Journal of Reproduction and Development
Online ISSN : 1348-4400
Print ISSN : 0916-8818
ISSN-L : 0916-8818
Neural Encoding of Olfactory Recognition Memory
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2005 Volume 51 Issue 5 Pages 547-558


Our work with both sheep and mouse models has revealed many of the neural substrates and signalling pathways involved in olfactory recognition memory in the main olfactory system. A distributed neural system is required for initial memory formation and its short-term retention-the olfactory bulb, piriform and entorhinal cortices and hippocampus. Following memory consolidation, after 8 h or so, only the olfactory bulb and piriform cortex appear to be important for effective recall. Similarly, whereas the glutamate-NMDA/AMPA receptor-nitric oxide (NO)-cyclic GMP signalling pathway is important for memory formation it is not involved in recall post-consolidation. Here, within the olfactory bulb, up-regulation of class 1 metabotropic glutamate receptors appears to maintain the enhanced sensitivity at the mitral to granule cell synapses required for effective memory recall. Recently we have investigated whether fluctuating sex hormone levels during the oestrous cycle modulate olfactory recognition memory and the different neural substrates and signalling pathways involved. These studies have used two robust models of social olfactory memory in the mouse which either involve social or non social odours (habituation-dishabituation and social transmission of food preference tasks). In both cases significant improvement of learning retention occurs when original learning takes place during the proestrus phase of the ovarian cycle. This is probably the result of oestrogen changes at this time since transgenic mice lacking functional expression of oestrogen receptors (ERα and ERβ, the two main oestrogen receptor sub-types) have shown problems in social recognition. Therefore, oestrogen appears to act at the level of the olfactory bulb by modulating both noradrenaline and the glutamate/NO signalling pathway.

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© 2005 Society for Reproduction and Development

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