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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1International Journal of Geomechanics451,01387
2Water Resources Management298661636
3Geotechnical and Geological Engineering2677273
4Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics137069778
5Scientific Reports146968.5K3.9K
6Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment34586513
7Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering425831128
8Geophysical Research Letters17560612904
9Structural Control and Health Monitoring115445022
10Geosynthetics International1551652
11Natural Hazards144875669
12Nature Geoscience1486895427
13Nature Communications448312.3K9.6K
14Water (Switzerland)9457834125
15Journal of Hydrologic Engineering - ASCE20406819
16Hydrological Processes10392215249
17Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres7380547332
18Transportation Research Record22356163183
19Climate Dynamics1532598222
20Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering - ASCE143243172
21International Journal of Climatology8313269338
22Water Resources Research13309299682
23Canadian Geotechnical Journal83047482
24ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering4328333
25Journal of Earth System Science172732823
26Science Advances126810.8K3.4K
27Transportation Letters1425611
28International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics92556821
29Environment International12333.4K1.4K
29Journal of Transportation Engineering72331923
31Journal of Geophysical Research32262.0K2.1K
33Journal of Bridge Engineering82203034
34Structure and Infrastructure Engineering82104249
35Atmospheric Science Letters220613224
36Environmental Geotechnics1120333
37Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering102016177
38Theoretical and Applied Climatology4185326212
39Indian Geotechnical Journal3018423
40Hydrological Sciences Journal1318129227
40Journal of the Urban Planning and Development Division, ASCE6181115
42Science of the Total Environment81802.3K5.6K
43Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials61762813
44Road Materials and Pavement Design111644071
45Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America3159274212
46Geomechanics and Geoengineering1415645
47Regional Environmental Change4152101135
48International Journal of Remote Sensing10148201560
49Journal of Environmental Management51466951.8K
50Environmental Pollution11445.1K2.6K
51PLoS ONE314249.7K41.2K
52KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering6139232106
53Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste1113846
54Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change1134171154
55Urban Water Journal113022940
56Accident Analysis and Prevention2125628543
57Marine Georesources and Geotechnology51218450
57Geoscience Letters4121104
59JVC/Journal of Vibration and Control6120118124
60Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences3118194234
60Shock and Vibration511823148
62Environmental Monitoring and Assessment7117336795
62Remote Sensing81171.4K2.1K
62Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering4117143236
65Journal of Hydrometeorology3116134236
66International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering1211467
67Environmental Earth Sciences4113519466
67Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction811388
69Frontiers in Marine Science11121.5K589
69Journal of Safety Research21129698
71Transportation in Developing Economies1411044
72Journal of Structural Engineering6108112237
73Environmental Research Letters6106166598
73Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering3106282292
73Journal of Earthquake Engineering710689115
76International Journal of Pavement Engineering710491116
77Procedia Engineering61039392
78Environmental Science & Technology2975.9K9.8K
79International Journal of Energy Research1962.5K707
79Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Geotechnical Engineering6961725
81Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering6951027
81International Journal of River Basin Management895523
81Natural Hazards Review5952138
81Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami79534
81International Journal of Advanced Structural Engineering59554
86Reliability Engineering and System Safety19410890
86Applied Water Science194533213
86Journal of Hydroinformatics6944192
89Advances in Structural Engineering692148143
90H2Open Journal29082
92Journal of Engineering Mechanics - ASCE68852139
93Journal of Climate185894833
93Earthquake Spectra385120162
93Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering58538118
96Seismological Research Letters183341104
96Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction983711
96IES Journal Part A: Civil and Structural Engineering58356
99Geotechnique Letters18214337
99International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering1582414
101Journal of Transportation Engineering Part A: Systems581187
102The International Journal of Ocean and Climate Systems88011
103Innovative Infrastructure Solutions9793225
104Smart Materials and Structures478197440
104Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Series A107873
106Journal of Civil Engineering and Management275178123
107Waste Management and Research374119257
108Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities3726462
108Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Ground Improvement672820
110Drying Technology370334438
110GIScience and Remote Sensing27011292
112International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering3687631.1K
113Soft Matter4661.3K2.3K
113Traffic Injury Prevention266311208
115Journal of Advanced Transportation163634159
115IET Intelligent Transport Systems56342138
117PLoS Computational Biology4591.9K5.9K
117Journal of Thermal Stresses359148157
117Frontiers in Built Environment3594851
120Hydrology and Earth System Sciences258516773
120Soil Use and Management258187227
122Acta Geotechnica257306285
122Journal of Modern Transportation3571326
124Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization555192470
