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citing journals

Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Journal of the Physical Society of Japan1674,2445135
2Physical Review Letters524,004938948
3Journal of the American Chemical Society283,425767667
4Angewandte Chemie - International Edition173,213989613
5Chemical Reviews22,728879431
6Physical Review B702,143860868
7Organic Letters301,870440313
9Communications in Mathematical Physics161,415274137
10Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis81,37243795
11Physical Review A361,091767690
12Angewandte Chemie181,064991470
14Physics and Chemistry of Minerals268184948
15Journal of Statistical Physics34792103128
16Academy of Management Review1785345201
17Chemical Communications26783791929
18Optics Letters10707872513
19Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America126662.3K3.4K
20Geochemical Journal276332525
21Nature Structural and Molecular Biology4555509476
22Journal of Applied Physics195321.5K1.3K
23American Journal of Physics15031.6K109
24American Mineralogist22473124199
25Progress of Theoretical Physics124709147
26Inorganic Chemistry16456962960
27Scientific Reports274553.3K3.8K
28Nature Materials2430819961
29Molecular Simulation141987530
30Geophysical Research Letters73841.2K1.1K
31Journal of Physical Chemistry B193787491.1K
32Japanese Journal of Applied Physics46371188248
33Journal of Chemical Physics213671.1K1.4K
34Nature Communications83603.1K3.8K
35Journal of Biological Chemistry113541.6K2.2K
36Applied Physics Letters123441.6K1.7K
37Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters11325594502
38Chemistry Letters223249175
39Chemistry - A European Journal133229751.1K
40Nucleic Acids Research103191.2K1.7K
41Chemistry of Materials62879901.1K
42Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement142863322
43Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry12274673677
44Physical Review D142651.3K1.3K
45Bioconjugate Chemistry4251624478
46Review of Economic Studies1250283162
47Journal of Physical Chemistry C52421.9K1.6K
49Molecular Cell22339751.2K
51Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry5224395293
52Genes To Cells921495160
53Optics Express72011.4K1.4K
54Biochemical Journal21961.8K1.3K
54Journal of Physical Chemistry A131968211.1K
56Plant Journal21951.1K1.0K
58ACS Nano31881.6K1.9K
59International Journal of Psychology4184258176
60Advanced Materials31831.6K2.0K
61Chemical Science41821.1K1.0K
62Applied and Environmental Microbiology41791.4K1.8K
63Chemistry - an Asian Journal6173415393
64Nature Structural Biology1172333370
65PLoS ONE111695.8K7.5K
66Current Biology51651.0K1.7K
67Strategic Management Journal1158542584
68Management Science1155894656
69Accounts of Chemical Research1150878916
70Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology4148151108
70Japanese Economic Review131481213
72Cell Reports21441.8K1.8K
73Journal of Physics Condensed Matter41351.2K879
73Physica Status Solidi - Rapid Research Letters1135855160
75Journal of Environmental Radioactivity3134407234
76Zoological Science613212896
77Journal of Organic Chemistry71261.3K1.5K
77Biophysical Journal121268051.2K
79Journal of Biochemistry10125180275
80Journal of Mathematical Physics17123493758
81Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry5122867979
82Europhysics Letters3120901611
83Nagoya Mathematical Journal311917164
84Current Opinion in Microbiology1118465440
85Communications Physics1117766198
86Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films10114440578
87Philosophical Magazine A: Physics of Condensed Matter, Structure, Defects and Mechanical Properties4113267257
87Review of Income and Wealth1113409156
87Japan and the World Economy611389
90Journal of Colloid and Interface Science11122.3K1.7K
91Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics51092.0K2.1K
92PLoS Pathogens41071.1K1.8K
92Contributions To Mineralogy and Petrology2107578556
92Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society210758586
92Microbial Ecology11071.3K835
96Nature Immunology11061.1K1.4K
97Lecture Notes in Computer Science391051.9K2.5K
97Neurobiology of Aging2105943923
97PLoS Genetics31051.4K2.2K
100Journal of the Japanese and International Economies610187
101Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical6100340308
102Crystal Growth and Design2981.5K1.1K
102Nature Cell Biology1981.1K1.4K
104Proceedings of the Japan Academy Series B: Physical and Biological Sciences69795122
105Molecular Biology of the Cell3967721.1K
105Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth496579589
105International Economic Review296309238
109Meteoritics and Planetary Science393434402
111Journal of Development Economics189163122
112Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience188978633
112Annales Henri Poincare88895117
112Asia Pacific Journal of Management388165251
115Frontiers in Microbiology2863.0K2.8K
115Human Relations186562552
117Cell Death and Differentiation1851.3K1.3K
118Dalton Transactions8841.3K1.8K
118Journal of Alzheimer's Disease3841.4K1.5K
120EMBO Journal1821.7K1.9K
120Nature Microbiology1821.0K1.2K
122Microbial Cell Factories281573560
