# | Title | Journal | Year | Citations |
1 | Mobilizing policy: Models, methods, and mutations | Geoforum | 2010 | 811 |
2 | Neoliberal nature and the nature of neoliberalism | Geoforum | 2004 | 795 |
3 | Regional innovation systems: Competitive regulation in the new Europe | Geoforum | 1992 | 715 |
4 | Climate change and journalistic norms: A case-study of US mass-media coverage | Geoforum | 2007 | 693 |
5 | The hydrosocial cycle: Defining and mobilizing a relational-dialectical approach to water | Geoforum | 2014 | 664 |
6 | What is social sustainability? A clarification of concepts | Geoforum | 2011 | 662 |
7 | Simplifying complexity: a review of complexity theory | Geoforum | 2001 | 587 |
8 | The spaces of actor-network theory | Geoforum | 1998 | 546 |
9 | Children's outdoor play: Exploring parental concerns about children's safety and the changing nature of childhood | Geoforum | 1997 | 465 |
10 | Translocal assemblages: Space, power and social movements | Geoforum | 2009 | 408 |
11 | Neoliberalism and the making of food politics in California | Geoforum | 2008 | 406 |
12 | The neoliberalization of ecosystem services: wetland mitigation banking and problems in environmental governance | Geoforum | 2004 | 401 |
13 | Ecological modernization as social theory | Geoforum | 2000 | 392 |
14 | Relationality/territoriality: Toward a conceptualization of cities in the world | Geoforum | 2010 | 387 |
15 | Transnational elites in global cities: British expatriates in Singapore's financial district | Geoforum | 2002 | 384 |
16 | Bounding difference: Intersectionality and the material production of gender, caste, class and environment in Nepal | Geoforum | 2011 | 380 |
17 | Sense of place: an empirical measurement | Geoforum | 1991 | 378 |
18 | Neoliberalism in the oceans: “rationalization,” property rights, and the commons question | Geoforum | 2004 | 377 |
19 | Suffering for water, suffering from water: Emotional geographies of resource access, control and conflict | Geoforum | 2011 | 373 |
20 | The consolations of ‘neoliberalism’ | Geoforum | 2005 | 372 |
21 | Insider or outsider, both or neither: some dilemmas of interviewing in a cross-cultural setting | Geoforum | 1999 | 369 |
22 | Exploring the scientific discourse on cultural sustainability | Geoforum | 2014 | 365 |
23 | It takes a garden: Cultivating citizen-subjects in organized garden projects | Geoforum | 2008 | 360 |
24 | Performing the sharing economy | Geoforum | 2015 | 344 |
25 | Whiteness, space and alternative food practice | Geoforum | 2007 | 343 |
26 | (Re-)Conceptualizing water inequality in Delhi, India through a feminist political ecology framework | Geoforum | 2011 | 343 |
27 | River-basin planning and management: The social life of a concept | Geoforum | 2009 | 328 |
28 | Organic vs. conventional agriculture: knowledge, power and innovation in the food chain | Geoforum | 2000 | 326 |
29 | Déjà vu or something new? The adaptation concept in the climate change literature | Geoforum | 2013 | 315 |
30 | Climate Barbarians at the Gate? A critique of apocalyptic narratives on ‘climate refugees’ | Geoforum | 2013 | 304 |
31 | ‘This place gives me space’: place and creativity in the creative industries | Geoforum | 2003 | 301 |
32 | There’s nothing inherent about scale: political ecology, the local trap, and the politics of development in the Brazilian Amazon | Geoforum | 2005 | 296 |
33 | Effective livelihood adaptation to climate change disturbance: Scale dimensions of practice in Mozambique | Geoforum | 2008 | 292 |
34 | Understanding livelihood vulnerability to climate change: Applying the livelihood vulnerability index in Trinidad and Tobago | Geoforum | 2013 | 286 |
35 | Food security: The challenge of the present | Geoforum | 2018 | 285 |
36 | Enacting geographies | Geoforum | 2002 | 284 |
37 | Introducing new feminist political ecologies | Geoforum | 2011 | 274 |
38 | Revisiting fear and place: women's fear of attack and the built environment | Geoforum | 2000 | 270 |
39 | Ecological entrepreneurship: sustainable development in local communities through quality food production and local branding | Geoforum | 2005 | 270 |
40 | Development for a postneoliberal era? Sumak kawsay, living well and the limits to decolonisation in Ecuador | Geoforum | 2012 | 266 |
41 | What is the ‘Just Transition’? | Geoforum | 2018 | 258 |
42 | Alter-geopolitics: Other securities are happening | Geoforum | 2011 | 257 |
43 | Environmental policy and industrial innovation: integrating environment and economy through ecological modernisation | Geoforum | 2000 | 256 |
44 | Dis/possessive collectivism: Property and personhood at city’s end | Geoforum | 2017 | 256 |
45 | Cultural political economy: On making the cultural turn without falling into soft economic sociology | Geoforum | 2008 | 251 |
46 | Rethinking economy | Geoforum | 2008 | 250 |
47 | Power and politics in climate change adaptation efforts: Struggles over authority and recognition in the context of political instability | Geoforum | 2017 | 250 |
48 | Community resilience, globalization, and transitional pathways of decision-making | Geoforum | 2012 | 245 |
49 | Airports, mobility and the calculative architecture of affective control | Geoforum | 2008 | 239 |
50 | Messing with gender in feminist political ecology | Geoforum | 2013 | 239 |