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citing journals

Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
2Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity3721964161
4Journal of Cleaner Production5528936608
5Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine34681.2K205
6PLoS ONE243873.8K5.2K
7Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews3361611629
8International Journal of Molecular Sciences23025.2K2.1K
9Scientific Reports122635.1K5.1K
10Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing37246422145
11Environmental Science and Pollution Research142451.4K1.5K
13IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science1602284750
15International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health72133.0K2.1K
16AIP Conference Proceedings226209221454
17Applied Sciences (Switzerland)72022.5K1.2K
20Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems1541894256
22Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering3174539337
22SAGE Open13174136101
25Journal of Environmental Management21652.0K1.5K
26IEEE Access91642.2K2.0K
27Future Generation Computer Systems1163801322
28Analytica Chimica Acta21531.3K894
29Journal of Clinical Nursing11451.6K624
30Veterinary World111397252
31Mikrochimica Acta31361.0K598
32Journal of Food Products Marketing31327316
32Journal of Tropical Resources and Sustainable Science15513211
35Journal of Bioresources and Bioproducts11251016
37Ceramics International31191.1K914
39Parasites and Vectors11141.7K845
41BioMed Research International41092.1K1.9K
42Construction and Building Materials11061.4K1.0K
42Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine310613892
44Studies in Systems, Decision and Control741021842
46Communications in Computer and Information Science13991.4K383
46Frontiers in Marine Science2991.2K890
48Frontiers in Psychology11951.1K2.0K
49Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology894398744
50Journal of Hazardous Materials1932.7K2.4K
51Journal of Food Protection1871.1K646
52Water (Switzerland)10861.1K1.5K
54International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer184993647
55Science of the Total Environment2823.8K4.1K
56RSC Advances1775.0K3.3K
56Frontiers in Nutrition377653521
56Cogent Business and Management277454136
59Advances in Colloid and Interface Science175485623
60BMC Biotechnology273399470
62Waste Management and Research272455362
63Journal of Food Science and Technology271763576
64Applied Water Science470204323
65Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy1692.0K1.5K
66Tropical Animal Health and Production767317362
66Journal of Fungi (Basel, Switzerland)367837518
66Biotechnology Reports (Amsterdam, Netherlands)167251139
69IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering1866499368
70Separation and Purification Technology265631761
71Advanced Science Letters27634131
72International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control162924562
74Journal of Bioeconomics1599633
76Trends in Ecology and Evolution1589381.1K
76BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine2587461.0K
78BMC Public Health3572.6K2.9K
78Polymer Composites1571.6K921
78Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences and Engineering)28573233
81Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences15613366
84Contributions To Management Science405539
85Journal of Biomedical Optics1541.1K792
85Medicinal Chemistry Research354507408
87Food Control353314679
88Journal of Materials Research and Technology252452555
90Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing2501.1K468
90Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja250390256
92Journal of Ethnopharmacology1491.9K1.8K
92BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making1491.3K846
92Current Pollution Reports24966134
95Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy1482.2K2.0K
95Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology14820254
95Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences7482611
99Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry2471.6K1.4K
100International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives146273170
101Polymer Engineering and Science1451.5K991
101Composites Part B: Engineering1458081.0K
106Current Drug Metabolism244249379
107Journal of Education for Business143477203
107Fish Physiology and Biochemistry243516571
109Computers in Biology and Medicine3427871.4K
110Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences441253557
110Global Business Review241153135
112Acta Tropica240824985
114Journal of Chemical Physics1393.3K2.9K
114Arab Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences13910220
116Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems1381.7K699
116Materials Letters1381.4K1.1K
118Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics2372.2K1.6K
118Environmental Research2371.8K2.7K
118Ultrasonics Sonochemistry1371.0K1.3K
118International Journal of Energy Research3379961.3K
123Phytotherapy Research1361.7K1.8K
123International Journal of Tourism Research136441425
123Reviews in Aquaculture136347463
