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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems181,08912260
2International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering991,012115
3Nonlinear Dynamics438923184
4IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control14637270323
5Journal of Combinatorial Optimization6758013
6IET Control Theory and Applications185748173
7IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics18534103161
8IEEE Access35524409558
9Journal of Graph Theory43472813
10IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence3434605499
11Science China Information Sciences1139810146
12Journal of Mathematical Physics19372173159
13Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences343633470
14Modern Physics Letters B213492116
16Science China Mathematics233262515
17Frontiers of Mathematics in China15318123
18Physical Review E103061.1K1.2K
19European Physical Journal Plus133028068
21IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems9246143212
22Neural Networks6235120279
23Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems3323211
24Analysis and Mathematical Physics5216324
25Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series292153020
26Zeitschrift Fur Angewandte Mathematik Und Physik202052257
28Journal of Chemistry419930250
29Optical and Quantum Electronics8191251102
30Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics51846410
32International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation5181238
33Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications11177130259
34European Radiology11664.4K1.6K
35Discrete Mathematics3116014
37Modern Physics Letters A215735044
37IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks3157138347
39Ultrasonics Sonochemistry11531.3K599
40Acta Mathematica Scientia12151132
41International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control9150206358
42Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics414821078
43Numerical Algorithms7147108108
43Studies in Applied Mathematics4147217
45IEEE Transactions on Image Processing11451.3K804
46Science in China Series A: Mathematics121443727
47Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications51412312
48Graphs and Combinatorics261401228
49Journal of Global Optimization1213948183
50Colloquium Mathematicum3137956
51Journal of Scientific Computing6136229211
52Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations8134113107
53Discrete Applied Mathematics2313317
54Journal of Difference Equations and Applications71296446
56Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications2712612
57International Journal of Systems Science1612285239
58Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society27120111
59IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing3118444375
60ACS Nano11158.9K8.6K
61Acta Mechanica6114241252
62Pramana - Journal of Physics410919278
63International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics91083041
64Applied Mathematics1910756
64Chinese Annals of Mathematics Series B19107717
66Applied Mathematics Letters101053593
67Abstract and Applied Analysis531045113
67IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering3104455486
67Acta Applicandae Mathematicae81042945
70IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking4102236274
71IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs10101161267
72Communications in Algebra299965219
73IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology2981.3K1.0K
73Journal of Geometric Analysis18983176
75Applied Sciences (Switzerland)3977.5K2.3K
76Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications1196525
76IEEE Internet of Things Journal696575808
76Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations5967495
79Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal194482198
79ESAIM - Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations3944747
81European Journal of Combinatorics189338
82International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics190486129
83Applied Physics Letters5894.0K6.0K
84Optimization Letters9873371
84Information Systems Frontiers287128146
86IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems285604716
86Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems5851244
89Communications in Contemporary Mathematics4824748
90Optics and Lasers in Engineering3801239
90Applicable Analysis118084159
92Journal of Inequalities and Applications1479106146
93Communications in Theoretical Physics11753546
94ISA Transactions274493569
94IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems474107101
96Forum Mathematicum5735018
97Journal of Applied Remote Sensing17034258
98Neural Computation169915749
100Advances in Difference Equations866207287
101International Journal of Intelligent Systems465186421
101Reviews in Mathematical Physics16514266
105Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine1621.1K383
106Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences360367639
107Advances in Nonlinear Analysis6591732
108IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers158894565
109Optimization and Engineering5571580
110Advances in Mathematical Physics7542039
110Theoretical and Mathematical Physics(Russian Federation)25411539
112Systems and Control Letters151163127
112Fractal and Fractional155157213
114Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica17503874
115IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience249137224
116International Journal of Computer Mathematics448320305
116Journal of Nonlinear Science348181258
118Scientific Reports54723.7K45.8K
118Journal of Hazardous Materials2473.6K8.2K
118IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics3476541.4K
118Neural Processing Letters447147247
118Analysis and Applications3474257
123Nucleic Acids Research14513.5K18.8K
