
85American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part A1276.6K7.3K
85Semigroup Forum627103198
85Theory of Computing Systems227145160
85Studia Mathematica227239187
89Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics226158328
90Life Sciences1245.2K7.2K
90BMC Evolutionary Biology1241.6K2.9K
90Analysis Mathematica3242830
93Pharmacological Research2231.1K4.7K
93Compositio Mathematica123269259
93Central European Journal of Operations Research62333177
96Statistical Methods in Medical Research1221.1K1.1K
96Ars Mathematica Contemporanea122265
98Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods1212.2K1.2K
98Journal Fur Die Reine Und Angewandte Mathematik521110256
98Integral Equations and Operator Theory121477333
98Results in Mathematics221342226
98Glasgow Mathematical Journal42192159
98Discrete Optimization1212523
105Designs, Codes, and Cryptography419197423
105Naval Research Logistics119396551
107Communications in Algebra518589834
107Brain Research Bulletin1181.9K3.5K
107Journal of Geometric Analysis218427332
107Constructive Approximation41874264
111Nucleic Acids Research11713.5K25.0K
111European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Biology1172.5K3.5K
111American Statistician1176681.0K
114Journal of Complex Networks116139153
116BMC Bioinformatics1154.4K6.5K
116Geometriae Dedicata315251371
116Mathematical Logic Quarterly31594163
116Studia Logica215209336
116Genome Biology and Evolution1152.1K4.2K
116Selecta Mathematica, New Series315109188
116Mathematical Research Letters115239162
123Pediatric Cardiology1141.7K2.5K
123European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience1141.1K1.9K
123Bulletin of Symbolic Logic21482140
123Analysis and PDE114180204
127Journal of Algebra and Its Applications413162305
127Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences1133753
129Quantum Information Processing112798778
130International Journal of Theoretical Physics1111.0K860
130Linear and Multilinear Algebra211543637
130Journal D'Analyse Mathematique211175310
130Canadian Journal of Statistics111458618
130Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society1118462
136American Mathematical Monthly210517706
136Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena21080350
136Mathematics and Financial Economics11086110
136Journal of Mathematics and Music1105050
136Zeitschrift Für Mathematische Logik Und Grundlagen Der Mathematik2103136
141Manuscripta Mathematica19414443
141Journal of Inequalities and Applications29793850
141Clinical Journal of Pain199443.1K
141Journal of Geometry4973189
141Algebras and Representation Theory19301251
141Probability Surveys1923
147IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control181.7K2.6K
147Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics18367763
147Open Mathematics38185404
147Cryptography and Communications18141146
147European Journal of Mathematics1813885
147Central European Journal of Mathematics186567
154Lecture Notes in Computer Science372.0K3.9K
154Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society47284782
154Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society4780461
154International Journal of Number Theory17356340
154Journal of Group Theory3776154
154International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance17183298
154Pacific Journal of Mathematics37111256
154Applied Categorical Structures17173160
154Electronic Communications in Probability174025
154Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies1746
154Electronic Journal of Combinatorics571235
165IEEE Transactions on Communications161.1K1.7K
165Journal of Approximation Theory1675138
165Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society26147363
165International Journal of Algebra and Computation16242319
165Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision16271598
165Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics16375447
165Journal of Combinatorial Designs36116275
165Revista Matematica Complutense1670115
165Finance and Stochastics16159329
174BMC Cancer159.0K17.9K
174Concurrency Computation Practice and Experience151.3K2.2K
174Journal of Global Optimization157491.3K
174Archive for Mathematical Logic15238275
174Journal of Nonparametric Statistics15383577
174Journal of Biological Systems15191417
174Parallel Processing Letters2543160
174Review of Symbolic Logic2557210
174ISRN Combinatorics1563
174Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly1511793
174Journal of Physics A15377738
174Methods and Applications of Analysis155473
186Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics14589883
186Journal of Combinatorial Optimization14543859
186Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics4445191
186Heart Asia1434151
186Forum of Mathematics, Sigma14187253
191AIP Conference Proceedings336.8K8.1K
191International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering131.2K2.6K
191Acta Applicandae Mathematicae232851.0K
191Journal of Difference Equations and Applications13500878
191Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics13140111
191Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness13374943
191Applied Mathematical Finance13100250
199Mathematische Zeitschrift225511.2K
199Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine123.2K7.0K
199Annali Di Matematica Pura Ed Applicata22173646
199Stochastic Processes and Their Applications3278423
199International Statistical Review12200600
199Zeitschrift Für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie Und Verwandte Gebiete12201352
199Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics22340874
199Journal of Logic, Language and Information12104246
199Journal of Mathematical Cryptology1246113
199Colloquium Mathematicum12307477
199Moscow Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory121524
199Annales Polonici Mathematici12177270
199Advances in Difference Equations121.0K1.7K
213Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union317991.1K
213Journal of Mathematical Sciences11350520
213Journal of Statistical Physics119001.8K
213General Relativity and Gravitation11495873
213Rendiconti Del Circolo Matematico Di Palermo11253498
213Science China Mathematics115661.0K
213Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing116701.2K
213Quaestiones Mathematicae21208597
213Integral Transforms and Special Functions11350650
213Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice11282624
213Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling11196866
213Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu11117277
213Beitrage Zur Algebra Und Geometrie1190207
213Communications in Mathematical Sciences11383648
213Extracta Mathematicae11618
213Informatica (Slovenia)114179
213Geometry & Topology Monographs1119
213Letters in Mathematical Physics11458794
235Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions ASME101.3K2.6K
235Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics108541.2K
235Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations10443934
235Landscape Ecology109082.2K
235SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics1092169
235Sbornik Mathematics104081
235Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence10226715
235Advances in Geometry10111327
235Stochastic Models10175456
235Analysis in Theory and Applications1064152
235International Journal of Combinatorics10866
235International Journal of Health10313
235Journal of Discrete Mathematics10842
235Matematicheskii Sbornik104364
235Art of Discrete and Applied Mathematics1035
235Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society10205466