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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1European Physical Journal C45822,8466477
2Journal of High Energy Physics68816,903106143
3IEEE Transactions on Power Systems1229,4852114
4Physical Review Letters1628,652486640
5Journal of Hazardous Materials735,8118865
6Physical Review D2195,572255279
7Lecture Notes in Computer Science8455,282152245
8Science of the Total Environment644,573391245
9Seminars in Cancer Biology124,0055010
10Bioresource Technology483,652170153
11Hydrological Sciences Journal583,56754
12Water Resources Management533,254146
14Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics712,9901615
16Physical Review B772,721827758
18IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine402,70611
19Journal of Applied Polymer Science1442,65090127
21Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews222,2335267
22Drying Technology542,219139
23IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion252,1903914
24Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics322,151292267
25Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience42,09852410
26Accident Analysis and Prevention382,0534140
27Nucleic Acids Research51,9751.6K692
28IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy241,9263319
29Nature Medicine11,8932.2K813
30IET Renewable Power Generation201,838333
31IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation1021,74841117
32International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics261,7474511
33IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery391,7115955
34Water (Switzerland)961,6575735
35Nonlinear Dynamics261,64315760
36Journal of Applied Physics571,607727667
37Waste and Biomass Valorization671,60421
39IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution231,5767524
40Energy Conversion and Management271,5283949
41Journal of Geophysical Research111,496847596
42Water Resources Research211,463314234
43Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics211,45514658
44IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid261,4527083
45IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control461,435131200
46Applied Energy261,39086122
47Applied Sciences (Switzerland)1591,385117124
48Materials Today11,37528033
50Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America51,3663.5K2.4K
51Journal of Cleaner Production221,352230228
52Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment241,3515011
53Renewable Energy271,3493138
54IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems151,33522371
55International Journal of Forecasting101,30983
56International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids581,307938
57IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control71,30228842
58Journal of Environmental Management301,297171208
59Journal of Colloid and Interface Science181,273475301
60IEEE Photonics Technology Letters511,27210897
61Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry451,2669755
62Journal of Materials Science511,264279295
63Applied Physics Letters361,224941937
64PLoS ONE221,2124.0K2.9K
65Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics271,209161160
66Transportation Research Record621,18110186
67Journal of Lightwave Technology501,177107123
68Acta Mechanica891,169515
70Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering471,1541317
71IEEE Personal Communications21,1352910
72International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology671,122108144
73IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics171,121301275
75Remote Sensing621,082243336
76Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power491,0783926
77Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems: Theory and Applications471,05328
78International Journal of Energy Research551,0452730
80IEEE Transactions on Magnetics591,029163150
81European Physical Journal: Special Topics51,011479187
82IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering231,005175189
83Applied Thermal Engineering199938857
84Wind Energy209911416
85Environmental Earth Sciences279819442
86Electric Power Systems Research20975172
87International Journal of Remote Sensing28972116132
88Nature Climate Change7967408519
89International Journal of Food Science and Technology1794119851
90Environmental Science and Pollution Research45923402448
91Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology, and Medicine29163188
92Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology22900340376
92Journal of Instrumentation46900112262
94Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research35886324379
95Journal of Physical Chemistry B29885553661
96Physics of Plasmas37874245193
97IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine3286579
98IEEE Power and Energy Magazine8840327
99Geophysical Research Letters108381.1K804
100IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials3834205157
101IEEE Access57823570680
102ACS Energy Letters5817380215
103Computational Mechanics508111458
104Physical Review E31801744744
105Scientific Reports357952.8K2.8K
106Ocean Engineering257883834
107Annals of Operations Research1477721686
107European Journal of Clinical Nutrition27771.1K199
109Water Science and Technology37776175181
110Food and Bioprocess Technology247753346
111JAOCS, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society12767249119
112International Journal of Fracture587621663
113Waste Management16754118186
114Mobile Networks and Applications167493720
115International Journal of Food Properties237473716
116Journal of Physical Chemistry C27735860965
117Hydrology and Earth System Sciences12730218180
118Natural Hazards16728181116
119Water, Air, and Soil Pollution25711186137
120International Journal of Control3670973107
121Journal of the Acoustical Society of America30698413460
122Journal of Chemical Physics286979491.1K
123Environmental Processes4669011
124Geotechnical and Geological Engineering47687118
125Desalination and Water Treatment486782125