123Animal Health Research Reviews13699126
127Applied Nursing Research135458390
127Journal of Research on Technology in Education135170189
127Progress in Orthodontics135189145
130Procedia Chemistry5341439
130International Journal of Chemical Engineering33462126
133Journal of Chemistry233838667
133Journal of Water Process Engineering133468556
133Progress in Development Studies13396100
136Microbiological Research132578738
136Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management132221295
139Journal of Heat Transfer1311.0K850
142Animal Science Journal130530328
143International Journal of Biological Macromolecules1292.8K3.2K
143Frontiers in Public Health4299962.0K
145Journal of Composites Science228450342
147Electronics (Switzerland)4271.6K1.9K
147Journal of King Saud University - Science227164288
147Agricultural and Forest Entomology127357350
147IET Nanobiotechnology227187282
153Applied Soft Computing Journal1269471.3K
153Italian Journal of Agronomy1267444
156Advances in Mechanical Engineering1251.0K625
156Aquaculture Nutrition225364527
156International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies72561111
156International Journal of Business and Society6251814
160Water Science and Technology1242.4K2.2K
160Toxicological Research124153127
164Synthetic Communications2231.2K1.3K
164Scientific World Journal, The3231.1K2.0K
164Molecular Biology Reports5238711.8K
164International Journal of Thermal Sciences123420557
164International Journal of Healthcare Management32351101
164Annals of Animal Science42378116
164Asian Biomedicine12310930
171Procedia Computer Science2221.1K1.2K
171Data in Brief3221.2K1.1K
171Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society222551475
171Journal of Applied Geophysics122257255
171Journal of Polymers and the Environment122930987
171Open Chemistry122558332
171Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health222349618
171Wood Material Science and Engineering222128120
171Sustainable Environment Research12282122
180MATEC Web of Conferences721763629
180Current Pharmaceutical Design2211.1K1.8K
180Aquaculture Reports121153147
180Jurnal Antarabangsa Alam Dan Tamadun Melayu692111
184Synthetic Metals120467534
184Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods1201.7K1.1K
184Logic Journal of the IGPL120200101
184Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society120273151
188Journal of Physics: Conference Series14191.5K2.3K
188International Journal of Agronomy119207152
188Business Perspectives and Research319934
188Planning Malaysia1019119
194Medicine (United States)2182.3K2.5K
194BMC Veterinary Research3185451.1K
194Administrative Sciences318132304
200Lecture Notes in Computer Science5174.8K5.2K
200Methods in Molecular Biology1173.9K3.0K
200Veterinary Parasitology2176451.1K
200Quality and Quantity117793778
200Patient Preference and Adherence117755928
200Education and Information Technologies117828914
200International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics117472442
200Expert Systems217416692
200Social Sciences217635542
200International Journal of Innovation Management117344358
200Journal of Poverty21796146
200International Journal of Microbiology117304451
200International Journal of Asian Social Science7171425
200Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering1171.2K998
215Materials Today: Proceedings2161.1K1.1K
215Microchemical Journal1167161.0K
215Trends in Food Science and Technology116382864
215Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering116244358
215Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition1161.1K1.7K
215Oxford Review of Education116141174
215International Journal of Financial Studies116272189
215Journal of Computers in Education11673148
215Journal of Business Administration Research11672
215Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences12162733
226Veterinary Microbiology1158421.2K
226International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology1151.5K1.6K
226Compost Science and Utilization1155782
226Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments215170540
226Stamford Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences115155
226Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal20151314
226Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business361511
236Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data1141.2K1.4K
236Frontiers in Physiology2142.1K3.3K
236Animal Biotechnology114373320
236Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics2145841
236Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship21443140
236International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine11457109
236Bonorowo Wetlands114171
243Journal of Applied Polymer Science2132.8K3.8K
243Separation Science and Technology2139041.5K
243Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants113445543
243Journal of Flood Risk Management113269439
243Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops and Foods213110203
243Journal of Asia-Pacific Business21344109
243International Journal of Disclosure and Governance11396115
243Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management113156185
