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citing journals

Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
19Development (Cambridge)20525,1543122
107Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B1027,088613
118Astronomy and Astrophysics536,409459286
123IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering1296,2291012
208Annals of Biomedical Engineering863,8071415
239Applied Optics823,41413596
275Health Affairs233,04912657
282Psychological Science in the Public Interest: A Journal of the American Psychological Society23,009407
352IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging452,3405897
356Experimental Neurology372,3005647
365European Journal of Pharmacology572,2589271
381Proceedings of the IEEE542,1764197
405Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering52,0134224
420MMWR Surveillance Summaries41,96664
425Academy of Management Journal181,941101117
430Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B - Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science761,93335
457British Journal of Cancer441,838294392
467Academy of Management Annals61,7992416
473Genome Biology81,77313691
477The Cochrane Library311,763328295
513Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics21,6322230
538Journal of Nuclear Medicine181,51014088
573International Journal of Remote Sensing111,39337981
577Journal of Materials Science701,385193266
578International Journal of Geographical Information Science121,3796631
583Nature Catalysis21,37127678
629American Society of Clinical Oncology Educational Book / ASCO American Society of Clinical Oncology Meeting211,287348
630BMJ: British Medical Journal91,286404428
651Journal of Medical Internet Research351,25359104
663Critical Reviews in Immunology61,239312
672Journal of Trauma301,2175175
677Annals of the American Association of Geographers141,2085740
686Review of Accounting Studies201,1802138
690Personality and Social Psychology Review51,1684959
699JCI Insight281,1545369
720School Psychology Review191,1054020
723Separation Science151,10161
723Journal of Applied Biomaterials: an Official Journal of the Society for Biomaterials101,10121
735Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied71,079132
744Journal of Burn Care and Research351,06155
759Endoscopic Ultrasound411,03641
778JAMA Ophthalmology251,0044277
793Trends in Immunology498214866
807Molecular Genetics and Genomics2996096128
818Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics14950392
831Journal of Hospital Medicine589292024
880Emerging Infectious Diseases12865116170
901Pflugers Archiv European Journal of Physiology23844168156
909Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease27832130146
912Annual Review of Clinical Psychology48314770
946Journal of Mammalogy417884565
950Mobile DNA7781184
977JAMA Pediatrics227513790
1013Computer Graphics137191220
1019Journal of Graphics Tools1171514
1022Biomaterials Research27141277
1029Nature Cancer77069437
1050Journal of Neurobiology256913588
1081Nature Reviews Physics266414542
1094Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science36529342
1096Ophthalmology and Therapy2464931
1107Molecular Autism116365854
1148IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility156099847
1153Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association166053513
1168JCO Precision Oncology415931720
1172Current Protocols in Bioinformatics25915826
1180Neural Development1258599
1198Journal of Planning Literature55721912
1205Publications Mathematiques De L'Institut Des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques85671526
1213IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing24563253368
1219Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics2755866
1221Journal of Surgical Oncology27557167198
1224primary care companion for CNS disorders, The6556805
1233ACM Transactions on Applied Perception1155152
1248Information Visualization7542149
1260Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta - Biomembranes18535160238
1268Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health - Part A: Current Issues7528302131
1274Genes and Cancer15525217
1277Npj Breast Cancer125246641
1304Science Immunology5507200226
1311Journal of Systematic Palaeontology350313519
1339World Journal of Orthopedics4492352
1352Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications1748721
1355Philosophical Transactions Series A, Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Sciences12486259234
1358Western Journal of Speech Communication: WJSC1448323
1358Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology54831114
1372Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics64753586
1381Clinical Sarcoma Research1472999
1393Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials146839522
1406Global Qualitative Nursing Research1146242
1419Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry54571829
1419Collabra: Psychology34571043
1427Biochemia Medica24567615
1429Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal124551655
1431Neuropsychology Review94542275
1434Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being54534415
1446Annals of Vascular Surgery324487075
1453Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering74462216
1456Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing3144512
1467Journal of Adhesion144414831
1484Perception & Psychophysics8432219207
1495Accounting Horizons84284131
1511American Journal of Occupational Therapy5342250102
1521Journal of Archaeological Research2418447
1521Annual Review of Cell Biology14183046
1534Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience104101511
1545Cloning and Stem Cells140511714
1545Nature Reviews Earth & Environment3405173182
1561International Journal of Fracture Mechanics12398314
1565Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology243971010
1571IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters26395109106
