# | Title | Journal | Year | Citations |
1 | Resilience, Adaptability and Transformability in Social-ecological Systems | Ecology and Society | 2004 | 4,429 |
2 | Planetary Boundaries: Exploring the Safe Operating Space for Humanity | Ecology and Society | 2009 | 4,063 |
3 | Resilience Thinking: Integrating Resilience, Adaptability and Transformability | Ecology and Society | 2010 | 2,586 |
4 | Scale and Cross-Scale Dynamics: Governance and Information in a Multilevel World | Ecology and Society | 2006 | 1,437 |
5 | A Framework to Analyze the Robustness of Social-ecological Systems from an Institutional Perspective | Ecology and Society | 2004 | 999 |
6 | Trade-offs across Space, Time, and Ecosystem Services | Ecology and Society | 2006 | 990 |
7 | What is Social Learning? | Ecology and Society | 2010 | 979 |
8 | Focusing the Meaning(s) of Resilience: Resilience as a Descriptive Concept and a Boundary Object | Ecology and Society | 2007 | 970 |
9 | Shooting the Rapids: Navigating Transitions to Adaptive Governance of Social-Ecological Systems | Ecology and Society | 2006 | 947 |
10 | Public Participation in Scientific Research: a Framework for Deliberate Design | Ecology and Society | 2012 | 914 |
11 | Effects of Roads on Animal Abundance: an Empirical Review and Synthesis | Ecology and Society | 2009 | 868 |
12 | Social-ecological system framework: initial changes and continuing challenges | Ecology and Society | 2014 | 848 |
13 | Governance and the Capacity to Manage Resilience in Regional Social-Ecological Systems | Ecology and Society | 2006 | 842 |
14 | A Handful of Heuristics and Some Propositions for Understanding Resilience in Social-Ecological Systems | Ecology and Society | 2006 | 833 |
15 | Nature-based solutions to climate change mitigation and adaptation in urban areas: perspectives on indicators, knowledge gaps, barriers, and opportunities for action | Ecology and Society | 2016 | 832 |
16 | A Review of Design Principles for Community-based Natural Resource Management | Ecology and Society | 2010 | 783 |
17 | Social Learning and Water Resources Management | Ecology and Society | 2007 | 767 |
18 | Does Adaptive Management of Natural Resources Enhance Resilience to Climate Change? | Ecology and Society | 2004 | 735 |
19 | Scale Mismatches in Social-Ecological Systems: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions | Ecology and Society | 2006 | 723 |
20 | Framing Sustainability in a Telecoupled World | Ecology and Society | 2013 | 704 |
21 | Ecosystem Services in Biologically Diversified versus Conventional Farming Systems: Benefits, Externalities, and Trade-Offs | Ecology and Society | 2012 | 702 |
22 | Social-ecological resilience and biosphere-based sustainability science | Ecology and Society | 2016 | 683 |
23 | Agriculture production as a major driver of the Earth system exceeding planetary boundaries | Ecology and Society | 2017 | 643 |
24 | Cultural Ecosystem Services: A Literature Review and Prospects for Future Research | Ecology and Society | 2013 | 639 |
25 | Mental Models: An Interdisciplinary Synthesis of Theory and Methods | Ecology and Society | 2011 | 617 |
26 | Social-Ecological Transformation for Ecosystem Management: the Development of Adaptive Co-management of a Wetland Landscape in Southern Sweden | Ecology and Society | 2004 | 613 |
27 | Resilience and Vulnerability: Complementary or Conflicting Concepts? | Ecology and Society | 2010 | 608 |
28 | Adaptive Water Governance: Assessing the Institutional Prescriptions of Adaptive (Co-)Management from a Governance Perspective and Defining a Research Agenda | Ecology and Society | 2009 | 592 |
29 | Cultural Keystone Species: Implications for Ecological Conservation and Restoration | Ecology and Society | 2004 | 568 |
30 | The Politics of Social-ecological Resilience and Sustainable Socio-technical Transitions | Ecology and Society | 2010 | 551 |
31 | Restoring Environmental Flows by Modifying Dam Operations | Ecology and Society | 2007 | 525 |
32 | Resilience (Republished) | Ecology and Society | 2016 | 522 |
33 | Comparison of Frameworks for Analyzing Social-ecological Systems | Ecology and Society | 2013 | 509 |
34 | Citizen Science as a Tool for Conservation in Residential Ecosystems | Ecology and Society | 2007 | 508 |
35 | A Theory of Transformative Agency in Linked Social-Ecological Systems | Ecology and Society | 2013 | 506 |
36 | The Problem of Fit between Ecosystems and Institutions: Ten Years Later | Ecology and Society | 2007 | 482 |
37 | Sustainability transformations: a resilience perspective | Ecology and Society | 2014 | 476 |
38 | Unpacking “Participation” in the Adaptive Management of Social–ecological Systems: a Critical Review | Ecology and Society | 2006 | 459 |
39 | A decade of adaptive governance scholarship: synthesis and future directions | Ecology and Society | 2014 | 455 |
40 | Diversified Farming Systems: An Agroecological, Systems-based Alternative to Modern Industrial Agriculture | Ecology and Society | 2012 | 437 |
41 | Bridging the Science–Management Divide: Moving from Unidirectional Knowledge Transfer to Knowledge Interfacing and Sharing | Ecology and Society | 2006 | 429 |
42 | Social Networks in Natural Resource Management: What Is There to Learn from a Structural Perspective? | Ecology and Society | 2006 | 427 |
43 | The role of Indigenous peoples and local communities in effective and equitable conservation | Ecology and Society | 2021 | 426 |
44 | Combining Science and Traditional Ecological Knowledge: Monitoring Populations for Co-Management | Ecology and Society | 2004 | 417 |
45 | Mapping the World's Intact Forest Landscapes by Remote Sensing | Ecology and Society | 2008 | 414 |
46 | Empirically Based, Agent-based models | Ecology and Society | 2006 | 414 |
47 | The Dark Side of Light: A Transdisciplinary Research Agenda for Light Pollution Policy | Ecology and Society | 2010 | 390 |
48 | Managing Change toward Adaptive Water Management through Social Learning | Ecology and Society | 2007 | 371 |
49 | Disaster Preparation and Recovery: Lessons from Research on Resilience in Human Development | Ecology and Society | 2008 | 370 |
50 | Toward a Network Perspective of the Study of Resilience in Social-Ecological Systems | Ecology and Society | 2006 | 364 |