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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations35405619
2Journal of Mathematical Biology7380154112
3Journal of Mathematical Physics3834936173
4Designs, Codes, and Cryptography223291918
5Discrete Applied Mathematics2031931
6Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis8281124149
7IEEE Transactions on Information Theory2526399384
7Communications in Mathematical Physics5263333266
9IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing12582.0K450
10Communications in Partial Differential Equations72508773
11Mathematical Biosciences324917777
12IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems2224976393
13Discrete Mathematics2321632
15BMC Bioinformatics72026521.3K
16Mathematische Zeitschrift8194208115
16Advanced Nonlinear Studies1219437
18IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics11932.0K970
19Science China Mathematics201863840
20Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences3018342173
21Zeitschrift Fur Angewandte Mathematik Und Physik141774970
22Nucleic Acids Research117513.5K8.9K
23International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering5174273185
24Linear and Multilinear Algebra241732253
24Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society1617375
26Mathematische Annalen5124245199
26Communications in Contemporary Mathematics9124826
28Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica281201321
29Inverse Problems611966142
30Graphs and Combinatorics32118839
31Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series241174250
33Numerical Linear Algebra With Applications211021293
34Inventiones Mathematicae1101323236
34IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics1210141190
36Journal of Combinatorial Optimization161002585
37European Physical Journal Plus1971.3K303
38Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics189614123
39International Journal of Quantum Chemistry694571631
40Journal of Theoretical Biology591406986
41Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods2290110345
41Journal of Differential Equations190252
41Annales De L'Institut Henri Poincare (C) Analyse Non Lineaire69037106
44Journal of Scientific Computing987161299
45Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences478113216
45Journal of Biological Systems3784427
47Science in China Series A: Mathematics6746855
48Statistics and Probability Letters7702917
49Acta Mathematica Scientia2669313
50Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering96881176
51Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications467497655
52Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing36627286
53Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics5653.1K5.1K
53Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences4659830
55Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society564224130
55Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications4643252
57International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health26115.2K9.7K
57Cryptography and Communications6612023
59International Journal of Computer Mathematics860125236
59Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization86046113
61Scientific Reports65920.3K40.3K
62Journal of Graph Theory125789272
63Applicable Analysis205619223
63Insurance: Mathematics and Economics2568162
65Geometriae Dedicata555151126
66Theory in Biosciences3542768
68Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation1532.6K2.6K
69Frontiers in Genetics4511.1K3.0K
69European Journal of Combinatorics6514028
69Acta Applicandae Mathematicae65158138
69Journal of Geometric Analysis135159143
73IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics7491470
75Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications247538621
77IET Control Theory and Applications1441.2K804
77Cancer Management and Research1441.4K770
80Communications in Mathematical Sciences6437292
81International Journal of Systems Science1421.4K736
82Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics141239270
84Computational and Applied Mathematics4402153
86Journal of Chemical Physics2375.5K7.0K
86Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine237430710
88Physical Review A1363.8K3.3K
88Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society236199107
90Communications in Algebra1235258551
90Journal of Computational Biology235360704
90Constructive Approximation135250194
93International Journal of Control2341.0K1.2K
93Annali Di Matematica Pura Ed Applicata43451116
95Abstract and Applied Analysis733258355
95Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry3339089
97Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems332229289
99Journal of Systems Science and Complexity83148165
99Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communications and Computing5311875
101Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics230405494
101Asian Journal of Mathematics4302024
103Dalton Transactions1295.2K5.3K
103Journal of Mathematical Chemistry329281333
105Journal of Applied Physics1289.2K9.0K
105Communications in Statistics Part B: Simulation and Computation528339632
105Quantum Information Processing528198486
109Journal of Physical Chemistry A4272.1K6.4K
109Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications327100165
109Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference2277250
109Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations327138248
109Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems4277673
114Semigroup Forum126482202
114Journal of Advances in Mathematics and Computer Science326112
116International Journal of Biomathematics62537175
117BMC Systems Biology2244641.6K
117Journal of Biological Dynamics42453269
