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Most Cited Articles of Journal of Travel Research

The Measurement of Destination Image: An Empirical Assessment1993879
Image Differences between Prospective, First-Time, and Repeat Visitors to the Lower Rio Grande Valley1991818
Measuring Experience Economy Concepts: Tourism Applications2007813
An Assessment of the Image of Mexico as a Vacation Destination and the Influence of Geographical Location Upon That Image1979725
A General Model Of Traveler Destination Choice1989620
Antecedents of Tourists’ Loyalty to Mauritius: The Role and Influence of Destination Image, Place Attachment, Personal Involvement, and Satisfaction2012615
Development of a Scale to Measure Memorable Tourism Experiences2012577
Tourist Satisfaction with Mallorca, Spain, as an Off-Season Holiday Destination2000558
Tourism Destination Loyalty2000558
Image as a Factor in Tourism Development1975535
Developing the Travel Career Approach to Tourist Motivation2005524
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Affective Images of Tourism Destinations1997513
Destination Image, Self-Congruity, and Travel Behavior: Toward an Integrative Model2000501
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Destination Image and Its Functional Relationships2007438
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