1574Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions123941419
1587Mathematics and Visualization3539222
1591International Materials Reviews33902348
1596Journal of Hispanic Higher Education5389266
1603Lancet Rheumatology, The338718438
1615FEMS Microbiology Ecology6380403313
1634Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance2737557139
1639Eye and Vision (London, England)23726710
1639European Journal of Epidemiology9372266261
1642Science Robotics43716888
1648Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing29370611
1652IEEE Transactions on Electronics Packaging Manufacturing1369979
1652IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine103692525
1655IEEE Transactions on Rehabilitation Engineering: A Publication of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society43682431
1662Nature Clinical Practice Neurology43663723
1672JNCI Cancer Spectrum233631716
1683Substance Use and Misuse83607035
1688Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization113592711
1699journal of applied laboratory medicine, The6635522
1702IAS/Park City Mathematics Series2435443
1712Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A - Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science3135169184
1733Nature Metabolism6346182196
1740JACC Basic To Translational Science93432819
1744IEEE Electron Device Letters10341291246
1753Journal of Clinical Psychiatry9338162233
1768Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography5333417171
1776Human Genomics53309337
1776Journal of Separation Science25330313
1786Journal of Field Robotics53276623
1815Coal Preparation1631461
1815Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy4314559
1819Mathematical Research Letters243132633
1822Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology83121915
1832Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders43118864
1839Journal of Biological Engineering33096030
1839American Journal of Rhinology & Allergy103093642
1873Addiction Science & Clinical Practice162981716
1879Strategy Science1029765
1885Teachers College Record262965082
1889Birth Defects Research40295824
1895Learning and Behavior112934758
1902Review of Research in Education62912641
1922Trends in Cancer628659119
1926Small Group Research1228533
1941Laryngoscope Investigative Otolaryngology72827914
1941IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices24282261439
1947Skull Base1028144
1959Digital Journalism52795236
1971Second Language Research52764233
1971Communication, Culture and Critique827672
1993Advances in Magnetic and Optical Resonance127234
1993Acta Orthopaedica3272210107
1993Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis7272175226
1993IEEE Transactions on Power Systems15272216509
2013Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Developmental Biology32673634
2022Translational Pediatrics82663014
2028Current Sports Medicine Reports192641435
2042Catalysis Reviews - Science and Engineering226177110
2042Social Indicators Research Series22611018
2042Exceptional Children92617784
2059Journal of Psychiatric Practice32597325
2074Hepatology Communications152557895
2078Annual Review of Environment and Resources1254294210
2078European Psychologist125421953
2090European Urology Oncology122525477
2092Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy32519010
2092Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta: Reviews on Cancer3251162156
2095Academy of Management Learning and Education225015087
2102Applied Physics Reviews2249295170
2108Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology324814381
2108Journal of Aging Research32484221
2108Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals282486649
2116Journal of Experimental & Clinical Assisted Reproduction324711
2125Journal of Nursing Scholarship72464642
2133International Journal of Biostatistics3244315
2140Child Development Perspectives72433685
2140Neurology: Genetics33243444
2155Journal of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation162401736
2166Marketing Theory123714436
2166Medical and Pediatric Oncology7237190160
2179Journal of Liquid Chromatography and Related Technologies122355647
2185Journal of Biomedical Informatics10234310
2190KONA Powder and Particle Journal14233910
2190Learning and Behavior1723310990
2196Research and Practice for Persons With Severe Disabilities122321426
2212Behavior Research Methods & Instrumentation1323011
2212Pigment Cell & Melanoma Research323013988
2218ACM Transactions on Internet Technology222918740
2218Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology6229113140
2225Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy4228237247
2246Nature Reviews Disease Primers1224220288
2246Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma1822414
2246Cancer & Metabolism52242350
2257Journal of Therapeutic Ultrasound1022355
2257Transplantation and Cellular Therapy102235839
2273Oral Oncology9221240338
2282Network Modeling Analysis in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics12191462
2291Personality and Mental Health121722650
2291Npj Genomic Medicine72175644
2297Advances in Wound Care52164169
2297Journal of Biomedical Semantics102162543
2313Critical Reviews in Eukaryotic Gene Expression52146047
2324JMIR Public Health and Surveillance92133660
2330Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation12212812
2346Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers821055
2364JCO Oncology Practice232073644
2364Annual Review of Materials Research12072136
2369American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MFM32206634
2374Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology420514983
2387Pharmaceutical Science & Technology Today12022012
2389Journal of Experimental Psychology: General5201107218
2397Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy72002844
2397Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior22005480
2402Journal of Derivatives119921734
