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citing journals

Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Journal of Food and Drug Analysis11,19620313
2Aquaculture Research367707669
3Remote Sensing46932.1K524
4Environmental Science & Technology35452.0K1.2K
5Scientific Reports304983.1K3.6K
7Construction and Building Materials8488424336
8Fish and Shellfish Immunology10408225216
9PLoS ONE163884.8K5.2K
10Lecture Notes in Computer Science693721.4K1.4K
11Food Chemistry43281.3K969
12Nature Climate Change13181.1K917
13Reviews in Aquaculture63037985
15Journal of Global Optimization10287117112
17Applied Sciences (Switzerland)132791.8K923
18Journal of Food Protection4273520291
19Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications10258277246
20Journal of Experimental Botany22451.0K772
21Aquaculture, Economics and Management102401517
22Journal of Fish Biology7233621468
23Science of the Total Environment72322.1K2.6K
25Water (Switzerland)19213662749
26RSC Advances132101.9K2.2K
27Journal of Experimental Biology8208668836
27Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing1208347102
29Studies in Educational Evaluation1205976
30Crop Science4195453350
31Physical Review D121911.3K1.4K
31Agricultural and Forest Meteorology1191544230
33Journal of Fish Diseases6179249229
34Climatic Change2177992746
34Sustainability Science3177251206
36Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review51705032
37International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology4165889854
40ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces41612.3K2.3K
42Fisheries Science131535979
44Green Chemistry41488741.1K
44Soil Science and Plant Nutrition7148108108
46Journal of Materials Science41471.9K1.5K
47IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering26144354162
48Environmental Monitoring and Assessment7141958983
49Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry31402.0K2.0K
51Applied and Environmental Microbiology21342.0K2.0K
52Biology and Fertility of Soils1131719431
54Aquaculture Nutrition7127143198
55International Journal of Food Microbiology5125373634
55Civil Engineering Journal (Iran)121252420
57Journal of Ethnopharmacology31231.1K1.1K
58European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology3121361238
58International Journal of Pest Management212117751
60Ecosystem Services3120120195
61Journal of General Virology31171.1K1.2K
62Ichthyological Research61135938
63Applied Economics31111.0K599
63Landscape and Urban Planning1111333263
65Briefings in Bioinformatics11081.1K552
66Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice1107454495
67Archives of Microbiology3102946698
67Food and Bioprocess Technology1102711386
69Marine Biology2100998864
69Economic Botany1100485248
72Environmental Pollution3961.6K2.1K
73Hydrological Processes1951.5K973
73Advances in Global Change Research11951336
76Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A, Molecular & Integrative Physiology494357421
76ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering5941.0K1.5K
78Journal of Environmental Management3931.6K2.1K
79International Journal of Molecular Sciences10922.6K3.7K
79Journal of Veterinary Medical Science692237185
79Springer Environmental Science and Engineering592123
82Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing1990906507
83Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety4899881.4K
83Continental Shelf Research28918497
83Agronomy for Sustainable Development289229309
87International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems488299190
88Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans187944591
89Aquaculture International98494224
89Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology184545340
92Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering283415367
93Journal of Chemical Physics4822.1K2.3K
93Hydrology and Earth System Sciences282735759
93Microbial Drug Resistance182773333
93Environment, Development and Sustainability682282481
97Materials Transactions381486331
97Asian Journal of Chemistry981603
100International Journal of Biological Sciences179538388
100Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies17916356
102BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine378552820
104Journal of Physical Chemistry A4771.5K1.6K
104Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry3779451.1K
104Chaos, Solitons and Fractals277534460
107Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology2761.8K1.9K
107Journal of Luminescence376476411
107Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy97684214
110Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences475143170
111Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research5731.2K1.8K
111Paddy and Water Environment37311082
111Set-Valued and Variational Analysis2735942
114Ocean Engineering172622384
115Environmental Geochemistry and Health1711.2K562
116Green Processing and Synthesis7703959
116Food Biophysics170231125
116Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly9702730
120International Journal of Food Science and Technology369859797
120Journal of Food Biochemistry369517386
123International Journal of Water Resources Development46875120
124Water Resources Management1671.1K729
127Mathematical Programming265463484
127Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers465199407
130Communications in Computer and Information Science7464169611
130Fuel Processing Technology264227340
130Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling1641.4K961
130International Journal of Remote Sensing2641.3K1.2K
134Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics9631.6K2.5K
134Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization563148140
134Nano Convergence16313598
138Food Microbiology162540492
139Biosensors and Bioelectronics1611.8K1.9K
139Annals of Operations Research661547925
141Communications in Statistics Part B: Simulation and Computation360640334
142IEEE Access8592.4K3.2K
142Journal of Applied Phycology659341830
142Journal of Information and Telecommunication659810
146Aquatic Toxicology458410804
146Tropical Animal Health and Production658347404
146Vietnam Journal of Computer Science4581417
150Letters in Applied Microbiology257908935
150Studies in Computational Intelligence2157212389
150Journal of Plant Interactions257175175
153PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases1562.5K2.1K
153Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres4568371.1K
157Inorganic Chemistry1552.6K2.2K
157Plant and Soil3551.0K1.5K
157ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics (Belgium)2555417
160Journal of Applied Statistics154958297
160ACS Applied Nano Materials3541.3K1.2K
163Journal of Food Quality353310299
163Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology353119212
166Physical Review B6522.3K3.0K
166Environment International1521.7K2.1K
166Fish Physiology and Biochemistry352378496
166Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition352258192
170Applied Physics Letters4512.5K3.3K
170Frontiers in Microbiology2513.0K3.5K
170Waste Management1511.3K1.5K
170Ecology and Evolution6511.1K1.6K
170Agricultural Water Management251300456
170Land Degradation and Development351587821
170Annals of Microbiology251350309
170Economics of Transition151220164
178International Journal of Biometeorology150997770
178Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment2505251
181Management Science1498941.0K
181Plant Disease349834778
181BioMedical Engineering OnLine149752533
181Set-Valued and Variational Analysis7492861
181International Journal of Biomaterials14912386
186Journal of Applied Microbiology2481.3K1.7K
186The Journal of Experimental Zoology148931834
186Journal of Chemical Ecology548444969
186Journal of Applied Ichthyology148841440
186Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University12483117
191Acta Materialia147692778
191Soil Science Society of America Journal247708909
191Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems347102112
194Archives of Virology4461.0K1.5K
194Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering354687228
196Chemical Physics145422145
196Journal of Molecular Modeling445609687
196Cancer Cell International145892693
196Agriculture (Switzerland)645564689
200Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek244772888
202Bioresource Technology3431.5K2.6K
202Agricultural Systems243148291
202Higher Education143650575
202RAIRO - Operations Research34314684
202Vietnam Journal of Chemistry17431512
207Journal of Electronic Materials4421.2K1.3K
207Communications Biology1422.4K1.7K
210Natural Product Research6415711.0K
210Journal of Maps141401209
213Nature Communications1406.4K7.5K
213Environmental Science and Pollution Research4402.9K3.9K
213International Journal of Food Properties240583587
213Journal of Combinatorial Optimization240421274
213Journal of Radiology Case Reports14016744
213International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability140243198
221Nuclear Physics B139394280
221Plant Breeding239420516
221Journal of Comparative Physiology B: Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology339398617
221Frontiers in Veterinary Science339546677
221Hydrological Research Letters2394734
221Environmental Engineering Research239146118
227Semiconductor Science and Technology238560528
227Mathematical Methods of Operations Research338149222
227Computational and Applied Mathematics3386276
230Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture2371.5K1.9K
230Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences137528496
230Multimedia Tools and Applications4371.2K1.5K
230Frontiers in Public Health1372.4K1.7K
230Reviews in Fisheries Science137127200
237Protein Engineering, Design and Selection135566553
237Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing135609225
237Fish Pathology43557101
237Food Biotechnology2357598
241Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures134614387
241Journal of the Turkish Chemical Society, Section A: Chemistry434124
243Journal of Physics: Conference Series9332.0K1.7K
243Journal of Chemistry433439667
243Journal of Building Engineering233361518
243Journal of Applied Aquaculture83330102
243International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research14331524
243Applied Environmental Research833119
250International Journal of Biological Macromolecules2322.2K3.2K
250Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification132327310
250Cogent Food and Agriculture332154121
250Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making132163172
250Applied and Environmental Soil Science43228127
250Journal of Computers in Education1327393
257Journal of Physical Chemistry C2312.7K3.3K
257Occupational and Environmental Medicine1311.2K875
257Computers in Biology and Medicine1311.6K1.6K
257Journal of Environmental Monitoring131702866
257Chemical Papers831156499
264European Physical Journal C4301.3K1.7K
264Frontiers in Pharmacology2302.0K2.7K
264Biological Control130254302
264Drug Delivery230482838
264Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering330208227
270Physical Review Letters1293.2K3.7K
