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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces48946.0K1.6K
2Journal of Physical Chemistry C88752.6K1.1K
3Science of the Total Environment128521.5K1.0K
4Environmental Science & Technology57752.8K1.9K
5Journal of the American Chemical Society36056.3K4.3K
6Journal of Hazardous Materials64171.3K1.4K
7Advanced Materials34004.5K4.3K
8Angewandte Chemie - International Edition63863.6K4.5K
9Advanced Functional Materials43753.4K2.9K
11Journal of Management in Engineering - ASCE22799224
12Production and Operations Management1257511212
13Computers and Education12541211
16Advanced Electronic Materials2228748217
17International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health171871.5K3.1K
18Nano Letters31813.1K5.1K
19Applied Physics Letters21696.9K4.0K
20Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing31641731
21PLoS ONE916121.0K37.5K
22Solar Rrl2160842276
23Advanced Optical Materials11472.8K1.0K
24Energy and Environmental Science21461.3K2.2K
25Organic Letters21443.7K2.8K
26Analytica Chimica Acta21411.9K1.4K
27Advanced Materials Technologies2134976382
28American Journal of Psychiatry11322.8K3.3K
29Journal of the Urban Planning and Development Division, ASCE11309913
30Journal of Materials Chemistry A41282.8K3.9K
31Journal of Construction Engineering and Management - ASCE3126135172
33Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research7112226
34Informační Materiály2108170349
36Environmental Pollution31042.1K3.4K
36Asia Pacific Education Review210410346
38Journal of Colloid and Interface Science21033.2K3.4K
39Analytical Chemistry31004.9K8.1K
40Cancer Research19113.3K16.3K
40Journal of Business Ethics491151538
42Journal of Applied Polymer Science4902.9K3.0K
43IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems388826905
43Education Sciences688189115
45Journal of China Tourism Research98614
45Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science286115
48Patient Education and Counseling1821.6K837
48Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence18255083
50Medical Engineering and Physics279371359
51Journal of the American Ceramic Society2772.6K2.5K
52Human Resource Management174349392
53Angewandte Chemie6733.6K4.5K
54Frontiers in Psychology6721.7K3.6K
54International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration57227
56Australasian Marketing Journal1712522
57Journal of Applied Physics4684.1K5.4K
58Journal of Environmental Management2662.1K3.9K
59Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change46435
60Maritime Policy and Management46350113
61Environment International1623.4K4.4K
61Journal of Clinical Nursing2621.5K1.9K
61Coloration Technology26211776
61Journal of Addiction Medicine162597330
66Journal of Travel Research161124165
67Journal of Further and Higher Education16020150
68Electronics (Switzerland)3592.2K1.3K
68Journal of Vacation Marketing259222
71Advances in Colloid and Interface Science158447988
73Chemical Communications2565.7K7.0K
73British Journal of Educational Psychology156429394
73International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment15610444
73APL Photonics156519217
77Australasian journal of optometry, The45586133
78Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental1532.4K2.7K
78International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics353310507
80Journal of Advanced Nursing2521.4K2.3K
80IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics2527921.0K
80Nurse Education in Practice152438315
83HVAC and R Research151159102
84Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics1502.9K3.3K
85Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America24925.4K61.3K
85International Journal of Hospitality Management2491165
87RSC Advances4486.2K10.1K
87Carbohydrate Polymers1484.3K6.2K
90British Journal of Social Work247116220
91Education and Information Technologies345185350
92Advances in Materials Science and Engineering1431.3K454
93International Journal of Pavement Engineering342230318
94Medicine (United States)2417.8K7.6K
94International Journal of Biological Macromolecules1416.8K8.2K
94Diabetic Medicine1412.7K3.1K
94Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering241289446
94Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education54146
99Journal of Physical Chemistry A2403.4K5.2K
99ACS Nano2405.8K13.6K
99Advanced Science2403.6K6.2K
102Polymer Chemistry1382.0K2.0K
102British Journal of Educational Technology63853360
102Journal of Sustainable Tourism138186388
105Journal of Business Finance and Accounting137235348
105Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology337114116
107Food Research International1361.4K2.2K
107Journal of Marketing Management2362179
110Frontiers in Pharmacology2353.3K6.4K
110International Journal of Consumer Studies33550346
112Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy1344.8K6.0K
112Journal of Materials Chemistry C2343.0K4.2K
112Human Resource Development Quarterly1348593
112Energy Material Advances1345153
116Inorganic Chemistry1336.2K7.3K
117IEEE Access4323.9K5.6K
117Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety1323.6K5.2K
117Tourism Management1321265
117Macromolecular Materials and Engineering1321.1K1.2K
117Service Industries Journal132131232
122Physical Review Letters1315.9K8.2K
124Physical Review B2304.7K6.3K
124ELT Journal230112455
124Aging Cell1302.5K4.9K
127ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering1295.2K6.9K
127Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality and Tourism629442
129IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing1282.0K1.9K
130Green Chemistry1273.0K4.2K
130Advanced Healthcare Materials1273.9K5.9K
130Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Geotechnical Engineering127142104
133Tourism Economics126157198
135Decision Sciences1258511.6K
138Journal of Chemical Education2241.4K1.7K
138Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education42438387
138Acta Ophthalmologica124405582
138IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics2241.3K2.8K
144Journal of Ethnopharmacology1233.5K5.9K
144Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management122311
147Applied Sciences (Switzerland)5224.4K10.7K
147International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance12296102
149European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering121433349
149International Journal of Tourism Research52114281
151European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry2202.7K6.7K
151Arthritis Care and Research1207371.1K
151Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare1205531.5K
151Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management120213458
151Journal of Teaching in Travel and Tourism1201215
156Journal of Biomechanics1192.4K3.8K
156Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine1194.3K5.6K
156Higher Education119518950
156BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies119666488
160Marine Drugs1183.4K5.0K
160Road Materials and Pavement Design118419556
164Journal of Transportation Engineering21774340
164Journal of Marine Science and Engineering6173781.3K
164Healthcare (Switzerland)1174.8K2.3K
167Research in Developmental Disabilities1161.0K2.0K
167Transportation Research, Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review1162878
167Growth and Change216215518
167Qualitative Social Work1162639
167International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal11687239
173Scientific Reports31534.3K64.8K
173Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation1152.1K4.3K
173Behaviour Research and Therapy1158061.5K
173Pharmaceutical Biology1151.5K3.0K
173Earthquake Spectra115302476
173Nanoscale Horizons1154741.1K
180Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions ASME1141.3K1.6K
180Quality and Quantity114576737
180European Journal of Preventive Cardiology1141.4K2.4K
180Environmental Science: Nano1141.1K1.7K
180Australian Journal of Management11450103
180GIScience and Remote Sensing114236475
180Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality and Tourism314356
180Contemporary Management Research11423
189Polymer Engineering and Science1131.9K2.7K
189Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine1133.4K4.2K
189ACS Energy Letters1131.8K3.4K
189Linguistics and Education1131561
189Services Marketing Quarterly1133045
196Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy1123.5K5.7K
196Journal of Sports Sciences1121.3K2.6K
196International Review of Education112123232
196ACS Photonics1121.6K3.1K
196European Journal of Sport Science1127381.3K
196SN Computer Science312137287
196Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences2121127
204Journal of Cell Science1116.3K12.6K
204Public Relations Review1112358
204Geriatrics and Gerontology International1111.2K2.0K
204Micro and Nano Letters111894977
204Social and Environmental Accountability Journal1111223
204Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research11196170
211Clinical Nurse Specialist110144284
211International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology21089298
211Journal of Computational Design and Engineering110232353
214Journal of Chromatography A193.6K7.0K
214Chemistry - an Asian Journal192.3K4.3K
214Journal of the Textile Institute29210695
214Current Pharmaceutical Design192.0K5.0K
214Tourism and Hospitality Research191259
214Journal of Transportation Engineering Part A: Systems198996
214Physical Review Research191.1K1.3K
224Electronics Letters182.9K3.4K
224Environmental Science and Pollution Research1810.0K15.5K
224Social Science and Medicine183.0K7.1K
224Waste Management181.4K4.5K
224Polymers for Advanced Technologies181.8K3.3K
224Physical Review Applied181.3K2.0K
224Environmental Science and Technology Letters186141.6K
224Technology, Knowledge and Learning2813212
224Journal of Population Ageing1847112
235Review of Policy Research17519868
235World Englishes17116249
235Educational Research17194441
235Journal of Computer Assisted Learning17354956
235Quarterly Review of Film and Video173249
235Journal of Intergenerational Relationships37293
235International Journal of Construction Management17258486
235Corporate Reputation Review172173
235Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Engineering Sustainability1772156
235PsyCh Journal27137431
235IJCAI: Proceedings of the Conference17323268
249Procedia, Social and Behavioral Sciences16376636
249Aerosol Science and Technology167131.6K
249Tourism Recreation Research1642192
249Business Strategy and the Environment163991.1K
249Leisure Studies16115408
249Design Issues163931.2K
249World Electric Vehicle Journal16331414
249Current Opinion in Supportive and Palliative Care16212691
249Violence and Victims16162466
249Parkinson's Disease163581.0K
249Journal of Communication in Healthcare1656149
249ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering1672115
263Transportation Research Record151.6K2.8K
263Land Use Policy15159747
263Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports151.8K4.3K
263Journal of Food Biochemistry258223.7K
263International Review for the Sociology of Sport152781
263Studies in Continuing Education1556186
263Journal of International Consumer Marketing1535147
263Knowledge Management Research and Practice1546224
263Polar Geography1560159
263Journal of Social Work in Disability and Rehabilitation151285