123Letters in Mathematical Physics380405220
124Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors5793458
124ISME Journal1791.2K1.2K
126Neurochemical Research2781.1K929
126Communications in Partial Differential Equations378269273
128Japanese Journal of Mathematics:transactions and Abstracts47796
129Journal of Materials Research876535919
130Environmental Science & Technology3752.0K2.9K
130Journal of the American Medical Directors Association1751.2K813
132Developing Economies2733523
133Physical Review E9721.5K2.3K
133World Development172426409
135Developmental Biology371702927
135Papers in Regional Science371272228
135Biomedical Research471132102
138Journal of High Energy Physics3691.3K1.3K
138Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry669376583
138Manchester School169428128
138Communications Biology5691.0K1.3K
138European Physical Journal Special Topics136917599
143American Political Science Review168875368
143Journal of Polymer Science Part A-2 Polymer Physics26811397
147Translational Psychiatry1671.5K1.3K
148Mathematische Zeitschrift266744441
148Journal of Cell Science3661.2K1.8K
150ACS Catalysis2651.3K1.5K
150Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment165558249
150Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series365300123
153Review of Scientific Instruments5641.5K1.6K
153Analytical Sciences264744474
153Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications16436889
156Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan463201223
156Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry463862679
156Journal of the Optical Society of America263487420
160Regional Studies262516552
160Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography362557569
162Nature Medicine1612.2K2.9K
164Journal of Bacteriology6609621.9K
164Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research1603959
166Life Sciences1592.1K1.7K
166Journal of Controlled Release1591.4K1.6K
166Journal of Polymer Science159274205
166Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching2595028
171Current Opinion in Plant Biology157369511
171Review of International Economics457186246
173Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications7561.5K2.7K
173Journal of Aging Studies156143101
175Physica Status Solidi A855506693
175Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision1551.3K877
175European Physical Journal B1551.6K881
179European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry3531.1K1.2K
179Shinku/Journal of the Vacuum Society of Japan28533116
179Zoological Letters2535648
182Managerial and Decision Economics152829325
183Journal of Geophysical Research1512.0K2.2K
183Stem Cell Reports151877928
185Journal of Comparative Neurology1501.4K1.5K
186Economic Journal149654601
186ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters149876627
186DNA Repair449242484
186Plant Production Science149179130
191Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings1248984709
191Annalen Der Physik148907522
191Journal of Bone and Mineral Research1481.6K1.8K
191Nature Photonics1487741.1K
191Journal of Materials Science3482.2K2.5K
197Plant Cell Reports3476281.1K
197DNA Research147367409
197Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals1047196284
200Journal of Molecular Biology2461.1K1.4K
200Analyst, The2461.6K1.9K
200ISIJ International346379416
200Plant Biotechnology446115126
204Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry1451.0K900
204ACS Organic & Inorganic Au145364
206Journal of Physics: Conference Series5442.8K1.4K
206Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta344333585
206Astrophysical Journal3441.6K2.0K
206Molecular Pharmacology1449191.0K
206Asian Economic Policy Review3443341
211International Journal of Production Economics143542689
211Acta Crystallographica Section D: Structural Biology143399210
213FEMS Microbiology Letters3421.2K1.7K
213Science Advances2422.4K3.7K
213International Journal of Human Resource Management142761831
213Microgravity Science and Technology142362145
217Protein Science2411.0K1.2K
217Geophysical Monograph Series341468411
217Physical Review Research541657760
220Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society340415406
220Oxford Review of Economic Policy140145140
223Journal of Radiation Research139538397
223Asian Economic Papers3395360
225Journal of Medicinal Chemistry1382.3K2.5K
225Methods in Enzymology238850972
225Molecular Brain138526546
229Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung - Section A Journal of Physical Sciences437510476
230IEEE Transactions on Magnetics6369401.4K
230Molecular and Cellular Biology3361.0K1.9K
230Chemical Record236321560
230Materials Science Forum836886753
235Methods in Molecular Biology5352.1K2.3K
235European Journal of Organic Chemistry1351.8K1.5K
235Mathematische Nachrichten235651405
235BBA - Proteins and Proteomics335322568
239Future Medicinal Chemistry134809640
239Reviews in Mathematical Physics63443184
239Applied Optics4341.4K2.1K
242Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan133304182
242Advanced Engineering Materials1331.3K949
242Psychonomic Bulletin and Review133696697
