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114.1K(top 0.1%)
133(top 0.1%)
231(top 0.1%)
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citing journals

Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Behavioral and Brain Sciences33,62675945
2Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America62,1893.2K1.9K
3Physical Review Letters271,7571.2K1.3K
4Journal of Management51,647221136
5Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice71,6359671
6Memory and Cognition61,41230476
7R and D Management41,37216311
8Journal of Business Ethics111,265363202
9Harmful Algae21,22728933
11ISME Journal51,189492284
12Freshwater Biology81,081343140
13Thinking and Reasoning3962523
14Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines1954980253
15Psychological Bulletin1905263174
16Journal of Management Studies4891241164
17Social Psychology285412118
18Frontiers in Microbiology138401.1K697
19SIGCSE Bulletin16831949
20Applied and Environmental Microbiology9810912775
21PLoS ONE187573.8K3.3K
22International Small Business Journal375410016
23IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management674626027
24Nature Communications77183.2K2.8K
25Journal of Economic Perspectives4696121156
26Strategic Management Journal6695231299
27Psychology of Women Quarterly126804857
28Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science265013144
29Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences5647926571
30Educational Psychologist160914345
31Teaching of Psychology3260623
32Educational and Psychological Measurement236057495
33Nature Structural and Molecular Biology15481.0K545
34Perspectives on Politics1154013844
35Journal of Chemical Ecology4518517201
36Analytical Chemistry94951.2K1.1K
37Journal of Marketing Education94942110
38Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science5488235235
39Review of Political Economy6485341
40Journal of Bacteriology34811.3K788
41Teacher Education and Special Education8470586
42Psychological Science2468545375
43Journal of Organizational Behavior7465220288
46Journal of Chemical Education384584683
47Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools124375546
48Personality and Social Psychology Review1436167135
49Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise35428336409
50Behavior Modification641610968
51BMC Bioinformatics14122.2K611
52Reviews of Modern Physics1410572577
53Journal of Business and Psychology640812881
54Journal of Clinical Psychology28406129230
55Review of Educational Research2399160182
55American Journal of Public Health13991.4K516
57Family and Community Health23981076
58Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research11379204226
59Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport8368141109
60Health Communication1036010682
61Journal of Engineering Education4358162126
62Journal of Business Strategies4353212
63Reading Research Quarterly43448166
64Journal of Advertising233310740
65Journal of Educational Measurement533112587
66Astrophysical Journal123309701.2K
67Journal of Interpersonal Violence8328297172
68Structural Equation Modeling53257575
69Contemporary Educational Psychology132015136
70International Journal of Testing1031235
71Bulletin of the Geological Society of America7306396406
71Information, Communication and Society230626983
73International Journal of Human Resource Management5304252197
74Prevention Science2303323114
75Financial Analysts Journal230118383
76Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine328625285
77Nature Genetics12822.7K3.0K
78Hearing Research8281228233
79North American Journal of Fisheries Management5280240129
80Nonprofit Management and Leadership92702323
81Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability126720321
82Journal of Personality and Social Psychology1264431304
83Applied Measurement in Education1125959
84Scientific Reports92585.7K5.1K
84International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism52587957
84International Journal of Science Education, Part B: Communication and Public Engagement3258273
88Current Directions in Psychological Science1253357226
89American Journal of Political Science2251160139
90Ecology Letters2249856914
91Psychological Reports26248258340
92Journal of Biotechnology3247591316
93Transportation Science1246431186
94Accounting Horizons424510367
95Manufacturing and Service Operations Management1244246116
96Communications of the ACM3243452402
97Educational Assessment924045
98Journal of the American Chemical Society22362.3K2.2K
99Environmental Science & Technology32352.0K1.9K
99Journal of Geoscience Education33235426
101Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis5234166167
102Cultural Anthropology42334660
103Journal of the American Dietetic Association6231191208
103Journal of Futures Markets9231119111
103Infant Mental Health Journal523115489
106Methods in Ecology and Evolution1230934484
107Nature Human Behaviour1227868464
108Plant Cell2225760894
110Sex Roles3223468333
111Psychological Record722113362
111Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment3221399515
113Microbiology (United Kingdom)22191.3K838
114American Journal of Physical Anthropology9218366507
114Journal of Sex Research1218552211
116Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal1217239114
117Trauma, Violence, and Abuse121634399
117Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review2216138131
120Archives of Sexual Behavior12121.0K350
121Nature Microbiology12091.0K722
122Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin2205491423
122Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology2205437391
124Lecture Notes in Computer Science172032.8K1.9K
124Diseases of Aquatic Organisms3203228108
126Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology7200246
127Issues in Accounting Education121991623
128Canadian Journal of Communication119813513
129Journal of Chemical Physics121971.4K1.7K
130Health Affairs6195330451
131Political Geography31945918
132College and Research Libraries71927733
133Movement Disorders11911.7K1.0K
133Journal of Marketing Research2191259296
135International Journal of Neuroscience2185729194
136Interest Groups and Advocacy618367
137Journal of Learning Disabilities8182149250
137Remedial and Special Education5182100111
137Group and Organization Management418283142
142Review of Scientific Instruments61741.4K951
142Nature and Science of Sleep117425439
144Plant Physiology31701.2K1.3K
145Journal of Physical Chemistry A121678591.2K
145Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research4167689517
145Production and Operations Management3167347314
148Human Relations3166329386
149Academy of Management Journal4165259429
150Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry31632.0K1.8K
151Journal of the Acoustical Society of America121607671.1K
152Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets3159332150
154American Journal of Botany4156806735
154Psychology in the Schools14156116173
157Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society101551.1K1.2K
158Inorganic Chemistry61531.4K1.5K
159Journal of Applied Social Psychology5152366447
160Journal of Experimental Biology4151955982
161Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy615090147
162Networks and Spatial Economics31498854
163Soil Science Society of America Journal2146710535
163Journal of Teacher Education2146253135
163American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology1614662178
163Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal214611728
167Child Development3145432588
167European Physical Journal A6145553470
169Journal of Attention Disorders3144308214
169Work and Occupations114416191
172Journal of Applied Physics101422.0K2.4K
172Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery4142741657
172Journal of Human Evolution7142181293
175Learning Disability Quarterly314111484
176Counseling and Values71404523
176Frontiers in Communication3140486
176Astronomy and Astrophysics51401.3K1.3K
179Journal of Geophysical Research41391.3K1.7K
179International Journal of Hospitality Management2139165210
181Review of General Psychology413845165
183Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis1137330268
183Accounting Review2137225240
185Journal of Clinical Nursing4136781646
185Language in Society2136294104
185Human Resource Development International113619655
185Academy of Management Learning and Education3136105159
185Infant and Child Development413698
192Journal of American College Health10134114192
192Journal of Early Adolescence1134317141
192School Psychology Review1413454142
195Race Ethnicity and Education113323269
196Physical Review C10132794900
196The International Journal of Press/Politics11322414
198American Politics Research213115572
198Journal of Water and Health2131356119
198Journal of School Nursing71315342
201Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research1130318114
201Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing: AIEDAM41307034
201Journal of Business Logistics413059129
204Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology2129323185
204Journal of Positive Psychology3129140187
206Physics of Fluids6128906847
207Physical Review D51271.8K1.6K
207Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities2127314143
209Journal of Biological Chemistry51262.0K2.7K
209Perceptual and Motor Skills13126457540
209JAMA Internal Medicine11261.1K915
209Deviant Behavior101265193
214Journal of Cell Biology21251.1K1.5K
214Journal of Experimental Education912593125
214Gender and Society2125126161
214Journal of Network and Systems Management112529825
218Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking1124561285
218American Review of Public Administration812442110
218Advances in Developing Human Resources31244550
221Nurse Education Today5122286386
221Journal of Voice4122365283
221Marine Mammal Science3122353256
226Chemistry - A European Journal11212.7K1.8K
226Environmental Geology5121231349
226Human Resource Management3121338424
229American Ethnologist6119189167
229Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management21196720
231Development and Psychopathology1118528375
232Public Relations Review31175249
233Journal of Peace Education511669
234Experimental Eye Research5115433517
234Genome Biology and Evolution11151.1K606
236Applied Psychophysiology Biofeedback3114163159
237Journal of Business Research5113282647
237Developmental Psychology1113492393
237CBE Life Sciences Education611391205
240Social Science and Medicine41108221.2K
240American Mineralogist4110480483
240Journal of Counseling and Development4110216218
240Corporate Governance: an International Review1110299206
240Sport Management Review31108691
245Journal of Science Education and Technology3109154157
247Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism5108225268
247Women and Health3108269190
247Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education61082224
251American Journal of Human Biology1107910335
251Papillomavirus Research (Amsterdam, Netherlands)110714344
253Sociology of Religion310613848
