8.5(top 1%)
Impact Factor
8.8(top 1%)
extended IF
270(top 1%)
citing journals
citing authors


SchoolInstitutionArticlesCitationsA RankC Rank
State Key Laboratory of Food Science and TechnologyJiangnan University72420.6K11
College of Food Science and Nutritional EngineeringChina Agricultural University42711.9K21
College of Food Science and Nutritional EngineeringChina Agricultural University39711.3K11
Ministry of AgricultureChinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences2565K32
School of Chemistry and Chemical EngineeringJiangsu University2445.8K53
State Key Laboratory of Food Science and TechnologyHongdu2407.9K11
School of Chemistry and Chemical EngineeringSouth China University of Technology2386.2K1216
School of Food Science and EngineeringSouth China University of Technology2327.6K11
College of Food Science and TechnologyNanjing Agricultural University2297.7K11
State Key Laboratory of Food Science and TechnologyNanchang University2297.6K11
College of Biosystems Engineering and Food ScienceZhejiang University2257.8K11
School of Food and Biological EngineeringJiangsu University2205.4K11
Synergetic Innovation Center of Food Safety and NutritionJiangnan University2154.3K11
Department of Materials Science and EngineeringZhejiang University1966.6K2533
College of Food Science and EngineeringNorthwest A&F University1884.1K21
School of Chemical and Material EngineeringJiangnan University1722.9K21
College of Food Science and TechnologyHuazhong Agricultural University1664K11
State Key Laboratory of Animal NutritionChina Agricultural University1644.5K11
College of Food Science and EngineeringNorthwest A&F University1613.8K11
Faculty of Food Science and TechnologyUniversity of Putra Malaysia1576.8K11
A Rank refers to the ranking of Food Chemistry in the given institution according to the number of articles, and C Rank according to the number of citations.