242Journal of Polymer Science, Polymer Physics Edition133276270
246Materials Transactions232615553
246Semiconductor Science and Technology132810587
246Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology2328531.3K
246Mathematics of Operations Research132434413
251The Philosophical Magazine: Physics of Condensed Matter B, Statistical Mechanics, Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Properties131578471
251Yuki Gosei Kagaku Kyokaishi/Journal of Synthetic Organic Chemistry153168106
251The Quaternary Research9314162
251Plant Signaling and Behavior331462731
256Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes2306550
258Journal of Alloys and Compounds1292.3K2.4K
258Journal of Materials Chemistry1291.5K2.0K
258New Journal of Chemistry2292.3K2.5K
258Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity129297209
258Administrative Sciences229223201
258Journal of Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences2294745
258Journal of Synchrotron Radiation129815681
265Chemical Physics Letters428547997
265Cancer Letters1281.7K2.1K
265Zeitschrift Fur Physikalische Chemie228329228
265Faraday Discussions128754919
265Social Science Research128301358
265Journal De Physique Colloque1128247241
265Acta Neuropathologica Communications2286161.0K
265Shinrigaku Kenkyu16282553
273Journal of Materials Chemistry A1272.2K2.6K
273Journal of Petrology127483515
273Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy127659623
278Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology3261.9K2.4K
278Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon and the Related Elements326594506
278Protein Engineering, Design and Selection426234632
278Canadian Journal of Economics226212305
278Probability Theory and Related Fields126414405
278Organic Chemistry Frontiers126835712
284International Journal of Molecular Sciences1256.3K5.7K
284BMC Developmental Biology125429677
284Linguistic Inquiry125147179
288BMC Genomics1243.1K3.5K
288New Journal of Physics2241.0K1.4K
288Frontiers in Neuroscience1242.2K2.4K
288Research Policy124267491
288Development Growth and Differentiation624137552
288Development Genes and Evolution124456507
288Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry124748894
288Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology124545804
288Nature Plants1247621.1K
288Japanese Journal of Political Science5242646
298European Journal of Operational Research1238311.1K
298Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology1232.4K2.8K
298International Journal of Thermophysics223572629
298EMBO Reports1231.2K1.6K
303Physical Review222599703
303Journal of the American Ceramic Society2221.6K2.1K
303Pure and Applied Chemistry3224911.0K
303Journal of Raman Spectroscopy3227711.4K
303Journal of Molecular Evolution1228731.1K
303Soil Science and Plant Nutrition122380407
303Low Temperature Physics522199311
303Journal of Biomolecular NMR222414591
303International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases122982716
303Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry122684563
303Georgian Mathematical Journal12231970
303Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies122267393
303Economics of Innovation and New Technology222192366
317Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience1211.4K1.7K
317Frontiers in Marine Science1211.5K1.7K
317Horticulture Journal1218657
317Reviews of Chemical Intermediates1212342
321AIP Conference Proceedings23201.9K2.5K
321Journal of Organometallic Chemistry120568536
321Physica Status Solidi (B): Basic Research5201.1K1.7K
321Earth and Planetary Science Letters120620881
321Journal of Low Temperature Physics920357746
321Journal of Solution Chemistry220599710
321Transactions of the Japan Institute of Metals120127101
321Journal of the Geological Society of Japan12015275
332European Physical Journal D5195591.1K
332Journal of Luminescence1199671.1K
332Surface and Interface Analysis1191.3K1.1K
332Journal of Vocational Behavior119175342
332Journal of Electron Microscopy219105162
332Environment and Planning C: Urban Analytics and City Science119316388
339Physiology and Behavior1181.5K1.8K
339Frontiers in Plant Science1182.5K3.1K
339Human Molecular Genetics1182.1K2.8K
339Economic Geology118428565
339Journal of Psycholinguistic Research118512480
339Journal of the Japan Statistical Society1186930
339Journal of Physics A318460787
346AIP Advances3171.6K1.9K
346Nucleic Acids Symposium Series11716284
346Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Japan2174152
350Tetrahedron Letters1161.1K1.2K
350Journal of Cell Biology1161.5K2.0K
350Journal of Ophthalmology116767830
350Australian Economic Papers216136169
350Legislative Studies Quarterly116163217
350Studia Mathematica116424316
350Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science2161.3K1.5K
357European Journal of Immunology1151.7K2.2K
357Journal of Neuroscience Research1151.6K2.0K
357Molecular Biology and Evolution1151.4K2.0K
357Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers115271380
357Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta - General Subjects3157481.8K
