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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Physical Review C4539,4503748
2Physical Review Letters865,760729794
3European Physical Journal C642,344507480
4Journal of High Energy Physics961,715607636
5Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics351,3462631
6Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry1961,2541435
7European Physical Journal A911,2264394
8Advanced Energy Materials31,027832387
9Inorganic Chemistry21987832631
10Journal of Instrumentation17947387249
11Nuclear Data Sheets6877911
12Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics217685739
13Chinese Physics Letters1266871824
14Chemistry of Materials56281.1K788
15Chinese Physics C73572829
16Science China: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy485212839
17Advanced Materials34991.6K1.3K
18Nuclear Science and Techniques/Hewuli71439912
20Physical Review E144061.2K1.1K
21Journal of Materials Chemistry A53671.3K1.1K
22Nuclear Science and Engineering503424066
23Advanced Functional Materials13382.4K1.3K
24Electrochimica Acta8335488438
25Applied Physics Letters103251.8K1.7K
26Dalton Transactions123181.0K987
27Journal of Nuclear Materials2130677112
29RSC Advances292961.1K1.8K
30Angewandte Chemie - International Edition52931.7K1.9K
31International Journal of Modern Physics E422861145
32IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science14285436330
33Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment3024987121
34EPJ Web of Conferences952318070
35Journal of Power Sources2221836566
36Physical Review B161981.6K2.1K
36Journal of Alloys and Compounds41981.3K871
36Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry4198461316
39Annals of Nuclear Energy281882449
40Applied Radiation and Isotopes2718367195
40ACS Catalysis21831.3K1.1K
42Journal of Applied Physics181801.5K2.2K
43Scientific Reports121715.1K6.1K
44Molecular Microbiology11561.5K1.1K
44National Science Review2156412287
46Journal of Environmental Radioactivity5153262204
48ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces121411.4K2.4K
48ACS Applied Nano Materials31411.3K586
50Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics71341.8K1.9K
51Environmental Science & Technology51331.6K2.4K
52Journal of the American Chemical Society31302.0K2.6K
53Radiochimica Acta231294999
54European Physical Journal Plus5126773417
55Journal of Physical Chemistry C81241.6K2.2K
56Journal of Advanced Ceramics212114997
57Analytical Biochemistry31201.1K955
58Zeitschrift Für Physik A1911749112
59Journal of Chemical Physics41162.1K2.1K
60Bioconjugate Chemistry2113968792
61Journal of the Electrochemical Society91117251.1K
62Journal of Solid State Chemistry5110205148
63ACS Central Science1108614480
64Communications in Theoretical Physics351043379
65Science Bulletin18100113255
67New Journal of Chemistry9991.0K1.4K
68Energy Storage Materials198323357
69Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research2961.9K1.5K
70Nature Communications4934.1K6.2K
71Journal of the American Ceramic Society8927981.3K
72Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research B269027143
72Energy and Environmental Science1901.0K1.3K
74Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry3861.6K1.6K
75Frontiers of Physics385163139
77Review of Scientific Instruments36824081.4K
77Ceramics International5828271.2K
79ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering2801.6K1.6K
79Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology228083148
81Materials Science & Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing278733758
81Astrophysical Journal5781.4K1.8K
81Materials Characterization278365288
84Physical Review D11751.4K1.9K
85Journal of Radiological Protection373174114
86Hyperfine Interactions2372171338
87Analytical Chemistry2712.5K2.8K
89Nuclear Physics A76877114
89Journal of Hazardous Materials2682.1K2.7K
91Science China Materials266297252
92Chemical Engineering Journal2641.1K1.6K
93Fusion Engineering and Design863105142
94Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics1625915
95Journal of Physics: Conference Series19601.2K1.1K
96Superconductor Science and Technology159619341
96Progress in Nuclear Energy359103109
99Computer Physics Communications553123348
100Separation Science and Technology251904759
100Molecular Pharmaceutics4516861.3K
102Journal of the European Ceramic Society150600503
102Physical Review Special Topics: Accelerators and Beams250201184
104Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange549107170
105Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society648287236
105Neutron News14811034
107Journal of Physical Chemistry B3471.9K2.4K
107Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems1471.1K946
107Plasma Science and Technology19472077
107Nature Astronomy147766817
111Angewandte Chemie4462.0K2.1K
112Radiation Protection Dosimetry945253477
113Frontiers in Public Health3441.2K1.6K
115ACS Applied Energy Materials7435971.2K
116Materials Transactions241615491
117Environmental Pollution1402.7K3.0K
119Nuclear Technology1039143230
119Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth1391.0K879
119Water Quality, Exposure, and Health1395955
122Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series1389151.0K
123Health Physics737152363
123International Journal of Energy Research4377981.3K
123Laser and Particle Beams637133231
126Chemical Communications2362.5K3.1K
126International Journal of Hydrogen Energy1361.8K1.9K