126Solar Energy146755652
127Computers in Biology and Medicine186737877
128Experimental Astronomy3671406148
129IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications9670255215
130IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics176699459
131Proceedings of the IEEE10662260274
132Transport Reviews76485427
133International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering34644106209
133Ultrasonics Sonochemistry14644110125
136AICHE Journal21633220242
137Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences862519077
138IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques46623124285
139ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces166211.1K1.2K
140Nature Communications106182.8K3.0K
141Cancer Letters14615334362
142Multimedia Tools and Applications31603167110
143Materials and Structures/Materiaux Et Constructions255985286
144Construction and Building Materials14594262275
145Earthquake Spectra185934956
146IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology21592288307
146Atmospheric Measurement Techniques12592220156
148Chemical Engineering Journal10587440480
149IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering15583163185
151IEEE Communications Letters36577106155
152Advanced Functional Materials12572840973
152Journal of Marine Science and Engineering815722319
154Colloid and Polymer Science2157014394
155Operational Research4456821
156Medical Physics18567555382
157Journal of Fluid Mechanics15560434493
158European Physical Journal A23554231211
160Polymer Engineering and Science28548114153
161Journal of Biotechnology10547173130
162Environment International6545663601
163Electronics Letters42542292306
165Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering14527112111
166Water Research8525593669
166Biotechnology for Biofuels9525149141
166Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology2352599122
170Applied Surface Science6522804339
172International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics9518968578
173Optics Express22516755848
174Marine Pollution Bulletin5512792402
175Energy Policy1151077124
175Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering751031959
177AIAA Journal21509227224
178Waste Management and Research235061018
179Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture10505572344
180Journal of Applied Electrochemistry1450312398
180Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association950313466
182International Journal of Food Microbiology4502440227
183Journal of Safety Research115012226
184Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry6496769325
184Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions ASME22496153164
186Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering749310057
187IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology10489226165
188Energy & Fuels17487377417
188Journal of Supercomputing648740746
190Journal of Hydraulic Research/De Recherches Hydrauliques184864055
191Polymer Composites2748092100
192Archive of Applied Mechanics67477219
193Food Chemistry9474802741
193Environmental Monitoring and Assessment17474347256
193IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems17474122159
196Fortschritte Der Physik164724835
196Progress in Energy and Combustion Science24722646
198Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part A Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering324682340
199Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering845917681
200Acta Applicandae Mathematicae14576898
201Physics in Medicine and Biology10456467368
201Energy and Buildings12456105145
204Computer Networks64548032
205Transport in Porous Media845318382
206Electronics (Switzerland)47448136155
207Biotechnology and Bioengineering8446507429
208European Transport Research Review1743654
209Rheologica Acta134348978
210Transportation Research, Part D: Transport and Environment114322340
211Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications64430815
212Journal of the Operational Research Society13428173143
213Engineering Structures2242769128
214Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision32426107265
215IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology11425135189
216Physical Review A194181.1K1.1K
216Acta Geotechnica114188151
218Journal of Automated Reasoning141725021
219IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics5413617456
219Nature Ecology and Evolution2413926551
221Technological Forecasting and Social Change4407201135
222Applied Mathematics and Computation340655162
222Soft Matter21406366486
222Biotechnology Letters21406146209
225Trends in Molecular Medicine1402651258
227International Journal of Hydrogen Energy9398459404
227Clinical and Experimental Metastasis139871690
229Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry17396402551
229Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering203961828
231Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization10395151109
232Engineering Optimization133935439
233Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology6392493250
235Advanced Materials53881.3K1.5K
236International Journal of Solids and Structures173853272
236Journal of Elasticity143854144
238IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications12383338334
239Advanced Science33821.1K472
240Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology, Planning, and Operations143801115
241IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics937969156
242PLoS Computational Biology5377869637
242Journal of Fluids Engineering, Transactions of the ASME21377151134
244IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters18376164195
245Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America6367301198
247Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering93653053
248Journal of Physics Condensed Matter21363433477
248Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning and Policy1836357
250IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing436112679
250Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies93615496
250Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing836110383
253IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part 2: Express Briefs113604660
254Minerals (Basel, Switzerland)2935611261
255Applied Catalysis B: Environmental5355371468
255Manufacturing Review735571
257Physical Review C25354496596
257Neural Networks6354247235
259IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing5353376200
260Journal of Network and Computer Applications235220162
261Journal of Environmental Radioactivity123519879
262Journal of Ship Research3635059
263Wireless Personal Communications673492784
265Journal of Membrane Science1347803244
265BMC Bioinformatics33471.4K679
267IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence11346283532
268Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking173455956
269Journal of Food Science13342333371
269Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies53425135
271Transportation Planning and Technology12341199
272Journal of Global Optimization834015388
274Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society83371.2K928
274European Urban and Regional Studies83371219
276Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing17335465414
277Environmental Pollution63341.1K1.0K
277EPJ Web of Conferences1533344434
279IEEE Transactions on Computers10333259254
280International Journal of Biological Macromolecules63311.1K952
280IEEE Sensors Journal16331465425
283Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment113308176
284Operations Research3329356250
285VLDB Journal93285268
286Magazine of Concrete Research193273954
287Applied Radiation and Isotopes223269283
288Cement and Concrete Research232516393
288Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition4325431394
288Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology2325251110
291IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science16324232152
292Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry8320278227
293ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information213196682
294Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering9318120146
294Materials and Manufacturing Processes143186579
296JVC/Journal of Vibration and Control123158158
296Forschung Im Ingenieurwesen/Engineering Research3731584
299Astrophysics and Space Science35313151183
300WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs931282
302Nuclear Fusion7310185153
303Wireless Networks12307101103
304Classical and Quantum Gravity10306245304
305Materials Science and Engineering C8305555642
306Safety Science430412168
307Journal Physics D: Applied Physics8301535443
308IEEE Wireless Communications1230078197
309Climatic Change6299495543
310IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems11297158138
311Neural Computing and Applications8296453292
311IEEE Wireless Communications Letters2129696131
311IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering32968587
314Thermal Science and Engineering Progress1229354
315Journal of Physics: Conference Series74292321237
315IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks6292168260
315Future Internet192921422
318Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing12289181201
318IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine82891622
322IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation1928890138
322Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry2288236
324Traffic Injury Prevention152875853
325Composites Part B: Engineering7285200299
325Journal of Rheology4285207122
325Industrial and Corporate Change128527345
328IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement13284382336
329Frontiers in Microbiology72831.6K1.6K
330IEEE Transactions on Robotics4281209176
331Physics of Fluids12280620534
332Nano Letters12792.0K1.3K
332Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece9227944
334Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review42786218
335IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems4277350296
336Journal of Materials Chemistry A32761.6K1.2K
336IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits4276327264
336IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters6276380211
339Journal of Mathematical Physics14275560459
339Journal of Earthquake Engineering192753252
339Case Studies in Thermal Engineering327515241
342European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry22741.5K653
343Journal of the American Chemical Society32732.0K2.1K
343Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine1527397272
343Personal and Ubiquitous Computing72738564
346IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation627112787
347Environmental Technology (United Kingdom)2326966107
348IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine82683673
349Optimization Letters122673616
350European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging2266975542
350Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology102663662
352Computing (Vienna/New York)192642668
352Structural Control and Health Monitoring102648593
352European Transactions on Electrical Power13264164
352International Journal of Architectural Heritage142641916
357Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine10263263340
357Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal92637074
359Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics162621.2K1.4K
359International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking1826278
361Environmental Science & Technology62611.4K1.8K
361Forensic Science International2261860268
363Macromolecular Symposia1926010291
363Frontiers in Built Environment2026036
366Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems12591455
366IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters15259184148
369Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Patents225626740
370Fluid Phase Equilibria122543744
370Transportation Research Procedia212541316
