# | Title | Journal | Year | Citations |
1 | Efficiency of ab-initio total energy calculations for metals and semiconductors using a plane-wave basis set | Computational Materials Science | 1996 | 58,206 |
2 | A fast and robust algorithm for Bader decomposition of charge density | Computational Materials Science | 2006 | 8,158 |
3 | First-principles computation of material properties: the ABINIT software project | Computational Materials Science | 2002 | 2,819 |
4 | Python Materials Genomics (pymatgen): A robust, open-source python library for materials analysis | Computational Materials Science | 2013 | 2,651 |
5 | MOLCAS: a program package for computational chemistry | Computational Materials Science | 2003 | 1,698 |
6 | Computer graphics and graphical user interfaces as tools in simulations of matter at the atomic scale | Computational Materials Science | 2003 | 1,661 |
7 | Pseudopotentials periodic table: From H to Pu | Computational Materials Science | 2014 | 1,279 |
8 | High-throughput electronic band structure calculations: Challenges and tools | Computational Materials Science | 2010 | 1,213 |
9 | Pseudopotentials for high-throughput DFT calculations | Computational Materials Science | 2014 | 1,183 |
10 | Systematic analysis of local atomic structure combined with 3D computer graphics | Computational Materials Science | 1994 | 1,129 |
11 | A generalized synchronous transit method for transition state location | Computational Materials Science | 2003 | 1,085 |
12 | Solid state calculations using WIEN2k | Computational Materials Science | 2003 | 1,049 |
13 | AFLOW: An automatic framework for high-throughput materials discovery | Computational Materials Science | 2012 | 968 |
14 | AFLOWLIB.ORG: A distributed materials properties repository from high-throughput ab initio calculations | Computational Materials Science | 2012 | 865 |
15 | A high-throughput infrastructure for density functional theory calculations | Computational Materials Science | 2011 | 821 |
16 | Molecular dynamics simulations of the elastic properties of polymer/carbon nanotube composites | Computational Materials Science | 2007 | 727 |
17 | Bulk properties and electronic structure of SrTiO3, BaTiO3, PbTiO3 perovskites: an ab initio HF/DFT study | Computational Materials Science | 2004 | 719 |
18 | An improved prediction of residual stresses and distortion in additive manufacturing | Computational Materials Science | 2017 | 569 |
19 | Constitutive modeling for elevated temperature flow behavior of 42CrMo steel | Computational Materials Science | 2008 | 550 |
20 | Seeing auxetic materials from the mechanics point of view: A structural review on the negative Poisson’s ratio | Computational Materials Science | 2012 | 536 |
21 | Numerical simulation of temperature field and residual stress in multi-pass welds in stainless steel pipe and comparison with experimental measurements | Computational Materials Science | 2006 | 529 |
22 | Matminer: An open source toolkit for materials data mining | Computational Materials Science | 2018 | 516 |
23 | Band structure diagram paths based on crystallography | Computational Materials Science | 2017 | 509 |
24 | Implementation of the projector augmented-wave method in the ABINIT code: Application to the study of iron under pressure | Computational Materials Science | 2008 | 502 |
25 | DAMASK – The Düsseldorf Advanced Material Simulation Kit for modeling multi-physics crystal plasticity, thermal, and damage phenomena from the single crystal up to the component scale | Computational Materials Science | 2019 | 493 |
26 | Overcoming the doping bottleneck in semiconductors | Computational Materials Science | 2004 | 485 |
27 | High strain rate fracture and C-chain unraveling in carbon nanotubes | Computational Materials Science | 1997 | 479 |
28 | A review on the application of nonlocal elastic models in modeling of carbon nanotubes and graphenes | Computational Materials Science | 2012 | 478 |
29 | Theoretical study of the nonlinear conductance of Di-thiol benzene coupled to Au(1 1 1) surfaces via thiol and thiolate bonds | Computational Materials Science | 2003 | 467 |
30 | Thermo-mechanical analysis of Wire and Arc Additive Layer Manufacturing process on large multi-layer parts | Computational Materials Science | 2011 | 446 |
31 | AiiDA: automated interactive infrastructure and database for computational science | Computational Materials Science | 2016 | 424 |
32 | Interatomic potential for Si–O systems using Tersoff parameterization | Computational Materials Science | 2007 | 422 |
33 | Prediction of compressive strength of concrete containing fly ash using artificial neural networks and fuzzy logic | Computational Materials Science | 2008 | 412 |
34 | Ring statistics analysis of topological networks: New approach and application to amorphous GeS2 and SiO2 systems | Computational Materials Science | 2010 | 409 |
35 | Active learning of linearly parametrized interatomic potentials | Computational Materials Science | 2017 | 407 |
36 | An implementation of artificial neural-network potentials for atomistic materials simulations: Performance for TiO2 | Computational Materials Science | 2016 | 398 |
37 | Molecular dynamics simulation of ion ranges in the 1–100 keV energy range | Computational Materials Science | 1995 | 395 |
38 | Elastic constants of cubic crystals | Computational Materials Science | 2014 | 393 |
39 | HOOMD-blue: A Python package for high-performance molecular dynamics and hard particle Monte Carlo simulations | Computational Materials Science | 2020 | 387 |
40 | First-principles thermodynamics from phonon and Debye model: Application to Ni and Ni3Al | Computational Materials Science | 2010 | 371 |
41 | Mechanical properties of the hexagonal boron nitride monolayer: Ab initio study | Computational Materials Science | 2012 | 368 |
42 | Computational and experimental study of interfacial bonding of single-walled nanotube reinforced composites | Computational Materials Science | 2004 | 363 |
43 | Ab initio calculations of elastic constants and thermodynamic properties of NiAl under high pressures | Computational Materials Science | 2008 | 342 |
44 | The Materials Application Programming Interface (API): A simple, flexible and efficient API for materials data based on REpresentational State Transfer (REST) principles | Computational Materials Science | 2015 | 342 |
45 | A comparative study on Johnson Cook, modified Zerilli–Armstrong and Arrhenius-type constitutive models to predict elevated temperature flow behaviour in modified 9Cr–1Mo steel | Computational Materials Science | 2009 | 339 |
46 | Density-functional tight-binding for beginners | Computational Materials Science | 2009 | 336 |
47 | Application of the exact muffin-tin orbitals theory: the spherical cell approximation | Computational Materials Science | 2000 | 329 |
48 | How to determine composite material properties using numerical homogenization | Computational Materials Science | 2014 | 315 |
49 | Prediction of welding distortion and residual stress in a thin plate butt-welded joint | Computational Materials Science | 2008 | 314 |
50 | Graphene-like titanium carbides and nitrides Tin+1Cn, Tin+1Nn (n=1, 2, and 3) from de-intercalated MAX phases: First-principles probing of their structural, electronic properties and relative stability | Computational Materials Science | 2012 | 310 |