270Applied Mathematical Modelling129717733
270Acta Biomaterialia1291.4K1.9K
270Developmental and Comparative Immunology329366692
270Resources, Conservation and Recycling129531876
270Advances in Materials Science and Engineering1291.3K694
270Optimal Control Applications and Methods129577316
270Higher Education Dynamics2295943
280Journal of Cleaner Production1282.2K3.1K
280Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology4289521.6K
280AIP Advances5281.1K1.5K
280Journal of Computational Chemistry3288441.3K
280Ecological Indicators1281.1K1.4K
280Social Indicators Research2288081.2K
280Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta - General Subjects1281.4K1.6K
280Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing128678750
280Frontiers in Environmental Science228492804
291Journal of Dairy Science2278211.3K
291Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical1271.6K2.0K
291Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids127657615
291Current Microbiology3279531.4K
291Crop Protection127302325
291Journal of Nanomaterials4276261.2K
291International Journal of Fuzzy Systems127473374
291Reaction Chemistry and Engineering227288314
300Chemistry of Materials2261.5K2.4K
300Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods2261.3K953
300Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution226549735
300Animal Science Journal426209356
300Journal of Geophysical Research G: Biogeosciences1261.0K1.0K
300Veterinary World626138240
300Biocontrol Science12614783
300SN Computer Science142636211
300Science and Technology1626118
310Journal of Applied Physics3253.1K4.1K
310Energy Procedia1251.2K1.0K
310BioMed Research International1254.0K4.0K
310European Journal of Operational Research1258311.1K
310Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects3255921.3K
310IEEE Sensors Journal4251.3K2.2K
310Superlattices and Microstructures225342493
310Computers and Chemical Engineering125348407
310Philosophical Magazine225690817
310Cement and Concrete Composites125278508
310Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems3825307610
310Food and Bioproducts Processing125196308
310Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology125450810
310Open Agriculture7251769
310Food and Nutrition Research125265363
326Journal of Hydrology1249381.2K
326Environmental Microbiology1241.5K1.9K
326Environmental Research Letters1241.1K1.4K
326Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering1241.1K1.5K
326Waste and Biomass Valorization324445785
326Soil Use and Management224354529
326Advances in Data Analysis and Classification124168156
326Polymer Degradation and Stability124360546
334Journal of Applied Polymer Science1233.5K3.3K
334Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation223676623
334Food and Function1231.5K1.6K
334Environmental Science and Policy123428692
334Progress in Natural Science: Materials International123239288
334International Journal for Equity in Health223606989
342Materials Today: Proceedings422678945
342Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces2221.4K2.3K
342Epidemiology and Infection1221.7K2.0K
342Chemical Society Reviews1221.1K1.7K
342International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering122109131
342Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching12210796
349Environmental Earth Sciences1211.9K1.8K
349Protein Science1211.3K1.5K
349Asian Journal of Control121699590
349AMB Express121654773
349Energy Reports221274723
349Asian Economic and Financial Review3216651
349Sustainable Environment Research22139125
349ACS ES&T Engineering121247188
349Frontiers in Space Technologies12193
360Physica B: Condensed Matter220564692
360Carbohydrate Polymers1202.1K2.9K
360Computational Materials Science220470811
360Drying Technology120820852
360Optics and Lasers in Engineering120315435
360Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics120395391
360Biocontrol Science and Technology220321491
360Applied Intelligence2207501.1K
360Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems120458597
360Journal of Environmental Planning and Management120640767
360Optimization Letters520143408
360Applied Water Science120651712
360Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy220134167
360Communications in Mathematics and Statistics2202931
379Pest Management Science1191.1K1.3K
379Russian Journal of Genetics119360144
379Journal of Community Health119764859
379Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology119111137
379Acta Zoologica119410392
379Journal of General Plant Pathology119200204
379Wetlands Ecology and Management119460546
379European Management Review119231318
388Frontiers in Immunology1183.3K4.0K
388Theoretical and Applied Climatology1181.3K1.3K
388Applied Soil Ecology118412628
388Water Environment Research118704629
388Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management218337628
388Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies118267431
388Urban Water Journal118349346
388Sankhya B1188530
388Quantum Beam Science1189149
388PNAS Nexus118621261
399Journal of Organic Chemistry1172.4K2.8K
399Scientific World Journal, The3171.1K2.3K
399Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment117536887
399Journal of Plant Nutrition217623862
399Microbiology and Immunology117718790
399Environmental Biology of Fishes117885995
399Chemistry and Biodiversity3177591.3K
399Polymers and Polymer Composites117584306
399Evolutionary Bioinformatics117240272
399International Aquatic Research3178106
399Granular Computing31744149
399BMC Zoology2172566
399PeerJ Computer Science217145376
399Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies1217200205
415American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology1161.3K1.6K
415Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems5166921.2K
415Acta Mathematica Scientia116347150
415Educational Studies116248278
415Diseases of Aquatic Organisms116469538
415Asian and Pacific Migration Journal116153126
415European Journal of Foreign Language Teaching201611
415Forests, Trees and Livelihoods1163840
415International Journal of TESOL & Education21683
425Angewandte Chemie - International Edition1152.9K3.9K
425Journal of Economic Entomology115814880
425Theoretical Computer Science315305460
425Journal of Agricultural Science115640743
425Journal of Composite Materials1151.2K1.3K
425Fisheries Research215215448
425Manuscripta Mathematica115589490
425Computational Optimization and Applications215347576
425APL Materials115824979
425Integrative Cancer Therapies115491666
425Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension21594178
425Plant Genome215185420
425Nano LIFE1156760
425Climate Risk Management11582201
425Asian Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development51577
440Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications2142.7K3.8K
440Water Research1141.7K2.6K
440Water Science and Technology2141.8K2.6K
440Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science2141.1K1.7K
440Journal of Natural Products1141.7K2.2K
440Journal of Comparative Pathology114338413
440Malaria Journal1141.5K1.9K
440Journal of Applied Electrochemistry1141.1K1.4K
440Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine1141.3K1.8K
440Journal of Food Processing and Preservation7143501.2K
440Concurrency Computation Practice and Experience4146231.2K
440Water International214268496
440Journal of Pesticide Sciences314111231
440Annales De Limnologie214119235
440Intercultural Education114184220
440International Journal of River Basin Management31468292
440Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society1147984
440Bulletin of Marine Science114180122
440OCL - Oilseeds and Fats, Crops and Lipids1148473
440Asian Journal of Civil Engineering114214122
440Journal of Advanced Manufacturing and Processing1143837
440Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science4144899
464Journal of Chromatography A1132.1K2.8K
464International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology2131.8K2.6K
464Economics Letters113646636
464Parasitology Research2131.3K2.1K
464Chemical Science1131.8K2.4K
464Applied Mathematics Letters113435471
464Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology1131.3K1.5K
464Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology2138531.8K
464Natural Product Communications2131.0K883
464Phytochemistry Letters113362439
464IEEE Internet Computing113349499
464Computational Statistics213304445
464Environmental Chemistry Letters1136541.2K
464Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography213136263
464Central European Journal of Operations Research113195272
464European Journal of Remote Sensing113248335
464Springer Optimization and Its Applications113408158
464Environment and Natural Resources Journal713512
464European Journal of English Language Teaching421312
486Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics412305712
486Chemistry of Natural Compounds312464578
486Journal of Education112311148
486ACS Omega5122.0K4.0K
486Avian Diseases212234464
486Veterinary Research Communications112517578
486Zoological Science112480572
486Cereal Chemistry112465622
486BMC Biology1121.1K1.6K
486Regional Environmental Change1128481.3K
486AEJ - Alexandria Engineering Journal112363645
486Microbial Biotechnology112683999
486Economic Analysis and Policy112128271
486Topics in Current Chemistry112171374
486International Journal of Information Technology (Singapore)41298281
486Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research2121886
486Japan Journal of Veterinary Informatics31221
486Acta Scientiarum Polonorum, Technologia Alimentaria4122049
486Algorithms for Intelligent Systems112634146
486Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society11222759
508Journal of the American Ceramic Society1112.0K2.5K
508Journal of Materials Chemistry A1112.2K2.9K
508IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics1111.2K1.7K
508Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology1111.7K2.2K
508Dyes and Pigments1117361.1K
508International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems111569961
508Plant Pathology1118131.1K
508Preventive Veterinary Medicine111578848
508Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - B Biochemistry and Molecular Biology111657941
508Journal of Applied Probability111969767
508Wireless Networks2116771.1K
508Security and Communication Networks1111.1K1.0K
508Molecular Biotechnology1117591.1K
508Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics111698458
508Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society211100149
508Asia Pacific Business Review211129324
508Journal of Risk and Financial Management511211666
508Groundwater for Sustainable Development111133342
508Aquaculture Reports111153226
508Acta Mathematica Vietnamica3114468
531Chemical Communications2102.5K4.0K
531New Journal of Chemistry3102.0K3.3K
531Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications110423440
531Neural Computing and Applications3101.1K2.5K
531Astroparticle Physics110253370
531Environmental and Resource Economics110683969
531Food Science and Technology Research410172491
