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Top Institutions (by citations)
# | Institutions | Citations |
1 | University of Hong Kong | 6,155 |
2 | The Education University of Hong Kong | 2,069 |
3 | Chinese University of Hong Kong | 1,681 |
4 | Hong Kong Polytechnic University | 1,095 |
5 | Department of Education | 1,094 |
6 | Beijing Normal University | 768 |
7 | Harvard University | 756 |
8 | UCL Institute of Education | 716 |
9 | University of Macau | 614 |
10 | Nanyang Technological University | 612 |
11 | Chinese Academy of Sciences | 556 |
12 | East China Normal University | 526 |
13 | University of Melbourne | 521 |
14 | Bio-Medical Science (South Korean) | 497 |
15 | Zhejiang University | 495 |
16 | University of Oxford | 494 |
17 | Monash University | 492 |
18 | University College London | 471 |
19 | University of Toronto | 458 |
20 | University of Sydney | 428 |
21 | University of New South Wales | 422 |