253Physica Scripta1121.8K1.5K
253Journal of Interpersonal Violence1121.1K1.3K
253SN Applied Sciences2129521.6K
253Arabian Journal of Chemistry212294889
253Physics and Chemistry of the Earth11292187
253World's Poultry Science Journal112319405
253Current Issues in Tourism112584917
253Applied Nanoscience (Switzerland)112739945
253Tourism Recreation Research112198296
253Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association112205253
253Notulae Scientia Biologicae312104124
253Journal of Biologically Active Products From Nature11214869
253Asian Journal of Technology Innovation112140170
253Advances in Biomarker Sciences and Technology11226
253Journal of Landscape Ecology(Czech Republic)1125654
253Journal of Emerging Economies and Islamic Research1122111
270Expert Systems With Applications1111.1K1.8K
270Journal of Separation Science1111.5K1.9K
270Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation111527734
270Information, Communication and Society111424599
270Cybernetics and Systems111306293
270BMC Immunology111533912
270Fractal and Fractional111823600
270Business and Management Horizons11181
270Food Science and Technology111274386
270AIMS Agriculture and Food3111953
270Malaysian Applied Biology7111711
283Polymer Bulletin3108601.8K
283Optical and Quantum Electronics1101.7K1.5K
283Preventive Veterinary Medicine110578871
283Marine Drugs2101.2K2.2K
283Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research JCDR210385557
283Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources110140237
283Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology110276370
283Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications110256467
283Journal of Parasitology Research110198326
283International Journal of Renewable Energy Development110199174
283Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution11012562
283Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research110292443
283ChemBioEng Reviews110112194
283Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences11010057
283International Journal of Engineering Technology and Sciences31036
300Journal of Animal Science191.1K1.1K
300Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology191.6K1.7K
300Journal of Theoretical Biology191.5K2.1K
300Archives of Microbiology191.7K2.1K
300British Poultry Science19558729
300Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering139472669
300Sadhana - Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences19633603
300Journal of Russian Laser Research19265158
300Journal of Natural Fibers19652751
300Frontiers of Agriculture in China196566
300Australian Journal of Maritime and Ocean Affairs292434
300International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing1991147
300Journal of Porous Media19470446
300Asian Journal of Contemporary Education19135
300Current Agriculture Research Journal197635
300Telkomnika (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control)8978251
300Journal of Nusantara Studies (JONUS)691215
300International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences494155
300International Journal of Professional Business Review291210
300Journal of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science197252
300Jurnal Alam Bina59820
323Atmospheric Environment189041.5K
323Surface and Interface Analysis181.3K1.5K
323Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics181.8K2.1K
323Microbial Pathogenesis386802.0K
323International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology28531969
323Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing286361.5K
323Food Science and Nutrition181.2K1.5K
323BMC Pharmacology & Toxicology18414731
323Cogent Economics and Finance18461437
323Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology18179256
323Transnational Corporations Review186695
323Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics4878232
323Open Agriculture18201194
323Exposure and Health18199341
323International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature2814084
323Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal3895120
323Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies282215
323International Journal of Management Excellence18329
344Monatshefte Für Chemie179531.2K
344Journal of Electronic Materials271.7K2.6K
344Frontiers in Plant Science172.5K3.5K
344Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering771.6K1.8K
344SHS Web of Conferences47585319
344IETE Technical Review (Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, India)17245255
344Oriental Journal of Chemistry27118130
344Behavioral Sciences (Basel, Switzerland)171.2K1.0K
344International Journal of Biomedical Imaging17204363
344Tropical Animal Science Journal571542
344Journal of Contemporary Research in Social Sciences1752
344Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics17386215
357AIP Advances162.5K2.7K
357Aquaculture Research366771.5K
357Polymer International161.1K1.7K
357Heat and Mass Transfer168331.2K
357Studies in Computational Intelligence261.6K1.6K
357Parasitology International165951.1K
357Current Psychology161.7K1.8K
357Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine26324822
357Business Strategy and the Environment168401.4K
357Journal of Vacation Marketing16156403
357International Journal of Construction Management16269423
357Journal of Marketing for Higher Education16156351
357Indonesia and the Malay World261341
357International Journal of Geophysics1699187
357Journal of Advanced Veterinary and Animal Research4617126
357International Journal of Applied Behavioral Economics162812
357Cakrawala Pendidikan165237
357Investment Management and Financial Innovations16265231
357Future of Business and Finance1610530
357ACS Food Science & Technology16267287
357Radiation Protection Dosimetry161.2K1.3K
357Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication561723
357Shanlax International Journal of Education264521
381Planta Medica259291.6K
381Parasite Immunology156941.1K
381Comparative Clinical Pathology35205455
381Journal of Wood Science15240416
381BIO Web of Conferences55528250
381Discourse and Society15163364
381Knowledge Engineering Review15255418
381Journal of Plant Interactions15300552
381Interdisciplinary Sciences, Computational Life Sciences15253479
381Small-Scale Forestry15181333
381Current Bioinformatics25131298
381Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research1567194
381Journal of Threatened Taxa55117266
381Journal of Materials Science153.3K4.3K
381Proceedings in Adaptation, Learning and Optimization1512883
381Topics in Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering354346
381Belitung Nursing Journal158367
381Asian Journal of Green Chemistry1569
381Materials Science Forum251.6K1.6K
381Contemporary Educational Technology15142205
381Economic Journal of Emerging Markets152629
404Environmental Monitoring and Assessment143.1K4.1K
404Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism141.2K1.5K
404Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology141.3K1.9K
404Arabian Journal of Geosciences141.7K2.1K
404Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers145321.0K
404Hydrological Sciences Journal148881.5K
404International Journal of Food Properties148761.4K
404Brazilian Journal of Microbiology145731.0K
404Telecommunication Systems147931.1K
404Journal of Medical Primatology14506716
404Journal of Risk Research14418781
404Social Work With Groups14192280
404Advanced Structured Materials54146346
404Cogent Engineering14553792
404Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science14316176
404International Journal of Financial Research144650
404International Journal of Learning and Development342674
404Veterinary Medicine and Science14486683
404Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences1462151
404International Journal of Strategic Property Management14171295
404OPEC Energy Review1482173
404Jurnal IPTA1482
404Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism14283219
404Advances in Environmental Engineering and Green Technologies Book Series34192240
404Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies54538705
404International Journal of Language Education241811
404Geografia: Malaysian Journal of Society and Space541723
404Issues in Language Studies241510
404Global Business Management Review1442
438Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon and the Related Elements131.1K1.3K
438Journal of Medical Entomology139991.5K
438Desalination and Water Treatment131.3K2.0K
438Journal of Veterinary Medical Science13652971
438Journal of Equine Veterinary Science13295441
438Drying Technology138201.3K
438Chemical Engineering and Technology139761.5K
438HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies13241179
438Journal of Food Quality137151.2K
438Journal of the Geological Society of India13387556
438Chinese Journal of Polymer Science (English Edition)13311637
438Green Energy and Technology53326720
438Topics in Companion Animal Medicine1384150
438Veterinary Parasitology: Regional Studies and Reports13277451
438Journal of Herbal Medicine1376298
438Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health1389221
438Journal of Microwaves, Optoelectronics and Electromagnetic Applications1392135
438Toxicology Research and Application135287
438BMC Zoology1394242
438Leadership Education Personality an Interdisciplinary Journal13718
438Jurnal Manajemen Dan Wirausaha231021
438Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine334763
438Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research13429522
438Jurnal Ilmiah Peuradeun134727
438European Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies1363
438Advances in Hospitality, Tourism and the Services Industry23233184
438Sustainability in Plant and Crop Protection134047
438Journal of Petroleum and Geothermal Technology1372
438Journal of Analytical Science and Technology13123326
438South Asian Journal of Experimental Biology138646
438PEOPLE International Journal of Social Sciences23140113
438International Journal of Educational Studies13111
438SN Business & Economics13185209
438Financial Internet Quarterly132916
438EDUCATUM: Journal of Social Sciences3396
475E3S Web of Conferences322.1K2.5K