254Physical Review B41052.6K2.6K
254Developments in Primatology510591
256Transactions of the American Fisheries Society4104323337
257American Mathematical Monthly12103181195
257Journal of Zoology3103679675
257Applied Psychological Measurement1110344134
260British Journal of Developmental Psychology3102184217
260Human Performance51022464
262Journal of Communication Disorders410196124
262Studying Teacher Education61011518
264Journal of Health Communication10100113308
264Psychology and Marketing4100321500
264Macroeconomic Dynamics3100226110
267Personnel Psychology298278387
268Journal of Youth and Adolescence597311546
268Journal of Global Optimization397379293
270Journal of Medical Systems296719540
270Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting3964788
272Trends in Ecology and Evolution1959431.0K
272Journal of Real Estate Research59573102
274Applied Psychology494165250
274Journal of the American Academy of Audiology594101119
274Journal of Special Education Technology10942142
274Foreign Policy Analysis4942016
274ACM SIGIR Forum19422938
279Environmental Health Perspectives1931.5K1.6K
279Politics and Gender6933661
281Journal of Education for Business16922282
281International Communication Gazette19217939
284The Journal of College Student Retention: Researchory and Practice19119952
285Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior290321225
286Psychonomic Bulletin and Review189695485
286Journal of Homosexuality489246308
286JARO - Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology489126197
289Journal of Neuroscience2881.5K2.0K
289Soft Matter4881.0K1.1K
289American Behavioral Scientist688158301
289Agriculture and Human Values188326182
289Scientific Data4889961.3K
289Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology288139117
296Child Psychiatry and Human Development186639317
296Journal of Management and Organization98636106
296Journal of Linguistic Anthropology2868751
296Journal of Applied Sport Psychology48682161
296Water, Air, and Soil Pollution4861.2K1.1K
296Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics586126138
302Public Health Reports285403351
302Animal Conservation385345417
302Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice1885977
302Human Resource Development Review3853067
306Experimental Brain Research5847811.1K
306Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters3841.3K1.3K
306Journal of Evolutionary Biology284627603
306The Anatomical Record284646585
306Clinical Rehabilitation284573602
306Criminal Justice and Behavior384230287
306School Mental Health28413797
306Language Learning and Development18411250
314Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences183543328
314Literacy Research and Instruction5831915
314Journal of Medical Internet Research1831.4K1.1K
318JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association5821.0K2.8K
318BMC Genomics2822.3K2.3K
318Journal of Academic Librarianship3823129
318CIN - Computers Informatics Nursing28221267
318Review of International Political Economy182250140
318Information Technology and Libraries282413
324International Journal of Eating Disorders481487737
324Multivariate Behavioral Research281127118
324Primate Research181613
324Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse28113648
329Cerebral Cortex1801.4K1.1K
329Journal of Rheology180425268
329Cancer Nursing280353272
329Social Science Journal58010599
329Nature Ecology and Evolution2809221.4K
329Journal of Gerontological Nursing5805477
335Journal of Physical Chemistry B4791.7K2.0K
335Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders4796511.0K
337Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing17818634
337European Journal of Information Systems178366366
337Journal of Career Assessment278140125
337Business Ethics Quarterly2787856
342Modern Language Journal677225269
342Perception & Psychophysics177614511
345Nurse Educator77694104
345Decision Sciences276397425
345Political Psychology576130295
345Clinical Neuropsychologist976109313
349Applied Spectroscopy775312642
349Limnology and Oceanography1751.2K1.0K
349Future Generation Computer Systems175801618
349APL Materials375438447
349Career Development Quarterly275161139
349Journal of Women, Politics and Policy2755016
355Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly4746458
355Business Communication Quarterly2747227
357Evolution; International Journal of Organic Evolution4736581.1K
357Substance Use and Misuse1731.0K440
357Microbial Ecology2739111.0K
357Ear and Hearing973140330
357Journal of Product Innovation Management173200191
362Military Medicine272818422
362Journal of Divorce and Remarriage6725184
362Innovative Higher Education6724089
362Recreational Sports Journal1372179
367Water Resources Research2711.2K1.2K
367IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering171667536
369Laboratory Investigation270743965
369International Journal of Project Management170131174
369Animal Cognition170517317
369Action in Teacher Education57011068
369Learning Disabilities Research and Practice27094105
374Journal of Athletic Training369283384
374Nature Astronomy269564701
374Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine1699145
377Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology468323413
377Plant Science168719650
377Human Factors268390414
377Aerosol Science and Technology168608417
377Applied Cognitive Psychology368368427
377Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics268173134
377Sexualization, Media, and Society16855
385Journal of Applied Physiology2671.4K1.5K
385Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports1671.0K728
385Qualitative Health Research567255551
385Journal of Leisure Research46771160
385Financial Management267188221
385IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine26710785
391Applied Physics Letters5662.3K3.1K
391International Migration Review166376273
391Psychology, Crime and Law166293139
391International Journal of Public Opinion Research16615848
391Journal of Literacy Research2668065
396Acta Materialia165692670
396Plant, Cell and Environment1651.2K1.2K
396The Social Studies6658321
396Environment and Behavior265225420
396Journal of Special Education365138194
396Frontiers in Zoology165369326
396Information Technology and Management165197111
403New Journal of Physics1641.3K1.1K
403Current Psychology2641.2K459
403Journal of the Endocrine Society1641.6K237
403Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior16496138
407Biochemical Pharmacology2631.3K1.5K
407Otology and Neurotology463490531
407Journal of Professional Nursing463160215
407Public Health Nursing263398261
407Journal of Marketing Channels5631832
412Nature Chemical Biology1629461.3K
413American Anthropologist861345390
413Research in Higher Education661107282
413Journal of Economic Education8612256
413Journal of Management Education76131139
413Health Care Management Review56153141
413Evolutionary Anthropology461102226
421Journal of Rural Studies260161240
421Sleep and Breathing560298505
421Women and Therapy3609778
421Communication Research Reports56081104
421Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency260103143
421Politics and Policy1760344
421Journal of Emotional Abuse260923
421Journal of College Science Teaching260293
429Pediatric Radiology259827734
429Journal of Herpetology459115103
429International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition359335484
429Australian Journal of Psychology15916496
429Journal of Consumer Affairs259196179
429Journal of International Marketing159191322
429Plenum Series on Human Exceptionality1595213
436Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment558485480
436Transportation Research Record558602672
436Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied458343445
436Experimental Physiology258814737
436Criminal Justice Review15817371
436Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly458121249
436Journal of Teaching in Social Work4589873
436Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education5585442
436Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management158575516
436Quality Management Journal3583658
447Biological Conservation157725749
447Human Resource Development Quarterly257135198
447Population and Environment157261205
447Time and Society15711654
447Nature Sustainability157660922
453Geophysical Research Letters2562.0K2.3K
453Journal of Morphology356628704
453Journal of the Geological Society156610548
453Designs, Codes, and Cryptography156630282
453Information and Management156211268
453Communication Education75658135
453Journal of Educational Computing Research156406293
453Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing456100255
453Journal of Marketing Communications256110135
462Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences1553.7K2.8K
462Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films755565869
462Semigroup Forum755149150
462Games and Economic Behavior15521272
462Journal of College Student Psychotherapy4556358
462The Chemical Educator4552415
462Applied Petrochemical Research1556620
469Journal of High Energy Physics11541.0K1.3K
469Journal of Comparative Neurology3549721.4K
469American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part A1541.9K1.5K
469Journal of Mechanical Design, Transactions of the ASME554246430
469Journal of Comparative Physiology B: Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology154652497
469Business and Society154301271
469Journal of International Accounting Research2546550
476Journal of Virology1532.4K2.5K
476Journal of the American Geriatrics Society1532.1K1.8K
476International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology253950786
476Frontiers in Physiology2532.0K2.1K
476Expert Systems153705281
476High Altitude Medicine and Biology153368196
476Journal of Business and Finance Librarianship2535512
485Journal of Physical Chemistry C4522.1K2.9K
485Ecological Applications1521.2K1.2K
485Early Child Development and Care352370258
485Integrative and Comparative Biology352359554
485Journal of International Consumer Marketing152260157
490Organic Letters2511.7K1.9K
490Journal of Neurophysiology3518981.3K
490Science Advances2512.4K3.4K
490Communication Quarterly45193154
490Discourse and Society151163150
490Journal of Behavioral Decision Making151380303
490Journal of Public Policy and Marketing151223262
490Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition251257314
490Journal of Sports Economics151210132
490Journal of Caffeine Research351918
490American Journal of Occupational Therapy551363486
490Clinical Medicine Insights Women's Health25183
502Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology2501.8K2.2K
502Microporous and Mesoporous Materials150746619
502Journal of Social Psychology450431556
502Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association450341601
502Health Economics (United Kingdom)250567644
502Policy Studies Journal350168188
502Journal of Nursing Care Quality250185141
502FEMS Microbiology Reviews250308707
502Conflict Resolution Quarterly5502243