370IET Science, Measurement and Technology122542319
374IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications15251235396
375Future Generation Computer Systems7250141219
376IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology862472045
376IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation2247265212
379IEEE Network8246137230
379Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces5246176
381Journal of Optical Communications and Networking202443380
382Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences2243742270
383BIT Numerical Mathematics624214780
383International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery124255248
383IET Intelligent Transport Systems112424931
383International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing92423114
387Chemical Reviews22418791.5K
387Journal of Macromolecular Science - Physics152416680
387Quality and Reliability Engineering International252413389
390ZAMM Zeitschrift Fur Angewandte Mathematik Und Mechanik242394249
390Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy112394332
390Earth Science Informatics223922112
393Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology26238139307
393Research in Nondestructive Evaluation12381507
395International Journal of Geographical Information Science5237161167
396European Journal of Operational Research5236310291
396Composite Structures7236258268
398Journal of Hydrology6234311337
398Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites192343583
400Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters42321.1K656
400Information Sciences2232626321
402Mikrochimica Acta20230202373
402BioMedical Engineering OnLine6230160117
404Nuclear Physics B92294247
404Molecular Diversity622910330
404Applied Optics20229524874
408Medical Engineering and Physics5228244160
409Polymer International17227101224
413IET Power Electronics6225192122
413IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part 1: Regular Papers822592174
415Optics Letters11224826979
415Journal of Composite Materials11224195242
418Journal of Biomechanics8221437508
419Survey Review1422053
420IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing6218472522
420Environmental Geochemistry and Health2218785169
422Physics of Life Reviews221723062
423Journal of Technology Transfer721667140
423Public Transport42162211
425Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering612153016
425IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification721513393
427Water Science and Technology: Water Supply132116820
427IEEE Systems Journal1621187219
427IEEE Intelligent Systems52117783
427International Journal of Pavement Engineering132115471
431Physics Reports1210173241
432Procedia Engineering2120784108
432Biosensors and Bioelectronics42079091.1K
432Clinical Microbiology and Infection22071.1K759
432Lasers in Medical Science11207142174
436Maritime Policy and Management72065963
436SIGMOD Record420613790
436Cognition, Technology and Work82062230
439Autonomous Robots720370119
440Inverse Problems920266108
440Frontiers in Chemistry5202536317
442Numerische Mathematik6201266257
442IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine22019051
444Journal of Propulsion and Power8200160157
444Annales Geophysicae8200202209
444IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems5200448390
444Journal of Marine Science and Technology72004527
448International Journal of Production Research8199508648
448Optical and Quantum Electronics10199395195
450Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B: Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science5198278179
450Structure and Infrastructure Engineering81986056
450Journal of Hydroinformatics131983139
450Virtual Reality119838342
454Energy and Environmental Science3196654988
455International Journal of Modern Physics D3194466162
456Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy101932117
458Journal of Medicinal Chemistry31921.6K1.4K
458IEEE Transactions on Image Processing6192474700
458Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics819271131
461AIP Conference Proceedings127191462516
461Surface and Coatings Technology5191366272
461Journal of Endodontics2191561399
461Industrial Crops and Products5191287306
461Chemical Engineering and Technology11191162161
466Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Transactions of the ASME11190140164
466Environmental Modelling and Software5190103158
466Food Biophysics41907437
469Aerosol and Air Quality Research3189396137
470Carbohydrate Polymers61878061.2K
470International Journal of Communication Systems331872278
470Nutrition Journal2187481236
470IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices7187646557
474Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids118663486
474IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing7186634722
476Environmental Chemistry Letters1185654255
477Enterprise Information Systems31849045
477International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics4184612
479Electrochimica Acta6183628724
479Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing131831817
479IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and Reviews318395130
479Journal of Economic Surveys1183338171
479Urban Water Journal141831146
484Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society241821818
484Atmospheric Environment5182317348
488Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research B231803459
488IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics7180337320
488IRE Transactions on Communications Systems518013196
488Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science7180532289
492Journal of Sound and Vibration2179344139
492Journal of the National Cancer Institute11791.4K1.1K
492Expert Systems With Applications2179680429
492Fuel Processing Technology517993113
492IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering41792065
497Nano Energy1177759606
497Macromolecular Materials and Engineering11177129247
497Biocatalysis and Biotransformation81773123
