# | Title | Journal | Year | Citations |
1 | Narrative configuration in qualitative analysis | International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education | 1995 | 1,877 |
2 | Just what is critical race theory and what's it doing in a nice field like education? | International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education | 1998 | 1,685 |
3 | Confession, catharsis, or cure? Rethinking the uses of reflexivity as methodological power in qualitative research | International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education | 2003 | 1,081 |
4 | Critical race theory, race and gender microaggressions, and the experience of Chicana and Chicano scholars | International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education | 1998 | 674 |
5 | Neoliberalism and education | International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education | 2007 | 632 |
6 | Critical race and LatCrit theory and method: Counter-storytelling | International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education | 2001 | 602 |
7 | Researching without representation? Language and materiality in post-qualitative methodology | International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education | 2013 | 580 |
8 | Post-qualitative research | International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education | 2013 | 521 |
9 | Poststructural feminism in education: An overview | International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education | 2000 | 427 |
10 | Methodology in the fold and the irruption of transgressive data | International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education | 1997 | 416 |
11 | Challenging anthropocentric analysis of visual data: a relational materialist methodological approach to educational research | International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education | 2010 | 411 |
12 | Paradigm proliferation as a good thing to think with: teaching research in education as a wild profusion | International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education | 2006 | 323 |
13 | Developing qualitative research questions: a reflective process | International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education | 2009 | 321 |
14 | The substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen: Examining an endarkened feminist epistemology in educational research and leadership | International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education | 2000 | 307 |
15 | Critical ethnography: The reflexive turn | International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education | 2002 | 278 |
16 | The posts continue: becoming | International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education | 2013 | 262 |
17 | Speculations on qualities of difficult knowledge in teaching and learning: an experiment in psychoanalytic research | International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education | 2003 | 260 |
18 | Learning and living pedagogies of the home: The mestiza consciousness of Chicana students | International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education | 2001 | 257 |
19 | Methodology-21: what do we do in the afterward? | International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education | 2013 | 235 |
20 | Niggers no more: a critical race counternarrative on Black male student achievement at predominantly White colleges and universities | International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education | 2009 | 228 |
21 | Youth activism in the urban community: learning critical civic praxis within community organizations | International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education | 2007 | 209 |
22 | Culturally responsive teaching in special education for ethnically diverse students: Setting the stage | International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education | 2002 | 202 |
23 | A voice without organs: interviewing in posthumanist research | International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education | 2013 | 200 |
24 | Freeing ourselves from neo-colonial domination in research: A Maori approach to creating knowledge | International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education | 1998 | 198 |
25 | Toward a theory ofcritical carein urban small school reform: examining structures and pedagogies of caring in two Latino community‐based schools1 | International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education | 2006 | 191 |
26 | Disrupting apartheid of knowledge:testimonioas methodology in Latina/o critical race research in education | International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education | 2009 | 187 |
27 | Judging the quality of case study reports | International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education | 1990 | 180 |
28 | Disciplining qualitative research1 | International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education | 2006 | 178 |
29 | Poststructuralist approaches to empirical analysis | International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education | 2002 | 176 |
30 | The intellectual landscape of critical policy analysis | International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education | 2014 | 175 |
31 | Critical narrative analysis: the interplay of critical discourse and narrative analyses | International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education | 2014 | 171 |
32 | Self‐segregation or self‐preservation? A critical race theory and Latina/o critical theory analysis of a study of Chicana/o college students | International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education | 2003 | 169 |
33 | Tiffany, friend of people of color: White investments in antiracism | International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education | 2003 | 165 |
34 | Posthumanism as research methodology: inquiry in the Anthropocene | International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education | 2017 | 165 |
35 | ‘This was my hell’: the violence experienced by gender non‐conforming youth in US high schools | International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education | 2004 | 160 |
36 | Getting personal: Writing-stories | International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education | 2001 | 155 |
37 | “The question of belief”: writing poststructural ethnography | International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education | 1995 | 149 |
38 | The development of an efficient technique for collecting and analyzing qualitative data: The analysis of critical incidents | International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education | 2001 | 149 |
39 | Engaging whiteness: How racial power gets reified in education | International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education | 2003 | 147 |
40 | Diffraction or reflection? Sketching the contours of two methodologies in educational research | International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education | 2017 | 141 |
41 | Beyond teacher cognition and teacher beliefs: the value of the ethnography of emotions in teaching | International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education | 2005 | 138 |
42 | Indigenous Métissage: a decolonizing research sensibility | International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education | 2012 | 136 |
43 | ‘You make me wanna holler and throw up both my hands!’: campus culture, Black misandric microaggressions, and racial battle fatigue | International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education | 2016 | 135 |
44 | Navigating marginality en route to the professoriate: graduate students of color learning and living in academia | International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education | 2004 | 133 |
45 | ‘A friend who understand fully’: notes on humanizing research in a multiethnic youth community | International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education | 2011 | 133 |
46 | Three principles of Serendip: insight, chance, and discovery in qualitative research | International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education | 1996 | 132 |
47 | On the utility of Asian critical (AsianCrit) theory in the field of education | International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education | 2018 | 128 |
48 | Life history and narrative | International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education | 1995 | 126 |
49 | Toward an epistemology of a brown body | International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education | 2001 | 125 |
50 | A postmodernist critique of research interviewing | International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education | 1995 | 123 |