531International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education110391546
531International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics110502688
531Journal of Coastal Conservation310144557
531Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research210152308
531Teacher Development110191246
531Cogent Education310239415
531International Journal of Financial Studies31055289
531Plant Reproduction110123202
531Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business2103664
531Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Transactions of the Chinese Institute of Engineers,Series A/Chung-kuo Kung Ch'eng Hsuch K'an210220310
548Synthetic Metals19467774
548Journal of Materials Research191.8K2.2K
548Materials Research Express191.5K1.6K
548Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine192.1K2.7K
548Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis395401.1K
548Plant, Cell and Environment191.2K1.8K
548Earth Surface Processes and Landforms191.0K1.4K
548Journal of Clinical Hypertension191.0K1.3K
548Biochemical Genetics198911.1K
548Food Science and Biotechnology29351788
548Physics and Chemistry of the Earth1992218
548Advances in Structural Engineering19511595
548Tree Genetics and Genomes29338750
548Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology39147424
548Journal of Population Economics19414648
548IET Science, Measurement and Technology19354454
548Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability19281605
548Journal of Water Sanitation and Hygiene for Development19322382
548Thermal Science and Engineering Progress19159297
548Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology19179236
548Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems29302823
548Korean Journal for Food Science of Animal Resources1990134
548European Journal of Applied Linguistics194837
548International Journal of Food Contamination1928101
548Renewables: Wind, Water, and Solar19941
548Foods and Raw Materials197059
548Materials Letters191.4K2.0K
577Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin385201.3K
577Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology181.6K1.7K
577Frontiers in Plant Science182.5K3.5K
577Journal of Materials Chemistry C182.0K2.5K
577IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation18725940
577ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters188761.4K
577Drug Design, Development and Therapy188931.5K
577Food Science and Nutrition287741.5K
577Computational Economics18585715
577Journal of Water and Health186461.0K
577Group Decision and Negotiation18395570
577Njas - Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences1889239
577Veterinary Medicine International28103235
577Asia-Pacific Financial Markets18128168
577Sustainable Production and Consumption18175565
577Journal of Plant Biotechnology186769
577Can Tho University Journal of Science10811
577Indian Journal of Fisheries185723
577Scientific Journal of Tra Vinh University18821
600Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications179911.1K
600Renewable Energy171.3K2.3K
600Mathematical Problems in Engineering172.5K2.5K
600Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering179341.2K
600Natural Hazards271.2K2.4K
600Infection, Genetics and Evolution171.4K2.1K
600Frontiers in Bioscience - Landmark177961.4K
600Transboundary and Emerging Diseases276471.4K
600Outlook on Agriculture17185261
600Water Science and Technology: Water Supply179691.1K
600Journal of the World Aquaculture Society27275628
600Society and Natural Resources17462785
600Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies67630906
600International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics17443639
600Water Policy17440705
600Environmental Quality Management17378292
600Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering217303556
600International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics17461456
600Scientific Programming17859748
600Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery171.1K1.4K
600Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation17143255
600Korean Journal of Biological Sciences178471
600Frontiers in Education27267650
600International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering17162194
600International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies1767130
600Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics275675
600Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences174444
600Journal of Science and Technology in Civil Engineering (STCE) - NUCE107812
600Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research373961
600European Journal of Education Studies257422
600Natural Volatiles and Essential Oils (discontinued)1757
600Journal of Taibah University for Science37127464
600Veterinary Integrative Sciences337211
635Chemical Physics Letters161.3K1.8K
635Journal of Alloys and Compounds162.3K3.2K
635Journal of Physics Condensed Matter261.7K2.5K
635Journal of Animal Science161.1K1.2K
635International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health166.8K8.2K
635Materials Chemistry and Physics161.2K2.1K
635Mikrochimica Acta161.7K2.3K
635Analytical Methods261.4K2.7K
635Inorganic Chemistry Communication16597969
635Data in Brief162.3K2.5K
635Journal of Solution Chemistry168171.1K
635Mitochondrial DNA Part B: Resources36145150
635Journal of Inequalities and Applications16936837
635Journal of Public Health168501.3K
635Journal of Polymer Research161.1K1.5K
635Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part B Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes264161.0K
