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Top Institutions (by citations)
# | Institutions | Citations |
1 | Calcutta School of Tropical Medicine | 3,667 |
2 | Baylor College of Medicine | 2,622 |
3 | London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine | 2,368 |
4 | University of Oxford | 2,214 |
5 | Department of Public Health | 2,163 |
6 | Harvard University | 2,130 |
7 | Bio-Medical Science (South Korean) | 1,893 |
8 | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | 1,762 |
9 | University of Melbourne | 1,666 |
10 | Ministry of Health | 1,601 |
11 | Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine | 1,589 |
12 | University of Washington | 1,471 |
13 | Imperial College London | 1,415 |
14 | Texas Children's Hospital | 1,347 |
15 | University of Liverpool | 1,142 |
16 | Bernardo O'Higgins University | 1,132 |
17 | Ohio State University | 1,131 |
18 | Public Health Institute Ostrava | 1,129 |
19 | Wellcome Trust | 1,080 |
20 | World Health Organization | 1,067 |
21 | Oswaldo Cruz Foundation | 1,040 |