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Cyber-Bullying and Schools in an Electronic Era

Technology and Education: Issues in Administration, Policy, and Applications in K12 Schools

ISBN: 978-0-76231-280-1, eISBN: 978-1-84950-393-8

Publication date: 27 March 2006


Recent reports in the news media indicates a vast majority of children are connected to the Internet and the World Wide Web. As more children connect online, they bring their behaviors that were once principally face-to-face, to the Internet. This chapter is concerned with online aggression, specifically school age bullying. Children's capacity to bully their peers is growing because of increased use of electronic and wireless information communication technologies. Anonymity provides a venue to engage in risky cyber-bullying for today's children. Schools district need to be aware of the dangers and psychological effects of cyber-bullying.


Tettegah, S.Y., Betout, D. and Renee Taylor, K. (2006), "Cyber-Bullying and Schools in an Electronic Era", Tettegah, S.Y. and Hunter, R.C. (Ed.) Technology and Education: Issues in Administration, Policy, and Applications in K12 Schools (Advances in Educational Administration, Vol. 8), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 17-28.



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