475Parasitology Research121.8K2.7K
475Multimedia Tools and Applications122.5K3.4K
475Wireless Personal Communications121.8K2.4K
475Environmental Earth Sciences121.9K2.8K
475Applied Organometallic Chemistry121.5K2.1K
475Journal of Asian Earth Sciences12369718
475Computers and Electronics in Agriculture124511.0K
475Journal of Food Processing and Preservation121.3K2.0K
475American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene121.7K2.9K
475Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research128391.3K
475Veterinary Research Communications12517893
475International Social Work12403618
475Water Science and Technology: Water Supply129691.6K
475International Journal of Tropical Insect Science12529788
475Italian Journal of Animal Science12431662
475Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy127311.5K
475Knowledge and Information Systems126851.3K
475Healthcare (Switzerland)122.7K3.3K
475Systemic Practice and Action Research12193488
475Environmental Modeling and Assessment12405911
475Journal of Educational and Social Research12209160
475Journal of King Saud University, Engineering Sciences1271214
475ClinicoEconomics and Outcomes Research12201560
475Pathogens and Global Health12304728
475Studies in Big Data12441509
475Sustainable Water Resources Management12371654
475International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy12454517
475Irish Veterinary Journal1287199
475AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis12137318
475Progress in Earth and Planetary Science12232482
475Case Reports in Veterinary Medicine124482
475International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development12106171
475Cogent Biology1252160
475Journal of Food Processing12843
475International Journal of Art Culture and Design Technologies22423
475Dinamika Ilmu12128
475GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies224792
475IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence5241171
475Springer Water22164245
475GATR Journal of Finance and Banking Review221121
475Composites Science and Technology226297
475South Asian Journal of Tourism & Hospitality1264
475Jurnal Pengurusan321447
475Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities121323
475Humanities and Social Sciences Reviews12356288
475Humanities and Social Sciences Communications226791.3K
475e-Bangi: Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities22279
475Journal of Intercultural Communication1210095
475Journal of Human Centered Technology3235
475Journal of Pragmatics and Discourse Research5212
475Human Resources Management and Services12191
529Nature Communications116.4K9.0K
529Journal of Plant Nutrition118581.4K
529Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture111.1K1.7K
529BMC Microbiology111.7K3.0K
529Petroleum Science and Technology11519867
529Annals of Medicine119631.8K
529Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health117651.5K
529International Journal of Endocrinology117061.5K
529Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases116071.2K
529Journal of Educational Computing Research11403846
529Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies11305299
529Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering311.3K1.4K
529Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research11377742
529Food Security11395842
529Acta Ecologica Sinica11101271
529Journal of Applied Aquaculture11238480
529International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing11365839
529Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science1172204
529Journal of Agricultural Studies1179105
529Digital Health215051.1K
529Bioinspired, Biomimetic and Nanobiomaterials1196270
529Springer Series on Cultural Computing11107166
529International Journal on Algae4137100
529Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences112483
529Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics2156182
529Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science41249655
529JPTK (Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi Dan Kejuruan)111013
529Journal of Applied and Natural Science21191296
529Malaysian Journal of Science113730
529International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research7141366
529Corporate Ownership and Control11103170
529Journal of Al-Tamaddun112717
529Journal of Agrobiotechnology2124
529Jurnal Pendidikan Sosiologi Dan Humaniora21135
529TEM Journal11219130
529Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research Series B: Biological Sciences117245
529Borneo Journal of Resource Science and Technology112216
529Advances in Marketing, Customer Relationship Management, and E-services Book Series21313494
529Indonesian Journal on Geoscience114755
529Journal of Tourism Management Research21417
529International Journal of Religion619422
529GATR Accounting and Finance Review112521
529Key Engineering Materials111.7K1.9K
529Asian Journal of Accounting and Governance111832
529European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics11146131
529Turkish Journal of Agriculture: Food Science and Technology11250278
529Enlightening Tourism: A Pathmaking Journal111844
