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Most Cited Articles of The Paleontological Society Special Publications

A Temporal Hierarchy of Paleoecologic Processes Within a Middle Devonian Epeiric Sea199022
Dinosaur Bone Histology: Implications and Inferences199419
Description of a Quantitative Approach to Taphonomy and Taphofacies Analysis: All Dead Things Are Not Created Equal199016
Hierarchy, Individuality and Paleoecosystems199014
Multivariate Methods of Analyzing Paleoecological Data198813
Response of North American mammal communities to late Quaternary environmental fluctuations199212
Phanerozoic Evolution of Macroinvertebrate Shell Accumulations: Preliminary Data from the Jurassic of Britain199012
A Conspectus of Phytotaphonomy198812
Whitening fossils for photographic purposes198912
The Transition from Archaeocetes to Mysticetes: Late Oligocene Toothed Mysticetes from Near Charleston, South Carolina199611
A Review of Evolutionary Trends in Carbonate Hardground Communities199011
Wear Surfaces on the Teeth of Tyrannosaurs199410
Taphonomic Signature and the Imprint of Taphonomic History: Discriminating Between Taphofacies of the Inner Continental Shelf and a Microtidal Inlet199010
Community Evolution: Its Evolutionary and Biostratigraphic Significance199010
Behavioral Ecology of Morphologically Complex Marine Ichnogenera19969
Tyrannosaurus sex19949
Observations on the Evolution and Classification of Dysaerobic Communities19909
Stomach Contents of Basilosaurus Cetoides: Implications for the Evolution of Cetacean Feeding Behavior, and Evidence for Vertebrate Fauna of Epicontinental Eocene Seas19967
Historical evolutionary information in the traditional Linnean hierarchy19927
Preparation of serial sections19897
Non-Anguimorph Lizard Diversity from the Late Oligocene and Early Miocene of Florida, Usa and the Reorganization of the North American Herpetofauna20146
Mechanical and chemical techniques for separating microfossils from rock, sediment and residue matrix19896
Biological Taphonomy and Gastropod Temporal Dynamics19906
Surface Textures of Shells as Taphonomic Indicators19876
Paleoecology and Taphonomy of Recent to Pleistocene Intertidal Deposits, Gulf of California19876