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32.7K(top 1%)
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citing journals

Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
2Lecture Notes in Computer Science1791,162768779
3Composite Structures186639993
4Family Business Review147718149
5IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation845916628
6IEEE Access444437451.1K
8Journal of Small Business Management132238673
10PLoS ONE112995.8K5.9K
10IEEE Wireless Communications6299155199
12Journal of Advanced Transportation128366037
13Applied Thermal Engineering5279383258
14Journal of Biomedical Informatics4278259163
16IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation16277313484
16European Physical Journal: Special Topics12771.3K356
18Applied Sciences (Switzerland)282529651.0K
19IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology9250546563
20IEEE Communications Magazine824598234
21Composites Part B: Engineering6241245343
22Journal of International Business Studies1238570440
23Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials6232373284
24Information Sciences2228626328
26Solar Energy5222267239
27ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces22192.9K2.0K
28IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine142144259
29IEEE Sensors Journal62111.0K626
29IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics3211998890
31IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters3209441204
32Experimental Mechanics8205217197
32IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking9205174217
34IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications5201377443
35International Journal of Social Robotics61945868
36IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques2193980554
37Scientific Reports131894.9K5.9K
38Personal and Ubiquitous Computing6178112115
39Optics Express51761.7K1.5K
40Media and Communication31748716
41IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing7167295344
41Empirical Software Engineering1167446166
46Physical Review B21563.1K2.3K
46IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics4156706794
48International Journal of Human Resource Management3154393351
49BMC Bioinformatics51511.0K1.1K
50Psychiatry Research11491.8K916
50IET Power Electronics3149365179
52Neural Computing and Applications5146729590
53International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health131452.1K2.6K
54Movement Disorders11421.7K1.2K
54Total Quality Management and Business Excellence2142317140
56International Journal of Solids and Structures7140133200
57Journal of the American Statistical Association2136817667
58Journal of World Business1134139114
59Journal of Applied Physics21313.6K2.4K
60Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation4128266356
61Autonomous Robots2121250194
61BRQ Business Research Quarterly11215613
63IEICE Transactions on Electronics111936131
64Research Policy1118267237
65Journal of Adhesion3117245132
67Future Generation Computer Systems6114178457
68International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems11139332
69Materiales De Construccion1112532
70International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks8111146164
71IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications11101.3K659
72IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering3109390445
73Mechanics of Materials61084775
75IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science7107668640
76Chemical Engineering Science3106305265
76Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing4106219326
78International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems6104132132
78Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures910493152
78IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion3104403480
82International Journal of Plasticity2103141156
83Polymer Testing3102188173
85Cybernetics and Systems101001722
86Eurasip Journal on Advances in Signal Processing499368246
87Computer Networks79865218
88Polymer Composites696554596
88Comparative Political Studies296226248
91Chemical Engineering Journal3949481.4K
93Advanced Materials1922.4K2.4K
93Expert Systems With Applications392478750
93The Stata Journal192260173
96Concurrency Computation Practice and Experience790363305
96Electronics (Switzerland)1290690895
98Strategic Management Journal189542688
99Journal of Biosocial Science388267205
100Physical Review Letters2872.8K3.1K
100IEEE Photonics Technology Letters887462666
103International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives18627374
104Materials and Design484313609
105Electrochimica Acta2831.2K1.2K
105Applied Artificial Intelligence28324975
107Social Indicators Research1821.2K674
107Physiotherapy Theory and Practice482170177
109The History of the Family4814419
110Materials Science & Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing179996756
111Human Resource Management Journal278165199
112Optics Letters6761.1K1.6K
112Powder Technology676201472
114International Journal of Mechanical Sciences375252348
114Applied Soft Computing Journal175947734
114Software Quality Journal4755683
114Annual Review of Political Science175108136
114IEEE Transactions on Power Systems275725866
119Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing1741.4K722
120Energy Conversion and Management273646954
120Service Industries Journal273321357
122IEEE Transactions on Games1726256
124INFORMS Journal on Computing171397243
124Applied Bionics and Biomechanics37111862
126Journal of Evolutionary Economics170307177
126Evolving Systems4702337
128Research Evaluation4692255
130Renewable Energy2689411.3K
130Economic Journal168654535
130Frontiers in Physiology2682.1K1.8K
130International Journal of Neural Systems268287292
134Applied Intelligence567366560
134ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology167289189
136IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting366200208
136IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers366503543
138Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing3965387719
138Smart Materials and Structures165760507
141Journal of Alloys and Compounds5631.1K1.7K
141Fire Safety Journal16315386