502Journal of Business Economics and Management250160118
502Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning45084
514AIAA Journal149928674
514Journal of Cleaner Production2491.7K2.6K
514ACS Symposium Series1749386725
514Physiology and Behavior4497391.2K
514European Journal of Combinatorics14937960
514Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society449414735
514JAMA Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery149652472
514Small Business Economics249484742
514Counselor Education and Supervision94993202
514Journal of Aging and Health149484400
514Social Epistemology14913715
514International Journal of STEM Education34978140
526Journal of Fluorescence548282521
526Current Opinion in Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery148336235
526International Journal of Community Music648127
526Emerging Science Journal14816627
530Cell Reports1472.3K2.5K
530International Journal of Climatology1471.3K1.2K
530German History2471479
530Nurse Education in Practice147537384
530Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice3473733
530Theory and Research in Social Education247111109
530Journal of the Medical Library Association: JMLA247185130
530Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice44761194
530Marketing Education Review1647112
539Astrophysical Journal Letters3468461.2K
539Angewandte Chemie - International Edition1463.0K3.4K
539Anatomical Record1461.1K660
539Asia Pacific Journal of Management146370383
539American Journal of Criminal Justice44698137
539Action Research14611248
539Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality and Tourism3464674
539Economics of Governance14612065
539Journal of Advanced Academics2464860
539JMIR Aging1468542
539Teachers College Record546214264
550Genome Announcements2345107694
550Biophysical Chemistry245472541
550Conservation Genetics145880688
550IEEE Security and Privacy145306196
550Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences245103114
550Journal of Research on Adolescence345194322
550Communication Disorders Quarterly3454974
550Journal of Mixed Methods Research24563130
550Contemporary School Psychology5454564
550Developmental Neurorehabilitation1456582
561Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution1441.2K1.2K
561Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications144870727
561American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis244171135
561Journal of Cancer Education244495386
561Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing144298147
561Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory34488170
561Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation3449169
561Educational Psychology Review344163361
561International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing144361122
570Public Health Nutrition2431.1K1.3K
570Journal of Digital Imaging143721524
570Journal of Family Issues443209427
570Eating Behaviors143385355
570Conservation Letters143697863
570Journal of Global Information Technology Management14315076
570To Improve the Academy8432825
570IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing2431.2K1.3K
570Development (Cambridge)1431.5K1.7K
579International Journal of Production Research4428191.5K
579The Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders142216194
579Journal of Computer Information Systems16424160
579INFORMS Transactions on Education6421319
579Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education1425834
584Current Biology1412.1K2.6K
584Annals of Pharmacotherapy1411.1K1.0K
584Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law241149165
584Perspectives on Psychological Science141367529
584Anthropological Theory1419082
590International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health7402.8K4.8K
590Infection and Immunity3401.2K2.1K
590Journal of Controlled Release1401.4K1.9K
590Journal of the American Academy of Religion5409334
590Journal of Banking and Finance140409438
590Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment140577360
590PS - Political Science and Politics1040142208
590Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering1401.1K1.1K
590Social Science Research140301296
590New Directions for Higher Education7406270
590Athletic Therapy Today2140415
590Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology140355241
590International Feminist Journal of Politics34053110
590Mental Health and Physical Activity1408078
590Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination14014152
590Journal of Information Systems54047130
606American Journal of Psychiatry1399321.1K
606Behaviour and Information Technology239414574
606Child and Youth Care Forum339179255
606Health Care Manager6393254
606International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing33965155
606American Journal of Audiology73988194
606Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education43967189
606Journal of Music Teacher Education2396538
606New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia1398137
615Developmental Psychobiology438330607
615Early Childhood Education Journal238273266
615American Annals of the Deaf3383581
615Business Ethics33874255
615Applied Research in Quality of Life138385228
615Systems Engineering3387699
615Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups5389857
615Physical Review Materials238822669
615Conflict Resolution Quarterly3382838
626Microscopy and Microanalysis4371.2K626
626Personality and Individual Differences137759771
626Journal of Structural Engineering137393340