123Optics Express2453.5K4.2K
123Mathematical Methods of Operations Research245165158
126Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics243405354
126Asian Journal of Control443195519
128Energy & Fuels2422.3K3.3K
129Optics Communications141670339
129Chinese Physics Letters241429210
131Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications2404644
132Results in Mathematics539116110
133Mathematical Problems in Engineering7387431.3K
133Open Chemistry138700205
133Computational and Applied Mathematics63887139
136IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics237458595
136Mobile Information Systems137567132
138Journal of Luminescence136563496
138International Journal of Modern Physics B103689432
138Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical136648394
138International Journal of Control4365581.1K
138Canadian Mathematical Bulletin336246161
138Frontiers of Information Technology and Electronic Engineering236123104
138Current Bioinformatics13618962
145Chinese Physics B535263348
145Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems435606710
145Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition)1035104319
145Regular and Chaotic Dynamics13511745
149Integral Equations and Operator Theory534126224
150Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics13330554
150Computational Intelligence133242218
150Mathematical Physics Analysis and Geometry433735
153Europhysics Letters132887843
153Physica Scripta232595506
153Chinese Journal of Electronics13229065
153Fixed Point Theory and Applications93280195
158Mathematische Zeitschrift731229488
158Journal of Low Frequency Noise Vibration and Active Control3317581
160Physical Review B1306.3K6.3K
160Water Resources Management1308661.1K
162American Mathematical Monthly129810387
162Annali Di Matematica Pura Ed Applicata129338150
162Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization52998273
162Revista De La Real Academia De Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas Y Naturales - Serie A: Matematicas52985145
162International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics229259159
167Journal of Physical Chemistry A1285.0K6.3K
167IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management128477329
167Journal of Taibah University for Science128426269
170Neural Computing and Applications1272.1K2.2K
170Engineering With Computers127567605
170International Journal of Automation and Computing227107204
173IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems2261.2K1.9K
173Wave Motion2263382
175Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications2255381.0K
175Wireless Personal Communications2251.1K1.0K
177Optics Letters1243.2K3.6K
177Frontiers in Genetics3241.6K5.5K
177Computational and Applied Mathematics124166100
181Remote Sensing2234.6K7.1K
181Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer123122133
181International Journal of Theoretical Physics223658539
181Mathematics and Computers in Simulation22365273
181Random Structures and Algorithms123377381
181IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part 1: Regular Papers123347548
187Boundary Value Problems722110229
188Optics and Laser Technology121134249
188Combinatorics Probability and Computing121296236
188Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience3213531.2K
188Annales Fennici Mathematici32141
192ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces12014.7K22.5K
192Ceramics International1201.6K2.5K
192Algebra Colloquium11201684
192Advanced Nonlinear Studies32067105
196New Journal of Physics1199251.5K
196Multimedia Tools and Applications4198952.3K
196Journal of Applied Mathematics719107452
196Journal of Sensors219253669
196Information (Switzerland)219460743
202Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence118193617
202Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing518154403
202IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering518125549
202Electronic Journal of Combinatorics718612
206Lecture Notes in Computer Science5171.3K2.4K
206Israel Journal of Mathematics317327521
206Mathematical Biosciences1176431.1K
206Quality and Reliability Engineering International1179221.1K
206Weather and Forecasting117193326
206European Journal of Applied Mathematics217151333
206Asymptotic Analysis21710387
206Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics117198142
214Physical Review D2162.0K2.8K
214Mathematische Nachrichten616122549
214Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society816118634
214IET Image Processing116781917
214Analysis Mathematica11612852
214PeerJ Computer Science116205377
220Journal of High Energy Physics2158071.1K
220Linear and Multilinear Algebra515250541
220INFORMS Journal on Computing41582476
220Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization11510416
220Chinese Physics B215106152
225Physical Review Letters2144.3K9.5K
225Soft Computing2141.1K2.5K
225Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing214472814
225IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security1147561.0K
225Advances in Computational Mathematics214268479
225International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing214104215
225Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications41485240
225Journal of Function Spaces101479345
225AIMS Mathematics1014165488
235AIP Conference Proceedings4135.4K3.1K
235Computers and Mathematics With Applications113494746
235IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications1137441.3K
235Journal of Supercomputing1131.2K1.3K
235Electronics (Switzerland)3132.2K4.4K
235Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences213211569
235Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences1131.3K2.5K
235ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications113187227
235Networks and Spatial Economics41334335