126Modern Physics Letters A936305648
126Nano Energy1367591.1K
130Journal of Applied Phycology1351.1K1.1K
130Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement335185142
132AIP Advances7348791.3K
132ACS Omega4342.2K2.8K
132World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology1341.5K1.3K
132Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry134368430
132Journal of Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences4342538
137Journal of Nanoparticle Research2331.3K1.5K
137Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, Transactions of the ASME533233306
137Journal of Radiation Research133538440
137Particle and Particle Systems Characterization133707553
137Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering133314253
143AIP Conference Proceedings49321.1K2.0K
144Journal of Materials Chemistry1311.5K2.0K
144Separation and Purification Technology2316311.1K
144Biological Trace Element Research4317511.5K
147International Journal of Modern Physics B1030343799
147Quaternary International230513661
147Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals930190391
147Quaternary Research1308811.0K
147Accreditation and Quality Assurance43095131
152Optics Letters3291.6K2.1K
152Construction and Building Materials1291.4K1.7K
152European Biophysics Journal129702670
152Science in China Series G: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy7293566
156PLoS ONE4288.9K13.1K
156Frontiers in Oncology2281.8K2.2K
156Quaternary Geochronology128165187
159Journal of Colloid and Interface Science1272.3K2.7K
159International Journal of Molecular Sciences3274.5K5.6K
159Chinese Physics B1127169415
159Solid State Ionics127386416
159Composites Part B: Engineering1278081.2K
164Journal of the Physical Society of Japan526519865
164Soft Matter1261.8K1.9K
164Modern Physics Letters B526461614
164Plant Physiology and Biochemistry1261.1K1.3K
164Materials Science Forum1326690887
169Radiation Measurements42586188
169CIN - Computers Informatics Nursing125382241
169Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal Organic, and Nano Metal Chemistry225235209
173Physics of Plasmas6248141.5K
173Atmospheric Environment1249041.1K
173Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry2248511.1K
173Antarctic Science124482531
173Materials Letters1241.4K1.4K
173Chinese Physics B62469128
179IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity1623338899
179Journal of Materials Science Letters423556779
179Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering223805850
179Matter and Radiation at Extremes32369123
185Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications (JETTA)62285213
185Aeolian Research122103147
185IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement2221.4K1.6K
189Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids221605382
190International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer1209931.3K
190Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics420587977
190Polar Biology120853932
190Science Bulletin320189547
190Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters)320152301
190Frontiers in Energy22083163
190Radiation Detection Technology and Methods4202425
197Surface and Coatings Technology2197101.3K
197Nuclear Engineering and Design91994363
197Physics Procedia319119196
197Applied Organometallic Chemistry3198281.4K
202Journal of Materials Research2181.3K1.8K
202Materials Science and Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology118380490
202Nuclear Engineering and Technology218119210
205Physica Scripta4178291.3K
205Medical Physics2171.7K2.0K
205Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics117637681
205Microelectronics Reliability517127378
205Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry1171.0K1.4K
205International Journal of Fatigue117413603
205Science China Chemistry117532591
205ACS Photonics1179821.2K
205Frontiers of Energy and Power Engineering in China7171326
215Inorganica Chimica Acta116808797
215Physica Medica116972856
215Reliability Engineering and System Safety116426709
215Fresenius' Journal of Analytical Chemistry216426658
215Chinese Science Bulletin516133176
220Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters1152.1K2.5K
220Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids115634804
220Journal of Chromatographic Science1159741.1K
220Chemical Biology and Drug Design1151.1K1.2K
220Frontiers in Energy Research515115714
220Solid State Sciences115315478
220Progress of Theoretical Physics115439353
228Il Nuovo Cimento A1149430
228Journal of Rare Earths114230392
228Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics114243342
228Functional Materials Letters114300257
228Journal of Materials Science4141.9K3.7K
236IEEE Access2134.2K5.0K
236Materials Research Express3137371.4K
236Environmental Research1132.4K3.6K
236Nuclear Medicine Communications113834794
236Applied Clay Science113511925
236Results in Physics213455959
236Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing1136781.0K
236IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology113573625
236Radiation and Environmental Biophysics313245647
236Molecular Imaging and Biology113640832
236Journal of Immunoassay and Immunochemistry213132214
236Nature Sustainability1136661.3K
236Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science10131848
236Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations and Advances413111335
236Zhongguo Kexue Jishu Kexue/Scientia Sinica Technologica2139055