263Global Mental Health (Cambridge, England)15429465
263World Sustainability Series153216
263Educational Communications and Technology Yearbook15103
277Gait and Posture141.4K3.5K
277Journal of Nanomaterials141.8K4.5K
277Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures148001.8K
277Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures148791.7K
277BMC Geriatrics142.4K5.0K
277Educational Technology Research and Development14304845
277Journal of Social Service Research14104375
277Asia Pacific Journal of Management1485261
277Asia Pacific Journal of Education2463346
277Service Business1430145
277Intercultural Pragmatics141352
277International Journal of Bioprinting1438164
277JASA Express Letters14113102
291IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science134.2K2.8K
291Psychology and Marketing13114401
291International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems136561.3K
291Soccer and Society2335365
291Journal of Trauma and Dissociation13211700
291International Journal of Technology and Design Education13188518
291Journal of Community Practice1339212
291Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics13361912
291Cogent Education13444756
291Journal of Asia-Pacific Business131559
291Venture Capital1327100
291European Journal for Sport and Society132191
291Journal of Sustainable Finance and Investment131299
291Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing13917
291Emerging Science Journal1395296
291Tourism and Hospitality131739
309Nature Communications1227.0K48.0K
309Academic Medicine122.3K5.9K
309ACS Catalysis123.8K7.6K
309Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society225401.2K
309European Legacy1292132
309ACS Chemical Neuroscience122.4K6.1K
309Engineering Optimization125651.6K
309Community College Journal of Research and Practice12209544
309Research on Social Work Practice1281384
309Chinese Journal of Geophysics12264446
309Journal of Asian and African Studies1275272
309Deviant Behavior12187487
309Review of International Economics12256559
309Current Issues in Tourism12263933
309IET Image Processing127812.1K
309International Journal of Art and Design Education1259282
309Computers and Composition12117
309Communist and Post-Communist Studies12107349
309Journal of Consumer Behaviour1295517
309International Journal of Leadership in Education1278270
309Journal of Access Services12215
309Journal of Technology and Science Education121163
309International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics12865
309Asian-Pacific Journal of Second and Foreign Language Education122260
309Journal of China Computer-assisted Language Learning1258
309Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Transactions of the Chinese Institute of Engineers,Series A/Chung-kuo Kung Ch'eng Hsuch K'an12463854
338Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres112.4K5.1K
338International Journal of Geomechanics11294724
338Brain and Behavior112.3K7.8K
338IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering117961.7K
338Nursing Philosophy11170535
338International Journal of Aerospace Engineering11199521
338Journal of the Knowledge Economy11147570
338Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management1143154
338Journal of Applied Economics1150198
338Tourism Review International11530
338Educational and Training Technology International11521
338Journal of Transportation Engineering Part B: Pavements1151128
338International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching11743
338Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area1124
338International Journal of Adult Education and Technology1113
338The Journal of Gambling Business and Economics111029
338Governance and Citizenship in Asia1152
338Advanced Photonics Research113771.2K
338IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management114781.3K
338Advanced Sensor Research1165297
338Battery Energy1171346
338Carbon Neutralization1194256
363Journal of Physics: Conference Series204.5K12.1K
363Review of Scientific Instruments104.2K9.6K
363IEEE Transactions on Image Processing101.3K2.8K
363Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society101.6K4.0K
363Cognition and Emotion105511.5K
363Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health103211.2K
363Journal of Medicine and Philosophy1096412
363Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics203401.2K
363Journal of Composites for Construction10133330
363Asia Pacific Viewpoint1073342
363Event Management102971
363East Asia1019121
363Cogent Social Sciences103831.1K
363Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis10127228
363London Review of Education101448
363International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy102489
363Journal of Asian Public Policy1043234
363Urban Science2080772
363Digital Health107422.4K
363European Review of Aging and Physical Activity1063423
363Lecture Notes in Educational Technology102460
363Tourism, Culture and Communication10216
363Complex & Intelligent Systems103611.1K
363Language and Linguistics1028
363Advances in Logistics, Operations, and Management Science Book Series105086
363Advances in Higher Education and Professional Development Book Series20744
363Advances in Healthcare Information Systems and Administration Book Series101738
363Himalayan Journal of Applied Science and Engineering1036
363INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings1019037
363Chem Catalysis10103282
363PUPIL International Journal of Teaching Education and Learning102246
363Maritime Technology and Research10727
363Humanities and Social Sciences Communications105551.6K
363InterMeio: Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação - UFMS1010
363ABAC Journal1012