2.5(top 20%)
impact factor
3.2K(top 10%)
22.8K(top 10%)
53(top 10%)
2.6(top 20%)
extended IF
all documents
doc citations
84(top 10%)
Top Journals (by citations)
# | Journals | Citations |
1 | Algorithms | 1,206 |
2 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science | 759 |
3 | IEEE Access | 628 |
4 | Sensors | 491 |
5 | Applied Sciences (Switzerland) | 419 |
6 | Mathematics | 338 |
7 | Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems | 255 |
8 | Electronics (Switzerland) | 237 |
9 | Energies | 209 |
10 | Sustainability | 196 |
11 | Expert Systems With Applications | 194 |
12 | Communications in Computer and Information Science | 174 |
13 | Symmetry | 166 |
14 | Multimedia Tools and Applications | 165 |
15 | Scientific Reports | 154 |
16 | Neural Computing and Applications | 122 |
17 | Studies in Computational Intelligence | 120 |
18 | Soft Computing | 118 |
19 | Applied Soft Computing Journal | 117 |
20 | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 116 |
21 | Remote Sensing | 107 |