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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Physical Review Letters1,03896,2105051
2Physical Review D2,60692,98326
3Journal of High Energy Physics1,89362,36213
4Physical Review B1,01327,82781125
5Physical Review A62218,0913551
7Physical Review E32611,5444448
8Physical Review C3129,4765746
9Reviews of Modern Physics176,4545893
10Astrophysical Journal896,117362302
11Communications in Mathematical Physics785,8244629
12European Physical Journal C2305,739279377
13Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics1034,0282235
14Astronomy and Astrophysics1143,963297381
15Journal of Mathematical Physics1403,6863034
17Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America433,0651.0K1.6K
18Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series142,768239186
19Classical and Quantum Gravity722,52917101
20Nature Communications622,3629191.5K
21Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society1412,347314415
22Nature Physics252,279132206
23Fortschritte Der Physik942,23824
24International Journal of Modern Physics A861,88488
25Physical Review X351,84642173
26Journal of Chemical Physics581,574629693
27New Journal of Physics461,4534871
28Nano Letters171,403569574
29Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science81,3992514
30Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics31,3966267
31Physical Review441,281142181
32Journal of Physics Condensed Matter241,226392166
33International Journal of Modern Physics D311,1761511
34Reports on Progress in Physics131,1171677
35Nature Materials81,101360603
36Journal of Statistical Physics251,02116395
37Modern Physics Letters A549331722
38Physical Review Research969121833
39American Journal of Physics4181011468
40Europhysics Letters4475240109
41Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics2074759112
42Biophysical Journal24739501456
43Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics1873749212
44Foundations of Physics38722916
45Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical496911521
46AIP Conference Proceedings183689296124
47Scientific Reports526652.1K3.1K
48International Journal of Quantum Information6656564
49Journal of Physics A226544846
50General Relativity and Gravitation296325666
51Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics265787672
51European Physical Journal A32578169202
53Annals of Physics1557483
54Annalen Der Physik225573922
55Physics Reports454621115
56PRX Quantum225321818
57Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics5517512
58Physics of the Dark Universe85131515
59European Physical Journal B33495101170
60Optics Letters14489689645
61Energy and Environmental Science2474783669
62Journal of Applied Physics314691.1K1.4K
63Chinese Physics C334582136
64Astronomical Journal5454572468
65Advances in Physics1402180158
66Journal of Modern Optics2040111587
67Advances in High Energy Physics20397610
68PLoS ONE133945.3K5.2K
69Quantum Information Processing1038519255
69Applied Physics Reviews138546799
71Soft Matter16383453504
72International Journal of Theoretical Physics393436177
73Advances in Physics: X1342874
74Science China: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy243366966
75Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics63072384
76Journal of the American Chemical Society42991.8K2.0K
77Physica Scripta23292120125
78Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters6269466391
79European Physical Journal Plus23242124222
80PLoS Computational Biology8240649835
81Mathematical Biosciences4237202103
82Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics6233485307
83Applied Optics16232603867
85IEEE Transactions on Information Theory14228293413
87Applied Physics Letters322241.0K2.0K
87Journal of Plasma Physics6224254103
89Letters in Mathematical Physics13221110108
90Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics212179911.6K
91Nature Nanotechnology2215727987
92Journal of the Royal Society Interface6213394504
93European Physical Journal E8207157140
94Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement102054830
95International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics182042228
96Journal of Biological Engineering120222545
97European Physical Journal: Special Topics12201181396
97Nature Astronomy4201409425
99Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment171973787
100International Journal of Modern Physics B15196212150
101Journal of Fluid Mechanics5194787821
102Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics4185408261
103Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences3184490260
104Nature Reviews Physics418262171
105Journal of Materials Chemistry A41801.4K1.5K
106Physical Review Applied17176248406
109Journal of Microscopy11701.2K347
110Journal of Physics: Conference Series34167760456
111Zeitschrift Für Physik C-Particles and Fields19162172251
113Journal of Low Temperature Physics11161318266
114Astrophysics and Space Science12155406358
115Journal of Theoretical Biology3154860546
115Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics14154721
117Lettere Al Nuovo Cimento Rivista Internazionale Della Società Italiana Di Fisica171508644
118International Journal of Quantum Chemistry5147803502
119APL Materials4145365257
119APL Photonics314524899
122Cell Reports21431.8K1.8K
123Angewandte Chemie - International Edition41391.9K2.5K
124Optics Express161389141.6K
125Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences11331.6K1.3K
125Progress of Theoretical Physics10133104116