244Journal of Chemical Physics2125.5K10.6K
244Journal of Modern Optics2126381.2K
244Nanoscale Research Letters1121.7K3.5K
244Journal of Algebra and Its Applications61297324
244Complex Analysis and Operator Theory51277223
244Electronic Research Archive21218157
250Semigroup Forum211315369
250Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras111236188
250Waves in Random and Complex Media111295394
250Stochastics and Dynamics31149157
250Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering2116241.1K
255PLoS ONE31049.7K64.8K
255Physics of Fluids4101.4K4.5K
255Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering1101.3K1.8K
255SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis210849
255Mathematical Programming110626982
255Journal of Hydrodynamics110294419
255Open Mathematics310185352
255Mathematical Modelling and Analysis21080195
255Journal of Mathematics510138346
255Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B5102172
265Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures19153434
265IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems196871.2K
265European Physical Journal: Special Topics197241.3K
265Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society3993281
265Personal and Ubiquitous Computing19276694
265Signal, Image and Video Processing19561764
265Georgian Mathematical Journal29145157
265Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology19295304
265Letters in Mathematical Physics19458501
265Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S292934
276New Journal of Chemistry185.6K7.8K
276IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing181.2K2.1K
276International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences38453806
276Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society28199426
276International Journal of Modern Physics C28244704
276International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications18721938
276Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics28340506
276Potential Analysis18283346
276Algebras and Representation Theory28173271
276IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine1869242
276Studia Mathematica28239455
276Journal of Control and Decision1833104
276International Journal of Remote Sensing281.0K3.8K
276International Mathematics Research Notices28353537
291Journal of Applied Physics179.2K14.5K
291Applied Surface Science171.3K3.1K
291IEEE Signal Processing Letters171.0K1.7K
291Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences17360190
291Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences27250734
291Optimization Methods and Software17424694
291Pacific Journal of Mathematics37111256
291Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics5727143
291Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis275964
291International Journal of Online and Biomedical Engineering1710792
291International Journal of Differential Equations17108117
291Journal of the Operations Research Society of China2762125
291IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems17463638
304Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics168.2K12.9K
304Psychological Reports161.3K2.3K
304Archiv Der Mathematik16776786
304Pramana - Journal of Physics16100101
304Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers16483658
304International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence16407800
304Archive of Applied Mechanics165911.0K
304Applied Intelligence161.1K2.0K
304Journal of Systems Science and Complexity26281551
304Journal of Evolution Equations3671331
304Dynamical Systems16133182
304Analysis in Theory and Applications361845
304Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications2674118
304Smart Cities16113321
304Advanced Fiber Materials16154460
304Mathematical Modelling and Control16276
321Acta Mathematica Hungarica25453717
321Clinical Biomechanics151.3K3.1K
321Journal of Mathematical Chemistry35281925
321Quantum Information Processing157981.1K
321Computational Optimization and Applications15456901
321International Journal of Neural Systems154501.4K
321Scientific Programming15525883
321Interdisciplinary Sciences, Computational Life Sciences15209587
321Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making15130326
321Systems Science and Control Engineering2574301
321Numerical Mathematics153159
321Engineering Reports15104362
321Science Bulletin258542.1K
334Journal of the Physical Society of Japan141.1K1.7K
334Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods341.1K2.7K
334Chinese Journal of Chemistry241.2K3.1K
334Monatshefte Fur Mathematik14508678
334Journal of Nanoparticle Research142.2K5.2K
334IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems24302636
334Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience14470344
334Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology142.2K6.4K
334Journal of Computer Science and Technology14417756
334Nagoya Mathematical Journal14273380
334Journal of Zhejiang University: Science A14441935
334Brain Sciences144.6K8.3K
334Open Physics14472714
334Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics24230531
334Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences: Mathematical Sciences14245271
334International Journal of Fuzzy Systems14409961
334Journal of Control Theory and Applications14162265
334Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu2477202
334Mathematical Research Letters24143346
334Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking244091.3K
334Communications in Analysis and Mechanics241016
358Chemistry Letters131.2K2.2K
358Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung - Section A Journal of Physical Sciences235231.4K
358Mathematische Annalen136401.0K
358Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society133177
358International Journal of Thermophysics233381.2K