252Acta Astronautica212354713
252Astronomical Journal2128231.2K
252International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering1121.1K1.2K
252Science China Earth Sciences112363487
252Materials Today Energy112216418
252Zeitschrift Für Physik A, Atomic Nuclei21214197
258Chemical Physics Letters2119391.5K
258Journal of Applied Polymer Science3112.4K4.0K
258Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials2119041.5K
258Optics Express3112.1K3.5K
258Journal of Physics Condensed Matter2111.7K2.2K
258Clinica Chimica Acta1111.5K2.1K
258European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry2111.3K2.0K
258Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation1118561.3K
258Chemical Engineering Research and Design1118861.4K
258Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology111516546
258Frontiers of Physics in China3112662
270Materials Research Bulletin1107471.2K
270Applied Sciences (Switzerland)7102.5K5.4K
270Crystal Growth and Design1101.9K2.3K
270Journal of Statistical Physics1101.0K1.2K
270Chinese Journal of Polymer Science (English Edition)110311455
270International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing110365416
276Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings491.7K1.6K
276Journal Physics D: Applied Physics191.8K2.3K
276Communications in Computer and Information Science692.3K2.5K
276Radiation Physics and Chemistry29351804
276International Journal of Food Science and Technology191.4K1.9K
276Physics of Atomic Nuclei39315416
276Fusion Science and Technology39214358
276Food Science and Nutrition191.2K1.4K
276Tsinghua Science and Technology19278344
276Advanced Sustainable Systems19477639
276World Scientific Series on Nonlinear Science, Series A191610
276Applied Optics192.3K2.9K
288Europhysics Letters281.1K1.7K
288Materials Chemistry and Physics181.2K2.0K
288Crystal Research and Technology18847978
288Journal of Composite Materials181.2K1.6K
288Science China Life Sciences18513767
288International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials18426630
288Translational Oncology187131.2K
288Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations28122185
288Npj Quantum Materials18377540
288Carbon Research1879119
302Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films171.5K1.8K
302Nuclear Fusion17456626
302Journal of Materials Chemistry C271.6K2.6K
302Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics171.3K1.7K
302International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing17465724
302Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences17322497
302Transport Theory and Statistical Physics7735195
302Australasian Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine17263417
302Advanced Materials Research1176901.0K
302Pramana - Journal of Physics37473961
314Optics Communications168691.2K
314Journal of Computational Physics16617948
314Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics161.5K2.0K
314Spectrochimica Acta, Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy16204445
314Advances in Materials Science and Engineering161.3K1.6K
314Science China Technological Sciences26330715
314IET Power Electronics16680971
314Progress in Natural Science: Materials International16239484
314Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health - Part A: Current Issues266831.6K
326Proceedings of SPIE651.2K2.0K
326Analyst, The152.1K3.1K
326Energy Procedia151.2K1.8K
326International Journal of Pharmaceutics151.9K2.8K
326European Physical Journal D358121.7K
326Catalysis Letters151.3K1.8K
326Laser Physics15626810
326Physica Status Solidi - Rapid Research Letters158551.1K
326Journal of Thermal Science15329481
326Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers158931.3K
326International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications25153422
326BMC Medical Imaging15579868
326Science of Advanced Materials25117109
326Materials Advances151.1K1.3K
326Scientia Sinica: Physica, Mechanica Et Astronomica853294
326Springer Proceedings in Physics195153575
326AAPPS Bulletin153766
346Journal of Crystal Growth14573944
346Die Naturwissenschaften141.1K1.7K
346Frontiers in Microbiology143.9K5.6K
346International Journal of Modern Physics A141.1K1.3K
346Semiconductor Science and Technology245601.2K
346Analytical Methods142.0K2.9K
346Optics and Laser Technology145891.1K
346Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance141.6K2.2K
346Engineering Failure Analysis24258860
346Nuclear Medicine and Biology24366812
346Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, Transactions of the ASME14542791
346Rare Metals14524849
346Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering14316589
346Open Physics24367755
346Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology141.4K2.2K
363International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics132.3K2.6K
363IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering232.4K2.9K
363Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics232.2K3.4K
363Journal of Low Temperature Physics238101.3K
363Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics13326592
363Surface and Interface Analysis131.3K1.9K
363International Journal of Fracture137671.1K
363International Journal of Mass Spectrometry13341653
363Advances in Mechanical Engineering131.0K1.5K
363Advanced Engineering Materials131.3K1.9K
363Journal of Mass Spectrometry236491.5K
363Journal of Chemistry131.3K2.0K
363Science and Technology of Welding and Joining13337585