635Brazilian Journal of Microbiology16573956
635Zoonoses and Public Health165901.0K
635Marine Biotechnology16541988
635International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction165841.0K
635International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowlege-Based Systems26159526
635Microbes and Environments36119550
635Aquatic Living Resources16182335
635Corporate Governance: an International Review16299589
635Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research16377622
635Journal of Water and Climate Change16536682
635International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition16159317
635International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications2643202
635Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water16391711
635Food Engineering Series2682110
635Bioinformatics and Biology Insights16182302
635Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science168791
635Statistical Theory and Related Fields166937
635Journal of Biology (Vietnam)56114
635Journal of Computer Science and Cybernetics362426
635Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia265594
635VNU Journal of Science Natural Sciences and Technology6672
635Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences8622
635Mathematical and Computational Applications36116299
635Journal of Human Security161612
635New language learning and teaching environments16145
679AIP Conference Proceedings1852.2K4.4K
679IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science958831.7K
679Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data151.2K1.7K
679Separation and Purification Technology158961.5K
679Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering751.6K2.1K
679Journal of Separation Science151.5K2.2K
679Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics151.8K2.3K
679Journal of Natural History159291.2K
679Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences and Engineering)15356226
679International Journal of Communication Systems151.1K1.3K
679Australasian Plant Pathology15301491
679International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence15603870
679Journal of Agricultural Economics15230397
679Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange15290416
679European Journal of Protistology15222389
679Oriental Journal of Chemistry15221167
679Infectious Diseases15448714
679Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology15109256
679Artificial Life15229389
679Journal of the Operations Research Society of China2576156
679Multimodal Technologies and Interaction25120370
679International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues1513073
679Process Integration and Optimization for Sustainability1594141
679Smart Science1574113
679Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology1589143
679Advances in Technology Innovation2569
679Edulite: Journal of English Education, Literature, and Culture15346
679Journal of Education and E-Learning Research452366
679Vietnam Journal of Education5542
679Cybernetics and Information Technologies15120149
679Khoa Học ứng Dụng152233
679CTU Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development 21511
715IEEE Transactions on Magnetics142.0K2.5K
715Synthetic Communications141.6K2.2K
715Sensors and Actuators A: Physical147201.4K
715Communications in Algebra141.5K1.5K
715Molecular Biology Reports142.3K3.1K
715Procedia CIRP14598998
715Journal Wuhan University of Technology, Materials Science Edition14450520
715BMC Proceedings14419515
715Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment147991.1K
715Advanced Healthcare Materials141.3K2.0K
715Agroforestry Systems146681.1K
715Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology14539820
715Applied Entomology and Zoology14253459
715ACS Photonics149821.4K
715Journal of the Chinese Medical Association14206384
715Mobile Networks and Applications244651.1K
715Ciencia Rural44148374
715Microbiology Resource Announcements141.4K1.3K
715International Journal of Phytoremediation147191.2K
715Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis24387926
715Invertebrate Reproduction and Development14366600
715Photonic Network Communications14318446
715Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change14487874
715Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence14261561
715Journal of Fungi (Basel, Switzerland)141.6K2.1K
715Applications of Mathematics14110204
715Advances in Condensed Matter Physics14265444
715Tropical Zoology14102216
715Journal of Functional Biomaterials147251.0K
715Vietnam Journal of Mathematics2488212
715International Journal of Agronomy24111330
715Eurasian Journal of Medicine1476120
715International Journal of Food Science2487408
715Journal of Technology and Science Education1491128
715International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining14107213
715Green Materials1449169
715Journal of Renewable Materials14620
715Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences14278450
715Communications in Physics1041531
715WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment44333700
715Science and Technology Development Journal1641224
715Advances in Environmental Engineering and Green Technologies Book Series24292240
715Science and Technology Development Journal - Natural Sciences18444
715European Journal of Applied Linguistics Studies21411
715Annals of Biomedical Engineering141.1K1.9K
715Biological Chemistry146651.2K
715Contemporary Educational Technology2457224
715Journal of Social and Development Sciences14317