141Biomedical Signal Processing and Control163541318
141European Journal of Political Research363194277
145RAND Journal of Economics161189176
146Journal of Materials Chemistry1601.5K1.7K
146ACM Computing Surveys360371785
146Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing22608158
150Respiratory Medicine1591.4K1.2K
150Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry3591.3K1.2K
153Journal of Physical Chemistry C2582.7K2.8K
153Engineering Fracture Mechanics458156296
153Information and Software Technology258137166
153IET Signal Processing158388107
157Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids257218258
157Advanced Optical Materials257975975
159Ceramics International2561.4K1.4K
159Energy & Fuels5569331.5K
159Journal of Healthcare Engineering156872337
162Multimedia Tools and Applications3541.5K1.2K
162Drug Discovery Today1548881.0K
162European Physical Journal Special Topics1254192124
165Pattern Recognition153525556
166Computer Communications452100312
166Regional Studies252516605
166Statistical Papers252319155
166Fire and Materials152360174
166Computer Speech and Language15212361
166International Journal of Selection and Assessment152293188
172Soft Computing4517981.0K
172Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites151644395
172Marketing Letters151381353
175Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience350694572
176Energy for Sustainable Development149133153
176Computer Applications in Engineering Education449142145
179European Political Science Review14813397
180International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics34787160
180Journal of Medical Systems247722857
180Population Health Metrics147287280
183IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics246626731
183International Sociology146232132
185IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine54582157
185Economics of Innovation and New Technology145332260
187IEEE Transactions on Communications344713844
187IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics3447291.2K
189Chemistry of Materials2431.5K2.1K
189International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology2431.8K1.8K
189Advanced Functional Materials1432.4K2.7K
189Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces2431.4K1.9K
189Trends in Food Science and Technology143382694
189BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making1431.3K896
189Perspectives in Public Health14316693
196Frontiers in Microbiology2423.0K3.8K
196Communications in Computer and Information Science2742702911
196IEEE Pervasive Computing142227162
196Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems242172201
201Journal of Business Ethics1411.4K1.5K
201Composites Science and Technology241307584
201Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Transactions of the ASME441269402
201Journal of Information Science141372274
201Additive Manufacturing241261392
201IET Biometrics44127108
207BioMed Research International1404.0K3.3K
207Patient Education and Counseling240755994
207IEEE Signal Processing Letters240760779
207Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology240303302
207Business Strategy and the Environment240567963
207Journal of Hydroinformatics140378234
207European Journal of Population240131162
207International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications74045195
216Waste Management2399301.7K
216Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems: Theory and Applications539245557
216Cognitive Computation239228308
216Computing and Software for Big Science139417311
221Journal of Sound and Vibration238344478
221AIAA Journal238721746
221Economics Letters138646346
221Journal of Supercomputing1138202755
225European Journal of Forest Research137402324
225Powder Metallurgy5374691
225International Business Review137173266
225International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research1378830
229Journal of Hazardous Materials1362.7K3.3K
229Transport Reviews136242316
229Research in Social Stratification and Mobility1367165
233JVC/Journal of Vibration and Control335369530
233International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering53549110
233Journal of Intelligent Information Systems235213261
233International Journal of Cultural Policy5353299
233IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine235119181
241Electronics Letters4341.3K1.4K
241Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory43417166
241Information (Switzerland)334529521
241Mechanisms and Machine Science183410170
241Journal of Business Economics and Management134298190
246Wireless Personal Communications3331.1K991
246Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics133528314
246Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments4333596
246IET Electrical Systems in Transportation2336197
250Geophysical Journal International1321.1K935
250International Journal of Production Research1321.6K1.6K
250Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells232447881
250Technological Forecasting and Social Change132653928
250Journal of the Royal Society Interface2328311.4K
250Educational Studies132248177
250IET Electric Power Applications132418345
250Journalism Studies132255191
250Politics and Gender132224154
260IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence1319931.2K
260Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres1311.5K1.4K
260Journal of International Economics131147195
260Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design331153235
260IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology231205297
260Industry and Innovation131244304
260Latin American Business Review1318926
260Academy of Management Annals131157253
260IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters13112957
269Energy Policy1308331.2K
269Cardiovascular Research1301.5K1.7K
269Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews2308252.1K
269International Journal of Impact Engineering230165298
275Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing429586705
275IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics1291.2K1.1K
275Party Politics329137281