2402Astronomy and Astrophysics Review1199129130
2410Journal of Investigative Dermatology Symposium Proceedings31986755
2410IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement6198706449
2414Npj Computational Materials6197155158
2421Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems11966218
2421Educational Studies - AESA4196362
2427JAMIA Open24195611
2427Organization and Environment21958351
2438Journal of Personalized Medicine17193219127
2438Current Protocols in Pharmacology31932415
2438IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering2193111129
2450PPAR Research61921931
2450Concepts in Magnetic Resonance21925017
2456Comparative and Functional Genomics119115121
2456Nature Reviews Chemistry319158222
2462Annual Review of Biophysics1190133124
2462Radiation Protection Dosimetry12190182119
2469JMIR Medical Informatics111891943
2469Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science31898164
2475Consumption Markets and Culture51882515
2483Blood Cancer Discovery81873118
2483JMIR Research Protocols211874575
2493Journal of Community Genetics18186525
2493Biotechnic & Histochemistry111865780
2499Evidence-based Spine-care Journal718553
2499Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine118535643
2499The Arabidopsis Book21851147
2514LGBT Health61836069
2514Hormones and Cancer118315822
2514Earth Interactions41834337
2514Chemical Biology and Drug Design61834136
2521IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics5182761965
2524JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics221811637
2524IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part 2: Express Briefs3181177123
2524Academic Pediatrics81811537
2542Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews2178159420
2542Journal of Geographical Systems81781935
2542Arthritis Care and Research: the Official Journal of the Arthritis Health Professions Association3178150292
2553Field Analytical Chemistry and Technology1417713
2563Clinical and Translational Science1617670127
2583Current Sexual Health Reports61741812
2583Molecular Interventions: Pharmacological Perspectives From Biology, Chemistry and Genomics11746640
2590Eurasip Journal on Advances in Signal Processing6173236144
2608Pharmacological Reviews2171152410
2625Social Media and Society61706354
2651Research Synthesis Methods3167133124
2651Springer Handbooks616711126
2658Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology81666084
2658SCHOLE A Journal of Leisure Studies and Recreation Education4116622
2658Annual Review of Pathology: Mechanisms of Disease1166132183
2658Pediatric Pathology & Laboratory Medicine: Journal of the Society for Pediatric Pathology, Affiliated With the International Paediatric Pathology Association6166186
2675Games and Culture21657828
2682Sexual Medicine Reviews81641129
2682Methods of Biochemical Analysis21645254
2682Vaccine Journal41646983
2697Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality2162387
2697Biodemography and Social Biology121621823
2709Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Other Motor Neuron Disorders: Official Publication of the World Federation of Neurology, Research Group on Motor Neuron Diseases7161934
2717Brain Connectivity3160160104
2717Journal of Public Relations Research11609340
2733Journal of Literacy Research41583831
2733Critical Studies in Media Communication8158617
2733Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education, and Leadership5215811
2741Journal of Computer-Aided Materials Design21573411
2741Metacognition and Learning115714552
2741Il Nuovo Cimento Della Società Italiana Di Fisica C11571298
2755Research and Practice in Thrombosis and Haemostasis181563465
2755Epilepsia Open71567376
2755Cancer Practice51561732
2766Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science7155532333
2775Annual Review of Biophysics and Biomolecular Structure115480125
2775Lupus Science and Medicine1415413686
2775International Journal of Surgical Oncology3154111
2775Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Publications5154164
2785Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta - Gene Regulatory Mechanisms515391196
2785Journal of Scleroderma and Related Disorders91531826
2801Journal of Extracellular Vesicles3152292531
2801Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians Open241521714
2801Journal of Pathology Informatics121521767
2810IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers6151323319
2817International Journal of Sports Medicine10150143295
2836Psychology and Sexuality3148457
2836Npj Aging and Mechanisms of Disease21482722
2836Antiviral Therapy2148586307
2847Discourse and Communication1147845
2847Neural Regeneration Research9147191194
2847International Journal of MS Care51472911
2847Springer Atmospheric Sciences3147701
2847NAM Perspectives2147334
2868Journal of Children in Contemporary Society314542
2868Water, Air, and Soil Pollution8145646753
2880Health Information Science and Systems31443319
2880Critical Reviews in Therapeutic Drug Carrier Systems114410551
2888Meteorological Monographs41432937
2888Seminars in Immunopathology114318859
2897Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders614289137
2897Cell Reports Physical Science51428029
2897International Journal of COPD7142229289
2909Earth's Future6141251374
2909Melanoma Management3141217
2923The Lancet Digital Health4140142283
2923Biomedical Informatics Insights1140199
2934IEEE Computational Science and Engineering3139410
2934American Journal of Public Health1413949185
2948Current Problems in Pediatric and Adolescent Health Care61383442
2948Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology113816161
2960Journal of Hip Preservation Surgery91371213
2960Journal of Coatings Technology and Research1137211
2969Cerebrospinal Fluid Research10136911
2969Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta Gene Regulatory Mechanisms8136103238