124Advances in Civil Engineering Materials35544
127Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics253164143
128Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering - ASCE4524275
128Waste and Biomass Valorization152810308
128International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics3522820
131Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures251436495
131ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering951314
131Journal of Vibration Engineering and Technologies4514016
134Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures350336423
134Journal of Natural Fibers150589198
134INAE Letters25031
134Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing55054107
138International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design4492565
139Journal of the Acoustical Society of America1483.6K2.8K
139Sadhana - Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences94846154
141Thin-Walled Structures147330301
142IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering146267289
144Advances in Civil Engineering343351173
145Philosophical Transactions Series A, Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Sciences1421.6K1.9K
146Bioresource Technology1414.9K7.2K
147Marine Pollution Bulletin3407932.5K
148Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication153921
148International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology539933
150Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology538914
151Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions ASME337593954
151Structural Health Monitoring137437448
151Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration137280185
154Journal of Management in Engineering - ASCE136152209
154Carbon Balance and Management1366083
156Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management - ASCE43554238
156Frontiers in Earth Science235324388
158Energy & Fuels2342.3K3.8K
160Engineering Analysis With Boundary Elements1329282
160Structural Control and Health Monitoring23228
162Environmental Science and Pollution Research5312.7K8.5K
162Materials and Structures/Materiaux Et Constructions331311709
162Journal of Hydraulic Research/De Recherches Hydrauliques63184379
162International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion43136141
162ACS Earth and Space Chemistry231301380
168Microsystem Technologies230637626
170Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management129379380
170Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings229190230
170Transportmetrica A: Transport Science32951159
170Journal of Civil Engineering Education129175
174Water Research1283.0K5.9K
174Journal of Marine Science and Technology22897133
177Waste Management1261.4K3.4K
177Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section A - Physical Sciences12616457
177Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic and Radioactive Waste Management226826
180Climatic Change2256271.9K
180Journal of Contaminant Hydrology225178537
180Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring125173154
180Environmental Systems Research2252773
184Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering1245651.1K
184Royal Society Open Science1242.7K3.3K
186Physics of Fluids2232.3K3.2K
186Acta Mechanica223703999
186Resources, Conservation and Recycling12392368
186Modeling Earth Systems and Environment323106329
190Computational Geosciences22298237
190Web Semantics1221840
190Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives122749
193Ocean Engineering221124426
193Journal of Marine Science and Engineering2211.2K1.1K
193Environmental Modeling and Assessment22159269
193Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice3211143
193Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Maritime Engineering2211223
199Cells and Development120158
201Wave Motion119108105
201Applied Ocean Research11956111
201International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics2191741
205Measurement Science and Technology1188461.1K
205Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites318210875
205Meteorological Applications218112384
205Remote Sensing Letters218161432
205International Journal of Dynamics and Control218108137
205Journal of Water and Climate Change31870254
211Nuclear Engineering and Design117166200
211Journal of Mountain Science117519495
211Water Policy21797334
211Environmental Technology Reviews217392
215Journal of Fluid Mechanics1162.9K4.5K
215Procedia CIRP116292370
215Geophysical Monograph Series116561459
215Structural Engineering International: Journal of the International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE)11611387
215Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering316119264
215IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing1162.0K2.4K
222International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health11524.0K25.7K
222Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering115333574
222Frontiers in Water2153191
225Indoor Air1148001.7K
225Environmental Research Communications1145877
225International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics1147001.0K
228Soft Computing1132.0K2.6K
228Earth Surface Processes and Landforms2136121.8K
228Transportation Planning and Technology113240337
228Journal of Testing and Evaluation11396127
233Journal of Hazardous Materials2123.6K12.8K
233International Journal of Production Research1121.6K3.1K
233Pure and Applied Geophysics1127071.1K
233Journal of the Royal Society Interface1122.2K5.3K
233Land Degradation and Development1121.2K2.3K
233International Journal of Steel Structures112362357
233Lakes and Reservoirs: Research and Management21231176
233International Journal of Construction Management212135378
241Land Use Policy111159602
241Water Science and Technology: Water Supply111789876
241Structural Concrete211341741
241International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing111188320
241Aquatic Procedia1112150
241Asian Journal of Civil Engineering111178141
241Public Transport11154151
241Npj Climate and Atmospheric Science31183274
241International Journal of Geo-Engineering1113869