500Journal of Biomaterials Applications101764590
500IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility1617688173
502New Journal of Physics6174544621
502Drug Discovery Today4174351519
504Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation4173290196
504Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour61734152
504Magyar Apróvad Közlemények81735749
507International Journal of Systems Science2817271203
510IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution61714762
512Arthritis and Rheumatism11701.7K1.5K
512European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology7170147166
514Journal of the Optical Society of America5169321271
514Communications in Computer and Information Science75169166182
514Communications in Statistics Part B: Simulation and Computation341691584
514IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation21697145
518Electric Power Components and Systems616813753
519Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences11167167283
519Applied Intelligence5167366240
519Transportation Science3167228251
522Atmospheric Research4166146136
524Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science16164121127
524Systems and Control Letters61643750
527World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology9163253390
527Theoretical and Applied Climatology4163570367
527Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery161635382
527Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments71632635
531Molecular Physics7161598545
531Chemical Engineering Research and Design4161344286
531Canadian Geotechnical Journal4161191162
535Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy111595785
536Chemical Engineering Science8158122177
536Food Additives and Contaminants3158137125
538Journal of Modern Optics11157234242
538IEEE Control Systems515753120
538Environmental Fluid Mechanics51577351
541International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems5156179197
541Applied Soft Computing Journal4156320409
541IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics4156389422
541Strahlentherapie Und Onkologie5156158138
541Journal of Sensors515618779
541Blue-Green Systems21562819
548Food Hydrocolloids1155507339
548Separation and Purification Reviews21553128
550Reliability Engineering and System Safety2154266164
550Advances in Water Resources515491110
550International Journal of Computer Vision6154198332
550Power Electronics Specialist Conference (PESC), IEEE10154712
554Environmental Research41531.2K1.3K
554Cell Reports11532.3K1.8K
556Physica Status Solidi (B): Basic Research13152610624
556Energy Procedia15152147254
556Computer Aided Chemical Engineering26152196
556Numerical Algorithms4152320128
560Journal of Theoretical Biology3151860554
560International Journal of Computer Mathematics151516369
560Clays and Clay Minerals4151273262
560IEEE Power Engineering Review291513864
560Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology4151218151
560IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics3151344190
560Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives21513522
567Journal of Food Protection2150791466
567IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems12150179256
567International Journal of Human Computer Studies115015641
570Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry71491.3K1.9K
570Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics17149266509
572IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science12148476545
572Journal of Engineering Mathematics121485075
572Applied Composite Materials101483455
575Journal of Dairy Science11471.1K584
575International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health131472.1K2.6K
575Current Research in Food Science11477418
578Global Change Biology11461.9K1.7K
578International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics41467318
580Materials Science and Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology114538035
580Journal of Tribology3145370166
582Journal of the American Water Resources Association2144495254
582Advances in Polymer Technology81445052
582Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery4144112111
587Nature Energy1143525565
588Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems141423798
589Procedia Manufacturing121416594
589Journal of Constructional Steel Research1014153104
589Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications151413530
589Granular Matter614197104
589Toxicology Reports114142096
589Astronomy and Astrophysics71411.0K1.2K
596Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture1414077161
596Journal of Cheminformatics2140242184
596Frontiers in Robotics and AI61408289
596IEE Proceedings B: Electric Power Applications41403226
596Journal of Composites Science121403734
596IEEE Transactions on Education114046962
602IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking3139352272
602Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering1013996120
602IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing61398888
602International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation3139144127
607Applied Mathematical Modelling1313856174
607Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology1138781441
607Global Environmental Change1138313297
611Analytica Chimica Acta5137735969
611Measurement Science and Technology10137157280
611Journal of Mathematical Biology5137321291
611Journal of Neural Engineering4137279298
611International Polymer Processing111374033
616Journal of Applied Microbiology31361.0K942
616IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics5136303410
618Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation313517458
618Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science213510756
618Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography131352615
621Nanoscale Research Letters4134592635
621Thin-Walled Structures7134115176
621Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design161343033
