# | Title | Journal | Year | Citations |
1 | Drug Delivery Systems, CNS Protection, and the Blood Brain Barrier | BioMed Research International | 2014 | 325 |
2 | Emerging Risk Biomarkers in Cardiovascular Diseases and Disorders | Journal of Lipids | 2015 | 211 |
3 | Fumigant Toxicity of Essential Oils from Some Common Spices against Pulse Beetle, Callosobruchus chinensis (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) | Journal of Oleo Science | 2008 | 98 |
4 | Molluscicidal activity of Ferula asafoetida, Syzygium aromaticum and Carum carvi and their active components against the snail Lymnaea acuminata | Chemosphere | 2006 | 83 |
5 | Harmful gastropods and their control | Clean - Soil, Air, Water | 1988 | 76 |
6 | The stress response in the abundance of circulating leucocytes in the killifish,Fundulus heteroclitus I. The cold-shock sequence and the effects of hypophysectomy | The Journal of Experimental Zoology | 1971 | 60 |
7 | In vivo andIn vitro studies on synergism with anticholinesterase pesticides in the snailLymnaea acuminata | Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology | 1983 | 58 |
8 | Impact of Deltamethrin on Serum Calcium and Inorganic Phosphate of Freshwater Catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis | Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology | 1997 | 57 |
9 | Pharmacological effects of Sapindus mukorossi | Revista Do Instituto De Medicina Tropical De Sao Paulo | 2012 | 57 |
10 | Molluscicidal activity of neem (Azadirachta indica A.Juss) | Journal of Ethnopharmacology | 1996 | 55 |
11 | Kinetics of enzyme inhibition by active molluscicidal agents ferulic acid, umbelliferone, eugenol and limonene in the nervous tissue of snail Lymnaea acuminata | Phytotherapy Research | 2009 | 55 |
12 | N-acetyl cysteine and selenium protects mercuric chloride-induced oxidative stress and antioxidant defense system in liver and kidney of rats: A histopathological approach | Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology | 2014 | 50 |
13 | Host size induced variation in progeny sex ratio of an aphid parasitoidLysiphlebia mirzai | Entomologia Experimentalis Et Applicata | 1999 | 49 |
14 | Zingiber officinale and 6-gingerol alleviate liver and kidney dysfunctions and oxidative stress induced by mercuric chloride in male rats: A protective approach | Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy | 2017 | 48 |
15 | Molluscicides from some common medicinal plants of eastern Uttar Pradesh, India | Journal of Applied Toxicology | 2010 | 47 |
16 | Molluscicidal activity of Punica granatum bark and Canna indica root | Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research | 2000 | 45 |
17 | Molluscicidal activity of Carica papaya and Areca catechu against the freshwater snail Lymnaea acuminata | Veterinary Parasitology | 2008 | 44 |
18 | Haematological parameters as bioindicators of insecticide exposure in teleosts | Ecotoxicology | 2010 | 43 |
19 | Helicobacter pylori-Induced Inflammation: Possible Factors Modulating the Risk of Gastric Cancer | Pathogens | 2021 | 41 |
20 | Molluscicidal Activity of Some Common Spice Plants | Biological Agriculture and Horticulture | 1997 | 39 |
21 | Effects of Acute Exposure to Methyl Parathion on Carbohydrate Metabolism of Indian Catfish (Heteropneustes fossilis) | Acta Pharmacologica Et Toxicologica | 1981 | 39 |
22 | Toxicity to the snailLimnaea acuminata of plant-derived molluscicides in combination with synergists | Pest Management Science | 2000 | 38 |
23 | Molluscicidal activity of Sapindus mukorossi and Terminalia chebula against the freshwater snail Lymnaea acuminata | Chemosphere | 2011 | 37 |
24 | Effect of active molluscicidal component of spices on different enzyme activities and biogenic amine levels in the nervous tissue of Lymnaea acuminata | Phytotherapy Research | 1999 | 36 |
