# | Title | Journal | Year | Citations |
1 | Possible highT c superconductivity in the Ba?La?Cu?O system | European Physical Journal B | 1986 | 12,772 |
2 | Hierarchical structure in financial markets | European Physical Journal B | 1999 | 1,600 |
3 | Detecting community structure in networks | European Physical Journal B | 2004 | 1,566 |
4 | Predicting missing links via local information | European Physical Journal B | 2009 | 1,335 |
5 | How popular is your paper? An empirical study of the citation distribution | European Physical Journal B | 1998 | 1,125 |
6 | The emergence of classical properties through interaction with the environment | European Physical Journal B | 1985 | 1,089 |
7 | Superconductivity in the Bi - Sr - Cu - O system | European Physical Journal B | 1987 | 1,041 |
8 | A smart local moving algorithm for large-scale modularity-based community detection | European Physical Journal B | 2013 | 805 |
9 | On the properties of small-world network models | European Physical Journal B | 2000 | 706 |
10 | The scaling theory of electrons in disordered solids: Additional numerical results | European Physical Journal B | 1983 | 677 |
11 | Stretched exponential distributions in nature and economy: “fat tails” with characteristic scales | European Physical Journal B | 1998 | 668 |
12 | Space-time dispersion of graphene conductivity | European Physical Journal B | 2007 | 654 |
13 | The Bethe lattice spin glass revisited | European Physical Journal B | 2001 | 645 |
14 | Epidemic outbreaks in complex heterogeneous networks | European Physical Journal B | 2002 | 630 |
15 | Multiple light scattering from disordered media. The effect of brownian motion of scatterers | European Physical Journal B | 1987 | 625 |
16 | Economic small-world behavior in weighted networks | European Physical Journal B | 2003 | 622 |
17 | Evolutionary games on multilayer networks: a colloquium | European Physical Journal B | 2015 | 620 |
18 | Zitterbewegung, chirality, and minimal conductivity in graphene | European Physical Journal B | 2006 | 589 |
19 | Correlated fermions on a lattice in high dimensions | European Physical Journal B | 1989 | 586 |
20 | On phase transitions in Schl�gl's second model | European Physical Journal B | 1982 | 575 |
21 | Betweenness centrality in large complex networks | European Physical Journal B | 2004 | 573 |
22 | Modeling cascading failures in the North American power grid | European Physical Journal B | 2005 | 547 |
23 | New universal short-time scaling behaviour of critical relaxation processes | European Physical Journal B | 1989 | 520 |
24 | Quantum thermal transport in nanostructures | European Physical Journal B | 2008 | 517 |
25 | Translational and rotational diffusion in supercooled orthoterphenyl close to the glass transition | European Physical Journal B | 1992 | 514 |
26 | Problems with fitting to the power-law distribution | European Physical Journal B | 2004 | 504 |
27 | Modern temporal network theory: a colloquium | European Physical Journal B | 2015 | 503 |
28 | Statistical mechanics of money | European Physical Journal B | 2000 | 502 |
29 | Inverse cubic law for the distribution of stock price variations | European Physical Journal B | 1998 | 501 |
30 | Metastable states in cellular automata for traffic flow | European Physical Journal B | 1998 | 485 |
31 | Superconductivity and magnetic order in a strongly interacting fermi-system: URu2Si2 | European Physical Journal B | 1986 | 484 |
32 | Heavy-fermion superconductivity atT c =2K in the antiferromagnet UPd2Al3 | European Physical Journal B | 1991 | 483 |
33 | Electronic structure of transition metal dichalcogenides monolayers 1H-MX2 (M = Mo, W; X = S, Se, Te) from ab-initio theory: new direct band gap semiconductors | European Physical Journal B | 2012 | 466 |
34 | Calculated electronic structure of the sandwichd 1 metals LaI2 and CeI2: Application of new LMTO techniques | European Physical Journal B | 1995 | 445 |
35 | Electrical transport in open and closed systems | European Physical Journal B | 1987 | 438 |
36 | Analysis of a power grid using a Kuramoto-like model | European Physical Journal B | 2008 | 433 |
37 | Current partition in multiprobe conductors in the presence of slowly oscillating external potentials | European Physical Journal B | 1994 | 419 |
38 | Quantifying cross-correlations using local and global detrending approaches | European Physical Journal B | 2009 | 387 |
39 | Stochastic thermodynamics: principles and perspectives | European Physical Journal B | 2008 | 386 |
40 | Modeling the world-wide airport network | European Physical Journal B | 2004 | 365 |
41 | Superconductivity-induced phonon self-energy effects in high-T c superconductors | European Physical Journal B | 1990 | 358 |
42 | The sphericalp-spin interaction spin glass model: the statics | European Physical Journal B | 1992 | 358 |
43 | Statistical mechanics of money: how saving propensity affects its distribution | European Physical Journal B | 2000 | 355 |
44 | Finding communities in linear time: a physics approach | European Physical Journal B | 2004 | 354 |
45 | First excitations of the spin 1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the kagomé lattice | European Physical Journal B | 1998 | 350 |
46 | Thermodynamics and correlation functions of the Falicov-Kimball model in large dimensions | European Physical Journal B | 1989 | 341 |
47 | Weak localization and coulomb interaction in disordered systems | European Physical Journal B | 1984 | 340 |
48 | Analysing the information flow between financial time series | European Physical Journal B | 2002 | 337 |
49 | Networks of equities in financial markets | European Physical Journal B | 2004 | 332 |
50 | The spatial structure of networks | European Physical Journal B | 2006 | 332 |