2969Cell Genomics41365648
2969Media and Communication61363323
2981Infectious Diseases and Therapy91353781
2981Chronic Stress4135199
2989Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences9134913
2989Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia8134610
3007Clinical Psychological Science5133107142
3007Advances in Radiation Oncology161333449
3007Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine9133318454
3017Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology113215915
3033Journal of Neuromuscular Diseases1213140112
3043Nutrition and Diabetes213019989
3043ECS Solid State Letters2130211
3043Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes111302834
3043Implementation Science Communications221301122
3058Journal of Latinos and Education91291710
3058Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry5129451608
3058American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilites21295167
3058Developments in Environmental Biology of Fishes1129955
3069JSES International1912822
3069The Anatomical Record Part B: the New Anatomist3128828
3079Journal of Comparative Family Studies81273348
3103SLAS Discovery2125216108
3103Fire Ecology41255939
3103Frontiers in Neuroengineering11257553
3103JMIR Diabetes612542
3116Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine151241531
3116JOGNN - Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing4124116106
3137International Reviews in Physical Chemistry512312107
3137Language Variation and Change21236261
3137ASAIO Transactions1512313
3137Lecture Notes in Biomathematics11123179
3167Behavior Analysis in Practice61215246
3167Journal of Material Culture11219629
3167Experimental Neurobiology21218048
3167Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research6121143174
3182IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems41207081
3182Journal of Soil Contamination1120569
3182CVIR Endovascular5120181
3190Disease Management: DM21192514
3190Spatial Cognition and Computation41191817
3190Rambam Maimonides Medical Journal11198615
3201Psychology Research and Behavior Management211812754
3201Communication Reports81181730
3201European Heart Journal Quality of Care & Clinical Outcomes711875104
3201Journal of Media Ethics: Exploring Questions of Media Morality1118422
3201Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology1311890179
3201Journal of Applied Corporate Finance511899116
3217Journal of Direct Marketing21178434
3217Translational Research511745122
3243JACCP Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy111153924
3243Journal of Behavioral Assessment31151511
3243Microbiological Reviews111526104
3243Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins Including Tropical Diseases211554
3258Environmental Mutagenesis111411652
3258International Federation for Information Processing211445322
3258Circulation Genomic and Precision Medicine1411455143
3258Oman Journal of Ophthalmology41143112
3258Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology11141018
3258Advances in Electrical Engineering111481
3272Topics in Organometallic Chemistry31133131
3272Current Addiction Reports51135570
3282Cell Biophysics111212229
3282Communications Chemistry2112378113
3282Developmental Neurorehabilitation31122029
3294Social Network Analysis and Mining111145247
3294Frontiers in Surgery81119466
3294Journal of Family Theory and Review41113452
3307Middle East African Journal of Ophthalmology51105034
3307American Journal of Geriatric Pharmacotherapy11105737
3307Cancer Treatment and Research Communications1111012
3307Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering31109220
3307Journal of Transport and Land Use31104926
3325Review of Finance4109105186
3325Dermatology and Therapy91096881
3325Feminist Criminology7109832
3325Environmental Sociology61091011
3325Journal of Rheology51093037
3348GIScience and Remote Sensing4108107119
3348Biological Mass Spectrometry41089390
3348Policy Insights From the Behavioral and Brain Sciences51082236
3348BBA - Proteins and Proteomics5108180293
3348Journal of Pain and Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy5010811
3371International Journal of School and Educational Psychology6107137
3371Depression Research and Treatment41071226
3386BMC Ecology2106152121
3386Journal of Social Work in End-of-Life and Palliative Care71061126
3386Health Equity91063435
3386Zeitschrift Fur Angewandte Mathematik Und Physik3106549230
3396Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning41052422
3396Evolution, Medicine and Public Health51053846
3396Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders41052732
3396Annual Review of Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry11051539
3407Econometrics Journal41046896
3407New Directions for Youth Development31043430
3407Pediatric Annals61048235
3407Pediatric Quality & Safety151042218
3407Neurobiology of Stress210412095
3407Journal of Management Accounting Research51043464
3407Clinical Toxicology101041542
3426Applied Neuropsychology61031442
3426Journal of Medical Imaging171032577
3426Topics in Current Chemistry3103135213
3426International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering4103168121
3439Bioactive Materials1102361242
3453Comments on Inorganic Chemistry21016259
3453Journal of Refractive Surgery6101846
3453Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry110132473
3472ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology299183142
3472Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting3994786
3472Photomedicine and Laser Surgery5991240
3472Biological Research399115106
3486Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory298134101
3486Extreme Physiology and Medicine2981639
3486Revista Brasileira De Gestao De Negocios198393
3486Chemistry Education Research and Practice39811875
3494ACS Earth and Space Chemistry397310130
3494Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology, Planning, and Operations7973275
