2.0(top 10%)
impact factor
3.1K(top 10%)
173.5K(top 2%)
181(top 2%)
2.0(top 10%)
extended IF
all documents
doc citations
351(top 1%)

Top Authors (by articles)

#AuthorArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1B Yegnanarayana949746
2Chong-yung Chi438510
3Ja-ling Wu361032
3Alessandro Neri373312
3Shu-hung Leung36613
6Nam Ik Cho2165154
6Françoise Peyrin21012622
8Marco Grilli122687
8Wai-choong Wong1142104
8Kyoung-mee Kim1662162
8Irina Buhimschi1173190
8Ofer Zeitouni1202427
8Panajotis Agathoklis1101014
8Farokh Marvasti1101834
8Xiang-gen Xia1103744
8Iickho Song181727
8Stewart Smith13869
8Leon Cohen1136125
8Arye Nehorai12,21881
8Markku Renfors1262124
8Soo-chang Pei101623
8B S Manjunath11021718
8Palghat P Vaidyanathan1491611
8Vinod Chandran1171535
8Kunihiko Kodera1240105

How influential is IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing in terms of citations?

Based on the citation analysis of 3,072 articles IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing has published so far, 7% of its articles have received no citation at all. 163 articles (about 5% of the total articles) have received only one citation. 14.42% of the articles (422) have received over 100 citations.