626Monatshefte Fur Mathematik937109287
626International Journal of Biometeorology237687915
626American Educational Research Journal137307415
626Finance Research Letters137452383
626Violence and Victims237242334
626Western Journal of Communication53746108
626Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education5374774
626Public Performance & Management Review3375180
626Journal of Teaching in International Business7371452
626New Review of Academic Librarianship3373128
640Frontiers in Psychology4362.1K3.1K
640Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry2361.4K1.8K
640European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry1361.9K2.0K
640SAGE Open636416669
640Journal of Accounting Education336434
640Journal of Intergenerational Relationships2369066
640School Psychology Quarterly13678122
640Journal of Spectroscopy136311147
640Journal of School Choice3363224
640Journal of Sport and Tourism1368273
640Journal of Polymers and the Environment136380444
654Advanced Functional Materials2351.9K2.8K
654Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences235188211
654Childhood Education53510886
654Agricultural and Forest Meteorology135544674
654Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism5354454
654Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation335514479
654Community Mental Health Journal135845666
654Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation235264386
654Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services235202593
654Journal of Post Keynesian Economics13566
654Political Research Quarterly435145330
654Small Group Research135253293
654School Psychology International235177254
654Research and Practice for Persons With Severe Disabilities1358797
654Regional and Federal Studies2358896
654Human Nature33577234
654Journal of Web Librarianship5351023
654Exceptional Children135308302
675Management Science1348941.1K
675Plant Systematics and Evolution234497661
675Tree Physiology134725778
675Journal of Midwifery and Women's Health134364334
675Advances in Applied Mathematics1349815
675Biology Open134859656
675College Teaching3347081
675Leisure Studies134281237
675Cochlear Implants International334106127
675Sports Health234202313
675American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part C: Seminars in Medical Genetics134436491
675Professional Case Management3343032
675Communication Methods and Measures23448101
675CFA Digest3434157
692Journal of Wildlife Management133529468
692MRS Bulletin133425467
692Computers and Education133262545
692Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment433130268
692International Journal of Advertising133384383
692Archives of Suicide Research133206253
692Population Ecology133418386
692Journal of Chinese Political Science5332075
692American Politics Research133126118
701Frontiers in Neuroscience2321.7K2.1K
701Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism1321.2K1.5K
701Climate Dynamics1329321.0K
701Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth332675938
701Biology Letters1321.0K1.1K
701International Journal of Nursing Practice132590438
701Language Learning132322388
701Clinical Simulation in Nursing13210667
701Journal of Technical Writing and Communication4326254
701Social Sciences103272307
701Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development53241134
701Journal of Nursing Education332134230
713European Journal of Applied Physiology4318371.7K
713The Personnel and Guidance Journal731124186
713Human Organization131386299
713International Social Work131403188
713Studies in Higher Education131490544
713Disability and Society231223314
713Comparative Political Studies231227375
713Journal of Elasticity331198294
713Journal of Medical Engineering and Technology231273299
713Journal of Marketing Management231238410
713ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software131305296
713New Directions for Teaching and Learning73165161
713Presidential Studies Quarterly43193117
713OMICS A Journal of Integrative Biology331226593
713IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing331308506
713Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice131220228
713Journal of Aging and Social Policy231152183
713College and Undergraduate Libraries23110425
713Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences3311531
713International Journal of Stochastic Analysis2314239
713Informal Logic1314618
713Experimental Neurology1311.1K1.3K
736Applied Catalysis A: General130590757
736Molecular Microbiology1301.5K1.9K
736Macromolecular Symposia230935741
736Journal of Neural Transmission1301.1K1.2K
736Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control130257190
736Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Transactions of the ASME130567445
736Journal of Clinical Investigation1301.7K2.4K
736Chemistry Education Research and Practice330117236
736Howard Journal of Communications23010697
736Language Awareness13012692
736Journal of Political Marketing2306184
736American Economic Journal: Microeconomics230170202
736European Politics and Society2305033
736Advances in Educational Technologies and Instructional Design Book Series15305546
736Journal of Humanistic Counseling Education and Development4302318
752Pediatric Research1291.8K1.8K
752Academic Medicine229710938
752Annals of Neurology1291.9K2.5K
752The Journal of Experimental Zoology129921946
752Procedia Manufacturing129647414
752Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology129597576
752Journal of Conflict Resolution129386456
