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Most Cited Articles of American Naturalist

Phylogenies and the Comparative Method19857.4K
Genetic Distance between Populations19726.7K
Sources, Sinks, and Population Regulation19883.8K
Evidence for the Existence of Three Primary Strategies in Plants and Its Relevance to Ecological and Evolutionary Theory19773.6K
Food Web Complexity and Species Diversity19663.6K
Herbivores and the Number of Tree Species in Tropical Forests19703.2K
On Optimal Use of a Patchy Environment19662.9K
Mechanisms of Succession in Natural Communities and Their Role in Community Stability and Organization19772.9K
The Limiting Similarity, Convergence, and Divergence of Coexisting Species19672.8K
Homage to Santa Rosalia or Why Are There So Many Kinds of Animals?19592.8K
On r- and K-Selection19702.5K
Natural Selection, the Costs of Reproduction, and a Refinement of Lack's Principle19662.5K
A General Hypothesis of Species Diversity19792.4K
Community Structure, Population Control, and Competition19602.4K
Parasites, Bright Males, and the Immunocompetence Handicap19922.2K
On the Relationship between Abundance and Distribution of Species19842.2K
The Optimal Balance between Size and Number of Offspring19742.2K
The Paradox of the Plankton19612.1K
Phylogenetic analysis and comparative data: a test and review of evidence20021.9K
The "Challenge Hypothesis": Theoretical Implications for Patterns of Testosterone Secretion, Mating Systems, and Breeding Strategies19901.8K
The ecology of individuals: incidence and implications of individual specialization20031.8K
Field Experiments on Interspecific Competition19831.7K
Marine Benthic Diversity: A Comparative Study19681.7K
Acquisition and Allocation of Resources: Their Influence on Variation in Life History Tactics19861.7K
The Statistics and Biology of the Species-Area Relationship19791.6K