Impact of the Water Bodies (Lake of Habbaniyah and Lake of Tharthar) on the Levels of the Euphrates River


  • سجى حامد حماد عبد الفهداوي Saja Hamed Humad
  • سعدي عبد عودة Dr. Sa'di Abid Uda



This thesis aims to show the role of the water bodies of the Euphrates River levels in Anbar province by studying the characteristics of the Euphrates River water drainage and focusing on the problem of temporal and spatial change of river levels starting from a Haditha station through Ramadi and Nazim Al-Warar to Habbaniyah Lake and Nazim Al Zaban ending with Al Therthar lake. Moreover, the study of this subject was taken in depth after using scientific data, field studies and conducting explorations through images, maps, graphs and tables to reach satisfactory results. Therefore, the first chapter deals with the natural characteristics of the study area. The second chapter related with the concept of hydraulics of the Euphrates River and chapter three is about assessing the quality of water of the Euphrates River. And the final chapter focuses on the study of the geomorphological aspects of the Euphrates River.


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Author Biographies

  • سجى حامد حماد عبد الفهداوي, Saja Hamed Humad

    Saja Hamed Humad

  • سعدي عبد عودة, Dr. Sa'di Abid Uda

    Dr. Sa'di Abid Uda


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How to Cite

Impact of the Water Bodies (Lake of Habbaniyah and Lake of Tharthar) on the Levels of the Euphrates River. (2018). Al-Adab Journal, 1(124), 387-402.

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