275Journal of Network and Systems Management32999178
275Group and Organization Management129328436
275Acta Sociologica129144123
275Polymer Degradation and Stability229201498
282IFAC Postprint Volumes IPPV / International Federation of Automatic Control428502207
282Acta Mechanica528420799
282Materials Characterization228365631
282Studies in Computational Intelligence828630701
282European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids128232221
282Journal of Population Economics128414455
282CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, Courses and Lectures228289127
289European Journal of Operational Research2275991.0K
289Economic History Review227216211
289Proceedings (mdpi)327604123
289European Journal of Communication127129134
289Software and Systems Modeling227209254
289IET Software227110140
289Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking227666688
296Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer226328397
296The Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly1268691
296Computer Standards and Interfaces22643134
296Biotechnology for Biofuels1266901.1K
296Machine Vision and Applications126604515
301IEEE Communications Letters4256741.0K
301IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters525439930
301Electric Power Systems Research125494564
301Service Business125155212
301Current Materials Science125453
307AIP Conference Proceedings10243.0K2.3K
307Nano Letters3241.4K2.5K
307Reliability Engineering and System Safety124426603
307Cluster Computing1241.0K814
307IEEE Internet Computing124349401
307Expert Systems224416545
313Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry123766786
313IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications5235531.1K
313Frontiers in Pharmacology1232.7K2.9K
313IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems223550868
313Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics2231.1K1.4K
313Mechanics Research Communications32349172
313IETE Technical Review (Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, India)123245144
320Drug Metabolism and Disposition122599762
320Ageing and Society122605593
320Health Communication122589671
320Journal of Natural Fibers122652465
320International Journal of Damage Mechanics122271294
320Intelligent Systems Reference Library422166168
320Performance Evaluation Review222217194
327Journal of Immunology1213.2K3.4K
327IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology3211.1K628
327Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics221142275
327Journal of Sensors221517614
327Journal of Mountain Science121623507
327Journal of Science Education and Technology121361441
327Mathematics and Financial Economics2217289
327Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies121221171
327International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems2211932
337Applied Surface Science1202.0K2.5K
337Journal of Cleaner Production1202.2K3.3K
337IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery2206721.1K
337Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation1208561.0K
337International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials220162343
337Journal of Risk and Insurance120174258
337Energy Reports120487738
337Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics3201254
345Journal of Lightwave Technology2191.0K1.5K
345Journal of Sports Sciences1191.1K1.3K
345BMC Systems Biology1197201.0K
345Technology Analysis and Strategic Management119494561
345IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing119581590
345Journal of European Social Policy119135188
345Journal of Engineering and Technology Management - JET-M11928115
345International Journal of Humanoid Robotics51929150
345Language Resources and Evaluation119191213
345IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development1194892
356Applied Physics Letters1183.7K4.1K
356Computer Journal218413514
356Computers and Security218144503
356Serials Librarian11836298
356Journal of Management118484749
356International Journal of Human Computer Studies118156319
356Journal of Manufacturing Systems118170351
356Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves218267389
356Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience118440599
356Journal of Service Research118269465
356Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society118122151
367Journal of Hepatology1171.7K2.3K
367Journal of Nuclear Materials117510588
367American Political Science Review217711538
367Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences1171.6K2.4K
367Incose International Symposium617139138
367Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies117511559
367International and Comparative Law Quarterly117145134
367ISA Transactions117737979
367Software - Practice and Experience417326696
367Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering817557550
367Journal of Business Finance and Accounting117621799
367Ad Hoc Networks117274472
367Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media117187269
367International Political Science Review217134279
367Photonic Network Communications117318219
367Journal of Advertising Research117238382
367Nuclear Materials and Energy117132125
367Journal of Water and Climate Change217267370
386Procedia Computer Science1161.6K1.4K
386Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology1161.1K1.0K
386Procedia CIRP116598626
386International Journal of Fracture216565826
386Thin-Walled Structures116450625
386Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare1167141.1K
386Geriatrics and Gerontology International116798919
386Socio-Economic Review116151191
386Frontiers in Robotics and AI216266546
386IET Information Security116254239
386Journal of Risk and Financial Management116985526
386Journal of Civil Society11610299
386Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal3161623
400Journal of the Electrochemical Society1152.1K2.4K
400Journal of Materials Science Letters1151.0K932
400Computers and Geosciences115277450
400Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports1151.0K1.3K
400Robotics and Autonomous Systems115295507
400International Journal of Comparative Sociology115116163
400Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics215437368
400Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics215272481
400Database: the Journal of Biological Databases and Curation115725887
400Information Fusion115195478
400Continuity and Change11515393
400Quality Technology and Quantitative Management115222251
400Internet Technology Letters11512088
400Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage1151738
400MARE Publication Series1159443
418Journal of Materials Processing Technology114435763
418BMC Infectious Diseases1142.8K3.4K
418Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals1141.1K705
418Journal of Multivariate Analysis41477315
418BMC Geriatrics2141.3K1.9K
418Telecommunication Systems214491718
418Experimental Techniques114525353
418China Report1148034
418Journal of Elasticity114367403
418IET Renewable Power Generation114683854
418Reviews in Mathematical Physics114246277
418Pediatric Obesity114631770
418City and Community114111177
418Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering114298285
418Environments - MDPI114475436
418Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination21472213
418Asian Social Work and Policy Review11410072
418Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture1143033
436Journal of Power Sources1131.1K1.7K
436Molecular Biology and Evolution1131.4K2.1K
436Pattern Recognition Letters113464775
436Journal of Historical Geography1133141
436Telemedicine Journal and E-Health1138561.3K
436International Journal of Antennas and Propagation213396532
436Australasian Journal on Ageing113259252
436IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine213195464
436Journal of Productivity Analysis113348555
436Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures213141224
436JMIR Medical Informatics113400567
436Materials Science Forum1132.0K1.2K
448RSC Advances3123.6K5.6K
448European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry1121.7K2.0K
448IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics112857677
448Journal of Nanomaterials2121.1K1.8K
448International Journal of Communication Systems1121.1K978
448IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology112573646
448European Journal of Finance212269524
448Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability212209290
448Frontiers in Physics112802964
448Journalism Practice212127237
448International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research112173293
448Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering112191304
448Communication Theory112131203
448AI Communications112138125
448User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction112161324
448Advances in Data Analysis and Classification21286222
448Russian Mathematical Surveys1124420
466International Journal of Molecular Sciences1116.3K6.8K
466Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences1118971.1K
466Fuzzy Sets and Systems211158402
466Mathematics and Computers in Simulation211151505
466Biometrical Journal111825741
466Clinical Research in Cardiology111636858
466Social Problems111206282
466Journal of Quality Technology111303428
466Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing1111.0K1.4K
466IEEE Security and Privacy111307400
466International Journal of Parallel Programming41191345
466Statistical Methods and Applications111174188
466ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications111455553
466Journal of Software: Evolution and Process311128333
482Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society110643474
482Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics110750949
482Crystal Growth and Design1101.9K2.3K
482Journal of Materials Chemistry C1102.0K2.5K
482Building and Environment1105571.0K
482Journal of Composite Materials1101.2K1.5K
482British Journal of Sociology210152333
482IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics1107871.2K
482Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering210388639
482Vehicle System Dynamics110431598
482Hydrological Sciences Journal1108881.3K
482Telecommunications Policy110100238
482Macromolecular Materials and Engineering1108471.2K
482Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems16108161.2K
482Statistics and Computing110513580
482Scandinavian Economic History Review1104750
482Multimedia Systems110511608
482European Sport Management Quarterly110202362
482IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing110322438
482European Journal for Sport and Society11082114
482International Journal of Human Capital and Information Technology Professionals1105554
482Power Electronics Specialist Conference (PESC), IEEE110155188
504Transportation Research Record398011.4K
504EPJ Web of Conferences69920997
504Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing391.7K3.0K
504International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems19569991
504Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization19509740
504Advanced Engineering Materials299331.6K
504Safety Science19428856
504Advances in Materials Science and Engineering298211.4K
504Metals and Materials International19613786
504IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security197731.1K
504IT Professional29168380
504Composite Interfaces19376522
504Computational Economics19585691
504Journal of Advanced Research19317834
504Energy Efficiency19351563
504International Information and Library Review29145215
504Artificial Life19229339
504Biosystems and Biorobotics39128115
504Journal of Communication in Healthcare2967153
504Matematicheskii Sbornik196920
504Media International Australia196971
504Production Engineering Archives195536
528Construction and Building Materials181.4K2.1K
528American Journal of Hematology181.9K2.4K
528Liquid Crystals18804991
528Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems181.7K1.6K
528Abstract and Applied Analysis181.1K947
528Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology189131.2K
528IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics187681.2K
528Population Studies18202347
528Parliamentary Affairs18140164
528West European Politics18258347
528Mathematics of Operations Research18434608