3494Results and Problems in Cell Differentiation10971252
3494Critical Reviews in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine497334
3494NASPA Journal About Women in Higher Education297221
3494Radiochimica Acta1197106127
3494Journal of Headache and Pain797162352
3516Vascular Disease Prevention19611
3529Arthroplasty Today14951024
3529Behavior Research Methods109540175
3529Journal for Social Action in Counseling and Psychology49542
3546Sleep Health99454145
3546Neurohospitalist, The6944321
3546ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems6941150
3546Maternal Health, Neonatology and Perinatology2943625
3546Environment and Planning C: Urban Analytics and City Science294212152
3546Middle East Critique59442
3562Microsystems and Nanoengineering293195137
3562World Journal of Critical Care Medicine2931010
3562Waves in Random and Complex Media2935337
3562Glycoconjugate Journal293407303
3576Health Education Quarterly3924489
3576Review of Philosophy and Psychology19218067
3576Ophthalmic Paediatrics and Genetics1928812
3576Journal of Ecotourism6921425
3576Trauma Surgery and Acute Care Open12923349
3576European Journal of Psychological Assessment292226175
3576Pharmaceutical Biotechnology2921211
3576Journal of Polymer Science Macromolecular Reviews1921119
3597Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry1911831
3609Journal of Divorce3902720
3609Therapeutic Advances in Hematology4906556
3609Emerging Topics in Life Sciences4902328
3609MedEdPORTAL: the Journal of Teaching and Learning Resources11904350
3626Nano Structures Nano Objects2894945
3626European Stroke Journal689103181
3626ACR Open Rheumatology14893053
3626IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics5893417
3645Journal of Political Philosophy3886180
3645Chiropractic & Manual Therapies5886457
3645Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education2883515
3645Rheumatology and Therapy11882861
3645Jornal Da Sociedade Brasileira De Fonoaudiologia188195
3645Ultrasound Quarterly9882552
3665Environmental Communication7871144
3665Learning Disabilities Research and Practice3876386
3665OSA Continuum9872218
3665Resultate Der Mathematik5874323
3683Journal of Research on Technology in Education3865097
3683Issues in Accounting Education38612775
3683Clinical Medicine Insights: Cardiology4862222
3683Rock Mechanics Felsmechanik Mecanique Des Roches2861116
3683Psychiatry Investigation586100117
3696Algebra and Number Theory16851547
3696Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication285101199
3696ADHD Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders3853871
3696Tissue Barriers2854261
3696Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice28553
3717Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease28412363
3717Journal of Financial Econometrics2848158
3717Journal of Tissue Engineering28411687
3717Progress in Growth Factor Research1842230
3717Journal of Pathology: Clinical Research284184112
3717Journal of Opioid Management1284338
3717Journal of Optics18424182
3717Families in Society: the Journal of Contemporary Social Services20841646
3750Surface Innovations5831113
3750Transgender Health4834481
3750American Journal of Health Education11831517
3763Information Retrieval18217186
3763Journal of Meteorological Research7823136
3763Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity58211297
3763Physical Review Physics Education Research13823579
3763Environmental Progress4827284
3763Fetal and Pediatric Pathology282457
3763Archives of Internal Medicine282332691
3763European Physical Journal A1821.1K609
3763Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry382560580
3790Lancet Planetary Health, The281359478
3790Academic Pathology6813123
3790Cardiology and Therapy4812511
3790The Ultrasound Journal3812955
3806Pain Management9802264
3806Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition180362114
3806Advances in Child Development and Behavior4802851
3806Interfaces and Free Boundaries6802134
3806Current Opinion in Physiology1809727
3806Scandinavian Journal of Metallurgy2802915
3806Geophysical Surveys280911
3806Wilderness and Environmental Medicine280113
3826Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol279125100
3826Insect Systematics and Diversity7791412
3843Games for Health Journal37885101
3843Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience5781027
3843Life Science Alliance778157190
3843ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems47864120
3843Acoustical Imaging8783915
3871AEM Education and Training67711871
3871Bone Research177244180
3871PLOS Currents47767153
3890Structural Optimization6762951
3890Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved57663121
3903Seminars in Vascular Surgery4754558
3903AJP Reports10751213
3903The Moon1757835
3903American Journal of Reproductive Immunology and Microbiology: AJRIM3752228
3903Current Epidemiology Reports4753459
3903Mutation Research DNA Repair37563100
3903Short Courses in Paleontology275112
3903Toxin Reviews2754430
3928Ethnicity and Disease11743470
3928Journal of Nursing Education374135105
3928Neurology and Therapy4749178
3928Journal of Information Systems4746591
3955Argumentation and Advocacy1473730
3955EPMA Journal27394111
3955Vertebrate Paleobiology and Paleoanthropology27311843
3955Pain Research and Treatment4731031
3955Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation17322564
3955AIHA Journal: A Journal for the Science of Occupational and Environmental Health and Safety2734119
3955Advances in Behavioral Biology10735029
3955Lancet Microbe, The473122238
3955Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science27349142
3978Journal of Wrist Surgery6723639
3978Cancer Informatics6723761
3978Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work5724346
3978Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B1172327
3978Current Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Reports1572524
