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69.2K(top 2%)
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Top Institutions (by citations)
# | Institutions | Citations |
1 | University of Michigan | 1,786 |
2 | Arizona State University | 1,491 |
3 | University of Texas at Austin | 1,413 |
4 | Columbia University | 1,344 |
5 | University of California, Los Angeles | 1,155 |
6 | Harvard University | 1,142 |
7 | Rutgers University | 955 |
8 | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | 948 |
9 | University of Maryland | 907 |
10 | American Counseling Association | 887 |
11 | University of Minnesota | 865 |
12 | University of Washington | 833 |
13 | New York University | 828 |
14 | University of Southern California | 825 |
15 | Michigan State University | 804 |
16 | University of Miami | 801 |
17 | University of Missouri | 767 |
18 | University of Georgia | 749 |
19 | Georgia State University | 681 |
20 | University of Wisconsin–Madison | 672 |
21 | University of California, Berkeley | 666 |