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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Renewable Energy3450697224
3Advances in Building Energy Research3139108
4International Journal of Cardiology11262.7K1.4K
5Energy Procedia9109255332
7Applied Energy2978071.1K
7Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience1971.4K330
9Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications484497475
10Results in Physics171738375
11Materials Science & Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing168996795
11Operational Research6683337
13Journal of Applied Polymer Science2672.8K2.2K
14Science of the Total Environment2633.8K4.5K
15IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics462481577
16International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction258294380
16Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics258267229
18Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical2571.1K1.5K
18Environmental Processes15717674
20British Journal of Educational Technology155479355
22Natural Hazards2501.2K1.2K
24Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics4471.6K1.5K
25Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry1442.5K2.2K
26Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing142301188
27Analytical Chemistry1393.2K3.4K
27Theoretical and Applied Climatology1391.3K996
27Meteorological Applications239258302
30Biosensors and Bioelectronics1381.8K2.2K
31IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science2351.2K1.1K
31Journal of Hazardous Materials1352.7K3.3K
34Structure and Infrastructure Engineering134404342
36AIP Conference Proceedings13322.6K2.0K
36IEEE Communications Letters232919948
38Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics83013048
39International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems129686403
40International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning228229
41IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation2271.0K1.3K
42IEEE Transactions on Education126469359
43Environmental Monitoring and Assessment2252.3K2.7K
43Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing125678789
45Applied Radiation and Isotopes224802922
45Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy324363678
47IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement1231.8K1.6K
48PLoS ONE22211.2K13.7K
48IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology1221.6K1.6K
48Energy and Environment122431294
51Electronics (Switzerland)1213.0K2.2K
51Physics and Chemistry of the Earth12192137
51IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems121315381
54IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering6201.3K1.1K
54IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques2209801.4K
54International Journal of Nursing Practice120590616
54Structural Control and Health Monitoring120499547
54Frontiers in Earth Science220656901
54IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part 2: Express Briefs120370434
54AIMS Energy2204350
62Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation2185591.1K
62IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics1188921.1K
62IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks118618937
66Journal of Electronic Materials3171.4K2.0K
66Communications in Computer and Information Science8171.9K1.8K
66International Journal of Electronics317495517
66International Journal of Public Administration117656516
66IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems1177243
71Applied Sciences (Switzerland)1165.8K4.7K
71Human-computer Interaction Series116285151
73Procedia, Social and Behavioral Sciences115697548
73IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications1151.1K1.2K
73Earth, Planets and Space115711814
77Environmental Technology (United Kingdom)1141.4K1.5K
77Engineering With Computers114606747
80Annals of Operations Research1131.5K1.7K
80European Physical Journal: Special Topics1131.3K1.3K
80Atmosphere - Ocean113192253
80International Journal of Sustainable Energy113260259
84Physical Review E1123.2K3.6K
84International Journal of Solids and Structures212371732
84Journal of Applied Geophysics212154374
84International Journal of Green Energy112507705
84Annals of Geophysics112321228
89Environmental Science and Pollution Research1114.9K5.6K
89International Journal of Biometeorology1119971.5K
89Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Transactions of the ASME111565693
89Advances in Meteorology111466647
89Wind Engineering111238271
89Energy Efficiency111351523
89Urban Science111303287
96International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology1102.3K2.8K
96Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society110752952
96European Journal of Physics310161414
96Public Administration and Information Technology1109076
101Journal of the Textile Institute19485571
101International Journal of Corporate Finance and Accounting4938
103Indoor and Built Environment18421622
103Journal of Seismology18309446
103Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering1830697
103International Review of Applied Economics18246353
103Management: Journal of Contemporary Management Issues183929
103Problems and Perspectives in Management18345260
109Annals of Biomedical Engineering171.1K1.8K
110MATEC Web of Conferences461.2K1.5K
110Chemical Engineering Research and Design168861.6K
110Physics Education16341274
110Environments - MDPI16475682
114Waste Management151.3K2.3K
114Journal of Texture Studies15451726
114Acta Universitatis Lodziensis Folia Oeconomica153617
118Journal of Physics: Conference Series145.2K4.3K
118IEEE Transactions on Communications141.0K1.4K
118Computer Aided Chemical Engineering24251320
118Geotechnical and Geological Engineering147421.1K
118Measurement and Control34162490
118Journal of Educational and Social Research1420995
118International Journal of Solar Energy1460102
118Advances in Finance, Accounting, and Economics34259224
118Advances in Environmental Engineering and Green Technologies Book Series24292240
118Key Engineering Materials141.7K1.4K
128Applied Optics131.8K2.4K
128Electronics Letters132.2K2.7K
128International Journal of Systems Science131.1K1.5K
128International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Education33158377
128Procedia Structural Integrity13302440
128Environmental Sciences: Processes and Impacts137491.3K
128Environmental Quality Management23197463
128Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems13143270
128Springer Atmospheric Sciences239798
137Lecture Notes in Computer Science128.0K8.4K
137IEEE Photonics Technology Letters229531.8K
137Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing223.8K4.4K
137Microwave and Optical Technology Letters121.6K2.0K
137Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics121.3K2.0K
137Wireless Personal Communications321.1K2.4K
137Desalination and Water Treatment121.3K2.1K
137International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences121.0K1.2K
137Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing12253406
137History of Mechanism and Machine Science224750
137Medijske Studije121230
137Physica Status Solidi C: Current Topics in Solid State Physics221.0K1.7K
150Journal of Instrumentation111.2K1.6K
150Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering112.2K1.7K
150Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics11390619
150Physical Communication11185487
150Contributions To Economics11345360
150International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies1192232
150International Journal of Strategic Information Technology and Applications112971
150International Journal of Knowledge Society Research113888
150Central European Review of Economics & Finance111710
159Physica B: Condensed Matter108901.7K
159Fusion Engineering and Design10340589
159Journal of Mathematical Sciences10692921
159Acta Astronautica105191.0K
159Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering103.9K4.1K
159Physica Medica305561.5K
159Applicable Analysis109541.5K
159Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences and Engineering)10356540
159International Journal of Communication Systems101.1K1.8K
159Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering102.1K2.4K
159Journal of Food Quality107151.4K
159Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing101.1K1.6K
159MRS Communications10429942
159NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics20205408
159International Journal of Applied Management Sciences and Engineering101236
159Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW W Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego104754
159International Journal of Business and Social Research101766
159Materials Forming, Machining and Tribology1076158
159Independent Journal of Management & Production10171285
159Advances in Business Information Systems and Analytics Book Series10387505
159Advances in Marketing, Customer Relationship Management, and E-services Book Series20313685
159Advances in Medical Diagnosis, Treatment, and Care10296316
159European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems, Proceedings of the102362
159International Journal for Research in Business, Management and Accounting2014
159EPH - International Journal of Science And Engineering102424