This chapter throws light on the cyber laws. The laws are always meant to protect people. Cyber laws protect the people who all use the Internet. Not only to the businesses or the technocrats, but they also protect the common man like you and me who are using the internet extensively. People also call the cyber laws as ‘laws of the Internet.’ All Internet users need to understand the laws and their purpose. The cyber laws also include cybercrime and cybersecurity. Cybersecurity measures can protect everyone from cybercrime. Cybercrimes include harassment, defaming, nuisance creation, and so on. Cybercrimes happen even against the governments. Data privacy is one of the most spoken about topics in the recent past, and cyber laws focus on this. The most important and must focus aspect of the cyberlaw is the intellectual property (IP). IP rights are classified as copyrights, patents, jurisdiction, terms and contracts, employment agreements and clauses, and so on.