357Science and Technology of Advanced Materials115492794
357Journal of the Magnetics Society of Japan41511676
357International Journal of Press/Politics115143223
369Journal of Neurochemistry1142.1K2.8K
369Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy2141.6K2.6K
369Solid State Ionics314156569
369Molecular Microbiology1141.5K2.1K
369Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics1141.1K1.5K
369International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science114373308
369North American Journal of Economics and Finance214112293
369Human Resource Development Quarterly114237417
369IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement2141.4K1.9K
369Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan214297355
380Journal of Neuroscience1131.9K2.7K
380Yakugaku Zasshi413200295
380Social Forces113514453
380Classical and Quantum Gravity2137251.0K
380Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology2136131.3K
380Journal of Supercomputing1131.3K1.3K
380Topics in Catalysis113776988
380Journal of Computer Science and Technology113449440
380Calphad: Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry21388160
380Biology Open1138671.1K
380Cambridge Journal of Education113170260
380Family Business Review113181361
380Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences113222266
380The Japanese Journal of Experimental Social Psychology10131334
380Magyar Apróvad Közlemények113342421
380Electronics and Communications in Japan11319998
398IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation112725834
398Philosophical Magazine1129741.1K
398Molecular Ecology Resources1121.1K1.6K
398Minerals (Basel, Switzerland)2121.1K1.3K
398Labour Economics112151225
398Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Incorporating Nonlinear Optics51269185
398Bulletin of Economic Research212166267
398Geoscience Frontiers112230438
398Asian Economic Journal112173215
398Springer Series in Solid-state Sciences612113101
410Australian Journal of Chemistry111645716
410Frontiers in Pharmacology1112.7K3.6K
410Quaternary Research1118811.2K
410World Economy411307819
410Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications211270269
410Japanese Journal of Mathematics21161126
410Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics81136227
410Japanese Psychological Research51173260
410Management International Review111271474
410Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science2112811
410Learning and Behavior111284377
410Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism311212310
425Journal of Economic History110709531
425Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics1101.3K1.6K
425Applied Organometallic Chemistry1101.5K1.7K
425Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids110839602
425Methods in Cell Biology210342665
425Publication of the Astronomical Society of Japan110583674
425Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics110528576
425American Journal of Political Science110207356
425Abhandlungen Aus Dem Mathematischen Seminar Der Universitat Hamburg31052121
425Uniform Law Review31047
425Accounting History110125168
425International Relations of the Asia-Pacific2103589
425Accounting Horizons110271348
425Journal of Contemporary East Asia Studies1101820
425Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals510201507
440RSC Advances294.1K5.9K
440Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters291.5K2.3K
440Applied Radiation and Isotopes191.1K1.4K
440Marine Policy19602989
440Microscopy Research and Technique191.4K1.8K
440Genome Biology and Evolution191.1K1.7K
440Functional and Integrative Genomics19595786
440Journal of Experimental Nanoscience19301511
440Biophysical Reviews39138598
440Communications Chemistry19619816
440Journal of Spectral Theory3972145
440Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences194733
440Information Engineering Express391911
440Development (Cambridge)191.6K2.2K
456Solid State Communications18437557
456Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics18637774
456Mathematische Annalen18790945
456Journal of Materials Chemistry C182.0K2.5K
456Journal of Chemical Research18687578
456Economic Inquiry188731.2K
456Supramolecular Chemistry18553718
456International Journal of Developmental Biology18335561
456Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials28150
456Review of High Pressure Science and Technology/Koatsuryoku No Kagaku To Gijutsu585981
456Japanese Journal of Bacteriology184612
456Biophysics and Physicobiology286393
456Journal of Marketing & Distribution28181
456Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction18126151
456Journal of Inclusion Phenomena1883118
472Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society172.3K2.6K
472Physica Scripta171.8K1.9K
472Superconductor Science and Technology17619808
472Monatshefte Fur Mathematik27497727
472Annali Di Matematica Pura Ed Applicata17511556
472Public Opinion Quarterly17318479
472Empirical Economics178661.1K
472Lecture Notes in Physics27729643
472Economic Theory27346656
472European Journal of Mechanics, B/Fluids17232435
472Advances in Applied Mathematics1798131
472ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis17288440
472International Political Science Review17231390
472World Bank Economic Review17144281
472Journal of Evolution Equations17361397
472Journal of Sport and Health Science17325671
472Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity17252544
472Kyushu Journal of Mathematics375192
472Japanese Journal of Environmental Education771318
472Emerging-economy State and International Policy Studies27115
472Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics172953
494Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing162.7K3.2K
494FASEB Journal463.5K3.8K
494Advances in Mathematics16462603
494Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics161.8K2.2K
494Microbiology and Immunology167181.1K
494Current Genetics167711.2K
494Mineralogical Magazine16602824
494Earth, Planets and Space26531984
494Surface Review and Letters26412702
494Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology167231.3K
494Journal of Diabetes Investigation16561862
494Journal of Economics/ Zeitschrift Fur Nationalokonomie36150418
494Frontiers in Earth Science169551.4K
494Journal of Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Systems1613691
494Microscopy (Oxford, England)16233273
494Creativity and Innovation Management16235507
494Springer Series in Surface Sciences269987
494New Frontiers in Regional Science: Asian Perspectives863244
494Cells and Development162665
515Science of the Total Environment154.7K6.9K
515BMJ Open154.8K5.9K
515Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology152.0K2.7K
515Crystal Research and Technology158471.1K
515Acta Crystallographica Section F: Structural Biology Communications15733888
515Science and Public Policy15430602
515Journal of Scientific Computing157921.0K
515Acta Applicandae Mathematicae15689909
515Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics15299446
515Econometric Theory25236440
515Scottish Journal of Political Economy15306437
515Information (Switzerland)257681.5K
515European Sociological Review15172293
515International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology15397837
515Heat Transfer - Asian Research15322438
515Social Science Japan Journal751269
515The Review of Laser Engineering45160128
515ACS Applied Electronic Materials256891.3K
515Addictive Behaviors Reports15182361
515Frontiers of Physics in China157498
515Funkcialaj Ekvacioj2548124
515Classroom Discourse1558118
515Trends in the Sciences205145
515Asian Journal of Mathematics15156156
541Proceedings of SPIE142.8K2.1K
541Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics149831.3K
541Bunseki Kagaku24328374
541Archiv Der Mathematik247111.0K
541Information Processing Letters14198314
541Neurochemistry International141.0K1.7K
541Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics148411.1K
541Small Business Economics147361.2K
541Terra Nova14539827
541Journal of Geometric Analysis24522761
541Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences14226294
541Plasma and Fusion Research14217232
541Frontiers in Nutrition141.3K2.3K
541Journal of Biological Dynamics14215459
541Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties14166255
541Journal of Physics of the Earth14101146
541Citizenship, Social and Economics Education1469108
541Research and Politics24100248
541Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination14141247
541Theoretical Economics14176267
541Accounting in Europe14101210
541Economic and Political Studies1451110
541Advances in Japanese Business and Economics242113
541Diversity and Commonality in Animals142233
541Journal of the Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology14153152
541IRMA lectures in mathematics and theoretical physics ( )114390
567Physica C: Superconductivity and Its Applications13233380
567Journal of Asian Studies23677375
567Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine13621985
567Journal of Applied Crystallography139201.3K
567Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals335941.3K
567Lettere Al Nuovo Cimento Rivista Internazionale Della Società Italiana Di Fisica13543539
567German Quarterly, The1313676
567IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems13662708
567Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology = [Fotoporima Konwakai Shi]13330416
567Journal of Geography (Chigaku Zasshi)13199205
567Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry137711.3K
567Optica Acta13208295
567Theatre Research International1322257
567Electronics and Communications in Japan13281206
567Journal of Insect Science136101.1K
567Annals of Regional Science23334871
567Physical Review X138211.2K
567Business Communication Quarterly138368
567Nutritional Neuroscience135131.1K
567Political Behavior13262476
567International Tax and Public Finance23210558
567Hyomen Kagaku10366108
567IEEJ Transactions on Fundamentals and Materials13319281
567Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics13330428
567International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management13187456
567Journal of World Intellectual Property13165243
567The Journal of Educational Sociology134318
