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citing journals

Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Applied Optics124,3323708
2IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control151,200242182
3Physical Review B47974553925
4IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation3074194149
5IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery227244782
7IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics19707183314
8IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques18670148141
9IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits1488581121
10Applied Sciences (Switzerland)21433612167
11IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion1442740114
12IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics9368341431
13IEEE Access36366390801
14IEEE Communications Letters16364105121
15Proceedings of the IEEE5363168297
16IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement17344160133
17IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering8343283424
18Electronics Letters5733880243
19Nature Communications133027.0K13.0K
20IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility731610446
21Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation5287109120
22Electrical Engineering3928112
23IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation142665374
24Journal of Applied Physics312626732.1K
25IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science14244103114
26Linear and Multilinear Algebra1023710127
27Fixed Point Theory and Applications322919432
28Electronics (Switzerland)3520844230
29International Journal of Control16195111313
30Applied Physics Letters131821.9K3.8K
31IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering6177137269
32IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters11691.1K202
33Radiation Protection Dosimetry181613436
34PLoS Computational Biology11606.2K2.7K
35Journal of Inequalities and Applications1115915849
36Muscle and Nerve31581.3K1.0K
37IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution10157136216
39Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience2150289159
39Journal of Cryptology51503055
41IEEE Signal Processing Magazine1147252228
42Experimental Brain Research21462.0K1.4K
43Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery21421.1K205
44Environmental Pollution11405.1K2.6K
45Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology2138267161
46Artificial Organs3137585297
47BioMed Research International61361.3K2.2K
47Journal of Lightwave Technology8136342505
47IEEE Transactions on Education81361729
50Abstract and Applied Analysis1113514278
51Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing4131275316
51International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications221311980
54European Transactions on Electrical Power20129231
55IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution81252064
56IEEE Transactions on Rehabilitation Engineering: A Publication of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society11245156
57International Journal of Humanoid Robotics31222216
58Proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers191173644
59Optical and Quantum Electronics2711244218
61ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering11095.2K3.0K
62Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation11082.1K1.3K
62IEEE Transactions on Image Processing11081.3K978
62IET Electric Power Applications1210825101
65Journal of Neural Engineering3104330456
66Multimedia Tools and Applications12103251521
67Plasma Sources Science and Technology1101233108
67Biomedical Engineering - Applications, Basis and Communications110130111
67Annals of Biomedical Engineering4101561995
70Physical Review Letters11005.9K5.5K
70Microwave and Optical Technology Letters24100122265
72Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine399363651
73IEE Proceedings H: Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation995912
74Journal of the Acoustical Society of America12945491.9K
74Archiv Fuer Elektrotechnik139421
76IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics793139432
76Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence29364117
76Lighting Research and Technology8931046
79Optics Letters5921.3K1.9K
80International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems591102115
81Physical Review E4902.4K3.0K
82IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters586294414
82Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine386216215
84Electric Power Systems Research7851089
84International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Education1885914
84IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging1851.5K1.4K
87ISA Transactions483259520
87IEEE Transactions on Human Factors in Electronics18357
89IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs581354333
89Advances in Computers98111
92Optics Express6791.7K3.1K
93IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine47873110
95IEEE Sensors Journal4751.2K1.2K
96Computer Applications in Engineering Education1174649
97IEE Proceedings C: Generation Transmission and Distribution1273735
98Science of the Total Environment17112.8K11.8K
99Journal of Neuroscience Methods1692.5K1.5K
99IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems / Technical Operations Committee16913897
101IEEE Transactions on Power Systems667300955
1022D Materials165232198
103IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science764243456
103Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems: Theory and Applications76479340
103Radio and Electronic Engineer1664610
106PLoS ONE76326.2K64.8K
106Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences3631.0K601
108IEEE Power Electronics Magazine2621419
110IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications261498735
110IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters561175353
110International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems106167179
113International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields8602954
114IET Computers and Digital Techniques15913629
115Physical Review A6581.4K2.6K
115Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society758147124
115Journal of Big Data35828112
115IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers358395565
119Annales Des Telecommunications/Annals of Telecommunications857326
119European Journal of Cognitive Psychology1578291
121Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids10563350
122Journal Physics D: Applied Physics9551781.3K
122IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics155424579
122Eurasip Journal on Advances in Signal Processing555125287
125Journal of Chemical Physics2545.5K5.8K
125IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems75460171
125Multibody System Dynamics154192132
125Advances in Difference Equations654295354
129Results in Mathematics35223170
129IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing152346188
131Journal of Difference Equations and Applications351203155
131IET Microwaves Antennas and Propagation4512751
133International Journal of Photoenergy64967271
133European Journal of Translational Myology2499462
135IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems147736452
135Psychological Research247357403
137Physica Status Solidi (B): Basic Research546515930
137IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics446309580
137IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing44689189
140Semiconductor Science and Technology445139311
140IEEE Transactions on Computers545350847
140Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy74550315
140Journal of Electrical Engineering9451213
144Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics2445.7K6.4K
145IEEE Transactions on Information Theory8433341.1K
145IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics1431.2K1.2K
147RSC Advances24210.1K10.9K
147IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering342237554
150Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine241628682
150Journal of Clinical Neuroscience1413.1K1.8K
153Ceramics International2401.0K1.7K
153IET Electric Power Applications44051154
155Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing139405353
156International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology1373.1K2.4K
156Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics3372.1K2.0K
156Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing113762394
156IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine23768247
160Physica Scripta103653444
160Signal, Image and Video Processing136561221
162Frontiers in Plant Science1354.7K6.0K
162International Journal of Electronics243525211
162Clinical Journal of Pain1359441.7K
165Brain Sciences4349951.9K
166Mathematical Problems in Engineering9335431.4K
166Asian Journal of Control133895615
169ACS Photonics1321.6K2.0K
169Biomedical Microdevices232347981
169Meteorological Applications132235227
172Journal of Physical Chemistry C3315.4K13.1K
172Biomedizinische Technik43170113
172International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks231415442
175IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology1307781.1K
175International Journal of Robotics Research130361715
178Journal of Computational Chemistry1292.2K2.5K
178Photonic Network Communications32979108
178Software Testing Verification and Reliability2293981
181BMC Bioinformatics1284.4K5.1K
181Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics128375186
181IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems228205266
184Perceptual and Motor Skills1271.5K1.0K
184Scientific World Journal, The3275762.8K
184International Journal of Thermophysics327218410
184Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves72752126
184IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part 1: Regular Papers227217505
184Electric Power Components and Systems6272132
190Physics of Plasmas2261.3K1.6K
190Neurological Research1261.3K1.6K
190International Journal of Communication Systems326359565
193IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology2251.3K2.1K
193Measurement Science and Technology325253880
193Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters1254.4K5.4K
193International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems2251345
193Medical Engineering and Physics3252211.2K
199Environmental Science and Pollution Research2246.3K10.0K
199Applied Bionics and Biomechanics22499188
199Plasma Devices and Operations32475
199IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine124124333
199IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters424452937
199The International Executive3242997
205Remote Sensing2234.6K7.1K
205IEEE Signal Processing Letters3234721.1K
205IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems3238262.0K
205Journal of Process Control123100198
205International Journal of Neural Systems223198885
210IEEE Photonics Technology Letters3227001.4K
210Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research122202425
210Aequationes Mathematicae322136176
210IET Computer Vision32235149
214Analytical Chemistry12110.6K18.5K
214Journal of Biomechanics1212.4K3.7K
214Wireless Personal Communications7213241.2K
214Frontiers in Neurology1214.7K6.1K
214Computers in Biology and Medicine3214403.3K
214Brain and Language1216571.2K
214IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks1214721.1K
214IET Image Processing221394722
214Revista De La Real Academia De Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas Y Naturales - Serie A: Matematicas321146194
223Radio Science320175568
223IET Power Electronics420240786
223IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing1202.0K2.2K
223Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking320273646
228IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing2198311.7K
228IEEE Transactions on Communications1191.1K1.2K
228Computer Physics Communications31952401
228International Journal of Antennas and Propagation41999316
228IEEE Internet of Things Journal1192.0K2.0K
228Diagnostic Pathology1199171.3K
228BioMedical Engineering OnLine1196131.1K
236European Journal of Neuroscience2183.5K10.1K
236IET Renewable Power Generation318251946
236Chemistry Central Journal118293647
236IET Software118160157
241Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics217340289
241IET Radar, Sonar and Navigation41772313
244IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control2164781.0K
244Wireless Networks216459894
244IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology216253439
244IEEE Power Electronics Letters1161546
244Elektronika Ir Elektrotechnika51649
244Journal of Physics A116377533
244Information Technology and Control2161821
251Japanese Journal of Applied Physics3151.2K2.0K
251Archiv Der Mathematik215527478
251Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers41598349
251IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and Reviews115168509
255Applied Radiation and Isotopes2145121.2K
255Progress in Brain Research1141.1K2.4K
255Soft Computing1142.0K2.5K
255Human Brain Mapping1144.8K7.9K
255Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing314254482
255Annals of Nuclear Medicine1148651.3K
255Advanced Robotics114424595
255Electric Power Components and Systems414145528
255Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy1145411.1K
255European Transactions on Telecommunications21465112
255IET Signal Processing214136372
255International Journal of Polymer Science114326686
255Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy114152253
255Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B3142091
255Acoustics Research Letters Online: ARLO214533
255IET Circuits, Devices and Systems214145321
255Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science1142.0K2.2K
272Health Physics113493727
272Modern Physics Letters B313415889
272Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience1131.3K1.6K
272IEE Proceedings A: Physical Science Measurement and Instrumentation Management and Education Reviews1136031
277Future Generation Computer Systems1124761.2K
277IRE Transactions on Communications Systems51261255
277Biomedical Optics Express1122.0K3.6K
277International Journal of Medical Informatics1126922.2K
277IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine112286872
277IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies112139278
283Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision2118642.0K
283Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine1113.2K4.3K
283IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics111774708
283Current Eye Research1111.9K3.6K
283International Journal of Intelligent Systems2114321.4K
283Advances in Applied Ceramics111228310
283IEE Proceedings H: Microwaves Optics and Antennas1112825
283Journal of Occupational Health1115651.3K
292Biosensors and Bioelectronics1104.1K9.8K
292International Journal of Systems Science4104501.9K
292Journal of Orthopaedic Research1103.3K6.5K
292Journal of Instrumentation310301559
292Journal of Electronic Imaging310122289
292Telecommunication Systems41094708
292IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics210369805
292Brain Topography1105901.4K
292European Journal of Dental Education110556940
292Physical Communication110119177
292Web Semantics1101878
292Frontiers in Neurorobotics210113577
292Journal of Headache and Pain2104391.6K
305Solid State Communications1984200
305IET Control Theory and Applications191.2K1.9K
305Computing (Vienna/New York)19450809
305Journal of Computational Electronics29233519
305Journal of Optical Communications and Networking19288489
305European Journal of Information Systems19146406
305Biosystems and Biorobotics191810
305Journal of Materials Science492.1K8.2K
305IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part 2: Express Briefs19281541
305IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference19141122
316IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications287631.9K
316IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems18645978
316Biological Psychology189752.3K
316AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications2822177
316Macromolecular Bioscience181.7K4.5K
316Quality and Reliability Engineering International189221.5K
316Shock and Vibration181.0K1.1K
316Journal of Real-Time Image Processing4830429
316Nexus Network Journal382191
316Acupuncture and Electro-Therapeutics Research183087