241Nature Water11174164
252Arabian Journal of Geosciences2101.1K1.9K
252Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment110784984
252Ships and Offshore Structures110276332
252Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research1103553
252Machine Learning With Applications110647
258SN Applied Sciences293942.1K
258Archive of Applied Mechanics19591840
258Journal of the Geological Society of India19329408
258Geosciences (Switzerland)293811.4K
258Journal of Geophysical Research G: Biogeosciences191.2K2.4K
258International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics29110532
258Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines19349597
258Journal of Transportation Safety and Security19147260
266Biophysical Journal383.2K9.0K
266Fusion Engineering and Design1892146
266Computers and Operations Research1863279
266Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE18326785
266Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, Transactions of the ASME28282579
266European Physical Journal E28205744
266Journal of Ocean and Climate1811
274Applied Sciences (Switzerland)2710.6K21.3K
274Geocarto International372111.2K
274Growth and Change17403810
274Journal of Composites for Construction17133287
274Engineering Research Express1789101
279Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering164211.1K
279Journal of Mechanics16214317
279Earth and Space Science26235970
279Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems1698212
279International Journal of Big Data Mining for Global Warming1666
279Environmental Research: Climate16621
285IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering154.4K3.1K
285Geological Society Special Publication151.2K2.5K
285Transport in Porous Media156521.3K
285Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Structures and Buildings3581399
285Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation25119585
285International Journal of Computational Methods15290548
285Regional Studies in Marine Science15128344
285IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine15107319
285Journal of Water Sanitation and Hygiene for Development15235593
285Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers: Construction Materials2529151
295Physical Review E145.7K9.8K
295Journal of Composite Materials141.3K2.8K
295Journal of Hydraulic Engineering14241644
295IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters246801.9K
295Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Transactions of the ASME148301.6K
295International Journal of Modern Physics C14460943
295Acta Mechanica Sinica/Lixue Xuebao14435886
295Irrigation and Drainage14210593
295Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure1453148
295ISRN Soil Science14641
295ISRN Geophysics1419
295Journal of Medical Internet Research141.7K4.9K
295International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems2469292
309Applied Physics Letters139.8K17.7K
309Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society136951.4K
309Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology138962.2K
309Water Management13106246
309CSI Transactions on ICT134285
309Bridge Structures132329
309Transportmetrica B13110289
317International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry121.2K3.3K
317Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans121.3K2.8K
317Hydrogeology Journal12345977
317Experimental Techniques12369810
317Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures127261.9K
317Houille Blanche122671
317Environmental Sciences: Processes and Impacts127462.1K
317Aquatic Sciences12356989
317Project Management Journal1245191
317Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering12281700
317Journal of Coastal Conservation12201664
317Tourism Analysis12747
317Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Engineering Sustainability2229268
317Construction Economics and Building121349
317Sustainable Water Resources Management12185599
317Infrastructure Asset Management1231133
317Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Diagnostics and Prognostics of Engineering Systems2223109
317Future Transportation1233115
338Cell Reports1110.4K23.3K
338Journal of Coastal Research215012.0K
338Transportation Research Procedia1165255
338Magazine of Concrete Research114261.0K
338Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, Transactions of the ASME114651.1K
338Procedia Technology1150194
338International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering11115315
338Journal of Architectural Engineering1177264
338Coastal Engineering Journal11143444
338Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering112321
338Earth's Future117562.1K
338Emerging Materials Research11132382
338Journal of Transportation Engineering Part B: Pavements1151128
338ASEAN Journal on Science and Technology for Development114992
338Water Reuse111027
338ASPS Conference Proceedings311615
355AIP Conference Proceedings1013.3K15.6K
355Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics108541.2K
355Polymer Composites102.3K5.8K
355Injury Prevention109121.8K
355International Journal of Thermophysics105811.5K
355Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering10204265
355Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering10297989
355Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk104321.3K
355Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science1042239
355Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Series C10100326
355Journal of Development Effectiveness1056305
355Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy10141421
355Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Forensic Engineering101089
355Marine Systems and Ocean Technology103084
355Journal of Building Pathology and Rehabilitation1081208
355Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction1081388
355WIT Transactions on Modelling and Simulation10151123
355International Journal of Chemical and Environmental Sciences101012
355Special Publications101339
355Npj Urban Sustainability1069304
355Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy1018141