752American Journal of Health Education62954116
752Communication Research129197241
752Intervention in School and Clinic329113141
752European Physical Education Review229129199
752Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Engineering Sustainability12912471
752Across Languages and Cultures1296836
752Journal of Social Studies Research5291228
752Engineering Studies2292236
768Journal of the Operational Research Society1281.1K1.0K
768Journal of Neuroscience Research2281.1K1.7K
768Journal of Personality Assessment228436626
768Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems1281.0K1.1K
768Biotechnology Journal128847858
768Journal of Nursing Management1281.1K1.1K
768Educational Gerontology228324370
768River Research and Applications228468617
768Annals of the International Communication Association128173143
768Journal of Infrastructure Systems128128132
768American Journal of Distance Education128121122
768Journal of Policy History12814043
768Journal of Family Nursing128193177
768UPDATE: Applications of Research in Music Education3284736
782Advanced Materials1272.4K3.0K
782Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology1279781.2K
782Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences2271.2K2.2K
782Protein Science2271.0K1.4K
782Supportive Care in Cancer1272.0K1.9K
782Contemporary Clinical Trials127829809
782Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society327380320
782Health Care for Women International227378503
782Cancer Epidemiology127826842
782Science and Education327162289
782Maternal and Child Nutrition127618662
782International Journal of Higher Education2276650
782Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services127197150
782Eastern Economic Journal6271469
782Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences52736149
782European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education12726574
782Journal of Mental Health Counseling42739123
801Chemistry of Materials2261.5K2.4K
801IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence1269881.3K
801IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems3267991.4K
801Journal of Adolescence326430931
801Omega: Journal of Death and Dying326235409
801Cambridge Journal of Economics126211206
801Symbolic Interaction226155210
801Archive for History of Exact Sciences126154136
801Organizational Research Methods126218380
801Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology126180141
801China and World Economy226117152
801Police Quarterly126135171
801Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies12615972
801Affective Science126139111
801Online Learning Journal22687118
801Journal of Environmental Management1262.7K3.4K
817International Journal of Molecular Sciences2255.0K5.6K
817Journal of the American Ceramic Society1252.0K2.1K
817American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology1251.3K1.5K
817Trends in Genetics2254701.0K
817Research in Nursing and Health125519598
817Journal of Marital and Family Therapy225253395
817Journal of Environmental Planning and Management125640676
817Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly125208246
817Modern Italy22512035
817Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management125295239
817International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology225154229
817European Journal of Cultural Studies125155137
817Management Communication Quarterly225103207
817International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications125276242
817Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics125164172
817Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders225149311
817Review of Managerial Science32590274
817Journal of Caffeine and Adenosine Research425323
817AIS Educator Journal92512
837Remote Sensing1243.2K3.1K
837European Physical Journal B1241.5K1.2K
837Journal of Applied Microbiology1242.1K2.4K
837Journal of Instrumentation1241.2K990
837Academic Emergency Medicine1241.0K1.2K
837Annals of Glaciology124583570
837Journal of Anatomy3245341.2K
837AAOHN Journal12410971
837Applied Nursing Research124458505
837Journal of Brand Management124228324
837Library and Information Science Research1247381
837Criminology and Public Policy224154274
837Families, Systems and Health124132133
837Education Sciences224791592
837Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs22410082
837Journal of Behavioral Education324102177
837Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy3243130
837Social Influence12497116
837Journal for the Study of Sports and Athletes in Education2242412
859Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds323210242
859American Sociological Review123181280
859Journal of Leukocyte Biology1231.4K1.8K
859Journal of Experimental Child Psychology123560654
859International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology252320267
859European Physical Journal: Special Topics1231.3K1.1K
859Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling223470737
859European Journal of Oncology Nursing123570554
859Violence Against Women423179533
859Annals of Regional Science223335467
859Learning and Individual Differences123222299
859Ecology of Food and Nutrition123400369
859Anthropology Today123196141
859Plastic Surgical Nursing1236637
859American Journal of Men's Health123560482
859Journal of European Integration223166221
859Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology223311663
859Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice123171160
859Journal of Dental Education123587514