567Journal of the Vacuum Society of Japan233342
567Digital Scholarship in the Humanities13176254
567Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics13242369
567Review of Philosophy and Psychology13180329
567Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching13107269
567International Journal of Japanese Sociology332285
567International Economics1350168
567International Journal of Economic Policy Studies231949
567Japanese Sociological Review534344
567Communications in Number Theory and Physics2375166
567Advances in Geological Science10353
609Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science12488630
609Helvetica Chimica Acta121.1K1.6K
609IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity121.3K1.5K
609Molecular Physics121.6K2.2K
609Macromolecular Symposia121.2K1.6K
609Numerische Mathematik12690977
609Studies in Conservation12284415
609Journal of Mass Spectrometry129391.6K
609Letters in Mathematical Physics92837
609Studies in Computational Intelligence122.3K2.3K
609Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies12511844
609Quarterly Journal of Mathematics12254389
609Muslim World, The12230294
609Vibrational Spectroscopy12157498
609IFMBE Proceedings121.7K1.2K
609International Journal of Modern Physics Conference Series22246485
609Drug Testing and Analysis125361.0K
609International Journal of Number Theory12425576
609Contemporary Economic Policy12573985
609Journal of Transport History12104174
609International Journal of Game Theory12356577
609Sustainable Energy and Fuels129971.6K
609IEEE Transactions on Sonics and Ultrasonics12133243
609Singapore Economic Review12284532
609Journal of Mathematical Sociology12142294
609Journal of Marketing Channels12144344
609Laser Therapy12111200
609Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence22105144
609Brain Communications128431.3K
609The Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association4628227
609Acta Arithmetica12432561
609Kokusai Keizai3286
609Open Ceramics1229100
609Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly2298175
609SpringerBriefs in Population Studies12489
609European Physical Journal D22541787
609Proceedings of the IEEE121.0K1.6K
609International Mathematics Research Notices12601786
609Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics152103249
652Alzheimer's and Dementia311.9K2.3K
652Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin118911.5K
652Seibutsu Butsuri7213792
652Agricultural and Biological Chemistry11478596
652Measurement Science and Technology111.0K1.8K
652Journal of Number Theory11327507
652Electrical Engineering in Japan (English Translation of Denki Gakkai Ronbunshi)11348409
652Plant Systematics and Evolution118711.5K
652Foundations of Physics11650954
652European Physical Journal E117141.1K
652Nippon Gomu Kyokaishi613272
652Quantum Information Processing119481.3K
652Journal of Chemical Sciences116201.1K
652International Journal of Educational Development11130411
652Optical Review11485774
652ACS Photonics119821.5K
652International Journal of Mathematics11430703
652Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies211.4K1.9K
652IEEE Translation Journal on Magnetics in Japan4171111
652Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan115264
652War in History1153102
652Journal of Chinese Philosophy11212268
652Journal of Natural Medicines11433890
652Journal of General and Applied Microbiology11438851
652Genes and Genetic Systems11236490
652Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies11325734
652Journal of Evolutionary Economics11307619
652Early Years11153299
652Asian Affairs1165100
652Political Analysis11151340
652Electronic Communications in Probability11253344
652IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems11425376
652Culture and Organization11141297
652Nihon Reoroji Gakkaishi11154212
652International Journal of Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Engineering Systems1187229
652Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics21138268
652SpringerBriefs in Economics1114664
652Hiroshima Mathematical Journal111915
652Vacuum and Surface Science414834
652Journal of the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology116089
652Transactions of the Magnetics Society of Japan116088
652The Japanese Journal of Real Estate Sciences215741
652AVS Quantum Science11163353
652Studia Leibnitiana111230
652Japanese Yearbook on Business History211114
652Graduate Texts in Physics1014636
652Journal of the Indonesian Mathematical Society113525
652Sports Economics, Management and Policy115460
652Ius Comparatum415178
652International Journal of Institutional Research and Management111915
652Annales Fennici Mathematici114986
652The Language Teacher114165
652Physica Status Solidi C: Current Topics in Solid State Physics111.4K1.8K
652Japanese Management and International Studies31168
652Aging Brain11421
652Il Nuovo Cimento A11610720
714International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health106.8K9.8K
714ECS Transactions101.3K1.8K
714Lecture Notes in Mathematics100251851
714International Journal of Modern Physics B101.7K2.6K