358Cluster Computing137701.7K
358International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks234151.9K
358Future Microbiology138632.7K
358Applied Mathematics and Optimization13445731
358Ramanujan Journal23236495
358Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry13222338
358International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing13188663
358Connection Science13158497
358IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica13387944
358Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis23142617
358Journal of Biological Dynamics13225625
358Briefings in Functional Genomics1373470
358Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems132959
358Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis231053
358Advances in Soft Computing1361102
358Tamkang Journal of Mathematics139271
358Journal of Contemporary Educational Research13455
358Frontiers of Mathematics43110
382Journal of Physics: Conference Series127.2K7.8K
382IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering124.4K5.0K
382AICHE Journal121.9K4.3K
382IEEE Sensors Journal123.5K6.3K
382BMC Bioinformatics124.4K9.3K
382Ukrainian Mathematical Journal12122124
382Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids12462856
382Journal of Geometry and Physics12200406
382IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering129022.1K
382Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics12119233
382International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing125641.4K
382Theory of Computing Systems12283510
382Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja124651.0K
382World Wide Web12262639
382Applied Categorical Structures12173257
382Journal of Function Spaces and Applications2227150
382Measurement Science Review1295266
382Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics222169
382Complex & Intelligent Systems12361901
382Russian Mathematical Surveys122135
382Methods and Applications of Analysis2216118
382Applied Optics123.5K7.8K
382Science in China Series G: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy2262259
405International Journal of Quantum Chemistry112.2K4.6K
405Semiconductor Science and Technology115761.4K
405Journal of Multivariate Analysis11278699
405Concurrency Computation Practice and Experience111.3K3.2K
405Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations31171782
405International Journal of Communication Systems111.0K2.4K
405Aequationes Mathematicae11343674
405Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing111.3K3.0K
405ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information111.2K3.4K
405Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering114201.1K
405Fortschritte Der Physik11184448
405Abhandlungen Aus Dem Mathematischen Seminar Der Universitat Hamburg1167174
405IEICE Transactions on Communications11437664
405Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal3196587
405Journal of Field Robotics11258847
405Arkiv for Matematik11164343
405Annals of Combinatorics11263545
405Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena2180641
405Emerging Materials Research11132382
405Poverty & Public Policy1121134
405Russian Mathematical Surveys113053
405Reviews on Advanced Materials Science11180456
405Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation1192198
405Electronic Journal of Combinatorics11103214
431MATEC Web of Conferences102.8K4.7K
431ZAMM Zeitschrift Fur Angewandte Mathematik Und Mechanik109942.2K
431Communications in Computer and Information Science10554998
431Scientific World Journal, The102.5K9.8K
431Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena10180638
431Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society108491.5K
431Computer Journal104791.5K
431Advances in Mechanical Engineering101.3K3.3K
431Demonstratio Mathematica10230502
431Numerical Heat Transfer; Part A: Applications106081.6K
431International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems107841.8K
431Security and Communication Networks109072.7K
431Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies10176321
431Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis106101.5K
431Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics1033109
431Journal of Nonparametric Statistics10383968
431Mathematica Slovaca10414811
431Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications10340722
431Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications10223537
431IEEE Transactions on Services Computing10441888
431Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics10157510
431Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems10150412
431Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems1099461
431Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics2018107
431Analysis and PDE10180387
431Set-Valued and Variational Analysis10158351
431Nanotechnology Reviews105571.8K
431IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing Over Networks10145395
431Theoretical and Mathematical Physics3040103
431Journal of Elliptic and Parabolic Equations1025128
431IET Cyber-Systems and Robotics1025145
431British Journal of Applied Science & Technology10137615
431Communications in Analysis and Geometry10149295
431Journal of Differential Geometry104386
431WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences10647489
431Annals of Mathematical Sciences and Applications104089
431Analysis in Theory and Applications105994
431Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal10178
431Current Issues in Molecular Biology108793.4K
431Electronic Journal of Graph Theory and Applications1063147
431International Journal of Information Technology and Applied Sciences1013
431Journal of Humanities, Social and Management Sciences103980
431European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications102134