529Information Management and Business Review411543
529Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Mechanics115817
529Tropical Grasslands - Forrajes Tropicales1187166
529Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology1112978
529Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities812749
529Bulletin of Culinary Art and Hospitality1151
529Jurnal Pendidikan Malaysia11139
529Veterinary Integrative Sciences114445
529Bedan Research Journal1121
587International Journal of Cardiology102.7K3.8K
587Proceedings of the Nutrition Society207211.2K
587Macromolecular Symposia101.2K1.9K
587Journal of Natural History109291.5K
587Biodiversity and Conservation101.3K2.2K
587Mechanics of Composite Materials10284563
587IFMBE Proceedings201.2K1.9K
587Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers106011.2K
587Zoonoses and Public Health105901.2K
587Molecular Biotechnology107591.6K
587Preparative Biochemistry and Biotechnology104261.0K
587Statistical Papers10522929
587The Prescriber103151
587ITM Web of Conferences10384507
587Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology10354806
587Energy Efficiency10351922
587Pilot and Feasibility Studies106951.3K
587Intelligent Systems Reference Library10522967
587Asian Ethnicity10130305
587Community Development10160451
587Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research2081351
587Science Progress10472981
587Veterinary Sciences106971.2K
587Environmental Science and Engineering10915922
587Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography10337584
587Social and Environmental Accountability Journal1086200
587Journal of Functional Biomaterials107251.4K
587Physical Sciences Reviews10151343
587Cogent Arts and Humanities10248421
587Springer Proceedings in Complexity10547703
587Asian Journal of Transfusion Science1093209
587Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage10157457
587Journal of Curriculum and Teaching1045127
587International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching1069224
587Mokuzai Gakkai Shi104259
587Journal of Veterinary Research (Poland)10118254
587Lecture Notes in Bioengineering10153234
587Journal of Information and Telecommunication1048169
587Biomedical Research and Therapy10163261
587Asian Journal of Business Ethics1045181
587International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research1063197
587Journal of Asian Scientific Research3013125
587Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Emerging Economies101583
587Food Ethics1046123
587Planta Medica International Open10226220
587Technical and Vocational Education and Training3026142
587Recent Innovations in Chemical Engineering103956
587Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldis Arad, Economics Series103974
587Theory and Practice in Language Studies10186199
587Advances in Finance, Accounting, and Economics10628702
587International Journal of Scientific Research and Management10279257
587Sains Malaysiana101319
587Malay Literature101613
587Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology10463616
587Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences10409
587Fibres and Textiles in Eastern Europe1098237
587Riset Akuntansi Dan Keuangan Indonesia102121
587Jurnal Pengajian Media Malaysia101615
587Journal of Information and Communication Technology102759
587Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences102341
587Pendeta Journal of Malay Language Education and Literature60720
587Asian Journal of University Education201622
587Conhecimento & Diversidade1011054
587Journal of Management & Muamalah1042
587Jurnal Islam Dan Masyarakat Kontemporari102425
587Local Wisdom Jurnal Ilmiah Kajian Kearifan Lokal101314
587Jurnal Pendidikan Progresif106342
587GATR Global Journal of Business Social Sciences Review106888
587CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance5069433
587International Journal of Integrated Engineering103778
587International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education10233345
587Jurnal Ilmiah Peternakan Terpadu102123
587Humanities and Social Sciences Letters105575
587Shanlax International Journal of Arts Science and Humanities106943
587Advances in Civil and Industrial Engineering Book Series3070388
587Advances in Business Strategy and Competitive Advantage Book Series10663850
587Advances in Systems Analysis, Software Engineering, and High Performance Computing Book Series10361498
587Advances in Higher Education and Professional Development Book Series108421.0K
587Advances in Medical Technologies and Clinical Practice Book Series20201470
587Advances in Human and Social Aspects of Technology Book Series10397616
587Impact of Meat Consumption on Health and Environmental Sustainability10374459
587International Journal of Physiotherapy1090147
587Eurasian Studies in Business and Economics2090197
587Geography of the Physical Environment1064128
587Jurnal Inovasi Teknologi Pendidikan101729
587Proceeding of the Electrical Engineering Computer Science and Informatics203238
587European Journal of Language and Literature10410
587Environment and Social Psychology1010889
