12.5(top 1%)
Impact Factor
12.7(top 1%)
extended IF
342(top 1%)
citing journals
citing authors


SchoolInstitutionArticlesCitationsA RankC Rank
Advanced Water Management CentreUniversity of Queensland32121.3K11
School of Materials Science and EngineeringTongji University28614.6K71
Department of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversity of California21211.2K7164
Department of Environmental EngineeringTechnical University of Denmark2109.2K33
Department of Electronic and Computer EngineeringHong Kong University of Science and Technology19817.2K41
Department of Civil and Environmental EngineeringUniversity of California17810.3K43
School of Electrical and Electronic EngineeringNanyang Technological University17811.9K2722
Department of Electrical and Computer EngineeringNational University of Singapore17412.8K2715
State Key Joint Laboratory of Environment Simulation and Pollution ControlTsinghua University1496.9K44
School of Civil and Environmental EngineeringNanyang Technological University1499.6K22
Faculty of Civil Engineering and GeosciencesDelft University of Technology1498.6K31
Department of Environmental EngineeringTechnical University of Denmark1496.3K12
Changchun Institute of Applied ChemistryChinese Academy of Sciences1467.8K12374
Department of Civil and Environmental EngineeringHong Kong University of Science and Technology1459.5K11
State Key Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry and EcotoxicologyResearch Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences1428K73
School of Chemistry and Chemical EngineeringSun Yat-sen University1417.9K128
School of Materials Science and EngineeringUniversity of New South Wales1417.3K87
School of Chemical EngineeringUniversity of Queensland1385.8K27
School of Chemistry and Chemical EngineeringHarbin Institute of Technology1297.2K339
Institute of Environmental EngineeringEawag1224.5K12
A Rank refers to the ranking of Water Research in the given institution according to the number of articles, and C Rank according to the number of citations.