714The Journal of the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine10201187
714Communications in Algebra101.5K2.0K
714Economics Letters106461.2K
714Journal of Visualized Experiments202.2K3.5K
714Molecular Ecology101.9K3.0K
714Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics10626754
714Canadian Journal of Political Science10282365
714Data in Brief102.3K4.1K
714Review of Politics1012948
714Geometriae Dedicata20492994
714Taiikugaku Kenkyu (Japan Journal of Physical Education Health and Sport Sciences)10202218
714Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies3012881
714International Polymer Science and Technology10137152
714Materia Japan306591
714Journal of Peptide Science106061.2K
714Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging109141.7K
714Emerging Markets Finance and Trade105451.1K
714Systems and Computers in Japan10286387
714Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems104.2K4.1K
714Minerals, Metals and Materials Series10740887
714Machine Learning105621.0K
714Applied Linguistics10205420
714Holocaust and Genocide Studies2077155
714Algebraic and Geometric Topology10351561
714Journal of Nonparametric Statistics10398744
714Irish Studies Review10104173
714Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology10299707
714Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences10542756
714Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence101.2K1.6K
714Movement Disorders Clinical Practice106941.2K
714International Journal of Innovation Management10344783
714Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan10153299
714Journal of Differential Geometry10129246
714Organization & Environment10736
714Revista Matematica Complutense10133362
714Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers10352422
714Advances in Geometry10210411
714Cogent Education105731.0K
714Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences Aerospace Technology Japan10168277
714English Linguistics10120131
714Hokkaido Mathematical Journal102035
714Journal of Quantitative Linguistics10107291
714Journal of East Asian Studies106474
714Analysis and PDE10207360
714Springer Optimization and Its Applications10408670
714Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences2093261
714Annali Dell'Universita Di Ferrara10159324
714Journal of the Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan10133200
714Nihon Kessho Gakkaishi207781
714Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies10136341
714International Review of Economics1091288
714International Insolvency Review1093136
714Translational Neurodegeneration10248582
714Oberwolfach Reports10310255
714Nippon Laser Igakkaishi109790
714Ningen Kogaku = the Japanese Journal of Ergonomics10465364
714Sankhya A10117277
714Research in Number Theory10192310
714International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching1069224
714Journal of Environmental Chemistry10101149
714Journal of Japanese Linguistics103958
714Vietnam Journal of Computer Science1064201
714Ganseki Kobutsu Kagaku103026
714The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress Japan20264141
714Journal of Rural Studies106744
714Japanese Journal of Lactic Acid Bacteria102529
714The Review of Socionetwork Strategies1057124
714Man and the Economy101935
714Japanese Journal of Administrative Science103450
714Kodo Keiryogaku (the Japanese Journal of Behaviormetrics)102423
714Journal of Rural Planning Association10103109
714Fields Institute Communications10109238
714JPSJ News and Comments103732
714Papers in Meteorology and Geophysics10827
714Japanese Journal of Animal Psychology203078
714Proceedings for Annual Meeting of the Japanese Pharmacological Society10647121
714Educational Studies in Japan202665
714Advances in Materials Research201052
714Iryo To Shakai102241
714The Annuals of Japanese Political Science Association10409
714Advanced Series in Mathematical Physics103651
714Japan Marketing Journal601838
714Hikaku Seiri Seikagaku(Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry)10187
714The Annual of Animal Psychology102832
714Comparative Education102627
714Annuaire de l'École pratique des hautes études (EPHE), Section des sciences religieuses. Résumé des10106
714NATO ASI Series Series B: Physics30333623
714Springer Proceedings in Physics201.1K1.5K
714Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta: Seriâ 18, Sociologiâ I Politologiâ101522
714Mathematical World23023
714Ius Gentium10232285
714Advances in Library and Information Science10265339
714Advances in Educational Technologies and Instructional Design Book Series101.3K1.4K
714Monograph Series of the Socio-Economic History Society, Japan10613
714Asia-Pacific and Literature in English201014
714Linguistik Aktuell105091
714Solid State Phenomena108621.1K
714Key Engineering Materials201.4K2.2K
714Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials10395735
714ECS Meeting Abstracts301.5K1.0K
714The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering1015869
714SciPost Physics10476676
714Communications Earth & Environment109121.5K
714SUT Journal of Mathematics2046124
714New language learning and teaching environments20639