
The purpose of this study is to analyze the current state of accounting education system in the cyber environment and to provide improvement for students who are office workers. The results of this study can be summarized as follows. First, most students studying accounting in cyber university are office workers in their thirties. Second, they are not content with their cyber course because there is little interest and participation from student in learning. Also, they have little learning achievement rate. Third, they want to learn practice-centered education. Therefore, it can consider being invited accounting experts such as an extensive hands-on experience CPA. Moreover, they think the most important skills of accounting experts are quantitative, analytical and decision-making skills as well as working motivations, communication skills. Finally, they want to open additional courses to improve the ability of experts such as financial analysis, tax strategies, business strategy and planning, strategic cost management in order.


일반대학, 사이버대학, 회계학교육


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