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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1IEEE Access187111.5K772
2Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management349924052
3Renewable Energy2477941215
4Ecological Indicators13721.1K163
6Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience832421778
7Future Internet132382619
8Journal of Applied Statistics630621636
9Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews12791.3K778
10Environment, Development and Sustainability3244630121
11Future Business Journal4223183
12Journal of Cleaner Production22051.7K1.3K
13Economic Modelling220332687
14Quality and Quantity6178164110
15Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity61452645
16Cogent Business and Management514120362
17SAGE Open7137362147
18Advances in Difference Equations8130243182
19Future Generation Computer Systems1122801431
21Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods12118400348
22Applied Mathematics and Computation3115551305
23Journal of Healthcare Engineering4112257154
24Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation9110184174
24Service Industries Journal4110164253
26European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education5106685
27Biomedical Signal Processing and Control2102290192
28Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja5101173121
30Quality and Reliability Engineering International993158260
31Communications in Statistics Part B: Simulation and Computation892261192
32Frontiers in Psychology6891.7K2.0K
32Social Indicators Research489466643
32International Journal of Healthcare Management18920513
36Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences2866245
37Total Quality Management and Business Excellence382219267
38Mathematical Problems in Engineering4811.3K669
39International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health3744.6K3.7K
40Computer Journal371290172
41International Journal of Health Planning and Management169691187
42Human and Ecological Risk Assessment (HERA)168692335
44Results in Physics265455397
45Journal of Public Affairs263274137
47International Journal of Technology, Innovation and Management16076
49Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering and Technology459397
51BMC Public Health1574.1K2.9K
52Business, Management and Education356104
53Nonlinear Dynamics1521.7K1.2K
53Journal of Food Quality152715304
55Bioresource Technology1492.2K2.6K
55International Journal of Food Properties149876502
55Journal of Statistics and Management Systems8494732
55Journal of Renewable Energy149297
59Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems2481.3K579
59International Journal of Hospitality Management248165403
59Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments14815055
62Journal of Clinical Periodontology147778818
63Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing2464026
64AEJ - Alexandria Engineering Journal145363332
65Applied Mathematical Modelling144717555
66Multimedia Systems242297261
66Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transaction A: Science34212474
68Environmental Science and Pollution Research4402.9K3.9K
69Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics1391012
70Journal of Information Security and Applications136161111
71Journal of Social Service Research135301168
71Chinese Journal of Physics135320197
71Scientific Inquiry and Review235212
74Quality Technology and Quantitative Management234132109
76Multimedia Tools and Applications3321.5K1.6K
78Optical and Quantum Electronics430868875
78Journal of Transcultural Nursing130365310
78Frontiers in Physics130802514
81Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section A - Physical Sciences6283061
81Journal of Environmental Management1282.7K3.3K
83International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology1272.3K2.1K
83Humanities and Social Sciences Communications1271.1K334
85Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking126561764
85Quality Engineering126322210
87Journal of Mathematics525155124
88Environmental Technology (United Kingdom)1241.4K1.2K
89PLoS ONE9236.3K13.6K
89Studies in Computational Intelligence723715812
91Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine1221.3K1.6K
91Journal of Business and Social Review in Emerging Economies622237
94Chaos, Solitons and Fractals120829972
95Applied Economics1191.7K1.5K
95Sexual and Relationship Therapy119180194
97BMC Pediatrics1161.8K1.9K
97Independent Journal of Management & Production21610346
99BMC Women's Health1151.2K1.2K
99Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers11511685
99Cogent Food and Agriculture215214218
99Mathematical Population Studies115130134
103International Journal of Intelligent Systems114869944
103Scientific Programming114859491
103International Review of Management and Marketing2143611
103Pakistan Journal of Engineering & Technology314186
107Canadian Journal of Physics113566417
107IRASD Journal of Management71337
109Applied Sciences (Switzerland)2124.5K5.2K
109Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences1121.7K1.5K
109Cogent Economics and Finance212263337
109International Journal of Human Resource Studies3121939
109Journal of Statistical Distributions and Applications1123248
109International Journal of Management Excellence81222
109Journal of Banking and Financial Dynamics11211
116Communications in Computer and Information Science9111.8K2.3K
116Journal of Interpersonal Violence1111.1K1.4K
116Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology211243625
116Journal of Function Spaces311291339
116Management Science and Business Decisions31125
121SN Applied Sciences2109521.7K
121primary care companion for CNS disorders, The110334335
121Economic Journal of Emerging Markets11011
121Pakistan Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences22101313
121SEISENSE Journal of Management2101315
127Journal of Cellular Biochemistry291.6K2.8K
127International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE)2910485
127Journal of Electronic Imaging19637508
127International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics29282402
127Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning and Policy19271392
127Poverty & Public Policy293380
127International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences792055
134Emerging Markets Finance and Trade18545675
134Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering18402472
134Advances in Mathematical Physics48115412
134World Electric Vehicle Journal18489430
134Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice38109240
134Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering18182244
134International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues286445
134IRASD Journal of Economics881111
142Annals of Data Science2770191
142Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research373071
142Global Social Sciences Review575927
142Advances in Sustainability Science and Technology1712824
142Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications1762
148Journal of Medical Virology162.6K3.4K
148Theoretical and Applied Climatology161.3K1.8K
148Healthcare (Switzerland)261.9K2.5K
148Bulletin of Business and Economics (BBE)21665
148Journal of Computing & Biomedical Informatics6625
154International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences151.0K926
154Journal of Inequalities and Applications15936894
154Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series15593667
154Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance: Issues and Practice15303462
154Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease158921.1K
154Life Cycle Reliability and Safety Engineering154762
154International Journal of E-Entrepreneurship and Innovation152034
154AIMS Mathematics45475704
154Journal of Education and Vocational Research15122
154Humanities and Social Sciences Reviews35174184
154International Journal of Applied Economics Finance and Accounting158132
165AIP Conference Proceedings147.2K4.8K
165Deviant Behavior14388606
165Environmental and Ecological Statistics14303528
165International Journal of Differential Equations14127169
165Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research141.1K139
165Journal of Accounting and Finance in Emerging Economies641429
165International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science1415670
165Journal of Taibah University for Science14342535
174Scientific Reports1035.5K14.8K
174Water (Switzerland)133.6K4.6K
174Modern Physics Letters B131.3K1.6K
174Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems432.4K2.4K
174International Journal of Network Management13269450
174Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal13199341
174Italian Journal of Agronomy1374141
174Statistical Journal of the IAOS13114151
174Business and Politics13101198
174International Journal of Financial Engineering138191
174Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics13109140
174Journal of Management and Research131414
174Global Regional Review732824
174Journal of Arable Crops and Marketing23107
174Academic Journal of Social Sciences (AJSS )23278
191AIP Advances221.9K3.2K
191Concurrency Computation Practice and Experience121.5K2.1K
191Accreditation and Quality Assurance12263499
191Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment128191.5K
191Gold Bulletin1296311
191International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems12291458
191Bangladesh Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research12101123
191Scientia Iranica32140366
191Mapan - Journal of Metrology Society of India12115220
191Journal of Engineering (United States)12180394
191Journal of Economic Structures1291245
191Stochastics and Quality Control122831
191Asia Pacific Journal of Energy and Environment122134
191Advances in Business Information Systems and Analytics Book Series12387245
191VFAST Transactions on Software Engineering223115
191Global Educational Studies Review821821
191Sustainable Business and Society in Emerging Economies421017
191Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods12241328
191Revista Amazonia Investiga128597
191International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology126412
191RMS: Research in Mathematics & Statistics1225
191Indonesian Journal of Innovation and Applied Sciences12279
191International Journal of Management Research and Emerging Sciences102720
215Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society119101.3K
215Review of Black Political Economy11108218
215Indian Journal of Human Development1155118
215Advances in Fuzzy Systems1194298
215SN Computer Science118411.1K
215Journal for Studies in Economics and Econometrics114775
215Statistics in Transition11710
215Journal of Management and Business114111
215Journal of South Asian Studies11299
215International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH11516404
215Empirical Economic Review1149
215Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Management Studies113536
215Review of Education, Administration and Law411518
215Results in Control and Optimization11426
215Information Management and Business Review115843
215Results in Nonlinear Analysis111225
215Journal of Humanities, Social and Management Sciences113937
215Journal of Further and Higher Education512611
215Annals of Human and Social Sciences214511
215Pakistan Journal of Emerging Science and Technologies (PJEST)3122
215iRASD journal of computer science and information technology1123
237Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences and Engineering)10356540
237Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience10614872
237Integral Transforms and Special Functions10351651
237Analysis (Germany)1070184
237Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition10362807
237RAE Revista De Administracao De Empresas2095292
237Review of Marketing Science102389
237Gomal University Journal of Research104538
237Journal of the Iranian Statistical Society102954
237Vestnik Samarskogo Gosudarstvennogo Tekhnicheskogo Universiteta, Seriya Fiziko-Matematicheskie Nauki104262
237Linguistics and Literature Review101216
237Pakistan Journal of Public Health107384
237International Journal of Business Economics and Management10637
237Journal of Social Economics Research102038
237Sukkur IBA Journal of Management and Business102438
237Advances in Business Strategy and Competitive Advantage Book Series10663850
237Advances in Logistics, Operations, and Management Science Book Series10777856
237VFAST Transactions on Education and Social Sciences10917
237VAWKUM Transactions on Computer Sciences201931
237Asian Journal of Economics and Empirical Research103087
237Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences: Part A104054
237Review of Economics and Development Studies202048
237International Journal of Experiential Learning & Case Studies10117
237Global Economics Review303655
237Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development10335151
237UMT Education Review101523
237Univeristy of Chitral Journal of Linguistics and Literature102013
237Journal of Management Info202461
237Global Language Review106540
237Asia Proceedings of Social Sciences107878
237Annals of Social Sciences and Perspective201325
237Review of Applied Management and Social Sciences401644
237Global Sociological Review104925
237Pakistan Languages and Humanities Review205428
237Journal of Development and Social Sciences205937
237Journal of Social Sciences Advancement101319
237Journal of Social Sciences Review205157
237The Scholar Islamic Academic Research Journal103916
237Statistics, Computing and Interdisciplinary Research2074
237Journal of Languages, Culture and Civilization1086
237Journal of Social Inclusion102341
237Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal10382349
237Gazi University Journal of Science1036125
237International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology10320180
237Journal of Advances in Mathematics and Computer Science107393
237International Journal of Emerging Trends in Social Sciences102653
237Journal of Management Practices Humanities and Social Sciences201415
237Natural and Applied Sciences International Journal201332
237Frontiers in Chemical Sciences10105
237Research Journal for Societal Issues302916
237Asian Journal of Community Services102510
237International Journal for Electronic Crime Investigation201711
237International Journal of Social Science & Entrepreneurship105334
237European Journal of Applied Science, Engineering and Technology10129
237Journal of Islamic Economics Perspectives10810
237Journal of Education and Social Studies104420
237UMT Artificial Intelligence Review1052
237Journal of Advances in Humanities Research101121
237Siazga Research Journal10128
237Audit and Accounting Review30510
237Journal of Social & Organizational Matters10244
237Journal of Policy Research401916
237BME Horizon1052
237Qlantic Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities203815
237Qlantic Journal of Social Sciences10427
237Journal of Asian Development Studies502712