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citing journals

Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence607,0191035
2IEEE Transactions on Image Processing1054,569328
3IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems963,243615
4IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing1082,5361941
5IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology721,773625
6IEEE Access721,403120123
7Multimedia Tools and Applications461,372245
8IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics271,2336267
9IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing491,0771720
10Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics41,030692
11IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering268354867
12Remote Sensing48804136221
13Pattern Recognition1079642
14Computational Visual Media774754
15IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters286723745
17IEEE Internet of Things Journal22618139137
18IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems245584390
19Future Generation Computer Systems453611753
21IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging1652282300
22International Journal of Computer Vision949862121
23IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security204902883
24IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics164652237
25Analytical Biochemistry9430205277
26IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems184267982
27IEEE Transactions on Services Computing154092827
27IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing84091919
29Neural Processing Letters3339326
30Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics43621.1K635
31IEEE Transactions on Multimedia4834024
32Soft Computing203223298
33International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics20310915
35Nature Electronics1288292166
36Knowledge-Based Systems15273838
37Applied Intelligence242601562
38Frontiers in Oncology82581.0K626
39Briefings in Bioinformatics1525745282
40Computers in Biology and Medicine823989230
40IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems8239165218
42Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine823771215
43Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications92347276
43Neural Computing and Applications2823417211
45IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience62312621
46IEEE Transactions on Computers8204229293
47International Journal of Remote Sensing9197229424
48Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling13194164711
49Artificial Intelligence in Medicine2185128101
50IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics9183193529
50Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry9183269244
53Applied Soft Computing Journal517578215
54IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks3170139320
55IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics1416432106
55IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering916498158
57IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing316313963
57IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems216312417
59Knowledge and Information Systems4158112109
60Biomedical Optics Express3151674417
61Medical Image Analysis4148205558
62IEEE Intelligent Systems11475121
62Pattern Analysis and Applications10147543
64Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence91436139
65Journal of Computer Science and Technology91394953
66Neural Networks6135120472
67Artificial Intelligence Review2133206184
67IET Computer Vision15133214
69Visual Computer81324163
70IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems7131170344
71PLoS ONE512928.6K38.4K
72Nucleic Acids Research112313.3K10.7K
73IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine2120130237
74Science China Information Sciences1211890174
74Multimedia Systems10118860
76IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology7117471858
78Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers26113428
79IEEE Communications Letters5110387372
79Translational Vision Science and Technology5110258172
81Scientific Reports610919.8K26.8K
81Lecture Notes in Computer Science16109276439
81Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design2109340266
84Wireless Personal Communications10108190217
85IEEE Signal Processing Letters10107119410
86Remote Sensing Letters111041459
87Security and Communication Networks7103115130
88Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association: JAMIA21018721.1K
88IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing1210140174
90IEEE Transactions on Communications499487526
90Journal of Membrane Biology399577749
90Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision39994111
93IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing6984580
94IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing297825786
95Concurrency Computation Practice and Experience995102168
96IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing4902976
97Human Brain Mapping1894.8K3.1K
97Signal Processing: Image Communication589922
99IEEE Transactions on Reliability384140168
100Electronics Letters1283479902
101IPSJ Transactions on Computer Vision and Applications28031
102IET Image Processing157914161
102IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica47996217
104Reviews in Aquaculture178228273
105Amino Acids3755391.0K
106BMC Bioinformatics2742.6K2.9K
108PLoS Computational Biology1734.2K3.8K
108IEEE Transactions on Big Data6732162
110Proceedings of the IEEE372289881
111IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement1271236796
112Optics Express4692.0K3.2K
113Computer Communications26755112
114International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology2662.1K1.7K
115Journal of Computational Chemistry1652.2K1.6K
115IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering2651.3K1.9K
117International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks96447168
117Machine Vision and Applications56423197
117IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles76447105
121Journal of Neuroscience Methods1612.5K1.7K
122Medical Physics7591.2K2.9K
122Vision Research259617813
122International Journal of Production Research2591.0K1.4K
125Wireless Networks85873322
125VLDB Journal158144151
127IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs556348468
128IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing355429593
129Brain Research1546.3K5.7K
129Electronics (Switzerland)9545091.3K
129IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics254215585
129ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology3541134
133Quantum Information Processing253484284
134Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking652110262
135Applied Physics Letters2506.8K8.2K
136IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications447528937
136International Journal of Intelligent Systems447186558
139International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence34697137
139IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics2461.3K2.3K
141Systems Science and Control Engineering14514446
142European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging1443.4K3.7K
142China Communications244222160
142Healthcare (Switzerland)1444.0K719
142Chinese Journal of Electronics6444339
146IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science1431.1K650
146Journal of Navigation14311884
146Journal of Grid Computing24358114
146IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering443170292
150ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information341395653
151Cognitive Computation34064221
152Journal of Electronic Imaging12391246
152IEEE Wireless Communications Letters239372337
152Journal of Advanced Transportation239301288
152Frontiers of Computer Science63954106
156IEEE Sensors Journal7386092.2K
156Cancer Medicine1385.8K4.1K
156Journal of Digital Imaging238365610
159Computers in Industry1373177
159IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters337563710
161IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications136724919
161Tsinghua Science and Technology6362466
163Applied Sciences (Switzerland)11351.4K6.8K
163OSA Continuum3354135
163Frontiers of Computer Science4351634
166Combinatorial Chemistry and High Throughput Screening334144240
167Magnetic Resonance Imaging1331.4K1.3K
167CAD Computer Aided Design33328127
167ACM Transactions on Graphics3331160
167Contrast Media and Molecular Imaging133453567
171Signal, Image and Video Processing73224257
171ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery From Data2323832
174International Journal of Theoretical Physics330465444
174Computational Biology and Chemistry130515504
176Transportation Research Record2291.0K1.4K
176Frontiers in Neuroscience2292.5K5.8K
178Physical Review E2283.9K5.7K
178Nonlinear Dynamics1282.3K2.2K
178International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowlege-Based Systems22892198
178Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry1281.9K2.9K
184Neuroscience Letters1276.3K7.2K
184Computer Graphics Forum52791434
184Physiological Measurement227338931
184IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting42765214
184Machine Learning327157531
189Modern Physics Letters B426328483
191Journal of Vision1252.3K1.1K
191Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology125332290
194IEEE Transactions on Information Theory1241.3K1.4K
194Cluster Computing424151630
194IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking224124181
197Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine4231311.2K
197IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management62358381
197Journal of Robotics2232658
197CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology22347146
201Journal of Signal Processing Systems122265184
203Applied Optics4211.8K5.6K
203IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics721101775
203Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science)8212149
203Optimization Methods and Software221217397
203Information Sciences12169214
209Computer Vision and Image Understanding220691
209Journal of Systems Architecture420264
209Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications120348281
209European Journal of Remote Sensing32027199
213Review of Scientific Instruments3191.9K4.2K
213IEEE Systems Journal3193491.1K
213Skin Research and Technology119680802
213IET Signal Processing219136289
213IET Intelligent Transport Systems319101482
213Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal1197251.3K
213Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery119210346
220International Journal of Automation and Computing218107302
220ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications31846197
222Journal of Theoretical Biology1172.1K3.4K
222International Journal of Systems Science2178741.5K
222Journal of Supercomputing4173181.1K
222Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems: Theory and Applications217383917
222Journal of Applied Remote Sensing61737283
222Journal of Medical Imaging117425479
222Eurasip Journal on Advances in Signal Processing117687761
230European Psychiatry1163.3K2.8K
230Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing31666268
230ACM Transactions on Internet Technology11659133
234Chinese Physics B215565737
234Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing1151.5K2.4K
234IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems215300239
234International Journal of Communication Systems215584982
234Engineering With Computers115564840
234Information Fusion11534199
234Annales Des Telecommunications/Annals of Telecommunications21558184
234Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering11599134
234IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences115195209
243Scientific World Journal, The4143725.2K
243IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology1147771.4K
243IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence31489296
246IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering213325792
246International Journal of General Systems113286418
246IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing213158631
246Computer Applications in Engineering Education113349483
246Journal of Intelligent Information Systems113205372
252Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders1122.0K3.6K
252Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems3128781.9K
252Information Processing and Management11218144
252Computers and Electrical Engineering11257191
252Applied Magnetic Resonance112518569
252Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control312229826
252International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems312169848
252Intelligent Data Analysis212117294
252Frontiers of Information Technology and Electronic Engineering41250307
261Mathematical Problems in Engineering4111.1K3.1K
261IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering3113331.6K
261Computational Intelligence211112453
265IET Communications2105201.1K
265Quality and Reliability Engineering International1109281.4K
265Automatic Control and Computer Sciences3103370
268BioMed Research International1911.9K24.3K
268Journal of Medical Systems197982.0K
268ISA Transactions199052.0K
268Journal of Global Optimization294651.1K
268Science China Earth Sciences19383661
268Mobile Networks and Applications39153791
268Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience492131.9K
268Software Testing Verification and Reliability1999180
276Analytica Chimica Acta183.1K7.6K
276Journal of the Physical Society of Japan484321.4K
276Chaos, Solitons and Fractals18124476
276Signal Processing1882300
276Journal of Mechanical Design, Transactions of the ASME186401.2K
276Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans181.2K2.4K
276Information and Software Technology182091
276Journal of Network and Computer Applications1880317
276Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine181.7K3.5K
276Molecular Informatics18328822
276International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology18489777
276International Journal of Semantic Computing281583
276International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems18170173
290Abstract and Applied Analysis27539867
290Journal of Applied Mathematics17569745
290Journal of Diabetes Research171.3K4.4K
290Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology17235668
290IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics17564879
290IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences47173300
290Fetal and Pediatric Pathology17393624
290International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing17224347
290Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems and Applications2767290
290Smart Medicine1759126
302International Journal of Computer Mathematics266591.5K
302Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing16140431
302Science China Technological Sciences166951.3K
302Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies263321.0K
302Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering1616395
302Frontiers in Robotics and AI16351947
302Scientia Sinica Informationis268378
302Xibei Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University264022
311Biomedizinische Technik15385672
311Journal of Modern Optics151.2K1.9K
311Journal of Microscopy258074.2K
311Neural Computation254902.1K
311Journal of Scientific Computing158261.2K
311IET Power Electronics157191.4K
311Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics156971.9K
311International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications1554198
311IET Wireless Sensor Systems1576287
311Journal of Difference Equations1513
311Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences157871.3K
311Computer-Aided Design and Applications1514
326Nature Communications1426.5K46.9K
326Software - Practice and Experience243401.1K
326Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing147791.9K
326Journal of Combinatorial Optimization14542859
326Journal of Marine Science and Engineering141.9K2.8K
326World Wide Web24139584
326Brain Connectivity146972.0K
326IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems2493416
326Automated Software Engineering2452286
326Earth Science Informatics14204605
326Frontiers of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in China: Selected Publications From Chinese Universities341687
326International Journal of Optomechatronics1464167
339Journal of Physics: Conference Series1038576.5K
339Optical Engineering234611.4K
339IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems13263347
339International Urology and Nephrology131.9K4.2K
339Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience13461424
339Canadian Mathematical Bulletin13580811
339IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems138961.9K
339IET Control Theory and Applications131.2K2.3K
339Asian Journal of Control138942.3K
339Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications133891.2K
339Journal of Field Robotics23128786
339IEEE MultiMedia1335142
339Journal of Real-Time Image Processing13218636
339National Science Review131.2K3.5K
339Interdisciplinary Sciences, Computational Life Sciences13225678
339Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere1380215
339Astronomy and Computing1374192
339IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine1368200
339International Journal of Smart and Nano Materials1369338
339Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering131.8K4.0K
339Visual Intelligence23213
360International Journal of Control121.6K3.0K
360ACS Omega129.1K19.6K
360Integrated Ferroelectrics128841.4K
360Journal of Coastal Research224621.7K
360Journal of Biomedical Informatics126662.8K
360Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences32144395
360Image and Vision Computing1226139
360Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing121.1K2.4K
360Cytometry Part A: the Journal of the International Society for Analytical Cytology121.2K4.1K
360Journal of Engineering12518960
360International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications127311.4K
360International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery127432.1K
360Optoelectronics Letters22194454
360International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science12257578
360Brain Imaging and Behavior121.2K3.0K
360International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering12207552
360Expert Systems125001.6K
360Imaging Science Journal2234293
360Scientific Programming124531.2K
360Cognitive Neurodynamics122871.0K
360Virtual Reality12163675
360International Journal of Online and Biomedical Engineering12107208
360International Journal of Computational Biology and Drug Design228148
360APSIPA Transactions on Signal and Information Processing1234109
360Complex & Intelligent Systems32107898
360Frontiers in Computer Science1226175
360Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering and Technology2289170
360IET Blockchain12523
360Humanities and Social Sciences Communications124871.0K
360Cybernetics and Information Technologies1276189
360IJCAI: Proceedings of the Conference1262178
360Journal of Central South University128971.9K
395AIP Conference Proceedings1111.8K10.7K
395Journal of Lightwave Technology111.5K2.7K
395IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics313041.3K
395Plant Cell Reports111.5K3.2K
395Computer Journal212241.3K
395International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences115911.0K
395Laser Physics Letters11302727
395Dentomaxillofacial Radiology116041.6K
395IETE Technical Review (Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, India)11206488
395Computational Optimization and Applications114571.1K
395ITM Web of Conferences11281320
395Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis2174331
395Empirical Software Engineering11233537
395Thermal Science215591.6K
395International Journal of Aerospace Engineering2172503
395CNS and Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets114201.4K
395Journal of Personalized Medicine113.9K9.7K
395Frontiers in Neurorobotics11251932
395Journal of Transportation Safety and Security2179438
395International Journal of Engineering Business Management1154222
395IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking11267613
395IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems311541.0K
395Advances in Multimedia1128236
395IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing11120311
395Data Science and Engineering1133160
395IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory and Applications2114214
395Applied Informatics21539
395CCF Transactions on High Performance Computing112677
395Biotechnology Letters112.3K5.7K
395Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications21168206
395Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine111683
426Physics of Plasmas101.9K3.9K
426Biological Psychiatry103.5K7.8K
426Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods102.2K4.0K
426Canadian Journal of Forest Research104311.5K
426Arabian Journal of Geosciences101.8K4.2K
426Chinese Medical Journal101.9K4.5K
426International Journal of Modern Physics C202461.4K
426IEEE Network2073415
426CNS Neuroscience and Therapeutics101.4K4.4K
426Instrumentation Science and Technology10309909
426Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology104471.4K
426Scientific Data102.4K7.3K
426Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems1038185
426Journal of Control Theory and Applications10162400
426Connection Science10158667
426Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems10127381
426ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology1050144
426IET Information Security10176558
426Multiagent and Grid Systems1049178
426Current Bioinformatics10191675
426SN Computer Science104581.2K
426Recent Patents on Engineering1070175
426Energy Storage10118557
426Fractal and Fractional109272.1K
426Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering10316218
426International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering10345769
426Intelligent and Converged Networks101355
426IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence3060564
426Machine Intelligence Research1026111