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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Chemistry Education Research and Practice129333268
3Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences122212182
4Journal of Food Processing and Preservation2198871.5K
4Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences3196119
6Research in Science Education118412542
7Lancet, The11610.2K18.0K
7Aquaculture Nutrition116468784
9International Journal of Learning and Development314710
10British Journal of Nursing112596702
10South African Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology112374
12Annals of African Medicine111214277
13Aquaculture Research191.2K2.1K
13Technology and Health Care19656898
13JPBI (Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Indonesia)792045
16Annals of Medicine and Surgery28545936
16African Journal of Educational Studies in Mathematics and Sciences2844
16Journal of Digital Learning and Education5821
19Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis171.1K1.8K
19Journal of Youth and Adolescence179201.9K
19Indonesian Journal on Learning and Advanced Education (IJOLAE)172711
22Studies on Ethno-Medicine162343
23International Journal of Health Planning and Management156031.4K
23International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling15179367
25European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education146899
25Mimbar Pendidikan5421
28Postgraduate Medical Journal131.3K4.1K
28Journal of Applied Statistics139882.1K
28Journal of Adolescence138452.4K
28Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies13171115
28African Health Sciences231881.5K
28Medicine, Conflict and Survival1396248
28Education Research International13158438
28Journal of Nusantara Studies (JONUS)231421
28Southeast Asia Early Childhood Journal1335
28Mimbar Sekolah Dasar3325
28Journal of Educational Sciences331415
28UKH Journal of Social Sciences132135
40British Journal of Educational Technology221781.1K
40Food Bioengineering122235
40Journal of Learning for Development 12614
40Journal of Metrics Studies and Social Science1211
44International Journal of Surgery112.0K4.9K
44Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences11168215
44International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology11601548
44Journal of Employment Counseling11207552
44Journal of Educational and Social Research11167190
44Annals of Pediatric Cardiology11197572
44PLET Programmed Learning & Educational Technology111218
44Medical Journal of Zambia214967
44Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities1181
44Makerere Journal of Higher Education1133
44Journal of the Korean Society of Physical Medicine215182
44Journal of Education and Learning112533
44International Journal of Innovation in Teaching and Learning2145
44Sahel Medical Journal1197168
44IFE PsychologIA111013
44International Journal of Learning and Teaching211029
44Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences G Microbiology213758
44East African Journal of Education and Social Sciences21156
44Indonesian Journal of Educational Studies2114
44Fountain Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences211320
44International Journal of Basketball Studies1151
44International Journal of Advanced Humanities Research3121
66European Psychiatry103.3K5.2K
66Journal of Modern African Studies10216504
66Journal of Psychology in Africa10151417
66International Journal of Educational Sciences103786
66Geosystem Engineering1083248
66African Journal of Clinical and Experimental Microbiology103869
66University of Dar Es Salaam Library Journal1065
66Journal of Education and Research10724
66Inkanyiso: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences1093
66International Journal of Surgery Global Health10123146
66Acta Universitatis Sapientiae: Economics and Business10815
66European Scientific Journal10298685
66Jurnal Pendidikan Ilmu Sosial2010
66Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development3088293
66Gomal University Journal of Research102531
66Jurnal Pendidikan Mipa1076
66Humanitas Indonesian Psychological Journal10517
66Journal of Elementary Education101721
66Jurnal Al Bayan Jurnal Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab101716
66Journal on Mathematics Education105292
66Jurnal Pendidikan Progresif10613
66TEM Journal10131176
66Indonesian Journal of Curriculum and Educational Technology Studies3037
66Unnes Journal of Public Health101041
66Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine2031128
66Journal of Research & Health10127193
66International Journal of Indonesian Education and Teaching30211
66Indonesian Journal of Science and Education10510
66Indonesian Journal of Educational Research and Review3022
66African Journal of Health Safety and Environment102135
66International Journal of Islamic Educational Psychology1023
66Legon Journal of the Humanities1024
66Nigerian Journal of Medicine: Journal of the National Association of Resident Doctors of Nigeria10323484
66Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi10830
66Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika Dan Sains1010
66Nigerian Journal of Guidance and Counselling1065
66Science Education International2030172
66Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences C Physiology and Molecular Biology10148158
66International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education10716
66International Journal of Kinesiology and Sports Science1050143
66Contemporary Educational Researches Journal101349
66Global Journal of Guidance and Counseling in Schools Current Perspectives20525
66Journal of Education Society and Behavioural Science103089
66Assimilation Indonesian Journal of Biology Education10154
66Sokoto Educational Review102317
66Asian Pacific Journal of Environment and Cancer102144
66Journal of Educational Research in Developing Areas101719
66Journal of Digital Educational Technology10719
66Indonesian Journal of Sport Management2034
66Indonesian Journal of Guidance and Counseling: Theory and Application1010
66International Journal of Learning and Instruction1010
66EduBasic Journal1010
66Open Journal of Educational Development1010
66Edu Sportivo102933
66Anterior Jurnal1010
66Educational Awakening101514
66Indonesian Journal of Elementary Teachers Education1020
66e-Bangi: Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities20813
66International Journal of Educational Innovation and Research5016
66International Journal of Education, Teaching, and Social Sciences1054
66ATTARBAWIY: Malaysian Online Journal of Education3014
66Discover Education102795
66Ghana Journal of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sports and Dance (GJOHPERSD)8015
66Discover Nano1067340
66International Journal of Scientific Multidisciplinary Research10711
66AlQalam Journal of Medical and Applied Sciences10419
66Journal of Islamic Educational Research1030