587Jurnal Gramatika: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Bahasa Dan Sastra Indonesia3029
587JMK (Jurnal Manajemen Dan Kewirausahaan)30217
587Psikis: Jurnal Psikologi Islami102628
587Psikohumaniora: Jurnal Penelitian Psikologi102745
587UHD Journal of Science and Technology102224
587Lecture Notes on Multidisciplinary Industrial Engineering10222299
587Advances in Science, Technology and Innovation50269936
587Harmonia: Journal of Arts Research and Education102934
587Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development30110151
587International Journal of Business Studies101215
587ARABIYATUNA Jurnal Bahasa Arab101514
587VNU Journal of Science Earth and Environmental Sciences101621
587IJEBD (International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business Development)204143
587Malaysian Journal of Music105535
587SAR Journal - Science and Research10119
587Ijaz Arabi Journal of Arabic Learning104118
587Journal of Accounting and Investment104065
587Journal of Sylva Indonesiana1098
587Springer Proceedings in Materials20196227
587Utamax Journal of Ultimate Research and Trends in Education101420
587Innovation Research Journal1043
587International Journal of Language Pedagogy3020
587IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management109501.6K
587Advanced Materials Research102.1K2.5K
587Nigerian postgraduate medical journal, The4049155
587‘Abqari Journal101414
587Asian Journal of Quality of Life101620
587AIMS Mathematics101.1K1.4K
587International Journal of Education Psychology and Counseling5020
587Journal of Information System and Technology Management1040
587International Journal of Law Government and Communication3040
587Mediterranean Aquaculture Journal10919
587Atelie Geografico105345
587Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal10382349
587Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences D Histology & Histochemistry103432
587International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science10156176
587Malaysian Journal of Real Estate201837
587Sains Humanika202556
587UMRAN - International Journal of Islamic and Civilizational Studies301633
587Journal of Advances in Chemistry2053165
587Record and Library Journal103120
587Journal of Advanced Research in Business and Management Studies1097
587Studies in Fungi101323
587Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Management1051109
587Pedagogical Research1043100
587Indonesian Language Education and Literature102121
587Journal of ASIAN Behavioural Studies201438
587Novel Research in Microbiology Journal106089
587JADECS (Journal of Art, Design, Art Education and Culture Studies)10155
587South Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities202654
587ASEAN Engineering Journal2041124
587International Journal of Modern Languages and Applied Linguistics1085
587International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Management Practices4022
587Asian People Journal (APJ)102030
587International Journal of Innovative Research and Scientific Studies10101136
587English Language Teaching Educational Journal10730
587Environmental Contaminants Reviews101510
587International Journal of Innovation and Industrial Revolution1030
587Advanced International Journal of Business Entrepreneurship and SMEs5020
587International Journal of Visual and Performing Arts101420
587Jurnal Genre (Bahasa Sastra Dan Pembelajarannya)10136
587The Journal of Management Theory and Practice1038
587Psikobuletin Buletin Ilmiah Psikologi10116
587ICRRD Quality Index Research Journal101818
587International Journal of Language Education and Applied Linguistics1070
587International Journal of Art & Design10124
587Trends in Sciences10210335
587Jurnal Bioconcetta1052
587Platform : A Journal of Science and Technology1078
587International Journal of Biomass and Renewables102345
587Quantum Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities202723
587PaperASIA 3084
587International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches104121
587Journal of Ecohumanism1014111
587ELTALL: English Language Teaching, Applied Linguistic and Literature1043
587Journal Of Project Management Practice (JPMP)10610
587At-Tasharruf "Jurnal Kajian Ekonomi dan Bisnis Syariah"1032
587Journal of Sustainable Underground Exploration 1033
587International Journal of Islamic Business and Management Review1074
587Malaysian Journal of Business and Economics (MJBE)10910
587Journal of Medical Device Technology10911
587Research Journal in Advanced Humanities104340
587Gusau Journal of Accounting and Finance10108
587Educational Technology Journal23013
587Indonesia Media Law Review1026
587Al-Azkiyaa - Jurnal Antarabangsa Bahasa dan Pendidikan1022
587International Journal of Application on Sciences, Technology and Engineering10123
587Contributions to environmental sciences & innovative business technology90265
587The Asian Journal of Professional & Business Studies10104
587المجلة العلمية لبحوث التعليم10204
587Adabi : Journal of Public Administration and Business1030
587Sustainable materials and technology201854
587Journal of Asian Geography1060
587Sustainable Business Development1010