625NeuroImage: Clinical11331.1K617
625Energy Research and Social Science3133141197
625Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment61332035
629Carbohydrate Research3132566441
629European Transactions on Telecommunications25132719
631American Journal of Psychiatry1131992864
631Water, Air and Soil Pollution81312535
633IEEE Transactions on Communications13130306546
633International Journal of Electronics211307578
633Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials5130448476
633Acta Mathematica1130216152
633IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering2130475228
633Food Science and Technology International41308757
633Engineering With Computers813099170
633Progress in Polymer Science1130121243
641Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration10128117
643Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis12127200241
643European Journal of Nutrition11271.2K588
643Nutrition and Cancer2127776437
643Sustainable Cities and Society4127194381
643Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition)412757
648IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security2126562424
648European Planning Studies7126109181
651Journal of Chromatography A71258241.2K
651SN Applied Sciences1112599158
651Journal of Intelligent Information Systems51255674
655Inorganic Chemistry41241.7K1.7K
655RSC Advances121242.0K2.7K
655Materials Research612410893
655Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy71244785
655IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers7124289366
660Procedia Computer Science9123239291
660International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents11231.2K652
660International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering8123254321
660Soils and Foundations3123715
664Journal of the American Ceramic Society51221.1K1.1K
664ESAIM - Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations71225566
664Surveys in Geophysics3122200272
667European Polymer Journal3121265235
667IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics8121246414
667IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing6121400419
667Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition1121440159
667IET Electric Power Applications81213485
672Journal of Raman Spectroscopy8120361578
672IEEE MultiMedia51205975
672International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion101202332
675Journal of Chromatography B: Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences21191.2K727
675IEEE Signal Processing Letters3119604452
675International Journal of Refrigeration2119200104
675International Journal of Modern Physics C211943592
675Regional Environmental Change5119270392
681Journal of Materials Research4118869712
681IET Electrical Systems in Transportation41182615
683Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics61172227
683IET Communications6117281172
683Plasma Processes and Polymers4117239231
683Journal of Cultural Heritage41174329
683Climate Policy3117221194
688Artificial Intelligence in Medicine2116315297
688International Journal of Crashworthiness71163827
688Environmental Modeling and Assessment91162063
688International Journal of Construction Management61166043
692International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education7115231
692International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems31152525
694Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry17114336444
694Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics4114283290
694International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction3114192175
694Road Materials and Pavement Design811495132
698Springer Optimization and Its Applications9811338
698Journal of Marine Engineering and Technology1611315
698Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity211313767
698International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology9113411
703Journal of Materials Chemistry C71129521.3K
703IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics4112363198
703International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems101129797
707FEMS Microbiology Letters31111.2K1.1K
707Lettere Al Nuovo Cimento Rivista Internazionale Della Società Italiana Di Fisica711120173
707IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing3111315227
707IEEE Electrification Magazine10111420
712Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Structures and Buildings141101628
712Maritime Economics and Logistics41104659
712Transportation Letters81101112
715Chemistry of Materials21091.5K1.7K
715Microwave and Optical Technology Letters18109325381
715Polymer Testing3109188155
715Antioxidants and Redox Signaling11091.1K943
715IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics3109729830
715Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision3109201149
721IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs10108262323
721IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine410888158
723Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications6107248114
723Multimedia Systems210729799
725Computers and Chemical Engineering910655132
725Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry8106268410
725Aequationes Mathematicae81066458
725International Journal of Green Energy61066378
725Ships and Offshore Structures111063643
725Eurasip Journal on Advances in Signal Processing6106236235
731Biomedical Engineering and Computational Biology1105173
732Minerals Engineering310410690
732Engineering Geology3104160204
732Acta Geophysica310421974
732Profiles in Operations Research1010411873
737Pure and Applied Chemistry5103298468
737Knowledge Engineering Review310397121
739Free Radical Research1102990600
739Journal of Environmental Monitoring2102453393
739Procedia Structural Integrity211021023
739Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design101024471
739Brain Topography4102206291
739Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration61025856
739Energy Strategy Reviews110210269
