(top 60%)
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extended IF
3(top 45%)
citing journals
citing authors


SchoolInstitutionArticlesCitationsA RankC Rank
Harvard Medical SchoolMassachusetts General Hospital1255255
Department of MedicineUniversity of Chicago1255255
Division of EndocrinologyUniversity of Cincinnati150152
Department of PathologyUniversity of Toronto1255255
Division of RheumatologyUniversity of California1218255
Division of Gastroenterology/HepatologyScripps Research11737
School of MedicineCase Western Reserve University1255255
School of MedicineUniversity of Colorado1255255
Department of Emergency MedicineKaiser Permanente1255255
Department of MedicineBeth Israel Medical Center1238255
Department of MedicineBaylor College of Medicine12255255
Harvard Medical SchoolBrigham and Women's Hospital183189
Harvard Medical SchoolFenway Health173140
Department of Internal MedicineVCU Medical Center1255255
Department of Emergency MedicineVCU Medical Center12056
Department of MedicineTemple University Hospital112149
Division of Gastroenterology/HepatologyScripps Research11225
School of Medicine Division of CardiologyVirginia Mason Medical Center117
A Rank refers to the ranking of Health News in the given institution according to the number of articles, and C Rank according to the number of citations.