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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Behavior Research Methods3434505173
2Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences14202598
3Journal of Economics and Finance121936112
4Pediatric Diabetes1154870329
5Journal of Chemical Ecology2148751532
5Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics2148480183
7Skin Research and Technology3139307120
8Wood Science and Technology6132130151
9Chesapeake Science81301924
10Physical Review C2911.5K1.0K
11International Journal of Cultural Studies18416933
12Botanical Review, The175260309
13Behavior Research Methods271232209
14Journal of General Internal Medicine1661.3K1.0K
14Psychonomic Bulletin and Review266524544
16Journal of Solution Chemistry164817384
17Research in International Business and Finance160243168
18Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics1581.6K1.5K
19Time and Mind545610
20Journal of Material Culture1439669
21Journal of Molecular Structure1421.5K898
22Teaching in Higher Education139316265
23Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries136222131
24European Journal of Finance135428284
25Journal of Organizational Behavior134609870
25New Political Economy134188181
27Journal of Low Temperature Physics433570605
28Theory, Culture and Society131209200
30Journal of Popular Music Studies2298724
31British Journal of Health Care Management10261614
32Cogent Economics and Finance224263198
33Journal of Health Services Research and Policy123287335
34Memory and Cognition120705832
34Oxford Review of Education120141161
36Journal of Community Health119764859
39Child Development1187081.1K
40Molecular and Chemical Neuropathology117148216
41Nursing Standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain): 1987)116535348
41Current Issues in Tourism116584846
43Qualitative Sociology115202260
45Parliamentary Affairs21495131
45Critical Quarterly1146825
45Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, The114277438
45Journal of Systems and Integrative Neuroscience1142530
51American Behavioral Scientist113488692
51Economic Analysis and Policy113128265
51Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care113709485
54Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics112441384
55History of Education111190124
55Language Learning Journal111166200
55Innovations in Education and Teaching International111284396
55International Journal of the Economics of Business111125161
60Journal of Advanced Nursing1101.7K2.4K
60Global Studies Quarterly1106325
62European Journal of Wood and Wood Products19432552
62Designs, Codes, and Cryptography29460657
62Social Identities19194241
65American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A181.3K1.8K
65Archaeological Journal283044
65International Journal of Human Rights18246270
65Journal of Research in Reading18289432
65Journal of Peacebuilding and Development1878102
65Critical Military Studies185061
71The American Journal of Digestive Diseases17406502
71Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences27374406
71New Cinemas174322
76Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications161.2K1.5K
76Social History of Medicine16207122
76Public Archaeology162556
76Journal of Political Ideologies2649136
76Current Psychology16145263
83Lecture Notes in Computer Science158.0K7.2K
83Research in Education15141183
83International Politics15218282
86Health Economics (United Kingdom)147871.2K
86British Journal of Developmental Psychology14378652
86Journal of General Management14195345
86British Journal of Management14440810
86Journal of Postcolonial Writing3449137
86International Critical Thought149273
93International Journal of Theoretical Physics131.4K1.5K
93Tropical Doctor13528804
93Journal of Sport and Social Issues13160352
93International Journal of General Medicine13510990
93Clinics and Practice13284381
93International Political Economy Series9345149
99IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems127681.3K
99British Journal of Community Nursing22207473
99Child and Family Social Work12389646
99Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision12420755
99Foreign Policy Analysis12129235
99Portuguese Journal of Social Science122443
99Education, Knowledge and Economy121731
99International Journal of Web Portals122653
107Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology111.0K1.3K
107General Relativity and Gravitation119291.3K
107Historical Research1190163
107Cambridge Archaeological Journal11237377
107Arbitration International1182113
107Meditteranean Politics11129294
107Congress and the Presidency11128206
107French Cultural Studies1190139
107International Legal Materials1197117
107International Journal of Management Reviews11213466
107Medicinski Arhiv = Medical Archives = Archives De Médecine11108252
107Australian Religion Studies Review112717
107Journal of New Zealand and Pacific Studies114822
107Acta Medica (Hradec Kralove)1174168
107Acta Academica111629
107One World Archaeology113784
124Notes and Queries10647447
124American Historical Review101.1K516
124FASEB Journal403.5K5.2K
124English Historical Review20288218
124American Journal of International Law10405536
124Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics107221.2K
124Journal of American Studies30272408
124American Ethnologist10468619
124Journal of Latin American Studies20314391
124Music and Letters1012872
124Proceedings of the ASIL Annual Meeting10427347
124Economic Botany10485987
124Journal of Wound Care107921.5K
124Clinical Lung Cancer107151.2K
124Self & Society102431
124The Art Book108036
124Textual Practice10177302
124Studies in Conflict and Terrorism10283570
124Policy Futures in Education10273582
124Latin American Politics and Society10219308
124Cultural and Social History1089188
124Case Reports in Pediatrics10289613
124Journal of Cultural Geography10127309
124Eastern Economic Journal10199439
124Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies1062210
124Systems Engineering10171410
124Current Cancer Therapy Reviews1086157
124Contributions To Economics8069499
124Language Learning in Higher Education2034179
124SIGWEB Newsletter: the Newsletter of ACM's Special Interest Group on Hypertext and Hypermedia1069122
124World Art103695
124Journal of African Media Studies1066184
124Chinese Language and Discourse103992
124Global Review of Ethnopolitics10942
124Tydskrif Vir Letterkunde106585
124Current Psychopharmacology103171
124Central and Eastern European Review1057
124Advances in Logistics, Operations, and Management Science Book Series10777856
124Advances in Marketing, Customer Relationship Management, and E-services Book Series30208685
124Journal of Academic Writing101554