# | Title | Journal | Year | Citations |
1 | Revue méthodique de l’utilisation de la kétamine intraveineuse pour l’analgésie postopératoire | Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia | 2011 | 491 |
2 | Katayama syndrome | Lancet Infectious Diseases, The | 2007 | 302 |
3 | Past and Future Burden of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Based on Modeling of Population-Based Data | Gastroenterology | 2019 | 294 |
4 | Four Months of Rifampin or Nine Months of Isoniazid for Latent Tuberculosis in Adults | New England Journal of Medicine | 2018 | 284 |
5 | Effectiveness of home visiting programs on child outcomes: a systematic review | BMC Public Health | 2013 | 266 |
6 | Exercise Therapy for Fibromyalgia | Current Pain and Headache Reports | 2011 | 248 |
7 | Twenty-first Century Trends in the Global Epidemiology of Pediatric-Onset Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Systematic Review | Gastroenterology | 2022 | 248 |
8 | A Randomized, Controlled Trial of Doxycycline and Rifampin for Patients with Alzheimer's Disease | Journal of the American Geriatrics Society | 2004 | 212 |
9 | Home versus center based physical activity programs in older adults | The Cochrane Library | 2005 | 197 |
10 | Resistance exercise training for fibromyalgia | The Cochrane Library | 2014 | 167 |
11 | Applying Dynamic Simulation Modeling Methods in Health Care Delivery Research—The SIMULATE Checklist: Report of the ISPOR Simulation Modeling Emerging Good Practices Task Force | Value in Health | 2015 | 160 |
12 | The community and consumer food environment and children’s diet: a systematic review | BMC Public Health | 2014 | 154 |
13 | Effect of fructose on postprandial triglycerides: A systematic review and meta-analysis of controlled feeding trials | Atherosclerosis | 2014 | 149 |
14 | Association between personal exposure to volatile organic compounds and asthma among US adult population | International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health | 2007 | 135 |
15 | A case‐control study of smoking habits, dementia, and other illnesses in idiopathic Parkinson's disease | Neurology | 1987 | 133 |
16 | Social inclusion/exclusion: dancing the dialectic | Health Promotion International | 2004 | 131 |
17 | Review of Factors Influencing Women's Choice of Mastectomy Versus Breast Conserving Therapy in Early Stage Breast Cancer: A Systematic Review | Clinical Breast Cancer | 2018 | 130 |
18 | Communicating Quality of Life Information to Cancer Patients: A Study of Six Presentation Formats | Journal of Clinical Oncology | 2005 | 119 |
19 | Aquatic exercise training for fibromyalgia | The Cochrane Library | 2014 | 118 |
20 | Clinical–Pathological study of levodopa complications | Movement Disorders | 2002 | 117 |
21 | Gender, pregnancy and the uptake of antenatal care services in Pakistan | Sociology of Health and Illness | 2007 | 114 |
22 | Body mass index versus waist circumference as predictors of mortality in Canadian adults | International Journal of Obesity | 2012 | 113 |
23 | Selecting a Dynamic Simulation Modeling Method for Health Care Delivery Research—Part 2: Report of the ISPOR Dynamic Simulation Modeling Emerging Good Practices Task Force | Value in Health | 2015 | 111 |
24 | Patterns of Depression and Treatment in Pregnant and Postpartum Women | Canadian Journal of Psychiatry | 2012 | 110 |
25 | What Determines the Quality of Life of Terminally Ill Cancer Patients from Their Own Perspective? | Journal of Palliative Care | 2002 | 103 |
26 | Food, Cooking Skills, and Health: A Literature Review | Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research | 2010 | 99 |
27 | QOLLTI-F: measuring family carer quality of life | Palliative Medicine | 2006 | 93 |
28 | Rural and Urban Residence During Early Life is Associated with Risk of Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Population-Based Inception and Birth Cohort Study | American Journal of Gastroenterology | 2017 | 92 |
29 | Prevalence of Antenatal Depression in Women Enrolled in an Outreach Program in Canada | JOGNN - Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing | 2006 | 90 |
30 | Examining the Association and Directionality between Mental Health Disorders and Substance Use among Adolescents and Young Adults in the U.S. and Canada—A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis | Journal of Clinical Medicine | 2018 | 89 |
31 | Call for transparency of COVID-19 models | Science | 2020 | 87 |
32 | Physicians' attitudes toward evidence based obstetric practice: a questionnaire survey | BMJ: British Medical Journal | 1998 | 87 |
33 | Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome: a narrative review | Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia | 2001 | 86 |
34 | Components of Sleep Quality and Sleep Fragmentation in Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis | Musculoskeletal Care | 2011 | 85 |
35 | Self-directed learning readiness of Indian medical students: a mixed method study | BMC Medical Education | 2018 | 85 |
36 | Radon exposure is rising steadily within the modern North American residential environment, and is increasingly uniform across seasons | Scientific Reports | 2019 | 81 |
37 | Trends in overweight and obesity among adults in Canada (1970–1992): evidence from national surveys using measured height and weight | International Journal of Obesity | 2002 | 80 |
38 | Comparison of survey and physician claims data for detecting hypertension | Journal of Clinical Epidemiology | 1997 | 78 |
39 | Understanding the health of Indigenous peoples in Canada: key methodological and conceptual challenges | Cmaj | 2006 | 75 |
40 | Bike Score®: Associations between urban bikeability and cycling behavior in 24 cities | International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity | 2016 | 75 |
41 | Retail food environments research in Canada: A scoping review | Canadian Journal of Public Health | 2016 | 72 |
42 | Overview of model validation for survival regression model with competing risks using melanoma study data | Annals of Translational Medicine | 2018 | 72 |
43 | Does Medical Training Promote or Deter Self-Directed Learning? A Longitudinal Mixed-Methods Study | Academic Medicine | 2013 | 71 |
44 | Body Mass Index and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease, Cancer and All-cause Mortality | Canadian Journal of Public Health | 2012 | 70 |
45 | From “Thrifty Genotype” to “Hefty Fetal Phenotype”: The Relationship Between High Birthweight and Diabetes in Saskatchewan Registered Indians | Canadian Journal of Public Health | 2001 | 69 |
46 | Survival impact of surgical resection of primary tumor in patients with stage IV colorectal cancer: Results from a large population‐based cohort study | Cancer | 2014 | 68 |
47 | Positive Human Health Effects of Dust Suppression with Canola Oil in Swine Barns | American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine | 1997 | 67 |
48 | Rethinking the basis of medical knowledge | Medical Education | 2011 | 66 |
49 | Inequalities in the psychological well-being of employed, single and partnered mothers: the role of psychosocial work quality and work-family conflict | International Journal for Equity in Health | 2010 | 64 |
50 | The potential modal shift and health benefits of implementing a public bicycle share program in Montreal, Canada | International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity | 2013 | 64 |