363Journal of Earth Science (Wuhan, China)23172566
363Perspectives in Science439125
363Journal of Power and Energy Systems135792
363Fusion Science and Technology33189366
363CCS Chemistry13262468
383Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society22431739
383International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology122.3K3.3K
383Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science121.5K2.2K
383Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung - Section A Journal of Physical Sciences121.0K1.4K
383International Journal of Quantum Chemistry121.8K2.3K
383IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science229401.8K
383New Journal of Physics121.3K1.9K
383Optical Materials129391.7K
383Analytical Sciences121.0K1.7K
383Journal of Supercomputing121.3K2.0K
383Royal Society Open Science121.9K3.1K
383Journal of Central South University125961.0K
383Electronics (Switzerland)421.6K3.8K
383Frontiers in Chemistry121.6K2.6K
383Philosophical Magazine Letters12528876
383Journal of Chemical Sciences126201.1K
383Steel Research International12472704
383Journal of Fusion Energy12293395
383Materials Technology12444854
383Experimental Astronomy12665943
383Nuclear Physics News2295139
383Acta Physica Sinica (overseas Edition)322944
383Monoclonal Antibodies in Immunodiagnosis and Immunotherapy12121239
383IET Electrical Systems in Transportation12123284
383Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism12411513
383Springer Proceedings in Energy12353193
383Few-Body Systems42260665
383Science in China Series A: Mathematics32117332
383Communications Physics127661.1K
383Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering121.2K1.9K
416Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union211.0K982
416Journal of Applied Crystallography119201.4K
416Water (Switzerland)113.6K5.0K
416Zeitschrift Für Physik C-Particles and Fields21435649
416Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering311.2K2.0K
416Acta Mechanica Sinica/Lixue Xuebao11382715
416Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy118481.6K
416Science in China Series B: Chemistry11174308
416Journal of Systems Science and Complexity11353598
416Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences11133353
416International Journal of Corrosion1177267
416Npj Materials Degradation11210426
416Materiali in Tehnologije212834
434Lecture Notes in Computer Science305.8K9.9K
434Journal of Organometallic Chemistry105681.1K
434Physical Review A102.9K3.8K
434Radiotherapy and Oncology101.3K2.0K
434Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online102.0K2.3K
434Journal of Medicinal Chemistry102.3K3.3K
434Environmental Science and Pollution Research104.9K7.0K
434Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology101.6K2.5K
434Seibutsu Butsuri10490155
434Journal of Theoretical Biology101.5K2.6K
434Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics109831.5K
434Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing102.7K3.9K
434Physics of Fluids201.6K3.0K
434IEEE Sensors Journal102.5K3.8K
434International Journal of Theoretical Physics201.1K1.9K
434Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering302.6K4.1K
434Materials and Corrosion - Werkstoffe Und Korrosion107241.2K
434Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion10388659
434Phytotherapy Research101.7K2.9K
434Journal of Chemical Research106871.1K
434Combustion Science and Technology106461.1K
434Journal of the Korean Physical Society204691.2K
434Zeitschrift Fur Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures20450658
434Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects101.0K1.7K
434Journal of Coastal Research101.3K2.0K
434International Journal of Chemical Kinetics107061.2K
434IET Communications109161.6K
434Few-Body Systems10169199
434International Journal of Modern Physics Conference Series10400704
434Science China Mathematics10456812
434Minerals, Metals and Materials Series10740887
434Physical Review X108211.3K
434Nuclear and Particle Physics Proceedings10189249
434Acta Crystallographica Section C, Structural Chemistry10497857
434Environmental Science: Nano107611.4K
434International Journal of Turbo and Jet Engines10112182
434International Journal of PIXE1097210
434Advances in Condensed Matter Physics10265675
434Mechanical Engineering Journal10165274
434Environmental Science and Engineering10915922
434NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics10326408
434Emerging Materials Research10171471
434EPJ Nuclear Sciences & Technologies1084166
434Engineering Research Express10162477
434Advanced Topics in Science and Technology in China10113124
434Japanese Journal of Health Physics2096182
434The Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE)16045210
434Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Environment20812
434Physical Review Materials101.1K1.6K
434Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves10452645
434Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications10685616
434WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment109501.4K
434IEEE Electron Device Letters109411.4K
434Research Reports in Physics4036138
434Key Engineering Materials401.0K2.2K
434Mathematical and Computational Applications10333718
434Physical Review Research101.3K1.8K
434Applied Mechanics and Materials301.2K2.0K
434Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering103256
434JJAP conference proceedings105664
434Materials Research Proceedings10389337