# | Title | Journal | Year | Citations |
1 | Whose culture has capital? A critical race theory discussion of community cultural wealth | Race Ethnicity and Education | 2005 | 4,098 |
2 | Dis/ability critical race studies (DisCrit): theorizing at the intersections of race and dis/ability | Race Ethnicity and Education | 2013 | 618 |
3 | The unexamined Whiteness of teaching: how White teachers maintain and enact dominant racial ideologies | Race Ethnicity and Education | 2009 | 524 |
4 | Conceptualizing color-evasiveness: using dis/ability critical race theory to expand a color-blind racial ideology in education and society | Race Ethnicity and Education | 2017 | 432 |
5 | And we are still not saved: critical race theory in education ten years later | Race Ethnicity and Education | 2005 | 387 |
6 | The Souls of White Folk: Critical pedagogy, whiteness studies, and globalization discourse | Race Ethnicity and Education | 2002 | 367 |
7 | Pedagogy of fear: toward a Fanonian theory of ‘safety’ in race dialogue | Race Ethnicity and Education | 2010 | 351 |
8 | Race, inequality and educational accountability: the irony of ‘No Child Left Behind’ | Race Ethnicity and Education | 2007 | 346 |
9 | The discourse of denial: how white teacher candidates construct race, racism and ‘white privilege’ | Race Ethnicity and Education | 2005 | 332 |
10 | QuantCrit: education, policy, ‘Big Data’ and principles for a critical race theory of statistics | Race Ethnicity and Education | 2018 | 331 |
11 | Racial microaggressions as a tool for critical race research | Race Ethnicity and Education | 2015 | 274 |
12 | ‘Losing an arm’: schooling as a site of black suffering | Race Ethnicity and Education | 2014 | 266 |
13 | QuantCrit: rectifying quantitative methods through critical race theory | Race Ethnicity and Education | 2018 | 253 |
14 | Teachers, please learn our names!: racial microagressions and the K-12 classroom | Race Ethnicity and Education | 2012 | 252 |
15 | Embodying diversity: problems and paradoxes for Black feminists | Race Ethnicity and Education | 2009 | 224 |
16 | “I don't think I'm a racist”: Critical Race Theory, teacher attitudes, and structural racism | Race Ethnicity and Education | 2008 | 188 |
17 | 'Ethnic Choosing': Minority ethnic students, social class and higher education choice | Race Ethnicity and Education | 2002 | 186 |
18 | The legacy of racism and Indigenous Australian identity within education | Race Ethnicity and Education | 2016 | 179 |
19 | Teaching in color: a critical race theory in education analysis of the literature on preservice teachers of color and teacher education in the US | Race Ethnicity and Education | 2014 | 168 |
20 | Critical race reflections: valuing the experiences of teachers of color in teacher education | Race Ethnicity and Education | 2009 | 162 |
21 | Anti-racist pedagogy: from faculty’s self-reflection to organizing within and beyond the classroom | Race Ethnicity and Education | 2018 | 161 |
22 | Transformative Pedagogy for Democracy and Social Justice | Race Ethnicity and Education | 2003 | 155 |
23 | Reflection, Racial Competence, and Critical Pedagogy: How do we prepare pre-service teachers to pose tough questions? | Race Ethnicity and Education | 2003 | 152 |
24 | The evolving role of critical race theory in educational scholarship | Race Ethnicity and Education | 2005 | 140 |
25 | Towards an interest‐convergence in the education of African‐American football student athletes in major college sports | Race Ethnicity and Education | 2005 | 138 |
26 | Understanding racism through the eyes of African American male student‐athletes | Race Ethnicity and Education | 2005 | 133 |
27 | Forging community in race and class: critical race theory and the quest for social justice in education | Race Ethnicity and Education | 2006 | 130 |
28 | Exposing whiteness in higher education: white male college students minimizing racism, claiming victimization, and recreating white supremacy | Race Ethnicity and Education | 2014 | 125 |
29 | Additional complexities: social class, ethnicity, generation, and gender in Asian American student experiences | Race Ethnicity and Education | 2006 | 124 |
30 | Counter-narrative as method: race, policy and research for teacher education | Race Ethnicity and Education | 2013 | 121 |
31 | ‘You got a pass, so what more do you want?’: race, class and gender intersections in the educational experiences of the Black middle class | Race Ethnicity and Education | 2012 | 120 |
32 | Boyz to men? Teaching to restore Black boys’ childhood | Race Ethnicity and Education | 2011 | 118 |
33 | Framing Whiteness: Working through the tensions in introducing whiteness to educators | Race Ethnicity and Education | 2000 | 115 |
34 | What Now for the Contact Hypothesis? Towards a New Research Agenda | Race Ethnicity and Education | 2000 | 115 |
35 | Unpacking internalized racism: teachers of color striving for racially just classrooms | Race Ethnicity and Education | 2014 | 115 |
36 | Equity, inclusion, and antiblackness in mathematics education | Race Ethnicity and Education | 2019 | 115 |
37 | Telling Tales: What stories can teach us about racism | Race Ethnicity and Education | 2003 | 114 |
38 | The war on schools: NCLB, nation creation and the educational construction of whiteness | Race Ethnicity and Education | 2007 | 113 |
39 | Making the invisible visible: advancing quantitative methods in higher education using critical race theory and intersectionality | Race Ethnicity and Education | 2018 | 112 |
40 | Excluded Parents: The deracialisation of parental involvement [1] | Race Ethnicity and Education | 2001 | 108 |
41 | English teachers’ racial literacy knowledge and practice | Race Ethnicity and Education | 2011 | 106 |
42 | The paradoxical nature of whiteness-at-work in the daily life of schools and teacher communities | Race Ethnicity and Education | 2012 | 101 |
43 | Building the anti-racist university: next steps | Race Ethnicity and Education | 2017 | 96 |
44 | Nice white men or social justice allies?: using critical race theory to examine how white male faculty and administrators engage in ally work | Race Ethnicity and Education | 2015 | 94 |
45 | ‘Same old story, just a different policy’: race and policy making in higher education in the UK | Race Ethnicity and Education | 2020 | 93 |
46 | Talk the talk, walk the walk: defining Critical Race Theory in research | Race Ethnicity and Education | 2012 | 91 |
47 | ‘Ah, but the whiteys love to talk about themselves’: discomfort as a pedagogy for change | Race Ethnicity and Education | 2010 | 89 |
48 | The aesthetics of white racism in pre‐service teacher education: a critical race theory perspective | Race Ethnicity and Education | 2011 | 89 |
49 | ‘Hacking at our very roots’: rearticulating White racial identity within the context of teacher education | Race Ethnicity and Education | 2006 | 86 |
50 | Getting slammed: White depictions of race discussions as arenas of violence | Race Ethnicity and Education | 2014 | 86 |