117Advances in Difference Equations524355674
120IEEE Access3234.9K6.7K
120Archiv Der Mathematik923117360
120Monatshefte Fur Mathematik423148233
120Advances in Computational Mathematics323164363
120Frontiers of Mathematics in China82347129
120Journal of the Korean Statistical Society3233216
126Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision1221.4K1.6K
126IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics2227921.6K
126Computational Biology and Chemistry222188759
126Studies in Applied Mathematics22268100
130Briefings in Bioinformatics5213132.3K
130Journal of Time Series Analysis121166133
130Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics421108245
130Human Systems Management1219268
134Statistics in Medicine2191.9K3.4K
134Statistical Papers419126360
136Bulletin of Mathematical Biology2185571.3K
136Journal of Geometry and Physics21894112
136Journal D'Analyse Mathematique318126261
136Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics118157120
140IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence1171.2K1.9K
140Journal of Applied Statistics117988799
140Journal of Nonparametric Statistics61742289
140Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering217138313
140British Journal of Mathematics & Computer Science2176824
145Physical Review E1165.7K7.2K
145Molecular Physics1162.1K2.5K
145Forum Mathematicum41678186
145Pacific Journal of Mathematics116317117
145Annales Fennici Mathematici21694
151PLoS ONE21563.9K64.8K
151Plant, Cell and Environment1152.2K4.7K
151Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society Series A Pure Mathematics and Statistics115114104
155Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society414214553
155Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation1141.1K972
155Molecular BioSystems1141.4K3.0K
155Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society214147196
155Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior1147151.5K
155Journal of Combinatorial Designs51480198
155Boundary Value Problems514158334
162Mathematical Problems in Engineering5131.1K3.1K
162International Journal of Climatology1131.6K2.9K
162Manuscripta Mathematica313200368
162Canadian Journal of Mathematics313157372
162Compositio Mathematica113269342
167Applied Mathematics Letters112460579
167Journal of Magnetic Resonance1128841.3K
167Journal of Difference Equations and Applications112500508
167Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds212425690
167Computational Statistics212202453
167Advances in Nonlinear Analysis41234194
167International Mathematics Research Notices112540424
175BMC Genomics1116.4K11.5K
175Applied Mathematical Modelling11147202
175Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics2111.9K5.5K
175Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity2112.1K8.4K
175International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks1117561.1K
175International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction111314725
175BMC Medical Genomics1111.2K2.8K
175Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations111115132
184Annales Henri Poincare310104296
184International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education110381713
184Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B4102672
184Science Bulletin2108541.7K
188Computers and Mathematics With Applications19494876
188Nonlinear Dynamics291.5K3.4K
188Computational Statistics and Data Analysis29194616
188Journal of Applied Mathematics39335878
188Journal of Business and Economic Statistics29308797
188Potential Analysis29167333
188Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems9926236
188Lifetime Data Analysis19301411
197International Journal of Cancer1813.4K26.3K
197Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition)38337860
197Canadian Journal of Statistics28272690
197International Journal of Game Theory18278426
197Statistics and Computing18473725
197Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena18193388
197Current Bioinformatics18189248
204Canadian Mathematical Bulletin27347568
204SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems177955
204Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics176971.8K
204Studia Mathematica17404482
204Visual Computing for Industry, Biomedicine, and Art173886
204European Physical Journal A17391557
212International Journal of Theoretical Physics161.0K1.1K
212Communications in Theoretical Physics16337465
212Journal of Inequalities and Applications46479985
212Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations36171410
212Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment166781.5K
212ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis16196405
212Acta Biotheoretica16125378
212East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics1660103
212Acta Arithmetica26277430
212Water Waves161928
212Electronic Research Archive4646165
212Documenta Mathematica16119153
225Applied Mathematics and Computation1582266
225Modern Physics Letters B151.1K1.5K
225Biometrical Journal151.1K1.6K
225Journal Fur Die Reine Und Angewandte Mathematik25204448
225Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences14520240
225Journal of Global Optimization157491.3K
225Quaestiones Mathematicae15358342
225Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications35142528
225ESAIM - Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations15195323
225Analysis Mathematica2553147
225Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics15198305
225Advances in Mathematical Physics25234589
225Statistics and Its Interface25183338
225Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S45788
242Hearing Research141.4K3.3K
242Numerical Algorithms244551.3K
242Probability Theory and Related Fields14342568