25 | Bionomics of Trioxys (Binodoxys) indicus Subba Rao & Sharma, an aphidiid parasitoid of Aphis craccivora Koch | Zeitschrift Für Angewandte Entomologie | 1982 | 35 |
26 | Effect of temperature on the development, fecundity, progeny sex ratio and life-table of Campoletis chlorideae, an endolarval parasitoid of the pod borer, Helicoverpa armigera | BioControl | 2008 | 33 |
28 | Nephrotoxicity induced by long-term oral administration of different doses of chlorpyrifos | Toxicology and Industrial Health | 2010 | 32 |
29 | Blood dyscrasia in a teleost, Colisa fasdatus after acute exposure to sublethal concentrations of lead | Journal of Fish Biology | 1979 | 30 |
30 | Molluscicidal evaluation of three common plants from India | Fìtoterapìâ | 2005 | 30 |
31 | Molluscicidal activity of Saraca asoca and Thuja orientalis against the fresh water snail Lymnaea acuminata | Veterinary Parasitology | 2009 | 30 |
32 | Curcuma longa Linn. extract and curcumin protect CYP 2E1 enzymatic activity against mercuric chloride-induced hepatotoxicity and oxidative stress: A protective approach | Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology | 2017 | 30 |
33 | Toxicity of Piperonyl Butoxide — Carbaryl Synergism on the SnailLymnaea acuminata | International Review of Hydrobiology | 1989 | 29 |
34 | Control of common freshwater predatory fish, Channa punctatus, through Nerium indicum leaf extracts | Chemosphere | 2003 | 29 |
35 | Malathion toxicity: Skeletal deformities in zebrafish (Brachydanio rerio, cyprinidae) | Pest Management Science | 1984 | 28 |
36 | Effects of Inorganic Mercury and Methylmercury on Osteoclasts and Osteoblasts in the Scales of the Marine Teleost as a Model System of Bone | Zoological Science | 2014 | 28 |
37 | Characterization of Allicin as a Molluscicidal Agent inAllium sativum(Garlic) | Biological Agriculture and Horticulture | 1995 | 27 |
38 | Enzyme Inhibition by Allicin, the Molluscicidal Agent ofAllium sativumL. (Garlic) | Phytotherapy Research | 1996 | 27 |
39 | Effects of the insecticide cypermethrin on plasma calcium and ultimobranchial gland of a teleost, Heteropneustes fossilis | Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety | 2005 | 27 |
40 | Action Sites of Cypermethrin, a Synthetic Pyrethroid in the Snail Lymnaea acuminata | Clean - Soil, Air, Water | 1991 | 26 |
41 | Biological utilities of Parthenium hysterophorus | Journal of Applied and Natural Science | 2012 | 26 |
42 | Studies on the bionomics ofTrioxys (Binodoxys) indicus [Hym.: Aphidiidae]: Effect of population densities on sex ratio | Entomophaga | 1979 | 24 |
43 | Cypermethrin toxicity: Effect on the carbohydrate metabolism of the Indian catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis | Science of the Total Environment | 1988 | 24 |
44 | Hexavalent chromium: Toxicity and its impact on certain aspects of carbohydrate metabolism of the freshwater teleost, Colisa fasciatus | Science of the Total Environment | 1988 | 24 |
45 | Toxicity of Malathion and Carbaryl Pesticides: Effects on Some Biochemical Profiles of the Freshwater Fish Colisa fasciatus | Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology | 2004 | 24 |
46 | Toxic effects of cypermethrin and alphamethrin on reproduction and oxidative metabolism of the freshwater snail, Lymnaea acuminata | Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety | 2004 | 24 |
47 | Transendothelial Transport and Its Role in Therapeutics | International Scholarly Research Notices | 2014 | 24 |
48 | Catfish blood chemistry under environmental stress | Experientia | 1985 | 23 |
49 | Effects of chlorpyrifos on the kidney of freshwater catfish,Heteropneustes fossilis | Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology | 1990 | 23 |
50 | Toxic effect of synthetic pyrethroid permethrin on the enzyme system of the freshwater fish channa striatus | Chemosphere | 1999 | 23 |