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1Coagulation/flocculation process for textile mill effluent treatment: experimental and numerical perspectivesInternational Journal of Sustainable Engineering202165
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3Effect of Adding Carbon Nanotubes on Corrosion Rates and Steel-Concrete BondScientific Reports201949
4Developed Sustainable Scoring System for Structural Materials EvaluationJournal of Construction Engineering and Management - ASCE201244
5Effect of nanoparticles on the properties of geopolymer materialsMagazine of Concrete Research201941
6Effects of the pre‐treatment alternatives on the treatment of oil‐gas field produced water by nanofiltration and reverse osmosis membranesJournal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology201339
7Assessment of social perception on the contribution of hard-infrastructure for tsunami mitigation to coastal community resilience after the 2010 tsunami: Greater Concepcion area, ChileInternational Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction201535
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