8.4(top 2%)
impact factor
9.2K(top 2%)
253.2K(top 2%)
170(top 2%)
8.5(top 5%)
extended IF
all documents
doc citations
275(top 2%)
Top Journals (by citations)
# | Journals | Citations |
1 | Knowledge-Based Systems | 20,360 |
2 | Expert Systems With Applications | 8,476 |
3 | IEEE Access | 8,114 |
4 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science | 6,535 |
5 | Information Sciences | 6,284 |
6 | Applied Soft Computing Journal | 4,954 |
7 | Applied Intelligence | 4,373 |
8 | Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems | 3,945 |
9 | Soft Computing | 2,992 |
10 | Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence | 2,775 |
11 | Neural Computing and Applications | 2,530 |
12 | Neurocomputing | 2,459 |
13 | Applied Sciences (Switzerland) | 2,361 |
14 | International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics | 2,051 |
15 | Multimedia Tools and Applications | 2,023 |
16 | Mathematics | 1,935 |
17 | Sensors | 1,826 |
18 | Communications in Computer and Information Science | 1,773 |
19 | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 1,609 |
20 | Computers and Industrial Engineering | 1,601 |
21 | Information Fusion | 1,550 |