746Journal of Materials Chemistry31019961.4K
746Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications11101245514
746Journal of Archaeological Science2101235167
746Arabian Journal of Geosciences6101566367
746European Journal of Orthodontics3101256236
746Journal of Applied Geophysics210115451
746ACS Applied Energy Materials21011.2K783
746IET Image Processing4101253155
746International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools51013426
746Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment26101411
746Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (Springer)3310112
757Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films4100821619
757Stem Cells International1100946422
757Industry and Innovation2100144128
760Radio Science1099141249
760Ship Technology Research109956
762Environmental Health Perspectives2981.1K1.5K
762Journal of Molecular Liquids798397753
762Tribology International598141266
762Marine Drugs498783939
762Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing2098117124
762Gender, Place, and Culture49810698
762Zeitschrift Fur Angewandte Mathematik Und Physik798273248
769Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects497457493
770PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases2961.9K1.6K
770Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth296801589
770Technology and Health Care19961899
770Information (Switzerland)149659171
770IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting5963428
776Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment695190252
776Knowledge and Process Management4953053
776Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications229599
776International Journal of Electronic Government Research695618
781Journal of Food Engineering394165241
781Energy and Environment6944159
781Annales Des Telecommunications/Annals of Telecommunications12942640
785Computers and Structures7932193
785ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering4931.2K1.5K
785Surface and Interface Analysis1093250441
785New Biotechnology49380184
785Journal of Translational Medicine2931.2K1.1K
785Frontiers in Marine Science593755925
785Ad Hoc Networks193274108
785Journal of Mountain Science119367135
785Healthcare Technology Letters3934025
795IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems592103133
795Transportation Research, Part A: Policy and Practice392127167
795Journal of Eye Movement Research2926617
799Thermochimica Acta39111699
799AIP Advances691994654
799Data in Brief1391227243
799Biochemical Engineering Journal291227147
799Applied Ocean Research8913278
799Brain and Behavior391704413
799International Journal of Sustainable Energy1391225
806Journal of the Electrochemical Society1902.1K1.2K
806Microelectronic Engineering39012572
806Environmental Research Letters290822836
806ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing290171284
806Production Planning and Control89096328
806Geo-Marine Letters290243172
806Advances in Meteorology190466125
806Cognitive Computation290228139
806Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics59011488
815Materials Science & Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing289733700
815General Relativity and Gravitation889270440
815Polymers for Advanced Technologies789338502
815Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare589180361
815Microfluidics and Nanofluidics289458330
815Applied Mechanics Reviews189306271
815Wind Engineering7892538
822MATEC Web of Conferences578893148
822Economics Letters188646159
822Materials Science and Technology988150220
822Journal of Food Science and Technology488448488
822Genome Medicine288696803
828Materials Research Express2871.0K270
828Geological Society Special Publication387861728
828Green Chemistry3871.0K1.4K
828Contributions To Mineralogy and Petrology187730599
828NDT and E International3874651
828Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology187413277
836International Journal of Molecular Sciences13862.3K3.8K
836European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases4868291.1K
836Engineering Analysis With Boundary Elements4869779
840Nature Biotechnology1851.6K2.0K
840IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems / Technical Operations Committee985117198
840Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics285162115
840Nanoscale Advances485435301
840IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking385177117
840Philosophical Transactions Series A, Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Sciences485636880
847Physica Status Solidi A1684290559
847Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing3784422557
847IEEE Internet Computing484125199
847IEE Proceedings C: Generation Transmission and Distribution11841543
851International Journal of Mechanical Sciences183521321
851Mechanism and Machine Theory58380134
851Fire and Materials78368119
851Journal of Field Robotics58366122
855Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer482190197
855Risk Analysis282610604
855Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification282185122
855INFORMS Journal on Computing182397213
855International Journal of Biomaterials18212344
855IEEE Power and Energy Technology Systems Journal1822618
861Europhysics Letters681584779
861IEEE Microwave Magazine381182134
861Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy88181278
8612D Materials281237235
861Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops and Foods7811718
867Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry880524630
867International Dairy Journal380112114
867Studies in Computational Intelligence2480181280
867Advances in Civil Engineering78018498
867International Journal of Electronic Healthcare38062
872Journal of Physical Chemistry A3791.7K1.6K
872International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences779219103
872Toxicology Research179423106
872Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research4794365
872IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging1791.1K959
878Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling778457856
878Computers and Fluids378183177
878IFMBE Proceedings41786359
878IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering178839557
878Combustion Theory and Modelling378126107
878Journal of Plastic Film and Sheeting3782925
878IEEE Electron Device Letters278731600
886Corrosion Science277333434
886Procedia CIRP477259230
886Journal of Applied Phycology277761699
886Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, Transactions of the ASME577233162
886Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence377133274
886Human and Ecological Risk Assessment (HERA)377302291
886Construction Management and Economics377163194
886Systems Analysis Modelling Simulation57711
894Journal of Computational Physics476279392
894Food and Chemical Toxicology3769321.3K
894International Geology Review176637332
894Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology476650885
894ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis67666125
894Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews176215223
894Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Transport7761712
894Energy Efficiency77634111
894Knowledge Management Research and Practice5762778
894Urban Science4765034
905European Physical Journal E475302343
905Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Transactions of the ASME575139201
905Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta - General Subjects1751.4K991
905Algal Research275245277
905Frontiers in Energy Research375214208
905Mutation Research - Reviews in Mutation Research275146286
905Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering375107
912Artificial Organs374638511
912Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures874220390
912Journal of Applied Statistics217420214
912Environmental Geology474253492
912Geocarto International574197248
912Geosciences (Switzerland)774219276
912Environmental Education Research174352223
912Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures7742453
912Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems4745793
912Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta - Proteins and Proteomics274590522
923Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical4737471.3K
923Communications of the ACM173837735
923Journal of Systems and Software47398199
923International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics77312146
923Advances in Applied Probability673283285
923Small Business Economics173736632
923IEEE Signal Processing Magazine473175455
923International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields13733469
923Phytochemistry Reviews173330303
923Lifetime Data Analysis273170105
923Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal of Multi-body Dynamics3738123
923ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction173232185
923International Journal of Heritage in the Digital Era873110
937BioMed Research International4722.1K2.4K
937Mechanics Research Communications5721734
937Robotics and Autonomous Systems47264172
937Transportation Research Part B: Methodological172205202
937Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation4724340
937Steel Construction5722320
937Journal of Industrial Engineering International1727728
944Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials1711.3K576
944Journal of Solid State Chemistry171752272
944European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery471571636
944International Journal of Artificial Organs371432297
944Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies871100201
944QSAR and Combinatorial Science27110088
944IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy371227
944Progress in IS1071239
944Cleaner Engineering and Technology2712510
953Journal of Organic Chemistry3701.7K1.9K
953Fusion Science and Technology270273119
953Aerospace Science and Technology370183238
953Aerosol Science and Technology470276412
953Advances in Materials Science and Engineering470474330
953Environmental Science and Policy270250399
953IET Electric Power Applications370188188
953Marine Structures2706559
953Air, Soil and Water Research17010146
953Annals of Biomedical Engineering670414855
964Chemical Engineering Communications1169142354
964Journal of Turbomachinery669160220
964International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control569406530
964European Journal of Engineering Education4699297
964BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making369618675
964Managerial and Decision Economics369400258
964Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering10695487
964Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology26920976
964Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health369216268
964Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications56933112
964IET Smart Grid3694427
964Marine Technology1069117
976LWT - Food Science and Technology268643693
976Journal of Molecular Modeling2681.0K470
976Advanced Energy Materials1681.3K1.3K
976Journal of Hydrodynamics568106122
976International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing768116248
976Materiaux Et Constructions7682679
976Economics of Innovation and New Technology268192191
976Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy1168316
976Current Pollution Reports168131112
985Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells267447571
985Annals of Physics167430141
985Materials and Design267535688
985Electrical Engineering46717786
985Journal of Biomedical Informatics367342624
985International Journal of Neural Systems367194296
985International Journal of Engine Research367167136
985Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design267406400
985Wind Energy Science4674444
996Journal of Molecular Biology2661.1K1.3K
996Earth Surface Processes and Landforms1661.0K766
996Molecular Simulation466321281
996IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation146686306
996IEEE Micro266162145