3978Seminars in Cell Biology1723134
3978AAPS PharmSci3722264
3978Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene11723057
4005Earth and Space Science1071117232
4005Journal of Music Teacher Education1171713
4005Stochastics and Partial Differential Equations: Analysis and Computations87184
4005Academy of Management Discoveries4711744
4005Mathematics and Mechanics of Complex Systems271276
4005Current Chemical Biology171241
4036Journal of Photonics for Energy870925
4036Biochemical Journal1706559
4036Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds470823
4036Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology2706752
4036Fusion Science and Technology7709690
4056The American Journal of EEG Technology569178
4056ACM Inroads4694339
4056World Journal of Hepatology369122183
4056International Journal of STEM Education169176117
4056Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health and Behavior369197
4056Current Drug Targets Immune, Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders1691418
4056Materials Letters469612728
4056Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation5693077
4056Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine2698024
4074International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization7682835
4074Current Neuropharmacology168507321
4074Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences1689778
4074Homicide Studies3685276
4074Journal of Occupational Psychology36842101
4074Military Behavioral Health1468613
4074World Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy3686863
4074Journal of Experimental Political Science3682631
4074Online Journal of Public Health Informatics21681326
4074Journal of Clinical Pathology668364687
4074Infant and Child Development468714
4101Current Opinion in Electrochemistry26770137
4101Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science16712470
4101JMIR MHealth and UHealth667170595
4101Journal of Travel Research167417447
4128AERA Open7664980
4128ACM Transactions on Storage3666363
4128Gene Regulation and Systems Biology2662222
4128Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques1466210
4128Proceedings of the American Thoracic Society16686139
4128Dao Companions To Chinese Philosophy366263
4128Journal of Physical Education and Sports Management5664558
4128Biologics: Targets and Therapy1667329
4156Structure and Bonding26580110
4156Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health3657064
4156Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development1165945
4156Proceedings - International Conference on Data Engineering1656350
4156Ophthalmology Glaucoma7652549
4156journal of prevention of Alzheimer's disease, The4655685
4156Review of Asset Pricing Studies2652636
4156Indian Journal of Dermatology26525395
4186City and Society16413125
4186Journal of Intensive Care464112214
4186Police Quarterly16413595
4186Human-Computer Interaction2644465
4186Journal of Inflammation Research364122157
4186International Journal of Listening2643221
4186Race and Social Problems5642653
4186MDM Policy and Practice106477
4186Neurovascular Imaging26461
4186Communications in Mathematical Sciences8646985
4219Journal of Marketing Channels3634132
4219Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water263222324
4219Kidney International Supplements263121147
4219Social Influence1639751
4219Practical Laboratory Medicine66334
4219Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health4637284
4219Advancing Responsible Adolescent Development263227
4219IEEE Design and Test of Computers26394110
4219Communications Physics463342358
4219International Journal of Oncology263952825
4247Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review262138242
4247Biology of Sex Differences56273237
4247Travel Behaviour & Society2623451
4247International Journal of Smart and Nano Materials16210340
4247Journal of Herbal Pharmacotherapy: Innovations in Clinical and Applied Evidence-based Herbal Medicinals3621720
4247Frontiers in Digital Health5622444
4247Tasks for Vegetation Science2626528
4247JAMA Health Forum15624161
4274Language Assessment Quarterly16110348
4274Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education2617935
4274Ophthalmology Clinics of North America3611938
4274Emerging Adulthood3619383
4305Perspectives on Medical Education56059112
4305Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science26011264
4305Nepalese Journal of Ophthalmology460259
4305Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine7602354
4305International Journal of Rheumatology460971
4305Annual Review of Animal Biosciences16091137
4305Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources5606664
4305Plants People Planet36096120
4305Cell Reports Medicine260408388
4305Developing World Bioethics3602832
4305Advances in Isotope Geochemistry2601111
4305IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part 1: Regular Papers160414380
4305Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience260127260
4305Journal of Youth Development10602014
4305Neuropsychology, Development and Cognition Section A: Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology26077172
4339Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy259127136
4339Journal of Vestibular Research: Equilibrium and Orientation45993172
4339Soft Robotics159194169
4339JMIR Aging3592531
4339Biotechnology Letters659500962
4339Biological Chemistry459270509
4339Il Nuovo Cimento B25911541
4365Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change358134431
4365Journal of Information Technology and Politics1586855
4365Network Neuroscience158236134
4365Interdisciplinary Contributions To Archaeology3585121
4365Primary Care Companion To the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry3581534
4365JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting458919
4387Drug Discovery Today: Technologies15711986
4387Health Security3576336