316IEE Proceedings, Part G: Electronic Circuits and Systems68439
316JITA - Journal of Information Technology and Applications (Banja Luka) - APEIRON18154
316Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry182.7K4.2K
316Physica Status Solidi C: Current Topics in Solid State Physics384751.2K
330AIP Conference Proceedings376.8K5.0K
330Scientific Reports5723.7K64.8K
330Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing271.9K4.7K
330Chemical Engineering Research and Design173721.2K
330Physica Medica171.3K2.0K
330Annals of Translational Medicine172.2K3.9K
330IEEE Transactions on Circuit Theory175891
330The Environmentalist17100239
330IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing1787216
330Folia Histochemica Et Cytobiologica17229452
330Nuclear Technology and Radiation Protection1711
330Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research27270398
345Materials Transactions161.1K1.5K
345Laser Physics16473719
345IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering364551.5K
345Journal of Optics (United Kingdom)16407870
345Journal of Applied Statistics169881.6K
345Physiological Measurement166931.9K
345IET Communications363621.4K
345Surface Engineering165401.3K
345Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics161.4K2.4K
345International Journal of Human Computer Studies1618139
345Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing16670783
345Instrumentation Science and Technology16309525
345Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications26190389
345International Journal of Information Security2636281
345Frontiers in Surgery167621.4K
345IEEE Electrification Magazine162378
345IEEE Concurrency1623
345EPJ Photovoltaics161521
345Journal of Field Robotics16227446
345Advances in Information Security, Privacy, and Ethics Book Series165527
345Conference Record - IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference168083
367Journal of Physics Condensed Matter251.2K3.8K
367International Journal of Molecular Sciences2526.6K58.5K
367Journal of the American Ceramic Society154.0K7.4K
367Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry151.8K2.6K
367European Physical Journal D157441.2K
367Journal of Neuroimmunology152.5K5.8K
367Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures15153513
367Journal of Plasma Physics15519839
367Contributions To Plasma Physics15273424
367Theoretica Chimica Acta15388553
367International Journal of Rehabilitation Research15209771
367Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics254386
367Journal of Computer Science and Technology15417693
367Annals of Noninvasive Electrocardiology15118407
367Proceedings of the American Control Conference15185285
367Software and Systems Modeling15132272
367IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics and Control Instrumentation156063
367Assistive Technology15178591
367Power Electronics Specialist Conference (PESC), IEEE2554189
388Clinical Neurophysiology142.3K5.4K
388Procedia Computer Science144141.1K
388Communications in Theoretical Physics14337546
388Computer Networks1470308
388Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications147091.2K
388Designs, Codes, and Cryptography14575808
388Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing141.3K2.0K
388IEEE Transactions on Electronic Computers145182
388Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies146631.2K
388Tehnicki Vjesnik4489203
388Eurasip Journal on Image and Video Processing2430423
388Arhiv Za Higijenu Rada I Toksikologiju14150423
388IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing14290616
388European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine14119414
388IEE Proceedings, Part F: Communications, Radar and Signal Processing442386
388AIMS Mathematics346761.0K
405IFAC Postprint Volumes IPPV / International Federation of Automatic Control23521704
405International Journal of Modern Physics B237272.4K
405Nuclear Technology13372655
405Concurrency Computation Practice and Experience237042.6K
405IEEE Power Engineering Review3346141
405Journal of Sensors232532.0K
405International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies23138506
405International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering2395499
405Journal of Mechanics13214421
405IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica13387944
405International Journal of Metalcasting13150335
405Special Matrices138675
405Fractal and Fractional131.1K1.5K
405ISRN Algebra13611
405Advances in Systems Analysis, Software Engineering, and High Performance Computing Book Series43631
405Communications Engineering1340127
423Journal of Physics: Conference Series127.2K7.8K
423Review of Scientific Instruments222.6K8.5K
423Physics in Medicine and Biology122.3K5.1K
423Journal of Mathematical Sciences12350454
423Journal of Clinical Medicine1217.6K29.9K
423Smart Materials and Structures127532.0K
423Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications121.3K2.4K
423Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics121.2K2.2K
423IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation22150383
423European Journal of Physics12132384
423Spinal Cord121.2K3.4K
423Journal of Navigation12118407
423Software Engineering Notes: an Informal Newsletter of the Special Interest Committee on Software Engineering / ACM1276166
423Computer Standards and Interfaces12966
423International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing125641.4K
423Integral Transforms and Special Functions12350583