242Statistical Methods in Medical Research245922.2K
242Educational Studies in Mathematics14352757
242International Journal of Number Theory24192454
242Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal3496389
242Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications4427334
242Statistics in Biosciences14142328
242Journal of Scientific Research and Reports4422172
242Journal of International Business Research and Marketing1448
242Applied Physics1411
242Computational and Applied Mathematics24360681
242Journal of Taibah University for Science14426874
257International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences236431.2K
257Education and Information Technologies135661.7K
257Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography13355463
257IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences23343522
257Journal of Genetics and Genomics136882.1K
257Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience131.3K2.8K
257Algebras and Representation Theory23173412
257Algebra Colloquium4368328
257Frontiers of Computer Science13257492
257Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics135521
257Current Medical Science13364833
257Journal of Physics A13377807
257Methods and Applications of Analysis2316101
257Advances in Mathematics of Communications13158
257SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences136074
273Journal of Statistical Physics129001.8K
273Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling122.7K6.5K
273British Journal of Psychology124421.2K
273Results in Mathematics12630846
273Discrete and Computational Geometry12452743
273Algebra and Logic123955
273IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics121.2K2.8K
273Journal of Theoretical Probability12386645
273Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics12305596
273Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications22122354
273Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics12131241
273International Journal of Genomics121881.2K
273Journal of Function Spaces and Applications2227150
273Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis221070
273IEEE Transactions on Big Data12181442
273Journal of the Indian Society for Probability and Statistics123752
273Communications in Analysis and Geometry12149225
273Mathematical and Computational Applications12297598
273Series on Mathematical Education122715
293SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics11114212
293Israel Journal of Mathematics116331.1K
293Acta Mathematica Hungarica116861.1K
293SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis3142145
293International Journal of Energy Research112.5K6.5K
293International Journal of Modern Physics C114601.3K
293Quarterly Journal of Mathematics11176369
293International Journal of Communication Systems111.0K2.4K
293Nagoya Mathematical Journal11273481
293Mathematical Intelligencer11224411
293Statistica Neerlandica11253748
293Indagationes Mathematicae1164211
293Ramanujan Journal11400641
293Chinese Annals of Mathematics Series B5159460
293Scandinavian Journal of Statistics11403977
293Journal of Group Theory3176329
293Complex Analysis and Operator Theory4196599
293European Journal of Applied Mathematics11291714
293Journal of Differential Geometry11104204
293Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica1151120
293Mathematical Modelling and Analysis11169491
293Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management1143154
293Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems311114
293Journal of Resources and Ecology11115226
293Journal of Probability and Statistics2142382
293Sankhya A1192223
293Ars Mathematica Contemporanea112672
293Eurasip Journal on Advances in Signal Processing116881.7K
293Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society11205374
324Journal of Physics: Conference Series107.2K12.1K
324International Journal of Molecular Sciences1039.5K63.1K
324Physica Scripta101.1K2.9K
324EPJ Web of Conferences101.4K2.0K
324Journal of the London Mathematical Society1036125
324Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics108541.2K
324Mathematische Nachrichten303191.6K
324Duke Mathematical Journal10142305
324Mathematics and Computers in Simulation10184854
324SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing10137286
324SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics1092169
324Progress in Natural Science: Materials International2087744
324Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics105941.2K
324International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation10247759
324Calcutta Statistical Association Bulletin10102236
324Tehnicki Vjesnik10401810
324Journal of the European Mathematical Society10717
324Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications30124667
324Annals of Combinatorics10263628
324International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems10118332
324Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis10127228
324Vietnam Journal of Mathematics10129403
324Analysis in Theory and Applications1064152
324International Journal of Biostatistics1087406
324Journal of Mathematics106821.4K
324Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences1058111
324Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences104185
324Inverse Problems and Imaging1029101
324Mathematical Research Letters10239479
324European Scientific Journal10298685
324WIT Transactions on Information and Communication Technologies20332268
324International Journal of Innovation and Economic Development101550
324Electronic Journal of Combinatorics10122200
324Letters in Mathematical Physics10458866
324IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology109771.9K
324Electronic Journal of Combinatorics10103274