4387Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry25715019
4387Injury Epidemiology7574165
4387Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease11574774
4387Archives of Family Medicine35768129
4412Current Protocols in Human Genetics7562175
4412Journal of Economic Literature156167231
4412Therapeutic Advances in Musculoskeletal Disease356128154
4412Journal of Sport Psychology in Action756820
4412JBJS Open Access4566140
4412Bioelectronic Medicine1566531
4412Journal of Organization Design1565823
4412Springer International Handbooks of Education15668441
4412Magyar Apróvad Közlemények156342169
4441Journal of Cancer Epidemiology3551565
4441Stem Cells and Cloning: Advances and Applications1552018
4441Journal of Image Guided Surgery1551519
4441Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease3552647
4441NEJM Evidence355105218
4465Aeolian Research15410376
4465Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta - Proteins and Proteomics254590672
4465International Journal of Sexual Health3547089
4465Journal of Blood Medicine2546860
4465Advances in Archaeological Practice6541344
4465Pathogens and Immunity5541754
4465Physical Review Fluids554321364
4465Higher Education3543236
4465Mathematics in Industry2541436
4496Media Psychology25383138
4496Strategic Organization25386166
4496Aerosol and Air Quality Research253522446
4496Neuron Glia Biology15367112
4496NACADA Journal5532630
4496Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design453228447
4496Estuaries and Coasts153314338
4496Clinical and Experimental Hypertension5538572
4496Family Medicine3453748
4496Sampling Theory in Signal and Information Processing1536616
4496Journal of Biomedical Science153660563
4531BMC Emergency Medicine352247217
4531Journal of Hematopathology852934
4531Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics5526437
4531The Moon and the Planets2523931
4531Drug Metabolism Letters1526214
4531Current Transplantation Reports2527942
4531Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups14521537
4531Autism and Developmental Language Impairments2523411
4531Arthroscopy, Sports Medicine, and Rehabilitation12521123
4531Physical Review Materials752458572
4531International Journal of Immunogenetics152292140
4531Antimicrobial Stewardship & Healthcare Epidemiology205265
4563The Enzymes451919
4563Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics45110188
4563Reliable Computing2513934
4563Journal of Family Communication5512851
4563Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy3514458
4563Communication Methods and Measures2514982
4563Human Gene Therapy Clinical Development1516772
4563International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning1514135
4563Health Systems451615
4563Earth System Science Data351522819
4563Journal of International Students25110943
4563The Open Urology & Nephrology Journal15111
4563ECS Meeting Abstracts176516130
4609Open Geosciences25019151
4609Psychology of Learning and Motivation - Advances in Research and Theory250612
4609Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease250181166
4609Rare Tumors4502324
4609Social Work Research & Abstracts1504129
4609Human Genome Variation3507860
4609Public Transport15010451
4609Tuberculosis Research and Treatment1508130
4609Journal of Market Access & Health Policy3502629
4609Autism in Adulthood6501459
4609Microbial Genomics450262291
4609Plant Ecology150287271
4655Molecular and Chemical Neuropathology149148108
4655Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology64933147
4655Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction134981181
4655Environmental Justice4492433
4655Psychological Injury and Law4493261
4655Research in Organizational Behavior2491433
4655AGU Advances3498979
4655PeerJ Computer Science34989151
4655International Journal of Sexual Health1496847
4655Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Social Work249298
4655JMIR Human Factors4492465
4684Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders2487780
4684Stroke and Vascular Neurology24810490
4684Current Behavioral Neuroscience Reports5481453
4684Journal of Latino/Latin American Studies34864
4710Global Advances in Health and Medicine6472387
4710Journal of Patient Experience10472653
4710International Journal of Biomaterials14712392
4710Current Genetic Medicine Reports2473733
4710Npj Regenerative Medicine34783177
4710Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics247121171
4710Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work2471611
4710Biological Psychiatry Global Open Science1474013
4710International Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology (Springer)24710995
4710Nature Cardiovascular Research4477185
4710Urban Morphology4471914
4755Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu5464467
4755Advances in Microbial Physiology24635125
4755Skeletal Muscle44657232
4755Biomarker Research146304199
4755International Journal of Neonatal Screening8462795
4755Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Arthroplasty54642
4755Perspectives on Public Management and Governance2462628
4755Statistics and Its Interface14625357
4755Advanced Biology3468532
4755Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology94616137
4755Catalyst Feminism Theory Technoscience1467915
4755International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification7461037
4792Environmental Archaeology5453476
4792International Journal of Biomedical Imaging44535135
4792Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology3457196
4792Drug Discovery Today Disease Mechanisms1451617
4792ECS Electrochemistry Letters345742
4792Journal of Pediatric Intensive Care8451022
4792Progress in Cardiovascular Nursing7451042
4792Journal of Social Work in Disability and Rehabilitation845413
4792Healthcare Technology Letters5451867
4792Journal of the Division for Early Childhood845317
4792BMC Rheumatology4454545
4792Economics of Disasters and Climate Change1453524
