2.8(top 20%)
impact factor
10.0K(top 2%)
352.6K(top 1%)
193(top 2%)
2.9(top 20%)
extended IF
all documents
doc citations
359(top 1%)
Top Journals (by citations)
# | Journals | Citations |
1 | Ecological Modelling | 30,704 |
2 | PLoS ONE | 5,888 |
3 | Ecological Indicators | 5,429 |
4 | Science of the Total Environment | 5,290 |
5 | Forest Ecology and Management | 3,872 |
6 | Environmental Modelling and Software | 3,630 |
7 | Sustainability | 3,204 |
8 | Ecological Informatics | 2,812 |
9 | Frontiers in Marine Science | 2,796 |
10 | Journal of Cleaner Production | 2,711 |
11 | Scientific Reports | 2,439 |
12 | Ecology and Evolution | 2,334 |
13 | Journal of Environmental Management | 2,324 |
14 | Remote Sensing | 2,295 |
15 | Forests | 2,275 |
16 | Landscape Ecology | 2,151 |
17 | Global Change Biology | 2,130 |
18 | Marine Ecology - Progress Series | 2,111 |
19 | Water (Switzerland) | 2,067 |
20 | Biological Conservation | 1,957 |
21 | Ecography | 1,930 |