859Ratio Juris123170101
859Arts Education Policy Review3233459
859Journal of Nonverbal Behavior123260369
859Journal of Cognition and Development223110172
859Systems Research and Behavioral Science1236927
885Construction and Building Materials1221.4K1.8K
885Geological Magazine122712746
885British Journal of Nutrition2221.5K2.5K
885Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging1221.5K1.7K
885Journal of Geography422124121
885Journal of Palliative Medicine1221.0K1.1K
885Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta - Bioenergetics222446785
885Boundary-Layer Meteorology122630720
885Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics2221.1K1.4K
885American Journal of Primatology322472905
885KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering122819693
885Issues in Mental Health Nursing122594544
885G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics2228051.3K
885ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information222754989
885Journal of Paleolimnology122567686
885Growth and Change122436402
885Youth and Society122340374
885Neuropsychological Rehabilitation222257512
885Clinics in Sports Medicine152226363
885British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology52288267
885Journal of Experiential Education1228377
885Human Communication Research32270212
885American Sociologist, The122221122
885Journal of Public Affairs Education42271126
885Journal of Promotion Management42254216
885Criminal Justice Ethics3222440
885System Dynamics Review222105237
885Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions22286175
885Journal of Research on Christian Education1226920
885Journal of Interprofessional Education and Practice2225025
885Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research122484486
885IEEE Transactions on Education122466406
921Physical Review E3212.3K3.2K
921Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry1217171.0K
921Veterinary Microbiology1218421.1K
921Applied Economics2211.3K1.5K
921Parkinsonism and Related Disorders1211.2K1.3K
921Human Mutation1211.9K2.4K
921Behavioural Processes121733747
921Political Studies121323356
921IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology421819566
921Philosophy and Social Criticism121265132
921Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education321178442
921Sleep Medicine Reviews121451797
921Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma221216316
921Sociological Methods and Research121241300
921Journal of Contemporary Ethnography32140218
921Human Resource Management Journal121256375
921International Trade Journal5211781
921Journal of Political Science Education42125123
921Journal of Foodservice Business Research42149150
921Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy121169163
921Annals of GIS121151117
921Journal of Responsible Innovation32156144
921Journal of Social Entrepreneurship22121146
921Literacy Research: Theory, Method, and Practice1215218
921Opiniao Publica1215831
947Journal of Physics: Conference Series3203.5K2.2K
947Journal of Food Science2201.2K1.9K
947Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry1202.2K2.3K
947Journal of Higher Education320142136
947Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery - Series A1201.3K1.6K
947Nanoscale Research Letters1201.3K1.7K
947Journal of Abnormal Psychology120342527
947Business Horizons120102212
947Journal of Women's Health2206051.1K
947Chronobiology International120735875
947IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics120229279
947Theory Into Practice320137242
947Death Studies120582631
947Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education320193344
947American Journal on Addictions220344582
947Family Journal420111203
947British Journal of Social Psychology120425520
947New Forests120370427
947Journal of Drug Education42087244
947Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology220304462
947Granular Matter220258395
947Journal of Sustainable Forestry220186214
947Bioenergy Research120501593
947International Quarterly of Community Health Education32097163
947Teacher Educator220133120
947Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice220109103
947Review of Austrian Economics52025102
947Earth and Space Science220482568
947Klinische Neuroradiologie1204423
947Research in Accounting Regulation22049
947Plant Direct120277255
947Bioinspired, Biomimetic and Nanobiomaterials1209647
947Athletic Training Education Journal8203161
947Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education320146
947Zeitschrift Fur Anorganische Und Allgemeine Chemie520448826
983Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society3199351.1K
983European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology1191.4K1.4K
983American Biology Teacher11929178
983Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics4197081.6K
983Journal of School Health219653943
983Addictive Behaviors2197331.2K
983Operations Research219446847
983Environmental Conservation119666699
983Public Choice119678724
983Clinical Transplantation3196421.0K
983Procedia Environmental Sciences119129127
983Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion219193385
983Drug Development Research619212850
983Software Engineering Notes: an Informal Newsletter of the Special Interest Committee on Software Engineering / ACM219399337
983Medical Anthropology Quarterly119299330
983Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing119247345
983Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention119358444