4792Materials Advances545276364
4792Acta Chemica Scandinavica1452717
4792Studies in Neuroscience, Psychology and Behavioral Economics445107
4792Advances in Educational Technologies and Instructional Design Book Series27451416
4792Education, Equity, Economy345141
4792Applied Microbiology245285318
4792Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse34594102
4842Plant Ecology and Diversity244128170
4842Computing and Visualization in Science5442995
4842Advances in Urology3443385
4842Annual Review of Law and Social Science24466107
4842Urban Science5443285
4842Journal of Human Stress3443092
4842F1000prime Reports1441135
4842Kidney Cancer4441412
4842IEEE Transactions on Education444174246
4842Journal of Hand Surgery244277369
4842Journal of Perinatal Medicine144753465
4842Letters in Mathematical Physics544285325
4842IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion244500691
4842Current Issues in Molecular Biology344295114
4842Advanced Micro & Nanosystems21441118
4884Science Progress243242126
4884International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship14318187
4884European Review of Economic History1439262
4884Journal of Nursing Measurement24313583
4884Dermatology Research and Practice5431579
4884Npj Biofilms and Microbiomes143382348
4884Minerva Gastroenterologica E Dietologica44357
4884Science in China Series C: Life Sciences243123103
4884Progress in Physical Organic Chemistry1431129
4884Case Reports in Orthopedics11431618
4884Journal of the American College of Nutrition143892
4922Journal of Environmental and Public Health142354259
4922Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education3426496
4922Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism14210798
4922Energy Strategy Reviews142102162
4922Biochemical and Molecular Medicine3421644
4922International Multilingual Research Journal1427642
4922Journal of Dance Medicine and Science5422654
4922Mental Retardation2423050
4922Seminars in Respiratory Infections342832
4922Molecular Biology of the Cell1423968
4922Computational Imaging and Vision7421819
4922Research Notes of the AAS14233870
4922International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters3426981
4963Tourism and Hospitality Research14112585
4963Journal of Couple and Relationship Therapy14110940
4963Cancer Treatment and Research54176144
4963Current Protocols in Nucleic Acid Chemistry841629
4963Clinical Research and Regulatory Affairs1419146
4963Earth System Dynamics341152301
4963Critical Care Research and Practice24110788
4963Advances in Surgery2415761
4963Burns and Trauma141185138
4963Mayo Clinic Proceedings Innovations, Quality & Outcomes2418867
4963Learning Health Systems5413065
4963Magnetic Resonance Insights24199
4963Surgery Open Science44143
4963Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases (Miami, Fla )7413580
4963IUPHAR/BPS Guide To Pharmacology CITE8416311
5008IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing240230310
5008Current Gene Therapy140227196
5008Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Molecular Science240154412
5008Advances in Orthopedics14012756
5008Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness34060112
5008Papillomavirus Research (Amsterdam, Netherlands)140143135
5008Pain and Therapy140275131
5008Frontiers in Forests and Global Change440115242
5008Hepatic Medicine: Evidence and Research1403525
5008Journal of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis640138
5008Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals1409570
5008Communication Monographs2406863
5043Insect Conservation and Diversity139444328
5043Alzheimer's and Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment and Disease Monitoring439253493
5043Advances in Biological Regulation23979145
5043Acta Mathematica Vietnamica4393014
5043Current Environmental Health Reports23988247
5043Clinical Nephrology239178225
5043Eye and Brain339438
5043Journal of Nutraceuticals, Functional and Medical Foods33944
5043Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics343927
5043Signaling and Communication in Plants13912628
5043Science of Diabetes Self-Management and Care73932
5043Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association2395748
5043Series on Advances in Mathematics for Applied Sciences239224
5043Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology Review3394177
5084Electronic Communications in Probability4389084
5084BMC Biochemistry138239247
5084Brain Impairment13811573
5084Journal of Neurological Surgery Reports3382316
5084Journal of Clinical Medicine Research338145197
5084ACS Pharmacology and Translational Science138401203
5084Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences5383332
5084Journal of Park and Recreation Administration1138414
5084IMA Fungus338103237
5131Bailliere's Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology3371136
5131Tissue Engineering - Part B: Reviews337116439
5131Aquatic Geochemistry237126211
5131Review of Economics of the Household33774167
5131Current Protocols in Cell Biology23761102
5131Journal of College Counseling33761101
5131Religion, Brain and Behavior13716390
5131Disaster Management and Response337320
5131Philosophy and Public Affairs1374781
5131International Journal of Retina and Vitreous23711194
5131International Journal of Medical Education33742122
5131Journal of Addiction1373916
5131Basic and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology237238288
5131Journal of Signal Processing Systems337108145
5131Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry137356219
5131In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology - Animal237526550
5173Anthropological Theory1369087
5173Frontiers in Bioscience - Scholar136129158
5173Annales Zoologici Fennici2364963
5173Annals of Pediatric Cardiology5364266
5173International Journal of Monitoring and Surveillance Technologies Research63636
5173ISRN Addiction136114