423Journal of Laser Applications12366850
423Nuclear Science and Techniques/Hewuli12230402
423International Journal of Sustainable Energy12171648
423IEEE Computer Architecture Letters1275142
423Energy Systems1283398
423IEE Proceedings, Part G: Circuits, Devices and Systems2240124
423Proc Int Symp Image Signal Process Anal121046
423IEE Proceedings, Part I: Communications, Speech and Vision1244100
423European Physical Journal Special Topics22366755
423IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM)12158233
423Computational and Applied Mathematics12592885
454Chinese Physics B119462.0K
454European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology113.3K7.2K
454Clinical Nuclear Medicine112.2K4.7K
454Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics111.5K2.8K
454International Journal of Theoretical Physics111.0K1.6K
454European Physical Journal B214962.3K
454Materials and Manufacturing Processes118622.2K
454World Journal of Surgical Oncology111.8K4.8K
454Microprocessors and Microsystems1117103
454Experimental Techniques11369910
454IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering11406859
454International Journal of General Systems11286895
454Journal of Logic and Computation11197481
454Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society1184261
454Journal of Hydroinformatics11294956
454Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology114311.0K
454International Journal of Network Management11129406
454Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis11296693
454Mathematics in Computer Science11122306
454IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Newsletter11512
454IEE Proceedings E: Computers and Digital Techniques2154204
454Annals of Geophysics11116289
454Defence Science Journal1149110
454IET Circuits, Devices and Systems11144344
454SPIIRAS Proceedings11725
454Journal of Advances in Biotechnology11627
454IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition1179174
454Industrial Electronics Society (IECON ), Annual Conference of IEEE1178241
454Ijeec - International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computing4122
454Computing and Informatics1167134
454International Conference on Aerospace Sciences and Aviation Technology119034
454Journal of Computing and Natural Science1128
454International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law11921
490Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings104.2K5.8K
490Journal of Applied Polymer Science107.3K15.6K
490Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases104.9K6.6K
490Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society105711.0K
490Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications109802.7K
490Journal of Mathematical Physics102.2K4.2K
490Statistics and Probability Letters104041.0K
490Nuclear Science and Engineering20231739
490Nuclear Medicine Communications101.2K3.5K
490International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering101.2K3.0K
490Journal of Nanoparticle Research102.2K6.0K
490Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science101.3K3.2K
490Computer Journal104791.5K
490IEEE Transactions on Reliability104571.2K
490Seizure: the Journal of the British Epilepsy Association101.7K4.9K
490IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing109982.2K
490Advances in Materials Science and Engineering101.3K4.0K
490IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid107021.5K
490IEEE Photonics Journal108191.8K
490Physics and Chemistry of Minerals10330762
490Quantum Information Processing107981.5K
490Medicina (Lithuania)301.3K10.0K
490Optical Review10354878
490Acta Applicandae Mathematicae105331.2K
490IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting10246615
490Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization106061.3K
490Sadhana - Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences106141.6K
490IEEE Microwave Magazine2072304
490Fortschritte Der Physik10184507
490Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems10520713
490Journal of Psycholinguistic Research103221.1K
490Journal De Physique Colloque10505740
490Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves10248746
490International Journal of Parallel Programming10174511
490Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis10129376
490Mathematica Slovaca10414811
490Artificial Intelligence Review104931.6K
490Fiber and Integrated Optics10108386
490Journal of Function Spaces107101.3K
490Thermal Science1045112
490Gravitation and Cosmology1070142
490Journal of Spectroscopy102381.2K
490Journal of the Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers101536
490Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology1061531
490AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics10119286
490ISRN Mathematical Analysis1032165
490Optofluidics, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics10515
490Suvremena Lingvistika1015
490Put I Saobraćaj101413
490Facta Universitatis Series Automatic Control and Robotics201021
490Ars Mathematica Contemporanea102690
490Contemporary Materials104146
490Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A106071.2K
490ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems102480
490Comptes Rendus De L'Academie Bulgare Des Sciences1012498
490Journal of Engineering & Processing Management1045
490Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research101267
490Journal of Human Psychology1037
490Armenian Folia Anglistika10120
490B&H Electrical Engineering10614