715Computational and Applied Mathematics44200650
715International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning44148855
715Ho Chi Minh City Open University Journal of Science - Economics and Business Administration9442
768Journal Physics D: Applied Physics231.3K2.6K
768Applied Mathematics and Computation131.1K1.7K
768New Phytologist132.0K2.9K
768Molecular Microbiology131.5K2.2K
768Modern Physics Letters A239101.4K
768Journal of Morphology131.0K1.6K
768Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom138941.3K
768Journal of Coordination Chemistry131.4K1.9K
768Environmental Technology (United Kingdom)131.4K2.1K
768European Journal of Plant Pathology138341.3K
768International Journal of Energy Research231.2K2.5K
768Biochemical Engineering Journal13405893
768Hypertension Research139191.5K
768Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part - C: Toxicology and Pharmacology136231.1K
768Journal of Applied Animal Research23295646
768Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences137481.5K
768Open Chemistry23342857
768Knowledge and Information Systems136851.2K
768Applied Nanoscience (Switzerland)137391.4K
768Optimization Methods and Software23261653
768Journal of Mechanics13213343
768Social Sciences236351.2K
768Cultural Studies of Science Education13248397
768International Journal of Educational Reform13172186
768Cultura Y Educación1395138
768E-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology13239338
768Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research2381282
768Journal of the Knowledge Economy13334738
768Geosystem Engineering13112173
768Cogent Business and Management23454968
768Earth and Space Science234941.1K
768Model Assisted Statistics and Applications3326101
768Asia-Pacific Journal of Rural Development232455
768International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy53118438
768Fish Physiology13632
768Architectural Engineering and Design Management13130263
768Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal13131311
768International Food and Agribusiness Management Review13111259
768Urban Science3387472
768Organic Agriculture13108276
768Aquaculture and Fisheries1329124
768Language Testing in Asia2345182
768Plant Pathology Journal13154311
768Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences132791
768Journal of Climate Change53681
768Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences3331133
768Research Nepal Journal of Development Studies1343
768Cahiers Agricultures231885
768Communications in Mathematics13617
768Journal of Threatened Taxa13375378
768Journal of Nematology13159259
768Walailak Journal of Science and Technology1394110
768Problems of Education in the 21st Century13157188
768Mongolian Journal of Agricultural Sciences331312
768Asia in Transition132814
768JEELS: Journal of English Education and Linguistics Studies331211
768European Journal of Open Education and E- Learning Studies43416
768Lex Portus13108
768Applied Environmental Science and Engineering for A Sustainable Future331035
768Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences13515
768Forum for Linguistic Studies33114
768FEMS Microbiology Ecology131.1K1.8K
768Boundary Value Problems13608693
768Journal of Energy Systems131642
768Emerging Science Journal13163314
768Journal of Technical Education Science3384
768Journal of Military Science and Technology13285
768Malaysian Applied Biology432329
838Methods in Molecular Biology123.9K4.8K
838Journal of the Physical Society of Japan121.2K1.5K
838MATEC Web of Conferences221.8K2.2K
838E3S Web of Conferences821.2K2.5K
838Journal of Molecular Liquids121.5K2.4K
838Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences122.0K3.2K
838Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics225031.3K
838Optical Materials129391.7K
838South African Journal of Botany12423996
838Frontiers in Genetics122.4K3.9K
838British Poultry Science12558923
838Ocean and Coastal Management12445998
838SAGE Open328582.4K
838Journal of Asian Natural Products Research12461749
838Journal of Interprofessional Care126721.2K
838Statistical Methods in Medical Research126761.1K
838Conservation Genetics Resources126771.0K
838Managerial and Decision Economics128291.3K
838Statistica Neerlandica12269499
838Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica - Section B Soil and Plant Science12285480
838Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics121.4K1.0K
838Journal of Ichthyology2272190
838Advances in Computational Mathematics12475770
838Environmental Microbiology Reports126381.1K
838Personalized Medicine22252766
838Asian-European Journal of Mathematics22156338
838Journal of International Migration and Integration12286572
838Professional Development in Education12231489
838Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications12247344
838Archives of Animal Nutrition12145291
838Climate and Development12303706
838Translational Animal Science12180283
838Scientia Iranica12356366
838Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology12356606
838Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging and Visualization12246445
838Arabian Journal of Mathematics12103223
838Environmental Control in Biology1299157
838Current Nutrition and Food Science12174242
838Evolution Letters12184377
838International Journal of Fuzzy System Applications1262123
838Advanced Science Letters12467396
838Hydrobiological Journal125947
838Applied Computer Science52547
838Journal of Language Teaching and Research522849
838Archives Animal Breeding22171404
838Materiales De Construccion1253131