528Journal of Informetrics18130317
528Economic Systems1860199
528IET Optoelectronics18219269
528International Journal of Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Engineering Systems188795
528Global Challenges18324466
528Software Process Improvement and Practice1893149
528Revista Espanola De Documentacion Cientifica184131
528Statistics and Computing58148
528IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters18851976
551Journal of Fluid Mechanics271.1K2.0K
551Physics of Fluids371.4K2.4K
551Soft Matter171.8K2.4K
551Nonlinear Dynamics171.7K2.2K
551Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance171.6K1.9K
551Disability and Rehabilitation171.5K2.1K
551European Journal of Wood and Wood Products17432583
551European Economic Review17264459
551European Physical Journal Plus171.9K1.9K
551Biomedical Optics Express278921.7K
551Quantitative Finance17625829
551Rivista Italiana Di Scienza Politica174643
551Prevention Science17479777
551Scandinavian Journal of Statistics17437554
551International Review of Sociology2745164
551Frontiers in Neurorobotics17346576
551Studies in Big Data37174279
551Multimodal Technologies and Interaction17232316
551Transnational Cinemas27414
551Journal of Data and Information Science176159
551Russian Mathematical Surveys172734
551Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology17413719
551Imiscoe Research Series1716992
551Composites Part C: Open Access173787
577Journal of Clinical Microbiology162.6K3.7K
577BMC Public Health263.1K5.5K
577Applied Energy161.1K2.0K
577Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions ASME169281.2K
577Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology162.9K3.5K
577Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation266761.1K
577Electoral Studies16164297
577Computer Communication Review16273399
577Information, Communication and Society16424679
577British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology16247369
577Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics16771254
577IET Intelligent Transport Systems26269747
577Physiotherapy Research International26181488
577Nationalism and Ethnic Politics16130210
577Science and Technology for the Built Environment16228344
577Sankhya B1685100
577International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval16109180
577Fractal and Fractional16823807
577Applied Economics Letters161.4K1.5K
577Frontiers in Electronic Testing163019
577Media Industries1654
599IEEE Transactions on Information Theory151.1K1.4K
599Mathematical Problems in Engineering152.5K2.7K
599International Journal of Fatigue15413748
599Annals of Operations Research358462.1K
599Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science151.1K1.4K
599Journal of Systems and Software15354689
599IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering158421.2K
599IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems251.0K1.9K
599Sociological Quarterly15323523
599Manchester School15428619
599IEEE Control Systems15238422
599Health Expectations158631.3K
599Journal of European Public Policy15217377
599European Journal of Cultural Studies15155260
599Revista De La Real Academia De Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas Y Naturales - Serie A: Matematicas25298502
599IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management15690881
599Journal of Consumer Behaviour15500938
599Financial Accountability and Management15194364
599International Scholarly Research Notices15510957
599International Federation for Information Processing15671626
599Economics and Politics15197335
599Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis15196367
599Advances in Industrial Control15177111
599Big Data15151285
599International Journal of Data Science and Analytics15135278
599Radio Journal155355
599Complex & Intelligent Systems15422674
599Aerotecnica Missili & Spazio154238
599International Journal of Knowledge Society Research153851
599IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science1584127
599Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization15295188
599Financial Markets Institutions and Risks251441
599The European Journal of Humour Research156060
634Biophysical Journal142.3K2.6K
634ECS Transactions141.3K1.1K
634Journal of Computational Physics14617994
634European Journal of Public Health142.0K1.6K
634Microelectronics Reliability14393682
634Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods141.7K1.9K
634Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications141.2K1.6K
634Pediatric Critical Care Medicine149781.2K
634Drying Technology148201.3K
634IEEE Systems Journal141.0K1.6K
634Journal of Family Issues14509935
634Applied Financial Economics14529841
634Information Systems14160365
634Annals of Regional Science14529821
634IEEE Network14586905
634Transport Policy14260599
634Environment, Development and Sustainability141.4K2.3K
634Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology14469817
634Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications (JETTA)14339476
634Journal of Marine Science and Engineering241.1K1.8K
634Information Systems Frontiers145771.1K
634Microgravity Science and Technology14362540
634Social Sciences246351.1K
634Mobile Information Systems14932966
634Physical Communication14185402
634Geography Compass14251451
634International Journal of Risk and Safety in Medicine14160239
634Education for Information2469140
634Rationality and Society1498200
634Energy Science and Engineering14480790
634International Journal of Information Security14297530
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634Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Maritime Engineering1459110
634Npj Parkinson's Disease14520834
634International Journal of Digital Television242051
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634Spanish Journal of Marketing - ESIC14420
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686Value in Health331.7K1.7K
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686IEEE Networking Letters13102152
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728Physical Review Fluids127131.0K
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