127Npj Quantum Materials3131218134
129ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces31272.5K2.5K
129Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics10127437567
129Philosophical Transactions Series A, Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Sciences5127535680
133Il Nuovo Cimento A2012492106
134Limnology and Oceanography11211.2K854
135Computer Physics Communications3118232202
136Journal of Physical Chemistry C61161.8K2.2K
137Nature Structural and Molecular Biology11119591.1K
138Solar Physics1110738417
140Journal of the Physical Society of Japan3107696403
140Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences101072560
142Advanced Materials51051.3K2.3K
143Light: Science and Applications5104228507
144Accounts of Chemical Research11038781.0K
145Molecular Physics6102662693
146Annales Henri Poincare810195102
147Journal of Molecular Biology2951.1K1.1K
147International Journal of Modern Physics E159559157
147Few-Body Systems69518892
150Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics2921.0K846
151Journal of Neuroscience2871.5K2.0K
152Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics886108109
152Journal of the Korean Physical Society23869292
154JAMS Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies2856426
155Open Physics28436760
155Nature Ecology and Evolution1841.3K1.4K
157Chinese Physics Letters1381124165
157Communications in Theoretical Physics218156104
157Open Systems and Information Dynamics10811233
161Advanced Optical Materials579604827
161Indian Journal of Physics879111116
163Frontiers in Physics476220204
164Applied Mechanics Reviews174306307
165Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters9735326
166Astronomische Nachrichten871241271
166Nature Methods1711.1K1.5K
171Advanced Functional Materials4681.4K2.4K
172Biological Cybernetics167611443
172Communications Physics136786342
174Journal of Geophysical Research1662.0K2.1K
174Journal of Physical Chemistry A6661.2K1.7K
174Developmental Cell1669691.2K
174Laser and Photonics Reviews366354535
174Npj 2D Materials and Applications266181181
179Science Advances6631.3K3.2K
180Physica Status Solidi (B): Basic Research15625571.1K
180Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology5622257
182Journal of Mathematical Biology161782482
183Nuclear Physics B260274211
183Chinese Physics B460350231
183Physics of Fluids660204292
186EPJ Quantum Technology45831127
186SciPost Physics758167245
188Geophysical Journal International1571.1K771
188Physical Review Materials857417545
190Molecular Systems Biology154547770
190Experimental Astronomy254502497
192Theoretical and Mathematical Physics(Russian Federation)105276115
193Nature Photonics1487741.1K
193Zeitschrift Fur Angewandte Mathematik Und Physik548376427
195Inorganic Chemistry4471.7K2.3K
195Modern Physics Letters B1147214383
198Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics446266397
198European Physical Journal D1246254715
198Molecular Microbiology1461.5K1.7K
198Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology146280468
198Quantum Science and Technology34672134
203Biotechnology and Bioengineering1451.6K1.6K
203Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation2459351.1K
203Reviews in Mathematical Physics245160161
206Publication of the Astronomical Society of Japan444350487
206Reports on Mathematical Physics34445
209ACS Omega3432.5K2.5K
209Npj Quantum Information643119335
211Neural Computation342336581
211Nano-Micro Letters142565647
213Physics of Plasmas4419781.2K
213Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films6416471.0K
213Journal of Applied Crystallography141920661
213Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy241237226
217Astrophysical Journal Letters7405811.2K
217EAS Publications Series14038559
217Science Robotics140209376
220Canadian Journal of Physics537127204
220IOP SciNotes13791
220Pramana - Journal of Physics737227378
223Nuclear Fusion136456405
224Journal of Electronic Materials1352.3K1.5K
224ACS Photonics135982980
224Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics135136104
227Journal Physics D: Applied Physics6346811.6K
227Journal of Instrumentation2341.0K876
229Advances in Mathematical Physics433115115
229Machine Learning: Science and Technology5331247
229Il Nuovo Cimento B3336962
232Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters3321.3K1.8K
232AIP Advances5321.1K1.4K
232Terra Nova132539530
232Algebraic and Geometric Topology132351170
232Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis132336240
237RSC Advances2304.1K4.6K
237Low Temperature Physics430232255
237IEEE Electron Device Letters330591874
240EPJ Web of Conferences2629338527
240ACS Nano3291.6K3.0K
240Frontiers in Chemistry3298161.5K
243Space Science Reviews228650946
243Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics1282931
245IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science1271.3K918
245Photonics Research327239451
245Npj Computational Materials527182519
248Zeitschrift Für Physik A726122291
249Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling32566275
251Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures72482512
251Interface Focus124382535
254Materials Research Express323737967
254Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia323268418
254Frontiers of Physics523101329
257Journal of Membrane Biology122825963
258Societa Italiana Di Fisica Nuovo Cimento B-General Physics, Relativity Astronomy and Mathematical Physics and Methods112142231
258Nuclear Science and Techniques/Hewuli221174194
261Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology an Official Journal of the American Vacuum Society B, Microelectronics Processing and Phenomena520358716
261Remote Sensing1203.3K3.3K
261Physics of Particles and Nuclei220157100
261International Journal of Fuzzy Systems120473457
265Protein Science1191.3K1.5K
266Linear Algebra and Its Applications118565353
266Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces1181.9K2.5K
266International Review of Nuclear Physics11883
269Linear and Multilinear Algebra217547480
269Geographical Analysis117327385
269Physical Biology217216430
269Open Astronomy11717738
269Advanced Quantum Technologies217168308
275Journal of Rheology116431553
275Journal of Nanobiotechnology1169631.4K
275Astronomy and Astrophysics Review116129283
278Communications in Algebra1151.5K977
278Biophysical Chemistry315354893
278International Journal of Computer Mathematics115975763
278Neural Networks1158281.2K
278Journal of Scientific Computing115792755
278Advances in Astronomy31547141
278Forum of Mathematics, Sigma115251118
278JPhys Materials115109164
278Electronic Structure1153632
287Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis114600732
287Bulletin of Mathematical Biology214550961
287Journal of Russian Laser Research114265102
287Acta Physica Hungarica A Heavy Ion Physics4145772
292Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation213331733
292Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications113367251
292Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology113496612
292Communications Biology1132.4K2.8K
292Journal of Computational Science113225405
292Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences1131.1K1.4K
292Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine113199230
299Medical Physics1122.2K2.2K
299Scientific World Journal, The1122.2K2.6K
299Physics World11226497
299Radiation Measurements112266323
299Journal of Mathematical Chemistry212458624
299Journal De Physique Colloque512407402
299Journal De Physique112174260
307Journal of Materials Chemistry C3111.4K2.4K
307Human Brain Mapping1111.4K1.9K
307Laser and Particle Beams111370388
307National Science Review211412901
314Chemical Communications2102.5K4.0K
314Chemical Science1101.8K2.5K
314Earth, Planets and Space310424903
314Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics110848974
314Zeitschrift Für Physik D-Atoms Molecules and Clusters210270386
321Superlattices and Microstructures29342795
321JETP Letters39325660
321International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering396071.3K
321European Physical Journal H198475
321Les Houches Summer School Proceedings3918
321Ultrafast Science193778
328Angewandte Chemie581.8K3.3K
328Journal of Physical Chemistry B182.7K3.4K
328Geophysical Research Letters182.5K3.3K
328Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism181.2K1.2K
328European Biophysics Journal187021.1K
328Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics28186309
328Journal of Computational Neuroscience18375561
328Nuclear Physics News583577
328Physics in Perspective187570
328Advanced Series on Directions in High Energy Physics582075
328European Physical Journal D108151494
328Understanding Complex Systems18316221
340Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications474971.7K
340Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung - Section A Journal of Physical Sciences171.0K1.1K
340Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union177392552
340International Journal of Thermophysics178471.1K
340Journal of the ACM17356530
340Journal of the South African Veterinary Association17102138
340Journal of Turbulence17245369
340International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology17639729
340Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems17196286
340The Moon1778122
350Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision161.3K1.7K
350Chaos, Solitons and Fractals168291.3K
350Nature Cell Biology161.1K1.7K
350Physics of Atomic Nuclei56204490
350Phase Transitions26433806
350Optical Materials Express169921.3K
350International Journal of Modern Physics Conference Series5690289
350Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience16577938
350Mathematics in Computer Science16205229
350Rivista Del Nuovo Cimento1670156
350IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine2651121
350EPJ Data Science16196342
350Statistical Science and Interdisciplinary Research163423
350SciPost Physics Core16136163
364Advanced Materials Interfaces151.4K1.9K
364Lecture Notes in Physics65455716
364Technology in Cancer Research and Treatment156901.1K
364Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications15368438
364Journal of Biological Systems15220384
364AVS Quantum Science15163217
364Science Bulletin157371.0K
364Ukrainian Journal of Physics15190122
364Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations156752
364Frontiers in Bioscience2543253
364JMIR MHealth and UHealth157671.5K
375Journal of the American Ceramic Society142.0K2.8K
375Applied Sciences (Switzerland)145.8K6.7K
375Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine142.1K3.1K
375CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology141.1K1.5K
375Optics and Spectroscopy (English Translation of Optika I Spektroskopiya)14496585
375Journal of Optics (United Kingdom)14620975
375Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific14478672
375Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis14163212
375Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics14208216
375Surveys in High Energy Physics241536
375Colloquium Mathematicum14354349
375Communications in Number Theory and Physics14119153
375World Scientific Series in 20th Century Physics146816
389Lecture Notes in Computer Science138.0K8.0K
389Dalton Transactions132.6K3.5K
389Solar Energy139401.7K
389Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra13308431
389International Journal of Modern Physics C234351.0K
389Computational Mechanics136421.0K
389ACS Applied Nano Materials132.0K2.8K
389Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy13366438
389Springer Series in Optical Sciences13421346
389Computing and Software for Big Science13417458
389Advanced Series in Applied Physics131621
402Optics Communications225731.5K
402Physics of Fluids122.2K2.8K
402Climate Dynamics129301.5K
402Philosophical Magazine A: Physics of Condensed Matter, Structure, Defects and Mechanical Properties12547789
402Results in Physics127381.4K
402Minerals (Basel, Switzerland)121.5K2.1K
402Georgian Mathematical Journal12319386
402Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics12231414
402Journal of Physics Communications2265419
402Applications of Mathematics12110259
402ACS Applied Electronic Materials226891.4K
402Vietnam Journal of Mathematics12185288
402Energy, Sustainability and Society12121381
402IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence12348515
402Communications Materials12376642
402Asian Journal of Mathematics12156220
402Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly2298175
402Zeitschrift Für Physik A12248371
402Springer Proceedings in Physics221.1K934
402IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement121.8K2.6K
402Physica Status Solidi C: Current Topics in Solid State Physics121.4K1.7K
402Cold Atoms121314
427Chemistry - A European Journal112.6K3.8K
427Frontiers in Physiology112.7K4.3K
427Il Nuovo Cimento A2149150
427Lab on A Chip111.3K2.2K
427Liquid Crystals216101.2K
427Russian Physics Journal11287375
427Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics118411.2K
427Geometriae Dedicata11669926
427Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B:Nanotechnology and Microelectronics119361.5K
427Journal of Geometric Analysis11725924
427Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics11244372
427Brazilian Journal of Physics11410671
427Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics111.4K1.2K
427Acta Physica Polonica A4159
427Chinese Optics Letters11277454
427Bioinspiration and Biomimetics11306642
427Communications in Contemporary Mathematics11365683
427IET Optoelectronics11219437
427Theory in Biosciences11129379
427Mathematical Physics Analysis and Geometry11184386
427Korean Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics114862
427Living Reviews in Relativity11300462
427Journal of Differential Geometry1158101
427Series on Advances in Quantum Many-body Theory11416
427Research Notes of the AAS11338432
427Acta Astrophysica Taurica1146
427Optics Continuum11123235
461Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings202.2K3.1K
461IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering103.2K4.3K
461Water Resources Research101.5K2.4K
461Symposium - International Astronomical Union30557710
461Nonlinear Dynamics101.7K2.5K
461Physics Procedia10356689
461International Astronomical Union Colloquium30463591
461Physics Education10341611
461SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis10200231
461IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters101.1K1.8K
461Proceedings (mdpi)208151.6K
461Journal Fur Die Reine Und Angewandte Mathematik20325656
461Results in Mathematics107231.1K
461Discrete and Computational Geometry10495773
461Nuovo Cimento Della Societa Italiana Di Fisica D - Condensed Matter, Atomic, Molecular and Chemical Physics, Biophysics20193505
461Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences10254525
461Acta Physica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae10105172
461Astronomy Reports10197342
461Earth, Moon and Planets10379661
461Springer Theses30384222
461Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry10330593
461Moscow University Physics Bulletin (English Translation of Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Fizika)10142206
461Computers in Physics10149299
461ACS Infectious Diseases107271.4K
461Journal of Differential Geometry10129246
461Fluctuation and Noise Letters10203489
461Materials Horizons106951.2K
461Nanoscale Advances101.2K2.1K
461Acta Physica Sinica (overseas Edition)105980
461International Studies in the Philosophy of Science1074195
461Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics1094235
461International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems10183493
461Acta Polytechnica10139255
461Palgrave Communications10220694
461NRIAG Journal of Astronomy and Geophysics1064135
461Theoretical and Mathematical Physics3052112
461Npj Flexible Electronics10179396
461Acta Physica Hungarica10104183
461New Physics: Sae Mulli103910
461Journal of Materials Science103.3K4.7K
461Springer Series in Synergetics9035204
461NATO ASI Series Series B: Physics10541623
461Communications in Physics204887
461IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing101.6K2.3K
461NATO Science Series Series II, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry1086170
461Arab Journal of Nuclear Sciences and Applications104248
461Benha Journal of Applied Sciences102212
461Zeitschrift Für Physik A, Atomic Nuclei10188270