838International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature12235217
838Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology126490
838Israeli Journal of Aquaculture - Bamidgeh6251
838Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications22453268
838Tạp Chí Khoa Học Và Công Nghệ Biển322220
838International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering32353836
838Mongolian Journal of Chemistry121221
838Statistics, Optimization and Information Computing12135132
838Palgrave Studies in Climate Resilient Societies121517
838Challenges and Advances in Computational Chemistry and Physics12117200
838Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research525112
838IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement121.8K2.6K
838Journal of Economics and Development32728
838Journal of Thermal Engineering1287125
838Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension Economics & Sociology1218693
838Asian Journal of Agriculture and Food Science121612
838IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series125330
838EAI Endorsed Transactions on Context-aware Systems and Applications2221
838Journal of Language and Education1276105
838Oceanography & Fisheries Open Access Journal32721
838EAI Endorsed Transactions on Smart Cities22119
838Foster: Journal of English Language Teaching7211
838Applied Mechanics and Materials221.4K1.2K
838Nihon Chikusan Gakkaiho126861
838Industrial ecology and environmental management1276
914Physica Status Solidi (B): Basic Research112.1K2.8K
914Dalton Transactions112.6K3.7K
914IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity219921.6K
914Journal of Algebra21378847
914Annals of Applied Biology116761.2K
914Research on Chemical Intermediates111.1K1.9K
914Arabian Journal of Geosciences111.7K2.5K
914Proceedings (mdpi)218151.2K
914Applicable Analysis119541.4K
914International Journal of Clinical Practice111.9K2.8K
914Journal of Helminthology117381.3K
914Journal of Coastal Research219231.9K
914Theoretical Chemistry Accounts118881.4K
914Shokuhin Eiseigaku Zasshi Journal of the Food Hygienic Society of Japan11162198
914Molecular Simulation118751.5K
914Electronics (Switzerland)113.0K4.0K
9143 Biotech111.1K1.8K
914Journal of Linguistics11306382
914Journal of Oleo Science11558971
914Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness118171.5K
914Geomicrobiology Journal116061.2K
914Journal of Marine Science and Engineering211.1K2.2K
914Reflective Practice11262564
914International Social Science Journal11149400
914Nanoscale Advances111.2K2.0K
914Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation11218531
914EMJ - Engineering Management Journal11168453
914Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science11237380
914International Journal of Social Robotics11324683
914Quality in Higher Education11138369
914Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease118921.5K
914Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering11262537
914Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture115985
914Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research3172355
914J Agricultural Meteorology11182262
914Aerosol and Air Quality Research117591.3K
914Cogent Arts and Humanities6150309
914Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological and Integrative Physiology11259521
914Law and Development Review115393
914International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval11109250
914International Journal of Energy Optimization and Engineering1139109
914Business Strategy and Development11146347
914Asian Journal of Law and Economics114158
914Journal of Veterinary Epidemiology211725
914Nanotechnology for Environmental Engineering11106324
914International Journal of Food Studies11131144
914Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi11129169
914Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology212669
914Estudios De Economia Aplicada (discontinued)11263297
914Squalen Bulletin of Marine and Fisheries Postharvest and Biotechnology211035
914Progress in IS6149327
914Vision Journal for Language and Foreign Language Learning31410
914International Journal of Education and Practice213661
914Advances in Higher Education and Professional Development Book Series11842709
914Arterial Hypertension113849
914European Journal of Alternative Education Studies22119
914Journal of Acupuncture Research111820
914VNU Journal of Science Mathematics - Physics311810
914Indonesian Journal of Environmental Management and Sustainability51311
914REiLA Journal of Research and Innovation in Language11913
914Ho Chi Minh City Open University Journal of Science - Engineering and Technology4157
914Journal of Educational Management and Instruction2111
914Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology317862.3K
914Eurasian Journal of Soil Science1169123
914Plant Science Today11111206
914EAI Endorsed Transactions on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems113540
914EAI Endorsed Transactions on Internet of Things11828
914Environmental Monitoring and Contaminants Research112255
914Journal of Advanced Research in Food Science and Nutrition1112
914Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education11179
914Advances in Difference Equations119301.4K
914Aqua Water Infrastructure, Ecosystems and Society1147107
914Journal of Innovation and Research in Primary Education3122
914Journal of Microorganism Control11166
997Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics102.8K3.9K
997FASEB Journal105.4K5.2K
997Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry101.0K1.7K