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Top Journals (by citations)
# | Journals | Citations |
1 | Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology | 26,085 |
2 | American Journal of Infection Control | 15,061 |
3 | Journal of Hospital Infection | 10,840 |
4 | Clinical Infectious Diseases | 7,096 |
5 | PLoS ONE | 4,340 |
6 | Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control | 3,720 |
7 | Antibiotics | 3,209 |
8 | Journal of Clinical Microbiology | 2,764 |
9 | BMC Infectious Diseases | 2,661 |
10 | Clinical Microbiology and Infection | 2,556 |
11 | Infectious Disease Clinics of North America | 2,465 |
12 | Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy | 2,403 |
13 | Critical Care | 2,351 |
14 | Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy | 2,346 |
15 | Frontiers in Microbiology | 2,241 |
16 | Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases | 2,111 |
17 | European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases | 1,938 |
18 | Critical Care Medicine | 1,718 |
19 | Surgical Infections | 1,620 |
20 | Clinical Microbiology Reviews | 1,562 |
21 | Infection and Drug Resistance | 1,462 |